PHP 8.0 UPGRADE NOTES 1. Backward Incompatible Changes 2. New Features 3. Changes in SAPI modules 4. Deprecated Functionality 5. Changed Functions 6. New Functions 7. New Classes and Interfaces 8. Removed Extensions and SAPIs 9. Other Changes to Extensions 10. New Global Constants 11. Changes to INI File Handling 12. Windows Support 13. Other Changes 14. Performance Improvements ======================================== 1. Backward Incompatible Changes ======================================== - Core: . Methods with the same name as the class are no longer interpreted as constructors. The __construct() method should be used instead. . Removed ability to call non-static methods statically. . Removed (unset) cast. . Removed track_errors ini directive. This means that $php_errormsg is no longer available. The error_get_last() function may be used instead. . Removed the ability to define case-insensitive constants. The third argument to define() may no longer be true. . Access to undefined constants now always results in an Error exception. Previously, unqualified constant accesses resulted in a warning and were interpreted as strings. . Removed ability to specify an autoloader using an __autoload() function. spl_autoload_register() should be used instead. . Removed the $errcontext argument for custom error handlers. . Removed create_function(). Anonymous functions may be used instead. . Removed each(). foreach or ArrayIterator should be used instead. . Removed ability to unbind $this from closures that were created from a method, using Closure::fromCallable() or ReflectionMethod::getClosure(). . Also removed ability to unbind $this from proper closures that contain uses of $this. . Removed ability to use array_key_exists() with objects. Use one of isset() or property_exists() instead. . Made the behavior of array_key_exists() regarding the type of the key parameter consistent with isset() and normal array access. All key types now use the usual coercions and array/object keys throw a TypeError. . Any array that has a number n as its first numeric key will use n+1 for its next implicit key. Even if n is negative. RFC: . The default error_reporting level is now E_ALL. Previously it excluded E_NOTICE and E_DEPRECATED. . display_startup_errors is now enabled by default. . Using "parent" inside a class that has no parent will now result in a fatal compile-time error. . The @ operator will no longer silence fatal errors (E_ERROR, E_CORE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_USER_ERROR, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, E_PARSE). Error handlers that expect error_reporting to be 0 when @ is used, should be adjusted to use a mask check instead: // Replace function my_error_handler($err_no, $err_msg, $filename, $linenum) { if (error_reporting() == 0) { return; // Silenced } // ... } // With function my_error_handler($err_no, $err_msg, $filename, $linenum) { if (!(error_reporting() & $err_no)) { return; // Silenced } // ... } Additionally, care should be taken that error messages are not displayed in production environments, which can result in information leaks. Please ensure that display_errors=Off is used in conjunction with error logging. . Inheritance errors due to incompatible method signatures (LSP violations) will now always generate a fatal error. Previously a warning was generated in some cases. RFC: . The precedence of the concatenation operator has changed relative to bitshifts and addition as well as subtraction. RFC: . Arguments with a default-value that resolves to null at run-time will no longer implicitly mark the argument type as nullable. Either use an explicit nullable type, or an explicit null default value instead. // Replace function test(int $arg = CONST_RESOLVING_TO_NULL) {} // With function test(?int $arg = CONST_RESOLVING_TO_NULL) {} // Or function test(int $arg = null) {} . A number of warnings have been converted into Error exceptions: * Attempting to write to a property of a non-object. Previously this implicitly created an stdClass object for null, false and empty strings. * Attempting to append an element to an array for which the PHP_INT_MAX key is already used. * Attempting to use an invalid type (array or object) as an array key or string offset. * Attempting to write to an array index of a scalar value. * Attempting to unpack a non-array/Traversable. A number of notices have been converted into warnings: * Attempting to read an undefined variable. * Attempting to read an undefined property. * Attempting to read a property of a non-object. * Attempting to access an array index of a non-array. * Attempting to convert an array to string. * Attempting to use a resource as an array key. * Attempting to use null, a boolean or a float as a string offset. * Attempting to read an out-of-bounds string offset. * Attempting to assign an empty string to a string offset. RFC: . Attempting to assign multiple bytes to a string offset will now emit a warning. . Unexpected characters in source files (such as null bytes outside of strings) will now result in a ParseError exception instead of a compile warning. . Uncaught exceptions now go through "clean shutdown", which means that destructors will be called after an uncaught exception. . Compile time fatal error "Only variables can be passed by reference" has been delayed until run-time and converted to "Cannot pass parameter by reference" exception. . Some "Only variables should be passed by reference" notices have been converted to "Cannot pass parameter by reference" exception. . The generated name for anonymous classes has changed. It will now include the name of the first parent or interface: new class extends ParentClass {}; // -> ParentClass@anonymous new class implements FirstInterface, SecondInterface {}; // -> FirstInterface@anonymous new class {}; // -> class@anonymous The name shown above is still followed by a null byte and and a unique suffix. . Declaring a required parameter after an optional one is deprecated. As an exception, declaring a parameter of the form "Type $param = null" before a required one continues to be allowed, because this pattern was sometimes used to achieve nullable types in older PHP versions. function test($a = [], $b) {} // Deprecated function test(Foo $a = null, $b) {} // Allowed . Non-absolute trait method references in trait alias adaptations are now required to be unambiguous: class X { use T1, T2 { func as otherFunc; } function func() {} } If both T1::func() and T2::func() exist, this code was previously silently accepted, and func as assumed to refer to T1::func. Now it will generate a fatal error instead, and either T1::func or T2::func needs to be written explicitly. . The signature of abstract methods defined in traits is now checked against the implementing class method: trait MyTrait { abstract private function neededByTrait(): string; } class MyClass { use MyTrait; // Error, because of return type mismatch. private function neededByTrait(): int { return 42; } } RFC: - COM: . Removed the ability to import case-insensitive constants from type libraries. The second argument to com_load_typelib() may no longer be false; com.autoregister_casesensitive may no longer be disabled; case-insensitive markers in com.typelib_file are ignored. - Date: . mktime() and gmmktime() now require at least one argument. time() can be used to get the current timestamp. - dom: . Remove unimplemented classes from ext/dom that had no behavior and contained test data. These classes have also been removed in the latest version of DOM standard: * DOMNameList * DomImplementationList * DOMConfiguration * DomError * DomErrorHandler * DOMImplementationSource * DOMLocator * DOMUserDataHandler * DOMTypeInfo - Exif: . Removed read_exif_data(). exif_read_data() should be used instead. - Filter: . The FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIRED and FILTER_FLAG_HOST_REQUIRED flags for the FILTER_VALIDATE_URL filter have been removed. The scheme and host are (and have been) always required. . The INPUT_REQUEST and INPUT_SESSION source for filter_input() etc have been removed. These were never implemented and their use always generated a warning. - GD: . The GD extension now uses objects as the underlying data structure for images, rather than resources. These objects are completely opaque, i.e. they don't have any methods. . The deprecated function image2wbmp() has been removed. RFC: . The deprecated functions png2wbmp() and jpeg2wbmp() have been removed. RFC: . The default $mode parameter of imagecropauto() no longer accepts -1. IMG_CROP_DEFAULT should be used instead. - GMP: . gmp_random() has been removed. One of gmp_random_range() or gmp_random_bits() should be used instead. - Iconv: . iconv() implementations which do not properly set errno in case of errors, are no longer supported. - Intl: . The deprecated constant INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 has been removed. RFC: . The deprecated Normalizer::NONE constant has been removed. . The IntlDateFormatter::RELATIVE_FULL, IntlDateFormatter::RELATIVE_LONG, IntlDateFormatter::RELATIVE_MEDIUM, and IntlDateFormatter::RELATIVE_SHORT constants have been added. - LDAP: . The deprecated function ldap_sort has been removed. - Mbstring: . The mbstring.func_overload directive has been removed. The related MB_OVERLOAD_MAIL, MB_OVERLOAD_STRING, and MB_OVERLOAD_REGEX constants have also been removed. Finally, the "func_overload" and "func_overload_list" entries in mb_get_info() have been removed. . mb_parse_str() can no longer be used without specifying a result array. . A number of deprecated mbregex aliases have been removed. See the following list for which functions should be used instead: * mbregex_encoding() -> mb_regex_encoding() * mbereg() -> mb_ereg() * mberegi() -> mb_eregi() * mbereg_replace() -> mb_ereg_replace() * mberegi_replace() -> mb_eregi_replace() * mbsplit() -> mb_split() * mbereg_match() -> mb_ereg_match() * mbereg_search() -> mb_ereg_search() * mbereg_search_pos() -> mb_ereg_search_pos() * mbereg_search_regs() -> mb_ereg_search_regs() * mbereg_search_init() -> mb_ereg_search_init() * mbereg_search_getregs() -> mb_ereg_search_getregs() * mbereg_search_getpos() -> mb_ereg_search_getpos() * mbereg_search_setpos() -> mb_ereg_search_setpos() . The 'e' modifier for mb_ereg_replace() has been removed. mb_ereg_replace_callback() should be used instead. . A non-string pattern argument to mb_ereg_replace() will now be interpreted as a string instead of an ASCII codepoint. The previous behavior may be restored with an explicit call to chr(). . The needle argument for mb_strpos(), mb_strrpos(), mb_stripos(), mb_strripos(), mb_strstr(), mb_stristr(), mb_strrchr() and mb_strrichr() can now be empty. . The $is_hex parameter, which was not used internally, has been removed from mb_decode_numericentity(). . The legacy behaviour of passing the encoding as the third argument instead of an offset for the mb_strrpos function has been removed, provide an explicit 0 offset with the encoding as the fourth argument. - PCRE: . When passing invalid escape sequences they are no longer interpreted as literals. This behaviour previously required the X modifier - which is now ignored. - PDO: . The method PDOStatement::setFetchMode() now accepts the following signature: PDOStatement::setFetchMode($mode, $classname, $params) - PDO_ODBC: . The php.ini directive pdo_odbc.db2_instance_name has been removed - Reflection: . The method signatures ReflectionClass::newInstance($args) ReflectionFunction::invoke($args) ReflectionMethod::invoke($object, $args) have been changed to: ReflectionClass::newInstance(...$args) ReflectionFunction::invoke(...$args) ReflectionMethod::invoke($object, ...$args) Code that must be compatible with both PHP 7 and PHP 8 can use the following signatures to be compatible with both versions: ReflectionClass::newInstance($arg = null, ...$args) ReflectionFunction::invoke($arg = null, ...$args) ReflectionMethod::invoke($object, $arg = null, ...$args) . The ReflectionType::__toString() method will now return a complete debug representation of the type, and is no longer deprecated. In particular the result will include a nullability indicator for nullable types. The format of the return value is not stable and may change between PHP versions. . Reflection export() methods have been removed. . The following methods can now return information about default values of parameters of internal functions: ReflectionParameter::isDefaultValueAvailable() ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValue() ReflectionParameter::isDefaultValueConstant() ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValueConstantName() . ReflectionMethod::isConstructor() and ReflectionMethod::isDestructor() now also return true for `__construct` and `__destruct` in methods of interfaces. Previously, this would only be true in methods of classes and traits. - Socket: . The deprecated AI_IDN_ALLOW_UNASSIGNED and AI_IDN_USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES flags for socket_addrinfo_lookup() have been removed. - SPL: . SplFileObject::fgetss() has been removed. . SplHeap::compare($a, $b) now specifies a method signature. Inheriting classes implementing this method will now have to use a compatible method signature. . SplDoublyLinkedList::push() now returns void instead of true . SplDoublyLinkedList::unshift() now returns void instead of true . SplQueue::enqueue() now returns void instead of true - Standard: . assert() will no longer evaluate string arguments, instead they will be treated like any other argument. assert($a == $b) should be used instead of assert('$a == $b'). The assert.quiet_eval ini directive and ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL constants have also been removed, as they would no longer have any effect. . parse_str() can no longer be used without specifying a result array. . fgetss() has been removed. . The string.strip_tags filter has been removed. . The needle argument of strpos(), strrpos(), stripos(), strripos(), strstr(), strchr(), strrchr(), and stristr() will now always be interpreted as a string. Previously non-string needles were interpreted as an ASCII code point. An explicit call to chr() can be used to restore the previous behavior. . The needle argument for strpos(), strrpos(), stripos(), strripos(), strstr(), stristr() and strrchr() can now be empty. . The length argument for substr(), substr_count(), substr_compare(), and iconv_substr() can now be null. Null values will behave as if no length argument was provided and will therefore return the remainder of the string instead of an empty string. . The length argument for array_splice() can now be null. Null values will behave identically to omitting the argument, thus removing everything from the 'offset' to the end of the array. . The 'salt' option of password_hash() is no longer supported. If the 'salt' option is used a warning is generated, the provided salt is ignored, and a generated salt is used instead. . The quotemeta() function will now return an empty string if an empty string was passed. Previously false was returned. . hebrevc() has been removed. . convert_cyr_string() has been removed. . money_format() has been removed. . ezmlm_hash() has been removed. . restore_include_path() has been removed. . get_magic_quotes_gpc() and get_magic_quotes_gpc_runtime() has been removed. . FILTER_SANITIZE_MAGIC_QUOTES has been removed. . Calling implode() with parameters in a reverse order ($pieces, $glue) is no longer supported. . parse_url() will now distinguish absent and empty queries and fragments: => query = null, fragment = null => query = "", fragment = null => query = null, fragment = "" => query = "", fragment = "" Previously all cases resulted in query and fragment being null. . var_dump() and debug_zval_dump() will now print floating-point numbers using serialize_precision rather than precision. In a default configuration, this means that floating-point numbers are now printed with full accuracy by these debugging functions. . If the array returned by __sleep() contains non-existing properties, these are now silently ignored. Previously, such properties would have been serialized as if they had the value NULL. - tidy: . The $use_include_path parameter, which was not used internally, has been removed from tidy_repair_string(). - XML: . xml_parser_create(_ns) will now return an XmlParser object rather than a resource. Return value checks using is_resource() should be replaced with checks for `false`. The xml_parser_free() function no longer has an effect, instead the XmlParser instance is automatically destroyed if it is no longer referenced. - XMLWriter: . The XMLWriter functions now accept and return, respectively, XMLWriter objects instead of resources. - Zip: . ZipArchive::OPSYS_Z_CPM have been removed, should use ZipArchive::OPSYS_CPM (this name was a typo). - Zlib: . gzgetss() has been removed. ======================================== 2. New Features ======================================== - Core: . Added support for union types. RFC: . Added WeakMap. RFC: . Added ValueError class. . Any number of function parameters may now be replaced by a variadic argument, as long as the types are compatible. For example, the following code is now allowed: class A { public function method(int $many, string $parameters, $here) {} } class B extends A { public function method(...$everything) {} } . "static" (as in "late static binding") can now be used as a return type: class Test { public function create(): static { return new static(); } } RFC: . It is now possible to fetch the class name of an object using `$object::class`. The result is the same as `get_class($object)`. RFC: . New and instanceof can now be used with arbitrary expressions, using `new (expression)(...$args)` and `$obj instanceof (expression)`. RFC: . Some consistency fixes to variable syntax have been applied, for example writing `Foo::BAR::$baz` is now allowed. RFC: . Added Stringable interface, which is automatically implemented if a class defines a __toString() method. RFC: . Traits can now define abstract private methods. RFC: . `throw` can now be used as an expression. RFC: . An optional trailing comma is now allowed in parameter lists. RFC: - Date: . Added DateTime::createFromInterface() and DateTimeImmutable::createFromInterface(). - dom: . Introduce DOMParentNode and DOMChildNode with new traversal and manipulation APIs RFC: - Zip: . Extension updated to version 1.19.0 . New ZipArchive::lastId property to get index value of last added entry. . Error can be checked after an archive is closed using ZipArchive::status, ZipArchive::statusSys properties or ZipArchive::getStatusString() method. . The remove_path option of ZipArchive::addGlob() and ::addPattern() is now treated as arbitrary string prefix (for consistency with the add_path option), whereas formerly it was treated as directory name. . Optional compression / encryption features are listed in phpinfo. ======================================== 3. Changes in SAPI modules ======================================== - CGI and FPM will now use CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT to scan for .user.ini files, if it is defined. Otherwise, DOCUMENT_ROOT will be used as before. This improves support for Apache mod_userdir and mod_alias. ======================================== 4. Deprecated Functionality ======================================== - Zip: . Using empty file as ZipArchive is deprecated. Libzip 1.6.0 do not accept empty files as valid zip archives any longer. Existing workaround will be removed in next version. ======================================== 5. Changed Functions ======================================== - Zip . ZipArchive::addGlob and ZipArchive::addPattern methods accept more values in the "options" array argument: . flags . comp_method . comp_flags . env_method . enc_pasword . ZipArchive::addEmptyDir, ZipArchive::addFile and aZipArchive::addFromString methods have a new "flags" argument. This allow to manage name encoding (ZipArchive::FL_ENC_*) and entry replacement (ZipArchive::FL_OVERWRITE) . ZipArchive::extractTo now restore file modification time. ======================================== 6. New Functions ======================================== - PCRE: . Added preg_last_error_msg(), which returns a human-readable message for the last PCRE error. It complements preg_last_error(), which returns an integer enum instead. - SQLite3: . Add SQLite3::setAuthorizer() and respective class constants to set a userland callback that will be used to authorize or not an action on the database. PR: - Standard: . Added str_contains($haystack, $needle) function, which checks whether $haystack contains $needle as a sub-string. It is equivalent to writing strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false. . Added fdiv() function, which performs a floating-point division under IEEE 754 semantics. Division by zero is considered well-defined and will return one of Inf, -Inf or NaN. . Added get_debug_type() function, which returns a type useful for error messages. Unlike gettype(), it uses canonical type names, returns class names for objects, and indicates the resource type for resources. RFC: - Zip: . ZipArchive::setMtimeName and ZipArchive::setMtimeIndex to set the modification time of an entry. . ZipArchive::setProgressCallback to provide updates during archive close. . ZipArchive::setCancelCallback to allow cancellation during archive close. . ZipArchive::replaceFile to replace an entry content. . ZipArchive::isCompressionMethodSupported to check optional compression features. . ZipArchive::isEncryptionMethodSupported to check optional encryption features. ======================================== 7. New Classes and Interfaces ======================================== - Tokenizer: . The new PhpToken class adds an object-based interface to the tokenizer. It provides a more uniform and ergonomic representation, while being more memory efficient and faster. RFC: ======================================== 8. Removed Extensions and SAPIs ======================================== ======================================== 9. Other Changes to Extensions ======================================== - CURL: . The CURL extension now requires at least libcurl 7.29.0. - GD: . The $num_points parameter of imagepolygon(), imageopenpolygon() and imagefilledpolygon() is now optional, i.e. these functions may be called with either 3 or 4 arguments. If the arguments is omitted, it is calculated as count($points)/2. . The function imagegetinterpolation() to get the current interpolation method has been added. - MBString: . The Unicode data tables have been updated to version 13.0.0. - MySQLi / PDO MySQL: . When mysqlnd is not used (which is the default and recommended option), the minimum supported libmysqlclient version is now 5.1. ======================================== 10. New Global Constants ======================================== - Filter: . FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOL has been added as an alias for FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN. The new name is preferred, as it uses the canonical type name. ======================================== 11. Changes to INI File Handling ======================================== ======================================== 12. Windows Support ======================================== - Standard: . Program execution functions (proc_open(), exec(), popen() etc.) using the shell now consistently execute `%comspec% /s /c "$commandline"`, which has the same effect as executing `$commandline` (without additional quotes). - php-test-pack: . The test runner has been renamed from run-test.php to run-tests.php, to match its name in php-src. ======================================== 13. Other Changes ======================================== - EBCDIC targets are no longer supported, though it's unlikely that they were still working in the first place. ======================================== 14. Performance Improvements ======================================== - array_slice() on an array without gaps will no longer scan the whole array to find the start offset. This may significantly reduce the runtime of the function with large offsets and small lengths.