This is an overview over existing segfaults in the current PHP source tree. Fixed: mb_convert_encoding (Moriyoshi) socket_iovec_alloc (Rasmus) exif_imagetype,exif_thumbnail (Rasmus) dbase_open (Rasmus) array_pad (Rasmus) setlocale (Rasmus) unregister_tick_function (Rasmus) bcsub (Rasmus) str_repeat (Ilia) imagecopyresized (Ilia) mhash_keygen_s2k (Ilia) mb_ereg, mb_ereg_match, mb_eregi, mb_split (Moriyoshi) xml_parser_create (Moriyoshi) ob_start (Sascha) imagecreate/-truecolor (Sascha) flock (Sascha) register_shutdown_function (Sascha) mb_strcut('', [number greater than the length of first arg]) (Moriyoshi) ext/exif, ext/dba (7) (Marcus) Open: the dbase extension (1) chunk_split (2) socket_select (3) php_imagepolygon (4) imagesetstyle (5) bundled gd (6) php_base64_encode (8) pack (9) (1) heap corruption, mostly visible in malloc-related calls. Whether you see this or not might depend on your libc/compiler. Hard to track down, because the result of the corruption might be quite delayed. Reproducable with glibc-2.3/gcc 3.2.2 by: cat < 4a. Use the scripts funcparse.awk/ from phpdoc/scripts for creating a plain text function list. Feed that list to the script. Avoid calls like pcntl_fork. Manually remove functions which take too long to finish/eat up all memory. 4b. For testing a single function, echo the name of the function to the script like this: echo dbase_open | php do_crash.txt (4) integer overflow inside php_imagepolygon and possible subsequent integer overflows inside gdlib's gdImageFilledPolygon(). (5) integer overflow if the number of elements in the array passed as second argument * sizeof(int) result in an overflow. gdImageSetStyle function called by this php wrapper can die for the same reason. (6) multiple integer overflows that can occur when trying to allocate a buffer for a new image. Affected functions: gdImageCreateFromJpegCtx readwbmp gdImageCreateFromXpm gdImageCreateFromPngCtx gdImagePngCtx gdImageCreateFromJpegCtx gdImageJpegCtx gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx gdImageCreateFromGd2PartCtx _gdImageGd2 GetDataBlock (gd_gif_in.c) (7) few possible integer overflows, once safe_emalloc() or something similar is implemented they can all be addressed. (8) integer overflow if the specified string is longer then ~1.1 billion bytes. (9) multiple integer overflows, ex. pack("d4294967297", 2); Ammendment 1. CFLAGS='-O0 -g' \ '../src/php4/configure' \ '--enable-pcntl' \ '--enable-shmop' \ '--enable-sysvsem' \ '--enable-sysvshm' \ '--enable-wddx' \ '--enable-yp' \ '--enable-filepro' \ '--enable-ftp' \ '--enable-dba' \ '--enable-dbase' \ '--enable-dio' \ '--enable-exif' \ '--enable-mbstring' \ '--enable-mbregex' \ '--enable-sockets' \ '--enable-bcmath' \ '--enable-calendar' \ '--enable-pcntl' \ '--enable-shmop' \ '--enable-sysvsem' \ '--enable-sysvshm' \ '--enable-wddx' \ '--enable-yp' \ '--enable-filepro' \ '--enable-ftp' \ '--enable-dba' \ '--enable-dbase' \ '--enable-dio' \ '--enable-exif' \ '--enable-mbstring' \ '--enable-mbregex' \ '--enable-sockets' \ '--enable-bcmath' \ '--enable-calendar' \ "$@"