$Id$ PHP X.Y UPGRADE NOTES 1. Backward Incompatible Changes 2. New Features 3. Changes in SAPI modules 4. Deprecated Functionality 5. Changed Functions 6. New Functions 7. New Classes and Interfaces 8. Removed Extensions 9. Other Changes to Extensions 10. New Global Constants 11. Changes to INI File Handling 12. Other Changes ======================================== 1. Backward Incompatible Changes ======================================== - DBA . dba_delete() now returns false if the key was not found for the inifile handler, too. ======================================== 2. New Features ======================================== - Standard . intdiv() function for integer division added. ======================================== 3. Changes in SAPI modules ======================================== - FPM . Fixed bug #65933 (Cannot specify config lines longer than 1024 bytes). ======================================== 4. Deprecated Functionality ======================================== ======================================== 5. Changed Functions ======================================== ======================================== 6. New Functions ======================================== ======================================== 7. New Classes and Interfaces ======================================== ======================================== 8. Removed Extensions ======================================== ======================================== 9. Other Changes to Extensions ======================================== ======================================== 10. New Global Constants ======================================== - Core . PHP_INT_MIN added. ======================================== 11. Changes to INI File Handling ======================================== ======================================== 12. Other Changes ======================================== - Standard . call_user_method() and call_user_method_array() no longer exists.