dnl dnl $Id$ dnl dnl dnl Configure options dnl PHP_ARG_WITH(gd, for GD support, [ --with-gd[=DIR] Include GD support. DIR is the GD library base install directory [BUNDLED]]) if test -z "$PHP_VPX_DIR"; then PHP_ARG_WITH(vpx-dir, for the location of libvpx, [ --with-vpx-dir[=DIR] GD: Set the path to libvpx install prefix], no, no) fi if test -z "$PHP_JPEG_DIR"; then PHP_ARG_WITH(jpeg-dir, for the location of libjpeg, [ --with-jpeg-dir[=DIR] GD: Set the path to libjpeg install prefix], no, no) fi if test -z "$PHP_PNG_DIR"; then PHP_ARG_WITH(png-dir, for the location of libpng, [ --with-png-dir[=DIR] GD: Set the path to libpng install prefix], no, no) fi if test -z "$PHP_ZLIB_DIR"; then PHP_ARG_WITH(zlib-dir, for the location of libz, [ --with-zlib-dir[=DIR] GD: Set the path to libz install prefix], no, no) fi PHP_ARG_WITH(xpm-dir, for the location of libXpm, [ --with-xpm-dir[=DIR] GD: Set the path to libXpm install prefix], no, no) PHP_ARG_WITH(freetype-dir, for FreeType 2, [ --with-freetype-dir[=DIR] GD: Set the path to FreeType 2 install prefix], no, no) PHP_ARG_WITH(t1lib, for T1lib support, [ --with-t1lib[=DIR] GD: Include T1lib support. T1lib version >= 5.0.0 required], no, no) PHP_ARG_ENABLE(gd-native-ttf, whether to enable truetype string function in GD, [ --enable-gd-native-ttf GD: Enable TrueType string function], no, no) PHP_ARG_ENABLE(gd-jis-conv, whether to enable JIS-mapped Japanese font support in GD, [ --enable-gd-jis-conv GD: Enable JIS-mapped Japanese font support], no, no) dnl dnl Checks for the configure options dnl AC_DEFUN([PHP_GD_ZLIB],[ if test "$PHP_ZLIB_DIR" != "no" && test "$PHP_ZLIB_DIR" != "yes"; then if test -f "$PHP_ZLIB_DIR/include/zlib/zlib.h"; then PHP_ZLIB_DIR="$PHP_ZLIB_DIR" PHP_ZLIB_INCDIR="$PHP_ZLIB_DIR/include/zlib" elif test -f "$PHP_ZLIB_DIR/include/zlib.h"; then PHP_ZLIB_DIR="$PHP_ZLIB_DIR" PHP_ZLIB_INCDIR="$PHP_ZLIB_DIR/include" else AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find zlib headers under "$PHP_ZLIB_DIR"]) fi else for i in /usr/local /usr; do if test -f "$i/include/zlib/zlib.h"; then PHP_ZLIB_DIR="$i" PHP_ZLIB_INCDIR="$i/include/zlib" elif test -f "$i/include/zlib.h"; then PHP_ZLIB_DIR="$i" PHP_ZLIB_INCDIR="$i/include" fi done fi ]) AC_DEFUN([PHP_GD_VPX],[ if test "$PHP_VPX_DIR" != "no"; then for i in $PHP_VPX_DIR /usr/local /usr; do test -f $i/include/vpx_codec.h || test -f $i/include/vpx/vpx_codec.h && GD_VPX_DIR=$i && break done if test -z "$GD_VPX_DIR"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([vpx_codec.h not found.]) fi PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(vpx,vpx_codec_destroy, [ PHP_ADD_INCLUDE($GD_VPX_DIR/include) PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(pthread) PHP_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH(vpx, $GD_VPX_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR, GD_SHARED_LIBADD) ],[ AC_MSG_ERROR([Problem with libvpx.(a|so). Please check config.log for more information.]) ],[ -L$GD_VPX_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR ]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([If configure fails try --with-vpx-dir=]) fi ]) AC_DEFUN([PHP_GD_JPEG],[ if test "$PHP_JPEG_DIR" != "no"; then for i in $PHP_JPEG_DIR /usr/local /usr; do test -f $i/include/jpeglib.h && GD_JPEG_DIR=$i && break done if test -z "$GD_JPEG_DIR"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([jpeglib.h not found.]) fi PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(jpeg,jpeg_read_header, [ PHP_ADD_INCLUDE($GD_JPEG_DIR/include) PHP_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH(jpeg, $GD_JPEG_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR, GD_SHARED_LIBADD) ],[ AC_MSG_ERROR([Problem with libjpeg.(a|so). Please check config.log for more information.]) ],[ -L$GD_JPEG_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR ]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([If configure fails try --with-jpeg-dir=]) fi ]) AC_DEFUN([PHP_GD_PNG],[ if test "$PHP_PNG_DIR" != "no"; then for i in $PHP_PNG_DIR /usr/local /usr; do test -f $i/include/png.h && GD_PNG_DIR=$i && break done if test -z "$GD_PNG_DIR"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([png.h not found.]) fi if test "$PHP_ZLIB_DIR" = "no"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([PNG support requires ZLIB. Use --with-zlib-dir=]) fi PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(png,png_write_image, [ PHP_ADD_INCLUDE($GD_PNG_DIR/include) PHP_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH(z, $PHP_ZLIB_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR, GD_SHARED_LIBADD) PHP_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH(png, $GD_PNG_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR, GD_SHARED_LIBADD) ],[ AC_MSG_ERROR([Problem with libpng.(a|so) or libz.(a|so). Please check config.log for more information.]) ],[ -L$PHP_ZLIB_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR -lz -L$GD_PNG_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR ]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([If configure fails try --with-png-dir= and --with-zlib-dir=]) fi ]) AC_DEFUN([PHP_GD_XPM],[ if test "$PHP_XPM_DIR" != "no"; then for i in $PHP_XPM_DIR /usr/local /usr/X11R6 /usr; do test -f $i/$PHP_LIBDIR/libXpm.$SHLIB_SUFFIX_NAME || test -f $i/$PHP_LIBDIR/libXpm.a && GD_XPM_DIR=$i && break done if test -z "$GD_XPM_DIR"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([libXpm.(a|so) not found.]) fi for i in include include/X11; do test -f $GD_XPM_DIR/$i/xpm.h && GD_XPM_INC=$GD_XPM_DIR/include done if test -z "$GD_XPM_INC"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([xpm.h not found.]) fi PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(Xpm,XpmFreeXpmImage, [ PHP_ADD_INCLUDE($GD_XPM_INC) PHP_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH(Xpm, $GD_XPM_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR, GD_SHARED_LIBADD) PHP_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH(X11, $GD_XPM_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR, GD_SHARED_LIBADD) ],[ AC_MSG_ERROR([Problem with libXpm.(a|so) or libX11.(a|so). Please check config.log for more information.]) ],[ -L$GD_XPM_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR -lX11 ]) else AC_MSG_RESULT(If configure fails try --with-xpm-dir=) fi ]) AC_DEFUN([PHP_GD_FREETYPE2],[ if test "$PHP_FREETYPE_DIR" != "no"; then for i in $PHP_FREETYPE_DIR /usr/local /usr; do if test -f "$i/bin/freetype-config"; then FREETYPE2_DIR=$i FREETYPE2_CONFIG="$i/bin/freetype-config" break fi done if test -z "$FREETYPE2_DIR"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([freetype-config not found.]) fi FREETYPE2_CFLAGS=`$FREETYPE2_CONFIG --cflags` FREETYPE2_LIBS=`$FREETYPE2_CONFIG --libs` PHP_EVAL_INCLINE($FREETYPE2_CFLAGS) PHP_EVAL_LIBLINE($FREETYPE2_LIBS, GD_SHARED_LIBADD) AC_DEFINE(USE_GD_IMGSTRTTF, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBFREETYPE,1,[ ]) AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_GD_TTF,1,[ ]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([If configure fails try --with-freetype-dir=]) fi ]) AC_DEFUN([PHP_GD_T1LIB],[ if test "$PHP_T1LIB" != "no"; then for i in $PHP_T1LIB /usr/local /usr; do test -f "$i/include/t1lib.h" && GD_T1_DIR=$i && break done if test -z "$GD_T1_DIR"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Your t1lib distribution is not installed correctly. Please reinstall it.]) fi PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(t1, T1_StrError, [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBT1,1,[ ]) PHP_ADD_INCLUDE($GD_T1_DIR/include) PHP_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH(t1, $GD_T1_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR, GD_SHARED_LIBADD) ],[ AC_MSG_ERROR([Problem with libt1.(a|so). Please check config.log for more information.]) ],[ -L$GD_T1_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR ]) fi ]) AC_DEFUN([PHP_GD_TTSTR],[ if test "$PHP_GD_NATIVE_TTF" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(USE_GD_IMGSTRTTF, 1, [ ]) fi ]) AC_DEFUN([PHP_GD_JISX0208],[ if test "$PHP_GD_JIS_CONV" = "yes"; then USE_GD_JIS_CONV=1 fi ]) AC_DEFUN([PHP_GD_CHECK_VERSION],[ PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageString16, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBGD13, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImagePaletteCopy, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBGD15, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageCreateFromPng, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_PNG, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageCreateFromGif, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_GIF_READ, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageGif, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_GIF_CREATE, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageWBMP, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_WBMP, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageCreateFromJpeg, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_JPG, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageCreateFromXpm, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_XPM, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageCreateFromGd2, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_GD2, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageCreateTrueColor, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBGD20, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageSetTile, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_IMAGESETTILE, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageEllipse, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_IMAGEELLIPSE, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageSetBrush, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_IMAGESETBRUSH, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageStringTTF, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_STRINGTTF, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageStringFT, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_STRINGFT, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageStringFTEx, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_STRINGFTEX, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageColorClosestHWB, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_COLORCLOSESTHWB, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageColorResolve, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GDIMAGECOLORRESOLVE, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageGifCtx, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_GIF_CTX, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdCacheCreate, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_CACHE_CREATE, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdFontCacheShutdown, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_FONTCACHESHUTDOWN,1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdFreeFontCache, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_FREEFONTCACHE, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdFontCacheMutexSetup, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_FONTMUTEX, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdNewDynamicCtxEx, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_DYNAMIC_CTX_EX, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageConvolution, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_IMAGE_CONVOLUTION, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImagePixelate, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_IMAGE_PIXELATE, 1, [ ])], [], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) ]) dnl dnl Main GD configure dnl if test "$PHP_GD" = "yes"; then GD_MODULE_TYPE=builtin extra_sources="libgd/gd.c libgd/gd_gd.c libgd/gd_gd2.c libgd/gd_io.c libgd/gd_io_dp.c \ libgd/gd_io_file.c libgd/gd_ss.c libgd/gd_io_ss.c libgd/webpimg.c libgd/gd_webp.c \ libgd/gd_png.c libgd/gd_jpeg.c libgd/gdxpm.c libgd/gdfontt.c libgd/gdfonts.c \ libgd/gdfontmb.c libgd/gdfontl.c libgd/gdfontg.c libgd/gdtables.c libgd/gdft.c \ libgd/gdcache.c libgd/gdkanji.c libgd/wbmp.c libgd/gd_wbmp.c libgd/gdhelpers.c \ libgd/gd_topal.c libgd/gd_gif_in.c libgd/xbm.c libgd/gd_gif_out.c libgd/gd_security.c \ libgd/gd_filter.c libgd/gd_pixelate.c libgd/gd_arc.c libgd/gd_rotate.c libgd/gd_color.c" dnl check for fabsf and floorf which are available since C99 AC_CHECK_FUNCS(fabsf floorf) dnl PNG is required by GD library test "$PHP_PNG_DIR" = "no" && PHP_PNG_DIR=yes dnl Various checks for GD features PHP_GD_ZLIB PHP_GD_TTSTR PHP_GD_JISX0208 PHP_GD_JPEG PHP_GD_VPX PHP_GD_PNG PHP_GD_XPM PHP_GD_FREETYPE2 PHP_GD_T1LIB dnl These are always available with bundled library AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBGD, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBGD13, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBGD15, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBGD20, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBGD204, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_IMAGESETTILE, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_IMAGESETBRUSH, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GDIMAGECOLORRESOLVE, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_COLORCLOSESTHWB, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_WBMP, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_GD2, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_PNG, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_XBM, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_BUNDLED, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_GIF_READ, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_GIF_CREATE, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_IMAGEELLIPSE, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_FONTCACHESHUTDOWN,1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_FONTMUTEX, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_DYNAMIC_CTX_EX, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_GIF_CTX, 1, [ ]) dnl Make sure the libgd/ is first in the include path GDLIB_CFLAGS="-DHAVE_LIBPNG" dnl Depending which libraries were included to PHP configure, dnl enable the support in bundled GD library if test -n "$GD_VPX_DIR"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_WEBP, 1, [ ]) GDLIB_CFLAGS="$GDLIB_CFLAGS -DHAVE_LIBVPX" fi if test -n "$GD_JPEG_DIR"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_JPG, 1, [ ]) GDLIB_CFLAGS="$GDLIB_CFLAGS -DHAVE_LIBJPEG" fi if test -n "$GD_XPM_DIR"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_XPM, 1, [ ]) GDLIB_CFLAGS="$GDLIB_CFLAGS -DHAVE_XPM" fi if test -n "$FREETYPE2_DIR"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_STRINGFT, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GD_STRINGFTEX, 1, [ ]) AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_GD_TTF, 1, [ ]) GDLIB_CFLAGS="$GDLIB_CFLAGS -DHAVE_LIBFREETYPE -DENABLE_GD_TTF" fi if test -n "$USE_GD_JIS_CONV"; then AC_DEFINE(USE_GD_JISX0208, 1, [ ]) GDLIB_CFLAGS="$GDLIB_CFLAGS -DJISX0208" fi else if test "$PHP_GD" != "no"; then GD_MODULE_TYPE=external extra_sources="gdcache.c libgd/gd_compat.c libgd/gd_filter.c libgd/gd_pixelate.c libgd/gd_arc.c \ libgd/gd_rotate.c libgd/gd_color.c" dnl Various checks for GD features PHP_GD_ZLIB PHP_GD_TTSTR PHP_GD_VPX PHP_GD_JPEG PHP_GD_PNG PHP_GD_XPM PHP_GD_FREETYPE2 PHP_GD_T1LIB dnl Header path for i in include/gd1.3 include/gd include gd1.3 gd ""; do test -f "$PHP_GD/$i/gd.h" && GD_INCLUDE="$PHP_GD/$i" done dnl Library path for i in $PHP_LIBDIR/gd1.3 $PHP_LIBDIR/gd $PHP_LIBDIR gd1.3 gd ""; do test -f "$PHP_GD/$i/libgd.$SHLIB_SUFFIX_NAME" || test -f "$PHP_GD/$i/libgd.a" && GD_LIB="$PHP_GD/$i" done if test -n "$GD_INCLUDE" && test -n "$GD_LIB"; then PHP_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH(gd, $GD_LIB, GD_SHARED_LIBADD) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBGD,1,[ ]) PHP_GD_CHECK_VERSION elif test -z "$GD_INCLUDE"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to find gd.h anywhere under $PHP_GD]) else AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to find libgd.(a|so) anywhere under $PHP_GD]) fi PHP_EXPAND_PATH($GD_INCLUDE, GD_INCLUDE) dnl dnl Check for gd 2.0.4 greater availability dnl old_CPPFLAGS=$CPPFLAGS CPPFLAGS=-I$GD_INCLUDE AC_TRY_COMPILE([ #include #include ], [ gdIOCtx *ctx; ctx = malloc(sizeof(gdIOCtx)); ctx->gd_free = 1; ], [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBGD204, 1, [ ]) ]) CPPFLAGS=$old_CPPFLAGS fi fi dnl dnl Common for both builtin and external GD dnl if test "$PHP_GD" != "no"; then PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(gd, gd.c $extra_sources, $ext_shared,, \\$(GDLIB_CFLAGS)) PHP_ADD_BUILD_DIR($ext_builddir/libgd) if test "$GD_MODULE_TYPE" = "builtin"; then GDLIB_CFLAGS="-I$ext_srcdir/libgd $GDLIB_CFLAGS" GD_HEADER_DIRS="ext/gd/ ext/gd/libgd/" PHP_TEST_BUILD(foobar, [], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([GD build test failed. Please check the config.log for details.]) ], [ $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ], [char foobar () {}]) else GD_HEADER_DIRS="ext/gd/" GDLIB_CFLAGS="-I$GD_INCLUDE $GDLIB_CFLAGS" PHP_ADD_INCLUDE($GD_INCLUDE) PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(gd, gdImageCreate, [], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([GD build test failed. Please check the config.log for details.]) ], [ -L$GD_LIB $GD_SHARED_LIBADD ]) fi PHP_INSTALL_HEADERS([$GD_HEADER_DIRS]) PHP_SUBST(GDLIB_CFLAGS) PHP_SUBST(GD_SHARED_LIBADD) fi