PHP NEWS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ?? ??? 2016, PHP 7.1.0beta1 - Core: . Implemented RFC: Iterable. (Aaron Piotrowski) . Fixed bug #72523 (dtrace issue with reflection (failed test)). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72508 (strange references after recursive function call and "switch" statement). (Laruence) - COM: . Fixed bug #72498 (variant_date_from_timestamp null dereference). (Anatol) - CURL: . Add curl_multi_errno(), curl_share_errno() and curl_share_strerror() functions. (Pierrick) . Add support for HTTP/2 Server Push (davey) - GD: . Fixed bug #72404 (imagecreatefromjpeg fails on selfie). (cmb) - PCRE: . Fixed bug #72476 (Memleak in jit_stack). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72463 (mail fails with invalid argument). (Anatol) - Readline: . Fixed bug #72538 (readline_redisplay crashes php). (Laruence) - SQLite3: . Fixed bug #70628 (Clearing bindings on an SQLite3 statement doesn't work). (cmb) - Session: . Fixed bug #72531 (ps_files_cleanup_dir Buffer overflow). (Laruence) - Standard: . Implemented RFC: More precise float values. (Jakub Zelenka, Yasuo) . array_multisort now uses zend_sort instead zend_qsort. (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72505 (readfile() mangles files larger than 2G). (Cschneid) - Streams: . Fixed bug #72534 (stream_socket_get_name crashes). (Anatol) - OpenSSL: . Implemented FR #61204 (Add elliptic curve support for OpenSSL). (Dominic Luechinger) 23 Jun 2016, PHP 7.1.0alpha2 - Core: . Implemented RFC: Replace "Missing argument" warning with "Too few arguments" exception. (Dmitry) . Implemented RFC: Fix inconsistent behavior of $this variable. (Dmitry) . Fixed bug #72441 (Segmentation fault: RFC list_keys). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72395 (list() regression). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72373 (TypeError after Generator function w/declared return type finishes). (Nikita) . Fixed bug #69489 (tempnam() should raise notice if falling back to temp dir). (Laruence, Anatol) . Fixed UTF-8 and long path support on Windows. (Anatol) - Date: . Fixed bug #63740 (strtotime seems to use both sunday and monday as start of week). (Derick) - GD: . Fixed bug #43475 (Thick styled lines have scrambled patterns). (cmb) . Fixed bug #53640 (XBM images require width to be multiple of 8). (cmb) . Fixed bug #64641 (imagefilledpolygon doesn't draw horizontal line). (cmb) - JSON . Implemented FR #46600 ("_empty_" key in objects). (Jakub Zelenka) - Mbstring: . Fixed bug #72405 (mb_ereg_replace - mbc_to_code (oniguruma) - oob read access). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72399 (Use-After-Free in MBString (search_re)). (Laruence) - OpenSSL: . Implemented FR #67304 (Added AEAD support [CCM and GCM modes] to openssl_encrypt and openssl_decrypt). (Jakub Zelenka) . Implemented error storing to the global queue and cleaning up the OpenSSL error queue (resolves bugs #68276 and #69882). (Jakub Zelenka) - PCRE: . Upgraded to PCRE 8.39. (Anatol) - Sqlite3: . Implemented FR #72385 (Update SQLite bundle lib(3.13.0)). (Laruence) - Standard: . Added is_iterable() function. (Aaron Piotrowski) . Fixed bug #72306 (Heap overflow through proc_open and $env parameter). (Laruence) - Streams: . Fixed bug #72439 (Stream socket with remote address leads to a segmentation fault). (Laruence) 09 Jun 2016, PHP 7.1.0alpha1 - Core: . Added nullable types. (Levi, Dmitry) . Added DFA optimization framework based on e-SSA form. (Dmitry, Nikita) . Added specialized opcode handlers (e.g. ZEND_ADD_LONG_NO_OVERFLOW). (Dmitry) . Change statement and fcall extension handlers to accept frame. (Joe) . Implemented safe execution timeout handling, that prevents random crashes after "Maximum execution time exceeded" error. (Dmitry) . Fixed bug #53432 (Assignment via string index access on an empty string converts to array). (Nikita) . Fixed bug #62210 (Exceptions can leak temporary variables). (Dmitry, Bob) . Fixed bug #62814 (It is possible to stiffen child class members visibility). (Nikita) . Fixed bug #69989 (Generators don't participate in cycle GC). (Nikita) . Fixed bug #70228 (Memleak if return in finally block). (Dmitry) . Fixed bug #71266 (Missing separation of properties HT in foreach etc). (Dmitry) . Fixed bug #71604 (Aborted Generators continue after nested finally). (Nikita) . Fixed bug #71572 (String offset assignment from an empty string inserts null byte). (Francois) . Fixed bug #71897 (ASCII 0x7F Delete control character permitted in identifiers). (Andrea) . Fixed bug #72188 (Nested try/finally blocks losing return value). (Dmitry) . Fixed bug #72213 (Finally leaks on nested exceptions). (Dmitry, Nikita) . Implemented the RFC `Support Class Constant Visibility`. (Sean DuBois, Reeze Xia, Dmitry) . Added void return type. (Andrea) . Added support for negative string offsets in string offset syntax and various string functions. (Francois) . Added a form of the list() construct where keys can be specified. (Andrea) . Number operators taking numeric strings now emit E_NOTICEs or E_WARNINGs when given malformed numeric strings. (Andrea) . (int), intval() where $base is 10 or unspecified, settype(), decbin(), decoct(), dechex(), integer operators and other conversions now always respect scientific notation in numeric strings. (Andrea) . Implemented the RFC `Catching multiple exception types`. (Bronislaw Bialek, Pierrick) . Raise a compile-time warning on octal escape sequence overflow. (Sara) . Added [] = as alternative construct to list() =. (Bob) . Implemented logging to syslog with dynamic error levels. (Jani Ollikainen) . Fixed bug #47517 (php-cgi.exe missing UAC manifest). (maxdax15801 at users noreply github com) - Apache2handler: . Enable per-module logging in Apache 2.4+. (Martin Vobruba) - CLI Server: . Fixed bug #71276 (Built-in webserver does not send Date header). (see at seos fr) - FTP: . Implemented FR #55651 (Option to ignore the returned FTP PASV address). (abrender at elitehosts dot com) - Intl: . Added IntlTimeZone::getWindowsID() and IntlTimeZone::getIDForWindowsID(). (Sara) . Fixed bug #69374 (IntlDateFormatter formatObject returns wrong utf8 value). (lenhatanh86 at gmail com) . Fixed bug #69398 (IntlDateFormatter formatObject returns wrong value when time style is NONE). (lenhatanh86 at gmail com) - Hash: . Added SHA3 fixed mode algorithms (224, 256, 384, and 512 bit). (Sara) . Added SHA512/256 and SHA512/224 algorithms. (Sara) - JSON: . Exported JSON parser API including json_parser_method that can be used for implementing custom logic when parsing JSON. (Jakub Zelenka) . Escaped U+2028 and U+2029 when JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE is supplied as json_encode options and added JSON_UNESCAPED_LINE_TERMINATORS to restore the previous behaviour. (Eddie Kohler) - PDO_Firebird: . Fixed bug #60052 (Integer returned as a 64bit integer on X86_64). (Mariuz) - Pgsql: . Implemented FR #31021 (pg_last_notice() is needed to get all notice messages). (Yasuo) . Implemented FR #48532 (Allow pg_fetch_all() to index numerically). (Yasuo) - Reflection: . Fix #72209 (ReflectionProperty::getValue() doesn't fail if object doesn't match type). (Joe) - Session: . Improved fix for bug #68063 (Empty session IDs do still start sessions). (Yasuo) . Fixed bug #71038 (session_start() returns TRUE on failure). Session save handlers must return 'string' always for successful read. i.e. Non-existing session read must return empty string. PHP 7.0 is made not to tolerate buggy return value. (Yasuo) . Fixed bug #71394 (session_regenerate_id() must close opened session on errors). (Yasuo) - SQLite3: . Implemented FR #71159 (Upgraded bundled SQLite lib to 3.9.2). (Laruence) - Standard: . Fixed bug #71100 (long2ip() doesn't accept integers in strict mode). (Laruence) . Implemented FR #55716 (Add an option to pass a custom stream context to get_headers()). (Ferenc) . Additional validation for parse_url() for login/pass components). (Ilia) (Julien) . Implemented FR #69359 (Provide a way to fetch the current environment variables). (Ferenc) . unpack() function accepts an additional optional argument $offset. (Dmitry) . Implemented #51879 stream context socket option tcp_nodelay (Joe) <<< NOTE: Insert NEWS from last stable release here prior to actual release! >>>