# Contributing to PHP Anybody who programs in PHP can be a contributing member of the community that develops and deploys it; the task of deploying PHP, documentation and associated websites is a never ending one. With every release, or release candidate comes a wave of work, which takes a lot of organization and co-ordination. ## Pull requests PHP welcomes pull requests to [add tests](#writing-tests), fix bugs and to implement RFCs. Please be sure to include tests as appropriate! If you are fixing a bug, then please submit your PR against the lowest actively supported branch of PHP that the bug affects (only green branches on [the supported version page](http://php.net/supported-versions.php) are supported). For example, at the time of writing in mid-2017, the lowest supported version is PHP 7.0, which corresponds to the `PHP-7.0` branch in Git. Please also make sure you add a link to the PR in the bug on [the bug tracker](https://bugs.php.net/). Pull requests implementing RFCs should be submitted against `master`. Pull requests should *never* be submitted against `PHP-x.y.z` branches, as these are only used for release management. If your pull request exhibits conflicts with the base branch, please resolve them by using `git rebase` instead of `git merge`. ## Filing bugs Bugs can be filed on the [PHP bug tracker](https://bugs.php.net/). If this is the first time you've filed a bug, we suggest reading the [guide to reporting a bug](https://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php). Where possible, please include a self-contained reproduction case! ## Feature requests Feature requests are generally submitted in the form of [Requests for Comment](https://wiki.php.net/rfc/howto), ideally accompanied by [pull requests](#pull-requests). You can find the extremely large list of RFCs that have been previously considered on the [PHP Wiki](https://wiki.php.net/rfc). You may want to read [The Mysterious PHP RFC Process](https://blogs.oracle.com/opal/entry/the_mysterious_php_rfc_process) for additional notes on the best way to approach submitting an RFC. ## Writing tests We love getting new tests! PHP is a huge project and improving code coverage is a huge win for every PHP user. [Our QA site includes a page detailing how to write test cases.](http://qa.php.net/write-test.php) Please note that the section on submitting pull requests is outdated: in addition to the process listed there, you can also [submit pull requests](#pull-requests). ## Writing documentation There are two ways to contribute to the PHP manual. You can edit the manual and send patches anonymously via [the online editor](https://edit.php.net/), or you can check the XML source out from Subversion and edit that and build it [per the instructions on the documentation site](http://doc.php.net/tutorial/). Patches created that way should be sent to the [documentation mailing list](mailto:phpdoc@lists.php.net). ## Getting help If you are having trouble contributing to PHP, or just want to talk to a human about what you're working on, you can contact us via the [internals mailing list](mailto:internals@lists.php.net), or the [documentation mailing list](mailto:phpdoc@lists.php.net) for documentation issues. Although not a formal channel, you can also find a number of core developers on the #php.pecl channel on [EFnet](http://www.efnet.org/). Similarly, many documentation writers can be found on #php.doc.