--TEST-- MySQL PDO->__construct() - URI --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- getMessage()); } unlink($file); } if ($fp = @fopen($file, 'w')) { fwrite($fp, sprintf('mysql:dbname=letshopeinvalid;%s%s', chr(0), $dsn)); fclose($fp); clearstatcache(); assert(file_exists($file)); try { $db = new PDO($uri, $user, $pass); } catch (PDOException $e) { printf("[003] URI=%s, DSN=%s, File=%s (%d bytes, '%s'), chr(0) test, %s\n", $uri, $dsn, $file, filesize($file), file_get_contents($file), $e->getMessage()); } unlink($file); } } /* TODO: safe mode */ } catch (PDOException $e) { printf("[001] %s, [%s] %s\n", $e->getMessage(), (is_object($db)) ? $db->errorCode() : 'n/a', (is_object($db)) ? implode(' ', $db->errorInfo()) : 'n/a'); } print "done!"; ?> --EXPECTF-- Warning: PDO::__construct(file:%spdomuri.tst): failed to open stream: Invalid argument in %s on line %d [002] URI=uri:file:%spdomuri.tst, DSN=mysql%sdbname=%s, File=%spdomuri.tst (%d bytes, 'mysql%sdbname=%s'), invalid data source URI Warning: PDO::__construct(file:%spdomuri.tst): failed to open stream: Invalid argument in %s on line %d [003] URI=uri:file:%spdomuri.tst, DSN=mysql%sdbname=%s, File=%spdomuri.tst (%d bytes, 'mysql%sdbname=letshopeinvalid%s'), chr(0) test, invalid data source URI done!