/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2015 The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Jakub Zelenka | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include "php.h" #include "php_json_scanner.h" #include "php_json_scanner_defs.h" #include "php_json_parser.h" #include "json_parser.tab.h" #define YYCTYPE php_json_ctype #define YYCURSOR s->cursor #define YYLIMIT s->limit #define YYMARKER s->marker #define YYCTXMARKER s->ctxmarker #define YYGETCONDITION() s->state #define YYSETCONDITION(yystate) s->state = yystate #define YYFILL(n) #define PHP_JSON_CONDITION_SET(condition) YYSETCONDITION(yyc##condition) #define PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(condition) goto yyc_##condition #define PHP_JSON_SCANNER_COPY_ESC() php_json_scanner_copy_string(s, 0) #define PHP_JSON_SCANNER_COPY_UTF() php_json_scanner_copy_string(s, 5) #define PHP_JSON_SCANNER_COPY_UTF_SP() php_json_scanner_copy_string(s, 11) #define PHP_JSON_INT_MAX_LENGTH (MAX_LENGTH_OF_LONG - 1) static void php_json_scanner_copy_string(php_json_scanner *s, int esc_size) { size_t len = s->cursor - s->str_start - esc_size - 1; if (len) { memcpy(s->pstr, s->str_start, len); s->pstr += len; } } static int php_json_hex_to_int(char code) { if (code >= '0' && code <= '9') { return code - '0'; } else if (code >= 'A' && code <= 'F') { return code - ('A' - 10); } else if (code >= 'a' && code <= 'f') { return code - ('a' - 10); } else { /* this should never happened (just to suppress compiler warning) */ return -1; } } static int php_json_ucs2_to_int_ex(php_json_scanner *s, int size, int start) { int i, code = 0; php_json_ctype *pc = s->cursor - start; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { code |= php_json_hex_to_int(*(pc--)) << (i * 4); } return code; } static int php_json_ucs2_to_int(php_json_scanner *s, int size) { return php_json_ucs2_to_int_ex(s, size, 1); } void php_json_scanner_init(php_json_scanner *s, char *str, size_t str_len, int options) { s->cursor = (php_json_ctype *) str; s->limit = (php_json_ctype *) str + str_len; s->options = options; PHP_JSON_CONDITION_SET(JS); } int php_json_scan(php_json_scanner *s) { ZVAL_NULL(&s->value); std: s->token = s->cursor; /*!re2c re2c:indent:top = 1; re2c:yyfill:enable = 0; DIGIT = [0-9] ; DIGITNZ = [1-9] ; UINT = "0" | ( DIGITNZ DIGIT* ) ; INT = "-"? UINT ; HEX = DIGIT | [a-fA-F] ; HEXNZ = DIGITNZ | [a-fA-F] ; HEX7 = [0-7] ; HEXC = DIGIT | [a-cA-C] ; FLOAT = INT "." DIGIT+ ; EXP = ( INT | FLOAT ) [eE] [+-]? DIGIT+ ; NL = "\r"? "\n" ; WS = [ \t\r]+ ; EOI = "\000"; CTRL = [\x00-\x1F] ; UTF8T = [\x80-\xBF] ; UTF8_1 = [\x00-\x7F] ; UTF8_2 = [\xC2-\xDF] UTF8T ; UTF8_3A = "\xE0" [\xA0-\xBF] UTF8T ; UTF8_3B = [\xE1-\xEC] UTF8T{2} ; UTF8_3C = "\xED" [\x80-\x9F] UTF8T ; UTF8_3D = [\xEE-\xEF] UTF8T{2} ; UTF8_3 = UTF8_3A | UTF8_3B | UTF8_3C | UTF8_3D ; UTF8_4A = "\xF0"[\x90-\xBF] UTF8T{2} ; UTF8_4B = [\xF1-\xF3] UTF8T{3} ; UTF8_4C = "\xF4" [\x80-\x8F] UTF8T{2} ; UTF8_4 = UTF8_4A | UTF8_4B | UTF8_4C ; UTF8 = UTF8_1 | UTF8_2 | UTF8_3 | UTF8_4 ; ANY = [^] ; ESCPREF = "\\" ; ESCSYM = ( "\"" | "\\" | "/" | [bfnrt] ) ; ESC = ESCPREF ESCSYM ; UTFSYM = "u" ; UTFPREF = ESCPREF UTFSYM ; UCS2 = UTFPREF HEX{4} ; UTF16_1 = UTFPREF "00" HEX7 HEX ; UTF16_2 = UTFPREF "0" HEX7 HEX{2} ; UTF16_3 = UTFPREF ( ( ( HEXC | [efEF] ) HEX ) | ( [dD] HEX7 ) ) HEX{2} ; UTF16_4 = UTFPREF [dD] [89abAB] HEX{2} UTFPREF [dD] [c-fC-F] HEX{2} ; "{" { return '{'; } "}" { return '}'; } "[" { return '['; } "]" { return ']'; } ":" { return ':'; } "," { return ','; } "null" { ZVAL_NULL(&s->value); return PHP_JSON_T_NUL; } "true" { ZVAL_TRUE(&s->value); return PHP_JSON_T_TRUE; } "false" { ZVAL_FALSE(&s->value); return PHP_JSON_T_FALSE; } INT { zend_bool bigint = 0, negative = s->token[0] == '-'; size_t digits = (size_t) (s->cursor - s->token - negative); if (digits >= PHP_JSON_INT_MAX_LENGTH) { if (digits == PHP_JSON_INT_MAX_LENGTH) { int cmp = strncmp((char *) (s->token + negative), LONG_MIN_DIGITS, PHP_JSON_INT_MAX_LENGTH); if (!(cmp < 0 || (cmp == 0 && negative))) { bigint = 1; } } else { bigint = 1; } } if (!bigint) { ZVAL_LONG(&s->value, ZEND_STRTOL((char *) s->token, NULL, 10)); return PHP_JSON_T_INT; } else if (s->options & PHP_JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING) { ZVAL_STRINGL(&s->value, (char *) s->token, s->cursor - s->token); return PHP_JSON_T_STRING; } else { ZVAL_DOUBLE(&s->value, zend_strtod((char *) s->token, NULL)); return PHP_JSON_T_DOUBLE; } } FLOAT|EXP { ZVAL_DOUBLE(&s->value, zend_strtod((char *) s->token, NULL)); return PHP_JSON_T_DOUBLE; } NL|WS { goto std; } EOI { if (s->limit < s->cursor) { return PHP_JSON_T_EOI; } else { s->errcode = PHP_JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX; return PHP_JSON_T_ERROR; } } ["] { s->str_start = s->cursor; s->str_esc = 0; PHP_JSON_CONDITION_SET(STR_P1); PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(STR_P1); } CTRL { s->errcode = PHP_JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR; return PHP_JSON_T_ERROR; } UTF16_1 { s->str_esc += 5; PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(STR_P1); } UTF16_2 { s->str_esc += 4; PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(STR_P1); } UTF16_3 { s->str_esc += 3; PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(STR_P1); } UTF16_4 { s->str_esc += 8; PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(STR_P1); } UCS2 { s->errcode = PHP_JSON_ERROR_UTF16; return PHP_JSON_T_ERROR; } ESC { s->str_esc++; PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(STR_P1); } ESCPREF { s->errcode = PHP_JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX; return PHP_JSON_T_ERROR; } ["] { zend_string *str; size_t len = s->cursor - s->str_start - s->str_esc - 1; if (len == 0) { PHP_JSON_CONDITION_SET(JS); ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(&s->value); return PHP_JSON_T_ESTRING; } str = zend_string_alloc(len, 0); str->val[len] = '\0'; ZVAL_STR(&s->value, str); if (s->str_esc) { s->pstr = (php_json_ctype *) Z_STRVAL(s->value); s->cursor = s->str_start; PHP_JSON_CONDITION_SET(STR_P2); PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(STR_P2); } else { memcpy(Z_STRVAL(s->value), s->str_start, len); PHP_JSON_CONDITION_SET(JS); return PHP_JSON_T_STRING; } } UTF8 { PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(STR_P1); } ANY { s->errcode = PHP_JSON_ERROR_UTF8; return PHP_JSON_T_ERROR; } UTF16_1 { int utf16 = php_json_ucs2_to_int(s, 2); PHP_JSON_SCANNER_COPY_UTF(); *(s->pstr++) = (char) utf16; s->str_start = s->cursor; PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(STR_P2); } UTF16_2 { int utf16 = php_json_ucs2_to_int(s, 3); PHP_JSON_SCANNER_COPY_UTF(); *(s->pstr++) = (char) (0xc0 | (utf16 >> 6)); *(s->pstr++) = (char) (0x80 | (utf16 & 0x3f)); s->str_start = s->cursor; PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(STR_P2); } UTF16_3 { int utf16 = php_json_ucs2_to_int(s, 4); PHP_JSON_SCANNER_COPY_UTF(); *(s->pstr++) = (char) (0xe0 | (utf16 >> 12)); *(s->pstr++) = (char) (0x80 | ((utf16 >> 6) & 0x3f)); *(s->pstr++) = (char) (0x80 | (utf16 & 0x3f)); s->str_start = s->cursor; PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(STR_P2); } UTF16_4 { int utf32, utf16_hi, utf16_lo; utf16_hi = php_json_ucs2_to_int(s, 4); utf16_lo = php_json_ucs2_to_int_ex(s, 4, 7); utf32 = ((utf16_lo & 0x3FF) << 10) + (utf16_hi & 0x3FF) + 0x10000; PHP_JSON_SCANNER_COPY_UTF_SP(); *(s->pstr++) = (char) (0xf0 | (utf32 >> 18)); *(s->pstr++) = (char) (0x80 | ((utf32 >> 12) & 0x3f)); *(s->pstr++) = (char) (0x80 | ((utf32 >> 6) & 0x3f)); *(s->pstr++) = (char) (0x80 | (utf32 & 0x3f)); s->str_start = s->cursor; PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(STR_P2); } ESCPREF { char esc; PHP_JSON_SCANNER_COPY_ESC(); switch (*s->cursor) { case 'b': esc = '\b'; break; case 'f': esc = '\f'; break; case 'n': esc = '\n'; break; case 'r': esc = '\r'; break; case 't': esc = '\t'; break; case '\\': case '/': case '"': esc = *s->cursor; break; default: s->errcode = PHP_JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX; return PHP_JSON_T_ERROR; } *(s->pstr++) = esc; ++YYCURSOR; s->str_start = s->cursor; PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(STR_P2); } ["] => JS { PHP_JSON_SCANNER_COPY_ESC(); return PHP_JSON_T_STRING; } ANY { PHP_JSON_CONDITION_GOTO(STR_P2); } <*>ANY { s->errcode = PHP_JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX; return PHP_JSON_T_ERROR; } */ }