path: root/ext/standard/fsock.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* * now using php4.ini instead of php3.iniStig Bakken1999-06-151-18/+10
* Apply the fix for feof()Sascha Schumann1999-05-201-0/+1
* conv_proto *.[ch]Sascha Schumann1999-05-161-2/+2
* * Include all of the standard modules in Stig - is ...Zeev Suraski1999-05-141-0/+2
* Make Win32 happy with the recent changes.Zeev Suraski1999-04-181-0/+10
* First commit of re-structuring phase one. We have started using automake inStig Bakken1999-04-171-0/+47