--TEST-- Test of compare object handler for DateTimeZone objects --FILE-- "; var_dump($tz1 > $tz2); } // Test comparison of uninitialized DateTimeZone objects. class MyDateTimeZone extends DateTimeZone { function __construct() { // parent ctor not called } } $tz1 = new MyDateTimeZone(); $tz2 = new MyDateTimeZone(); try { var_dump($tz1 == $tz2); } catch (Error $e) { echo $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } ?> --EXPECTF-- compare +0200 with +0200 < bool(false) = bool(true) > bool(false) compare +0200 with -0200 < bool(false) = bool(false) > bool(false) compare EST with EST < bool(false) = bool(true) > bool(false) compare EST with PST < bool(false) = bool(false) > bool(false) compare Europe/Amsterdam with Europe/Amsterdam < bool(false) = bool(true) > bool(false) compare Europe/Amsterdam with Europe/Berlin < bool(false) = bool(false) > bool(false) Warning: main(): Trying to compare different kinds of DateTimeZone objects in %s on line %d bool(false) Trying to compare uninitialized DateTimeZone objects