/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2015 The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Marcus Boerger | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* $Id$ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "php.h" #include "php_ini.h" #include "ext/standard/info.h" #include "ext/standard/file.h" #include "ext/standard/php_string.h" #include "zend_compile.h" #include "zend_exceptions.h" #include "zend_interfaces.h" #include "php_spl.h" #include "spl_functions.h" #include "spl_engine.h" #include "spl_iterators.h" #include "spl_directory.h" #include "spl_exceptions.h" #include "php.h" #include "fopen_wrappers.h" #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" #include "ext/standard/php_filestat.h" #define SPL_HAS_FLAG(flags, test_flag) ((flags & test_flag) ? 1 : 0) /* declare the class handlers */ static zend_object_handlers spl_filesystem_object_handlers; /* includes handler to validate object state when retrieving methods */ static zend_object_handlers spl_filesystem_object_check_handlers; /* decalre the class entry */ PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplFileInfo; PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_DirectoryIterator; PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_FilesystemIterator; PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_RecursiveDirectoryIterator; PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_GlobIterator; PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplFileObject; PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplTempFileObject; static void spl_filesystem_file_free_line(spl_filesystem_object *intern) /* {{{ */ { if (intern->u.file.current_line) { efree(intern->u.file.current_line); intern->u.file.current_line = NULL; } if (!Z_ISUNDEF(intern->u.file.current_zval)) { zval_ptr_dtor(&intern->u.file.current_zval); ZVAL_UNDEF(&intern->u.file.current_zval); } } /* }}} */ static void spl_filesystem_object_free_storage(zend_object *object) /* {{{ */ { spl_filesystem_object *intern = spl_filesystem_from_obj(object); if (intern->oth_handler && intern->oth_handler->dtor) { intern->oth_handler->dtor(intern); } zend_object_std_dtor(&intern->std); if (intern->_path) { efree(intern->_path); } if (intern->file_name) { efree(intern->file_name); } switch(intern->type) { case SPL_FS_INFO: break; case SPL_FS_DIR: if (intern->u.dir.dirp) { php_stream_close(intern->u.dir.dirp); intern->u.dir.dirp = NULL; } if (intern->u.dir.sub_path) { efree(intern->u.dir.sub_path); } break; case SPL_FS_FILE: if (intern->u.file.stream) { /* if (intern->u.file.zcontext) { zend_list_delref(Z_RESVAL_P(intern->zcontext)); } */ if (!intern->u.file.stream->is_persistent) { php_stream_free(intern->u.file.stream, PHP_STREAM_FREE_CLOSE); } else { php_stream_free(intern->u.file.stream, PHP_STREAM_FREE_CLOSE_PERSISTENT); } if (intern->u.file.open_mode) { efree(intern->u.file.open_mode); } if (intern->orig_path) { efree(intern->orig_path); } } spl_filesystem_file_free_line(intern); break; } if (intern->it) { //????zend_iterator_dtor(&intern->it->intern); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_ce_dir_object_new */ /* creates the object by - allocating memory - initializing the object members - storing the object - setting it's handlers called from - clone - new */ static zend_object *spl_filesystem_object_new_ex(zend_class_entry *class_type) { spl_filesystem_object *intern; intern = ecalloc(1, sizeof(spl_filesystem_object) + sizeof(zval) * (class_type->default_properties_count - 1)); /* intern->type = SPL_FS_INFO; done by set 0 */ intern->file_class = spl_ce_SplFileObject; intern->info_class = spl_ce_SplFileInfo; zend_object_std_init(&intern->std, class_type); object_properties_init(&intern->std, class_type); intern->std.handlers = &spl_filesystem_object_handlers; return &intern->std; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_object_new */ /* See spl_filesystem_object_new_ex */ static zend_object *spl_filesystem_object_new(zend_class_entry *class_type) { return spl_filesystem_object_new_ex(class_type); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_object_new_check */ static zend_object *spl_filesystem_object_new_check(zend_class_entry *class_type) { spl_filesystem_object *ret = spl_filesystem_from_obj(spl_filesystem_object_new_ex(class_type)); ret->std.handlers = &spl_filesystem_object_check_handlers; return &ret->std; } /* }}} */ PHPAPI char* spl_filesystem_object_get_path(spl_filesystem_object *intern, size_t *len) /* {{{ */ { #ifdef HAVE_GLOB if (intern->type == SPL_FS_DIR) { if (php_stream_is(intern->u.dir.dirp ,&php_glob_stream_ops)) { return php_glob_stream_get_path(intern->u.dir.dirp, 0, len); } } #endif if (len) { *len = intern->_path_len; } return intern->_path; } /* }}} */ static inline void spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(spl_filesystem_object *intern) /* {{{ */ { char slash = SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_DIR_UNIXPATHS) ? '/' : DEFAULT_SLASH; if (!intern->file_name) { switch (intern->type) { case SPL_FS_INFO: case SPL_FS_FILE: php_error_docref(NULL, E_ERROR, "Object not initialized"); break; case SPL_FS_DIR: intern->file_name_len = (int)spprintf(&intern->file_name, 0, "%s%c%s", spl_filesystem_object_get_path(intern, NULL), slash, intern->u.dir.entry.d_name); break; } } } /* }}} */ static int spl_filesystem_dir_read(spl_filesystem_object *intern) /* {{{ */ { if (!intern->u.dir.dirp || !php_stream_readdir(intern->u.dir.dirp, &intern->u.dir.entry)) { intern->u.dir.entry.d_name[0] = '\0'; return 0; } else { return 1; } } /* }}} */ #define IS_SLASH_AT(zs, pos) (IS_SLASH(zs[pos])) static inline int spl_filesystem_is_dot(const char * d_name) /* {{{ */ { return !strcmp(d_name, ".") || !strcmp(d_name, ".."); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_dir_open */ /* open a directory resource */ static void spl_filesystem_dir_open(spl_filesystem_object* intern, char *path) { int skip_dots = SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_DIR_SKIPDOTS); intern->type = SPL_FS_DIR; intern->_path_len = (int)strlen(path); intern->u.dir.dirp = php_stream_opendir(path, REPORT_ERRORS, FG(default_context)); if (intern->_path_len > 1 && IS_SLASH_AT(path, intern->_path_len-1)) { intern->_path = estrndup(path, --intern->_path_len); } else { intern->_path = estrndup(path, intern->_path_len); } intern->u.dir.index = 0; if (EG(exception) || intern->u.dir.dirp == NULL) { intern->u.dir.entry.d_name[0] = '\0'; if (!EG(exception)) { /* open failed w/out notice (turned to exception due to EH_THROW) */ zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_UnexpectedValueException, 0, "Failed to open directory \"%s\"", path); } } else { do { spl_filesystem_dir_read(intern); } while (skip_dots && spl_filesystem_is_dot(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name)); } } /* }}} */ static int spl_filesystem_file_open(spl_filesystem_object *intern, int use_include_path, int silent) /* {{{ */ { zval tmp; intern->type = SPL_FS_FILE; php_stat(intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len, FS_IS_DIR, &tmp); if (Z_TYPE(tmp) == IS_TRUE) { intern->u.file.open_mode = NULL; intern->file_name = NULL; zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_LogicException, 0, "Cannot use SplFileObject with directories"); return FAILURE; } intern->u.file.context = php_stream_context_from_zval(intern->u.file.zcontext, 0); intern->u.file.stream = php_stream_open_wrapper_ex(intern->file_name, intern->u.file.open_mode, (use_include_path ? USE_PATH : 0) | REPORT_ERRORS, NULL, intern->u.file.context); if (!intern->file_name_len || !intern->u.file.stream) { if (!EG(exception)) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Cannot open file '%s'", intern->file_name_len ? intern->file_name : ""); } intern->file_name = NULL; /* until here it is not a copy */ intern->u.file.open_mode = NULL; return FAILURE; } /* if (intern->u.file.zcontext) { //zend_list_addref(Z_RES_VAL(intern->u.file.zcontext)); Z_ADDREF_P(intern->u.file.zcontext); } */ if (intern->file_name_len > 1 && IS_SLASH_AT(intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len-1)) { intern->file_name_len--; } intern->orig_path = estrndup(intern->u.file.stream->orig_path, strlen(intern->u.file.stream->orig_path)); intern->file_name = estrndup(intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len); intern->u.file.open_mode = estrndup(intern->u.file.open_mode, intern->u.file.open_mode_len); /* avoid reference counting in debug mode, thus do it manually */ ZVAL_RES(&intern->u.file.zresource, intern->u.file.stream->res); /*!!! TODO: maybe bug? Z_SET_REFCOUNT(intern->u.file.zresource, 1); */ intern->u.file.delimiter = ','; intern->u.file.enclosure = '"'; intern->u.file.escape = '\\'; intern->u.file.func_getCurr = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&intern->std.ce->function_table, "getcurrentline", sizeof("getcurrentline") - 1); return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_object_clone */ /* Local zend_object_value creation (on stack) Load the 'other' object Create a new empty object (See spl_filesystem_object_new_ex) Open the directory Clone other members (properties) */ static zend_object *spl_filesystem_object_clone(zval *zobject) { zend_object *old_object; zend_object *new_object; spl_filesystem_object *intern; spl_filesystem_object *source; int index, skip_dots; old_object = Z_OBJ_P(zobject); source = spl_filesystem_from_obj(old_object); new_object = spl_filesystem_object_new_ex(old_object->ce); intern = spl_filesystem_from_obj(new_object); intern->flags = source->flags; switch (source->type) { case SPL_FS_INFO: intern->_path_len = source->_path_len; intern->_path = estrndup(source->_path, source->_path_len); intern->file_name_len = source->file_name_len; intern->file_name = estrndup(source->file_name, intern->file_name_len); break; case SPL_FS_DIR: spl_filesystem_dir_open(intern, source->_path); /* read until we hit the position in which we were before */ skip_dots = SPL_HAS_FLAG(source->flags, SPL_FILE_DIR_SKIPDOTS); for(index = 0; index < source->u.dir.index; ++index) { do { spl_filesystem_dir_read(intern); } while (skip_dots && spl_filesystem_is_dot(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name)); } intern->u.dir.index = index; break; case SPL_FS_FILE: php_error_docref(NULL, E_ERROR, "An object of class %s cannot be cloned", old_object->ce->name->val); break; } intern->file_class = source->file_class; intern->info_class = source->info_class; intern->oth = source->oth; intern->oth_handler = source->oth_handler; zend_objects_clone_members(new_object, old_object); if (intern->oth_handler && intern->oth_handler->clone) { intern->oth_handler->clone(source, intern); } return new_object; } /* }}} */ void spl_filesystem_info_set_filename(spl_filesystem_object *intern, char *path, size_t len, size_t use_copy) /* {{{ */ { char *p1, *p2; if (intern->file_name) { efree(intern->file_name); } intern->file_name = use_copy ? estrndup(path, len) : path; intern->file_name_len = (int)len; while (intern->file_name_len > 1 && IS_SLASH_AT(intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len-1)) { intern->file_name[intern->file_name_len-1] = 0; intern->file_name_len--; } p1 = strrchr(intern->file_name, '/'); #if defined(PHP_WIN32) || defined(NETWARE) p2 = strrchr(intern->file_name, '\\'); #else p2 = 0; #endif if (p1 || p2) { intern->_path_len = (int)((p1 > p2 ? p1 : p2) - intern->file_name); } else { intern->_path_len = 0; } if (intern->_path) { efree(intern->_path); } intern->_path = estrndup(path, intern->_path_len); } /* }}} */ static spl_filesystem_object *spl_filesystem_object_create_info(spl_filesystem_object *source, char *file_path, int file_path_len, int use_copy, zend_class_entry *ce, zval *return_value) /* {{{ */ { spl_filesystem_object *intern; zval arg1; zend_error_handling error_handling; if (!file_path || !file_path_len) { #if defined(PHP_WIN32) zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Cannot create SplFileInfo for empty path"); if (file_path && !use_copy) { efree(file_path); } #else if (file_path && !use_copy) { efree(file_path); } file_path_len = 1; file_path = "/"; #endif return NULL; } zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, spl_ce_RuntimeException, &error_handling); ce = ce ? ce : source->info_class; zend_update_class_constants(ce); intern = spl_filesystem_from_obj(spl_filesystem_object_new_ex(ce)); ZVAL_OBJ(return_value, &intern->std); if (ce->constructor->common.scope != spl_ce_SplFileInfo) { ZVAL_STRINGL(&arg1, file_path, file_path_len); zend_call_method_with_1_params(return_value, ce, &ce->constructor, "__construct", NULL, &arg1); zval_ptr_dtor(&arg1); } else { spl_filesystem_info_set_filename(intern, file_path, file_path_len, use_copy); } zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); return intern; } /* }}} */ static spl_filesystem_object *spl_filesystem_object_create_type(int ht, spl_filesystem_object *source, int type, zend_class_entry *ce, zval *return_value) /* {{{ */ { spl_filesystem_object *intern; zend_bool use_include_path = 0; zval arg1, arg2; zend_error_handling error_handling; zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, spl_ce_RuntimeException, &error_handling); switch (source->type) { case SPL_FS_INFO: case SPL_FS_FILE: break; case SPL_FS_DIR: if (!source->u.dir.entry.d_name[0]) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Could not open file"); zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); return NULL; } } switch (type) { case SPL_FS_INFO: ce = ce ? ce : source->info_class; zend_update_class_constants(ce); intern = spl_filesystem_from_obj(spl_filesystem_object_new_ex(ce)); ZVAL_OBJ(return_value, &intern->std); spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(source); if (ce->constructor->common.scope != spl_ce_SplFileInfo) { ZVAL_STRINGL(&arg1, source->file_name, source->file_name_len); zend_call_method_with_1_params(return_value, ce, &ce->constructor, "__construct", NULL, &arg1); zval_ptr_dtor(&arg1); } else { intern->file_name = estrndup(source->file_name, source->file_name_len); intern->file_name_len = source->file_name_len; intern->_path = spl_filesystem_object_get_path(source, &intern->_path_len); intern->_path = estrndup(intern->_path, intern->_path_len); } break; case SPL_FS_FILE: ce = ce ? ce : source->file_class; zend_update_class_constants(ce); intern = spl_filesystem_from_obj(spl_filesystem_object_new_ex(ce)); ZVAL_OBJ(return_value, &intern->std); spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(source); if (ce->constructor->common.scope != spl_ce_SplFileObject) { ZVAL_STRINGL(&arg1, source->file_name, source->file_name_len); ZVAL_STRINGL(&arg2, "r", 1); zend_call_method_with_2_params(return_value, ce, &ce->constructor, "__construct", NULL, &arg1, &arg2); zval_ptr_dtor(&arg1); zval_ptr_dtor(&arg2); } else { intern->file_name = source->file_name; intern->file_name_len = source->file_name_len; intern->_path = spl_filesystem_object_get_path(source, &intern->_path_len); intern->_path = estrndup(intern->_path, intern->_path_len); intern->u.file.open_mode = "r"; intern->u.file.open_mode_len = 1; if (ht && zend_parse_parameters(ht, "|sbr", &intern->u.file.open_mode, &intern->u.file.open_mode_len, &use_include_path, &intern->u.file.zcontext) == FAILURE) { zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); intern->u.file.open_mode = NULL; intern->file_name = NULL; zval_ptr_dtor(return_value); ZVAL_NULL(return_value); return NULL; } if (spl_filesystem_file_open(intern, use_include_path, 0) == FAILURE) { zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); zval_ptr_dtor(return_value); ZVAL_NULL(return_value); return NULL; } } break; case SPL_FS_DIR: zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Operation not supported"); return NULL; } zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); return NULL; } /* }}} */ static int spl_filesystem_is_invalid_or_dot(const char * d_name) /* {{{ */ { return d_name[0] == '\0' || spl_filesystem_is_dot(d_name); } /* }}} */ static char *spl_filesystem_object_get_pathname(spl_filesystem_object *intern, size_t *len) { /* {{{ */ switch (intern->type) { case SPL_FS_INFO: case SPL_FS_FILE: *len = intern->file_name_len; return intern->file_name; case SPL_FS_DIR: if (intern->u.dir.entry.d_name[0]) { spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(intern); *len = intern->file_name_len; return intern->file_name; } } *len = 0; return NULL; } /* }}} */ static HashTable *spl_filesystem_object_get_debug_info(zval *object, int *is_temp) /* {{{ */ { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(object); zval tmp; HashTable *rv; zend_string *pnstr; char *path; size_t path_len; char stmp[2]; *is_temp = 1; if (!intern->std.properties) { rebuild_object_properties(&intern->std); } ALLOC_HASHTABLE(rv); zend_array_dup(rv, intern->std.properties); pnstr = spl_gen_private_prop_name(spl_ce_SplFileInfo, "pathName", sizeof("pathName")-1); path = spl_filesystem_object_get_pathname(intern, &path_len); ZVAL_STRINGL(&tmp, path, path_len); zend_symtable_update(rv, pnstr, &tmp); zend_string_release(pnstr); if (intern->file_name) { pnstr = spl_gen_private_prop_name(spl_ce_SplFileInfo, "fileName", sizeof("fileName")-1); spl_filesystem_object_get_path(intern, &path_len); if (path_len && path_len < intern->file_name_len) { ZVAL_STRINGL(&tmp, intern->file_name + path_len + 1, intern->file_name_len - (path_len + 1)); } else { ZVAL_STRINGL(&tmp, intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len); } zend_symtable_update(rv, pnstr, &tmp); zend_string_release(pnstr); } if (intern->type == SPL_FS_DIR) { #ifdef HAVE_GLOB pnstr = spl_gen_private_prop_name(spl_ce_DirectoryIterator, "glob", sizeof("glob")-1); if (php_stream_is(intern->u.dir.dirp ,&php_glob_stream_ops)) { ZVAL_STRINGL(&tmp, intern->_path, intern->_path_len); } else { ZVAL_FALSE(&tmp); } zend_symtable_update(rv, pnstr, &tmp); zend_string_release(pnstr); #endif pnstr = spl_gen_private_prop_name(spl_ce_RecursiveDirectoryIterator, "subPathName", sizeof("subPathName")-1); if (intern->u.dir.sub_path) { ZVAL_STRINGL(&tmp, intern->u.dir.sub_path, intern->u.dir.sub_path_len); } else { ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(&tmp); } zend_symtable_update(rv, pnstr, &tmp); zend_string_release(pnstr); } if (intern->type == SPL_FS_FILE) { pnstr = spl_gen_private_prop_name(spl_ce_SplFileObject, "openMode", sizeof("openMode")-1); ZVAL_STRINGL(&tmp, intern->u.file.open_mode, intern->u.file.open_mode_len); zend_symtable_update(rv, pnstr, &tmp); zend_string_release(pnstr); stmp[1] = '\0'; stmp[0] = intern->u.file.delimiter; pnstr = spl_gen_private_prop_name(spl_ce_SplFileObject, "delimiter", sizeof("delimiter")-1); ZVAL_STRINGL(&tmp, stmp, 1); zend_symtable_update(rv, pnstr, &tmp); zend_string_release(pnstr); stmp[0] = intern->u.file.enclosure; pnstr = spl_gen_private_prop_name(spl_ce_SplFileObject, "enclosure", sizeof("enclosure")-1); ZVAL_STRINGL(&tmp, stmp, 1); zend_symtable_update(rv, pnstr, &tmp); zend_string_release(pnstr); } return rv; } /* }}} */ zend_function *spl_filesystem_object_get_method_check(zend_object **object, zend_string *method, const zval *key) /* {{{ */ { spl_filesystem_object *fsobj = spl_filesystem_from_obj(*object); if (fsobj->u.dir.entry.d_name[0] == '\0' && fsobj->orig_path == NULL) { zend_function *func; zend_string *tmp = zend_string_init("_bad_state_ex", sizeof("_bad_state_ex") - 1, 0); func = zend_get_std_object_handlers()->get_method(object, tmp, NULL); zend_string_release(tmp); return func; } return zend_get_std_object_handlers()->get_method(object, method, key); } /* }}} */ #define DIT_CTOR_FLAGS 0x00000001 #define DIT_CTOR_GLOB 0x00000002 void spl_filesystem_object_construct(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, zend_long ctor_flags) /* {{{ */ { spl_filesystem_object *intern; char *path; size_t parsed, len; zend_long flags; zend_error_handling error_handling; zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, spl_ce_UnexpectedValueException, &error_handling); if (SPL_HAS_FLAG(ctor_flags, DIT_CTOR_FLAGS)) { flags = SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_AS_PATHNAME|SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO; parsed = zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "s|l", &path, &len, &flags); } else { flags = SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_AS_PATHNAME|SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_SELF; parsed = zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "s", &path, &len); } if (SPL_HAS_FLAG(ctor_flags, SPL_FILE_DIR_SKIPDOTS)) { flags |= SPL_FILE_DIR_SKIPDOTS; } if (SPL_HAS_FLAG(ctor_flags, SPL_FILE_DIR_UNIXPATHS)) { flags |= SPL_FILE_DIR_UNIXPATHS; } if (parsed == FAILURE) { zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); return; } if (!len) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Directory name must not be empty."); zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); return; } intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (intern->_path) { /* object is alreay initialized */ zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Directory object is already initialized"); return; } intern->flags = flags; #ifdef HAVE_GLOB if (SPL_HAS_FLAG(ctor_flags, DIT_CTOR_GLOB) && strstr(path, "glob://") != path) { spprintf(&path, 0, "glob://%s", path); spl_filesystem_dir_open(intern, path); efree(path); } else #endif { spl_filesystem_dir_open(intern, path); } intern->u.dir.is_recursive = instanceof_function(intern->std.ce, spl_ce_RecursiveDirectoryIterator) ? 1 : 0; zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void DirectoryIterator::__construct(string path) Cronstructs a new dir iterator from a path. */ SPL_METHOD(DirectoryIterator, __construct) { spl_filesystem_object_construct(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void DirectoryIterator::rewind() Rewind dir back to the start */ SPL_METHOD(DirectoryIterator, rewind) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } intern->u.dir.index = 0; if (intern->u.dir.dirp) { php_stream_rewinddir(intern->u.dir.dirp); } spl_filesystem_dir_read(intern); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string DirectoryIterator::key() Return current dir entry */ SPL_METHOD(DirectoryIterator, key) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } if (intern->u.dir.dirp) { RETURN_LONG(intern->u.dir.index); } else { RETURN_FALSE; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto DirectoryIterator DirectoryIterator::current() Return this (needed for Iterator interface) */ SPL_METHOD(DirectoryIterator, current) { if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } RETURN_ZVAL(getThis(), 1, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void DirectoryIterator::next() Move to next entry */ SPL_METHOD(DirectoryIterator, next) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); int skip_dots = SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_DIR_SKIPDOTS); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } intern->u.dir.index++; do { spl_filesystem_dir_read(intern); } while (skip_dots && spl_filesystem_is_dot(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name)); if (intern->file_name) { efree(intern->file_name); intern->file_name = NULL; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void DirectoryIterator::seek(int position) Seek to the given position */ SPL_METHOD(DirectoryIterator, seek) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); zval retval; zend_long pos; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &pos) == FAILURE) { return; } if (intern->u.dir.index > pos) { /* we first rewind */ zend_call_method_with_0_params(&EX(This), Z_OBJCE(EX(This)), &intern->u.dir.func_rewind, "rewind", NULL); } while (intern->u.dir.index < pos) { int valid = 0; zend_call_method_with_0_params(&EX(This), Z_OBJCE(EX(This)), &intern->u.dir.func_valid, "valid", &retval); if (!Z_ISUNDEF(retval)) { valid = zend_is_true(&retval); zval_ptr_dtor(&retval); } if (!valid) { break; } zend_call_method_with_0_params(&EX(This), Z_OBJCE(EX(This)), &intern->u.dir.func_next, "next", NULL); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string DirectoryIterator::valid() Check whether dir contains more entries */ SPL_METHOD(DirectoryIterator, valid) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } RETURN_BOOL(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name[0] != '\0'); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string SplFileInfo::getPath() Return the path */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, getPath) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); char *path; size_t path_len; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } path = spl_filesystem_object_get_path(intern, &path_len); RETURN_STRINGL(path, path_len); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string SplFileInfo::getFilename() Return filename only */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, getFilename) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); size_t path_len; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } spl_filesystem_object_get_path(intern, &path_len); if (path_len && path_len < intern->file_name_len) { RETURN_STRINGL(intern->file_name + path_len + 1, intern->file_name_len - (path_len + 1)); } else { RETURN_STRINGL(intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string DirectoryIterator::getFilename() Return filename of current dir entry */ SPL_METHOD(DirectoryIterator, getFilename) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } RETURN_STRING(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string SplFileInfo::getExtension() Returns file extension component of path */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, getExtension) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); char *fname = NULL; const char *p; size_t flen; size_t path_len; int idx; zend_string *ret; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } spl_filesystem_object_get_path(intern, &path_len); if (path_len && path_len < intern->file_name_len) { fname = intern->file_name + path_len + 1; flen = intern->file_name_len - (path_len + 1); } else { fname = intern->file_name; flen = intern->file_name_len; } ret = php_basename(fname, flen, NULL, 0); p = zend_memrchr(ret->val, '.', ret->len); if (p) { assert(p > ret->val); idx = (int)(p - ret->val); RETVAL_STRINGL(ret->val + idx + 1, ret->len - idx - 1); zend_string_release(ret); return; } else { zend_string_release(ret); RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } } /* }}}*/ /* {{{ proto string DirectoryIterator::getExtension() Returns the file extension component of path */ SPL_METHOD(DirectoryIterator, getExtension) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); const char *p; int idx; zend_string *fname; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } fname = php_basename(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name, strlen(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name), NULL, 0); p = zend_memrchr(fname->val, '.', fname->len); if (p) { assert(p > fname->val); idx = (int)(p - fname->val); RETVAL_STRINGL(fname->val + idx + 1, fname->len - idx - 1); zend_string_release(fname); } else { zend_string_release(fname); RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string SplFileInfo::getBasename([string $suffix]) U Returns filename component of path */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, getBasename) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); char *fname, *suffix = 0; size_t flen; size_t slen = 0, path_len; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "|s", &suffix, &slen) == FAILURE) { return; } spl_filesystem_object_get_path(intern, &path_len); if (path_len && path_len < intern->file_name_len) { fname = intern->file_name + path_len + 1; flen = intern->file_name_len - (path_len + 1); } else { fname = intern->file_name; flen = intern->file_name_len; } RETURN_STR(php_basename(fname, flen, suffix, slen)); } /* }}}*/ /* {{{ proto string DirectoryIterator::getBasename([string $suffix]) U Returns filename component of current dir entry */ SPL_METHOD(DirectoryIterator, getBasename) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); char *suffix = 0; size_t slen = 0; zend_string *fname; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "|s", &suffix, &slen) == FAILURE) { return; } fname = php_basename(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name, strlen(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name), suffix, slen); RETVAL_STR(fname); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string SplFileInfo::getPathname() Return path and filename */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, getPathname) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); char *path; size_t path_len; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } path = spl_filesystem_object_get_pathname(intern, &path_len); if (path != NULL) { RETURN_STRINGL(path, path_len); } else { RETURN_FALSE; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string FilesystemIterator::key() Return getPathname() or getFilename() depending on flags */ SPL_METHOD(FilesystemIterator, key) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } if (SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY(intern, SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_AS_FILENAME)) { RETURN_STRING(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name); } else { spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(intern); RETURN_STRINGL(intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string FilesystemIterator::current() Return getFilename(), getFileInfo() or $this depending on flags */ SPL_METHOD(FilesystemIterator, current) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } if (SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT(intern, SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME)) { spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(intern); RETURN_STRINGL(intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len); } else if (SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT(intern, SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO)) { spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(intern); spl_filesystem_object_create_type(0, intern, SPL_FS_INFO, NULL, return_value); } else { RETURN_ZVAL(getThis(), 1, 0); /*RETURN_STRING(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name, 1);*/ } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool DirectoryIterator::isDot() Returns true if current entry is '.' or '..' */ SPL_METHOD(DirectoryIterator, isDot) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } RETURN_BOOL(spl_filesystem_is_dot(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void SplFileInfo::__construct(string file_name) Cronstructs a new SplFileInfo from a path. */ /* zend_replace_error_handling() is used to throw exceptions in case the constructor fails. Here we use this to ensure the object has a valid directory resource. When the constructor gets called the object is already created by the engine, so we must only call 'additional' initializations. */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, __construct) { spl_filesystem_object *intern; char *path; size_t len; zend_error_handling error_handling; zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, spl_ce_RuntimeException, &error_handling); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "s", &path, &len) == FAILURE) { zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); return; } intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); spl_filesystem_info_set_filename(intern, path, len, 1); zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); /* intern->type = SPL_FS_INFO; already set */ } /* }}} */ /* {{{ FileInfoFunction */ #define FileInfoFunction(func_name, func_num) \ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, func_name) \ { \ spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); \ zend_error_handling error_handling; \ if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { \ return; \ } \ \ zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, spl_ce_RuntimeException, &error_handling);\ spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(intern); \ php_stat(intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len, func_num, return_value); \ zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); \ } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileInfo::getPerms() Get file permissions */ FileInfoFunction(getPerms, FS_PERMS) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileInfo::getInode() Get file inode */ FileInfoFunction(getInode, FS_INODE) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileInfo::getSize() Get file size */ FileInfoFunction(getSize, FS_SIZE) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileInfo::getOwner() Get file owner */ FileInfoFunction(getOwner, FS_OWNER) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileInfo::getGroup() Get file group */ FileInfoFunction(getGroup, FS_GROUP) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileInfo::getATime() Get last access time of file */ FileInfoFunction(getATime, FS_ATIME) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileInfo::getMTime() Get last modification time of file */ FileInfoFunction(getMTime, FS_MTIME) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileInfo::getCTime() Get inode modification time of file */ FileInfoFunction(getCTime, FS_CTIME) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string SplFileInfo::getType() Get file type */ FileInfoFunction(getType, FS_TYPE) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool SplFileInfo::isWritable() Returns true if file can be written */ FileInfoFunction(isWritable, FS_IS_W) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool SplFileInfo::isReadable() Returns true if file can be read */ FileInfoFunction(isReadable, FS_IS_R) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool SplFileInfo::isExecutable() Returns true if file is executable */ FileInfoFunction(isExecutable, FS_IS_X) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool SplFileInfo::isFile() Returns true if file is a regular file */ FileInfoFunction(isFile, FS_IS_FILE) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool SplFileInfo::isDir() Returns true if file is directory */ FileInfoFunction(isDir, FS_IS_DIR) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool SplFileInfo::isLink() Returns true if file is symbolic link */ FileInfoFunction(isLink, FS_IS_LINK) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string SplFileInfo::getLinkTarget() U Return the target of a symbolic link */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, getLinkTarget) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); int ret; char buff[MAXPATHLEN]; zend_error_handling error_handling; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, spl_ce_RuntimeException, &error_handling); #if defined(PHP_WIN32) || HAVE_SYMLINK if (intern->file_name == NULL) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Empty filename"); RETURN_FALSE; } else if (!IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len)) { char expanded_path[MAXPATHLEN]; if (!expand_filepath_with_mode(intern->file_name, expanded_path, NULL, 0, CWD_EXPAND )) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "No such file or directory"); RETURN_FALSE; } ret = php_sys_readlink(expanded_path, buff, MAXPATHLEN - 1); } else { ret = php_sys_readlink(intern->file_name, buff, MAXPATHLEN-1); } #else ret = -1; /* always fail if not implemented */ #endif if (ret == -1) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Unable to read link %s, error: %s", intern->file_name, strerror(errno)); RETVAL_FALSE; } else { /* Append NULL to the end of the string */ buff[ret] = '\0'; RETVAL_STRINGL(buff, ret); } zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); } /* }}} */ #if (!defined(__BEOS__) && !defined(NETWARE) && HAVE_REALPATH) || defined(ZTS) /* {{{ proto string SplFileInfo::getRealPath() Return the resolved path */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, getRealPath) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); char buff[MAXPATHLEN]; char *filename; zend_error_handling error_handling; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, spl_ce_RuntimeException, &error_handling); if (intern->type == SPL_FS_DIR && !intern->file_name && intern->u.dir.entry.d_name[0]) { spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(intern); } if (intern->orig_path) { filename = intern->orig_path; } else { filename = intern->file_name; } if (filename && VCWD_REALPATH(filename, buff)) { #ifdef ZTS if (VCWD_ACCESS(buff, F_OK)) { RETVAL_FALSE; } else #endif RETVAL_STRING(buff); } else { RETVAL_FALSE; } zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); } /* }}} */ #endif /* {{{ proto SplFileObject SplFileInfo::openFile([string mode = 'r' [, bool use_include_path [, resource context]]]) Open the current file */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, openFile) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); spl_filesystem_object_create_type(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), intern, SPL_FS_FILE, NULL, return_value); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void SplFileInfo::setFileClass([string class_name]) Class to use in openFile() */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, setFileClass) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); zend_class_entry *ce = spl_ce_SplFileObject; zend_error_handling error_handling; zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, spl_ce_UnexpectedValueException, &error_handling); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "|C", &ce) == SUCCESS) { intern->file_class = ce; } zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void SplFileInfo::setInfoClass([string class_name]) Class to use in getFileInfo(), getPathInfo() */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, setInfoClass) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); zend_class_entry *ce = spl_ce_SplFileInfo; zend_error_handling error_handling; zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, spl_ce_UnexpectedValueException, &error_handling ); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "|C", &ce) == SUCCESS) { intern->info_class = ce; } zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto SplFileInfo SplFileInfo::getFileInfo([string $class_name]) Get/copy file info */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, getFileInfo) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); zend_class_entry *ce = intern->info_class; zend_error_handling error_handling; zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, spl_ce_UnexpectedValueException, &error_handling); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "|C", &ce) == SUCCESS) { spl_filesystem_object_create_type(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), intern, SPL_FS_INFO, ce, return_value); } zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto SplFileInfo SplFileInfo::getPathInfo([string $class_name]) Get/copy file info */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, getPathInfo) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); zend_class_entry *ce = intern->info_class; zend_error_handling error_handling; zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, spl_ce_UnexpectedValueException, &error_handling); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "|C", &ce) == SUCCESS) { size_t path_len; char *path = spl_filesystem_object_get_pathname(intern, &path_len); if (path) { char *dpath = estrndup(path, path_len); path_len = php_dirname(dpath, path_len); spl_filesystem_object_create_info(intern, dpath, (int)path_len, 1, ce, return_value); efree(dpath); } } zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto SplFileInfo::_bad_state_ex(void) */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileInfo, _bad_state_ex) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_LogicException, 0, "The parent constructor was not called: the object is in an " "invalid state "); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void FilesystemIterator::__construct(string path [, int flags]) Cronstructs a new dir iterator from a path. */ SPL_METHOD(FilesystemIterator, __construct) { spl_filesystem_object_construct(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, DIT_CTOR_FLAGS | SPL_FILE_DIR_SKIPDOTS); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void FilesystemIterator::rewind() Rewind dir back to the start */ SPL_METHOD(FilesystemIterator, rewind) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); int skip_dots = SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_DIR_SKIPDOTS); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } intern->u.dir.index = 0; if (intern->u.dir.dirp) { php_stream_rewinddir(intern->u.dir.dirp); } do { spl_filesystem_dir_read(intern); } while (skip_dots && spl_filesystem_is_dot(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int FilesystemIterator::getFlags() Get handling flags */ SPL_METHOD(FilesystemIterator, getFlags) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } RETURN_LONG(intern->flags & (SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_MODE_MASK | SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_MODE_MASK | SPL_FILE_DIR_OTHERS_MASK)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void FilesystemIterator::setFlags(long $flags) Set handling flags */ SPL_METHOD(FilesystemIterator, setFlags) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); zend_long flags; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &flags) == FAILURE) { return; } intern->flags &= ~(SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_MODE_MASK|SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_MODE_MASK|SPL_FILE_DIR_OTHERS_MASK); intern->flags |= ((SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_MODE_MASK|SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_MODE_MASK|SPL_FILE_DIR_OTHERS_MASK) & flags); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RecursiveDirectoryIterator::hasChildren([bool $allow_links = false]) Returns whether current entry is a directory and not '.' or '..' */ SPL_METHOD(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, hasChildren) { zend_bool allow_links = 0; spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "|b", &allow_links) == FAILURE) { return; } if (spl_filesystem_is_invalid_or_dot(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name)) { RETURN_FALSE; } else { spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(intern); if (!allow_links && !(intern->flags & SPL_FILE_DIR_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS)) { php_stat(intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len, FS_IS_LINK, return_value); if (zend_is_true(return_value)) { RETURN_FALSE; } } php_stat(intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len, FS_IS_DIR, return_value); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RecursiveDirectoryIterator DirectoryIterator::getChildren() Returns an iterator for the current entry if it is a directory */ SPL_METHOD(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, getChildren) { zval zpath, zflags; spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); spl_filesystem_object *subdir; char slash = SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_DIR_UNIXPATHS) ? '/' : DEFAULT_SLASH; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(intern); ZVAL_LONG(&zflags, intern->flags); ZVAL_STRINGL(&zpath, intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len); spl_instantiate_arg_ex2(Z_OBJCE_P(getThis()), return_value, &zpath, &zflags); zval_ptr_dtor(&zpath); zval_ptr_dtor(&zflags); subdir = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(return_value); if (subdir) { if (intern->u.dir.sub_path && intern->u.dir.sub_path[0]) { subdir->u.dir.sub_path_len = (int)spprintf(&subdir->u.dir.sub_path, 0, "%s%c%s", intern->u.dir.sub_path, slash, intern->u.dir.entry.d_name); } else { subdir->u.dir.sub_path_len = (int)strlen(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name); subdir->u.dir.sub_path = estrndup(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name, subdir->u.dir.sub_path_len); } subdir->info_class = intern->info_class; subdir->file_class = intern->file_class; subdir->oth = intern->oth; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void RecursiveDirectoryIterator::getSubPath() Get sub path */ SPL_METHOD(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, getSubPath) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } if (intern->u.dir.sub_path) { RETURN_STRINGL(intern->u.dir.sub_path, intern->u.dir.sub_path_len); } else { RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void RecursiveDirectoryIterator::getSubPathname() Get sub path and file name */ SPL_METHOD(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, getSubPathname) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); char *sub_name; size_t len; char slash = SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_DIR_UNIXPATHS) ? '/' : DEFAULT_SLASH; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } if (intern->u.dir.sub_path) { len = spprintf(&sub_name, 0, "%s%c%s", intern->u.dir.sub_path, slash, intern->u.dir.entry.d_name); RETVAL_STRINGL(sub_name, len); efree(sub_name); } else { RETURN_STRING(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(string path [, int flags]) Cronstructs a new dir iterator from a path. */ SPL_METHOD(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, __construct) { spl_filesystem_object_construct(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, DIT_CTOR_FLAGS); } /* }}} */ #ifdef HAVE_GLOB /* {{{ proto int GlobIterator::__construct(string path [, int flags]) Cronstructs a new dir iterator from a glob expression (no glob:// needed). */ SPL_METHOD(GlobIterator, __construct) { spl_filesystem_object_construct(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, DIT_CTOR_FLAGS|DIT_CTOR_GLOB); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int GlobIterator::cont() Return the number of directories and files found by globbing */ SPL_METHOD(GlobIterator, count) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } if (intern->u.dir.dirp && php_stream_is(intern->u.dir.dirp ,&php_glob_stream_ops)) { RETURN_LONG(php_glob_stream_get_count(intern->u.dir.dirp, NULL)); } else { /* should not happen */ php_error_docref(NULL, E_ERROR, "GlobIterator lost glob state"); } } /* }}} */ #endif /* HAVE_GLOB */ /* {{{ forward declarations to the iterator handlers */ static void spl_filesystem_dir_it_dtor(zend_object_iterator *iter); static int spl_filesystem_dir_it_valid(zend_object_iterator *iter); static zval *spl_filesystem_dir_it_current_data(zend_object_iterator *iter); static void spl_filesystem_dir_it_current_key(zend_object_iterator *iter, zval *key); static void spl_filesystem_dir_it_move_forward(zend_object_iterator *iter); static void spl_filesystem_dir_it_rewind(zend_object_iterator *iter); /* iterator handler table */ zend_object_iterator_funcs spl_filesystem_dir_it_funcs = { spl_filesystem_dir_it_dtor, spl_filesystem_dir_it_valid, spl_filesystem_dir_it_current_data, spl_filesystem_dir_it_current_key, spl_filesystem_dir_it_move_forward, spl_filesystem_dir_it_rewind }; /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_ce_dir_get_iterator */ zend_object_iterator *spl_filesystem_dir_get_iterator(zend_class_entry *ce, zval *object, int by_ref) { spl_filesystem_iterator *iterator; spl_filesystem_object *dir_object; if (by_ref) { zend_error(E_ERROR, "An iterator cannot be used with foreach by reference"); } dir_object = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(object); iterator = spl_filesystem_object_to_iterator(dir_object); ZVAL_COPY(&iterator->intern.data, object); iterator->intern.funcs = &spl_filesystem_dir_it_funcs; /* ->current must be initialized; rewind doesn't set it and valid * doesn't check whether it's set */ iterator->current = *object; return &iterator->intern; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_dir_it_dtor */ static void spl_filesystem_dir_it_dtor(zend_object_iterator *iter) { spl_filesystem_iterator *iterator = (spl_filesystem_iterator *)iter; if (!Z_ISUNDEF(iterator->intern.data)) { zval *object = &iterator->intern.data; zval_ptr_dtor(object); } /* Otherwise we were called from the owning object free storage handler as * it sets * iterator->intern.data to NULL. * We don't even need to destroy iterator->current as we didn't add a * reference to it in move_forward or get_iterator */ } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_dir_it_valid */ static int spl_filesystem_dir_it_valid(zend_object_iterator *iter) { spl_filesystem_object *object = spl_filesystem_iterator_to_object((spl_filesystem_iterator *)iter); return object->u.dir.entry.d_name[0] != '\0' ? SUCCESS : FAILURE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_dir_it_current_data */ static zval *spl_filesystem_dir_it_current_data(zend_object_iterator *iter) { spl_filesystem_iterator *iterator = (spl_filesystem_iterator *)iter; return &iterator->current; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_dir_it_current_key */ static void spl_filesystem_dir_it_current_key(zend_object_iterator *iter, zval *key) { spl_filesystem_object *object = spl_filesystem_iterator_to_object((spl_filesystem_iterator *)iter); ZVAL_LONG(key, object->u.dir.index); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_dir_it_move_forward */ static void spl_filesystem_dir_it_move_forward(zend_object_iterator *iter) { spl_filesystem_object *object = spl_filesystem_iterator_to_object((spl_filesystem_iterator *)iter); object->u.dir.index++; spl_filesystem_dir_read(object); if (object->file_name) { efree(object->file_name); object->file_name = NULL; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_dir_it_rewind */ static void spl_filesystem_dir_it_rewind(zend_object_iterator *iter) { spl_filesystem_object *object = spl_filesystem_iterator_to_object((spl_filesystem_iterator *)iter); object->u.dir.index = 0; if (object->u.dir.dirp) { php_stream_rewinddir(object->u.dir.dirp); } spl_filesystem_dir_read(object); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_tree_it_dtor */ static void spl_filesystem_tree_it_dtor(zend_object_iterator *iter) { spl_filesystem_iterator *iterator = (spl_filesystem_iterator *)iter; if (!Z_ISUNDEF(iterator->intern.data)) { zval *object = &iterator->intern.data; zval_ptr_dtor(object); } else { if (!Z_ISUNDEF(iterator->current)) { zval_ptr_dtor(&iterator->current); ZVAL_UNDEF(&iterator->current); } } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_tree_it_current_data */ static zval *spl_filesystem_tree_it_current_data(zend_object_iterator *iter) { spl_filesystem_iterator *iterator = (spl_filesystem_iterator *)iter; spl_filesystem_object *object = spl_filesystem_iterator_to_object(iterator); if (SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT(object, SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME)) { if (Z_ISUNDEF(iterator->current)) { spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(object); ZVAL_STRINGL(&iterator->current, object->file_name, object->file_name_len); } return &iterator->current; } else if (SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT(object, SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO)) { if (Z_ISUNDEF(iterator->current)) { spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(object); spl_filesystem_object_create_type(0, object, SPL_FS_INFO, NULL, &iterator->current); } return &iterator->current; } else { return &iterator->intern.data; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_tree_it_current_key */ static void spl_filesystem_tree_it_current_key(zend_object_iterator *iter, zval *key) { spl_filesystem_object *object = spl_filesystem_iterator_to_object((spl_filesystem_iterator *)iter); if (SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY(object, SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_AS_FILENAME)) { ZVAL_STRING(key, object->u.dir.entry.d_name); } else { spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(object); ZVAL_STRINGL(key, object->file_name, object->file_name_len); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_tree_it_move_forward */ static void spl_filesystem_tree_it_move_forward(zend_object_iterator *iter) { spl_filesystem_iterator *iterator = (spl_filesystem_iterator *)iter; spl_filesystem_object *object = spl_filesystem_iterator_to_object(iterator); object->u.dir.index++; do { spl_filesystem_dir_read(object); } while (spl_filesystem_is_dot(object->u.dir.entry.d_name)); if (object->file_name) { efree(object->file_name); object->file_name = NULL; } if (!Z_ISUNDEF(iterator->current)) { zval_ptr_dtor(&iterator->current); ZVAL_UNDEF(&iterator->current); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_tree_it_rewind */ static void spl_filesystem_tree_it_rewind(zend_object_iterator *iter) { spl_filesystem_iterator *iterator = (spl_filesystem_iterator *)iter; spl_filesystem_object *object = spl_filesystem_iterator_to_object(iterator); object->u.dir.index = 0; if (object->u.dir.dirp) { php_stream_rewinddir(object->u.dir.dirp); } do { spl_filesystem_dir_read(object); } while (spl_filesystem_is_dot(object->u.dir.entry.d_name)); if (!Z_ISUNDEF(iterator->current)) { zval_ptr_dtor(&iterator->current); ZVAL_UNDEF(&iterator->current); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ iterator handler table */ zend_object_iterator_funcs spl_filesystem_tree_it_funcs = { spl_filesystem_tree_it_dtor, spl_filesystem_dir_it_valid, spl_filesystem_tree_it_current_data, spl_filesystem_tree_it_current_key, spl_filesystem_tree_it_move_forward, spl_filesystem_tree_it_rewind }; /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_ce_dir_get_iterator */ zend_object_iterator *spl_filesystem_tree_get_iterator(zend_class_entry *ce, zval *object, int by_ref) { spl_filesystem_iterator *iterator; spl_filesystem_object *dir_object; if (by_ref) { zend_error(E_ERROR, "An iterator cannot be used with foreach by reference"); } dir_object = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(object); iterator = spl_filesystem_object_to_iterator(dir_object); ZVAL_COPY(&iterator->intern.data, object); iterator->intern.funcs = &spl_filesystem_tree_it_funcs; return &iterator->intern; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_filesystem_object_cast */ static int spl_filesystem_object_cast(zval *readobj, zval *writeobj, int type) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(readobj); if (type == IS_STRING) { if (Z_OBJCE_P(readobj)->__tostring) { return std_object_handlers.cast_object(readobj, writeobj, type); } switch (intern->type) { case SPL_FS_INFO: case SPL_FS_FILE: if (readobj == writeobj) { zval retval; zval *retval_ptr = &retval; ZVAL_STRINGL(retval_ptr, intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len); zval_dtor(readobj); ZVAL_ZVAL(writeobj, retval_ptr, 0, 0); } else { ZVAL_STRINGL(writeobj, intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len); } return SUCCESS; case SPL_FS_DIR: if (readobj == writeobj) { zval retval; zval *retval_ptr = &retval; ZVAL_STRING(retval_ptr, intern->u.dir.entry.d_name); zval_dtor(readobj); ZVAL_ZVAL(writeobj, retval_ptr, 0, 0); } else { ZVAL_STRING(writeobj, intern->u.dir.entry.d_name); } return SUCCESS; } } else if (type == _IS_BOOL) { ZVAL_TRUE(writeobj); return SUCCESS; } if (readobj == writeobj) { zval_dtor(readobj); } ZVAL_NULL(writeobj); return FAILURE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ declare method parameters */ /* supply a name and default to call by parameter */ ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO(arginfo_info___construct, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, file_name) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_info_openFile, 0, 0, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, open_mode) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, use_include_path) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, context) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_info_optinalFileClass, 0, 0, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, class_name) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_optinalSuffix, 0, 0, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, suffix) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO(arginfo_splfileinfo_void, 0) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() /* the method table */ /* each method can have its own parameters and visibility */ static const zend_function_entry spl_SplFileInfo_functions[] = { SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, __construct, arginfo_info___construct, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getPath, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getFilename, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getExtension, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getBasename, arginfo_optinalSuffix, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getPathname, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getPerms, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getInode, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getSize, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getOwner, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getGroup, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getATime, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getMTime, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getCTime, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getType, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, isWritable, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, isReadable, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, isExecutable, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, isFile, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, isDir, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, isLink, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getLinkTarget, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) #if (!defined(__BEOS__) && !defined(NETWARE) && HAVE_REALPATH) || defined(ZTS) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getRealPath, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) #endif SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getFileInfo, arginfo_info_optinalFileClass, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, getPathInfo, arginfo_info_optinalFileClass, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, openFile, arginfo_info_openFile, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, setFileClass, arginfo_info_optinalFileClass, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, setInfoClass, arginfo_info_optinalFileClass, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileInfo, _bad_state_ex, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC|ZEND_ACC_FINAL) SPL_MA(SplFileInfo, __toString, SplFileInfo, getPathname, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END }; ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO(arginfo_dir___construct, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, path) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO(arginfo_dir_it_seek, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, position) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO(); /* the method table */ /* each method can have its own parameters and visibility */ static const zend_function_entry spl_DirectoryIterator_functions[] = { SPL_ME(DirectoryIterator, __construct, arginfo_dir___construct, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(DirectoryIterator, getFilename, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(DirectoryIterator, getExtension, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(DirectoryIterator, getBasename, arginfo_optinalSuffix, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(DirectoryIterator, isDot, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(DirectoryIterator, rewind, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(DirectoryIterator, valid, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(DirectoryIterator, key, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(DirectoryIterator, current, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(DirectoryIterator, next, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(DirectoryIterator, seek, arginfo_dir_it_seek, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_MA(DirectoryIterator, __toString, DirectoryIterator, getFilename, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END }; ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_r_dir___construct, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, path) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, flags) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_r_dir_hasChildren, 0, 0, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, allow_links) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_r_dir_setFlags, 0, 0, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, flags) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() static const zend_function_entry spl_FilesystemIterator_functions[] = { SPL_ME(FilesystemIterator, __construct, arginfo_r_dir___construct, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(FilesystemIterator, rewind, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(DirectoryIterator, next, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(FilesystemIterator, key, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(FilesystemIterator, current, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(FilesystemIterator, getFlags, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(FilesystemIterator, setFlags, arginfo_r_dir_setFlags, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END }; static const zend_function_entry spl_RecursiveDirectoryIterator_functions[] = { SPL_ME(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, __construct, arginfo_r_dir___construct, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, hasChildren, arginfo_r_dir_hasChildren, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, getChildren, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, getSubPath, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, getSubPathname,arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END }; #ifdef HAVE_GLOB static const zend_function_entry spl_GlobIterator_functions[] = { SPL_ME(GlobIterator, __construct, arginfo_r_dir___construct, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(GlobIterator, count, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END }; #endif /* }}} */ static int spl_filesystem_file_read(spl_filesystem_object *intern, int silent) /* {{{ */ { char *buf; size_t line_len = 0; zend_long line_add = (intern->u.file.current_line || !Z_ISUNDEF(intern->u.file.current_zval)) ? 1 : 0; spl_filesystem_file_free_line(intern); if (php_stream_eof(intern->u.file.stream)) { if (!silent) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Cannot read from file %s", intern->file_name); } return FAILURE; } if (intern->u.file.max_line_len > 0) { buf = safe_emalloc((intern->u.file.max_line_len + 1), sizeof(char), 0); if (php_stream_get_line(intern->u.file.stream, buf, intern->u.file.max_line_len, &line_len) == NULL) { efree(buf); buf = NULL; } else { buf[line_len] = '\0'; } } else { buf = php_stream_get_line(intern->u.file.stream, NULL, 0, &line_len); } if (!buf) { intern->u.file.current_line = estrdup(""); intern->u.file.current_line_len = 0; } else { if (SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_OBJECT_DROP_NEW_LINE)) { line_len = strcspn(buf, "\r\n"); buf[line_len] = '\0'; } intern->u.file.current_line = buf; intern->u.file.current_line_len = line_len; } intern->u.file.current_line_num += line_add; return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ static int spl_filesystem_file_call(spl_filesystem_object *intern, zend_function *func_ptr, int pass_num_args, zval *return_value, zval *arg2) /* {{{ */ { zend_fcall_info fci; zend_fcall_info_cache fcic; zval *zresource_ptr = &intern->u.file.zresource, retval; int result; int num_args = pass_num_args + (arg2 ? 2 : 1); zval *params = (zval*)safe_emalloc(num_args, sizeof(zval), 0); params[0] = *zresource_ptr; if (arg2) { params[1] = *arg2; } if (zend_get_parameters_array_ex(pass_num_args, params + (arg2 ? 2 : 1)) != SUCCESS) { efree(params); WRONG_PARAM_COUNT_WITH_RETVAL(FAILURE); } ZVAL_UNDEF(&retval); fci.size = sizeof(fci); fci.function_table = EG(function_table); fci.object = NULL; fci.retval = &retval; fci.param_count = num_args; fci.params = params; fci.no_separation = 1; fci.symbol_table = NULL; ZVAL_STR(&fci.function_name, func_ptr->common.function_name); fcic.initialized = 1; fcic.function_handler = func_ptr; fcic.calling_scope = NULL; fcic.called_scope = NULL; fcic.object = NULL; result = zend_call_function(&fci, &fcic); if (result == FAILURE || Z_ISUNDEF(retval)) { RETVAL_FALSE; } else { ZVAL_ZVAL(return_value, &retval, 0, 0); } efree(params); return result; } /* }}} */ #define FileFunctionCall(func_name, pass_num_args, arg2) /* {{{ */ \ { \ zend_function *func_ptr; \ func_ptr = (zend_function *)zend_hash_str_find_ptr(EG(function_table), #func_name, sizeof(#func_name) - 1); \ if (func_ptr == NULL) { \ zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Internal error, function '%s' not found. Please report", #func_name); \ return; \ } \ spl_filesystem_file_call(intern, func_ptr, pass_num_args, return_value, arg2); \ } /* }}} */ static int spl_filesystem_file_read_csv(spl_filesystem_object *intern, char delimiter, char enclosure, char escape, zval *return_value) /* {{{ */ { int ret = SUCCESS; do { ret = spl_filesystem_file_read(intern, 1); } while (ret == SUCCESS && !intern->u.file.current_line_len && SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_OBJECT_SKIP_EMPTY)); if (ret == SUCCESS) { size_t buf_len = intern->u.file.current_line_len; char *buf = estrndup(intern->u.file.current_line, buf_len); if (!Z_ISUNDEF(intern->u.file.current_zval)) { zval_ptr_dtor(&intern->u.file.current_zval); ZVAL_UNDEF(&intern->u.file.current_zval); } php_fgetcsv(intern->u.file.stream, delimiter, enclosure, escape, buf_len, buf, &intern->u.file.current_zval); if (return_value) { if (Z_TYPE_P(return_value) != IS_NULL) { zval_dtor(return_value); ZVAL_NULL(return_value); } ZVAL_ZVAL(return_value, &intern->u.file.current_zval, 1, 0); } } return ret; } /* }}} */ static int spl_filesystem_file_read_line_ex(zval * this_ptr, spl_filesystem_object *intern, int silent) /* {{{ */ { zval retval; /* 1) use fgetcsv? 2) overloaded call the function, 3) do it directly */ if (SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_CSV) || intern->u.file.func_getCurr->common.scope != spl_ce_SplFileObject) { if (php_stream_eof(intern->u.file.stream)) { if (!silent) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Cannot read from file %s", intern->file_name); } return FAILURE; } if (SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_CSV)) { return spl_filesystem_file_read_csv(intern, intern->u.file.delimiter, intern->u.file.enclosure, intern->u.file.escape, NULL); } else { zend_execute_data *execute_data = EG(current_execute_data); zend_call_method_with_0_params(this_ptr, Z_OBJCE(EX(This)), &intern->u.file.func_getCurr, "getCurrentLine", &retval); } if (!Z_ISUNDEF(retval)) { if (intern->u.file.current_line || !Z_ISUNDEF(intern->u.file.current_zval)) { intern->u.file.current_line_num++; } spl_filesystem_file_free_line(intern); if (Z_TYPE(retval) == IS_STRING) { intern->u.file.current_line = estrndup(Z_STRVAL(retval), Z_STRLEN(retval)); intern->u.file.current_line_len = Z_STRLEN(retval); } else { ZVAL_ZVAL(&intern->u.file.current_zval, &retval, 1, 0); } zval_ptr_dtor(&retval); return SUCCESS; } else { return FAILURE; } } else { return spl_filesystem_file_read(intern, silent); } } /* }}} */ static int spl_filesystem_file_is_empty_line(spl_filesystem_object *intern) /* {{{ */ { if (intern->u.file.current_line) { return intern->u.file.current_line_len == 0; } else if (!Z_ISUNDEF(intern->u.file.current_zval)) { switch(Z_TYPE(intern->u.file.current_zval)) { case IS_STRING: return Z_STRLEN(intern->u.file.current_zval) == 0; case IS_ARRAY: if (SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_CSV) && zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL(intern->u.file.current_zval)) == 1) { uint idx = 0; zval *first; while (Z_ISUNDEF(Z_ARRVAL(intern->u.file.current_zval)->arData[idx].val)) { idx++; } first = &Z_ARRVAL(intern->u.file.current_zval)->arData[idx].val; return Z_TYPE_P(first) == IS_STRING && Z_STRLEN_P(first) == 0; } return zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL(intern->u.file.current_zval)) == 0; case IS_NULL: return 1; default: return 0; } } else { return 1; } } /* }}} */ static int spl_filesystem_file_read_line(zval * this_ptr, spl_filesystem_object *intern, int silent) /* {{{ */ { int ret = spl_filesystem_file_read_line_ex(this_ptr, intern, silent); while (SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_OBJECT_SKIP_EMPTY) && ret == SUCCESS && spl_filesystem_file_is_empty_line(intern)) { spl_filesystem_file_free_line(intern); ret = spl_filesystem_file_read_line_ex(this_ptr, intern, silent); } return ret; } /* }}} */ static void spl_filesystem_file_rewind(zval * this_ptr, spl_filesystem_object *intern) /* {{{ */ { if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } if (-1 == php_stream_rewind(intern->u.file.stream)) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Cannot rewind file %s", intern->file_name); } else { spl_filesystem_file_free_line(intern); intern->u.file.current_line_num = 0; } if (SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_AHEAD)) { spl_filesystem_file_read_line(this_ptr, intern, 1); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void SplFileObject::__construct(string filename [, string mode = 'r' [, bool use_include_path [, resource context]]]]) Construct a new file object */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, __construct) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); zend_bool use_include_path = 0; char *p1, *p2; char *tmp_path; size_t tmp_path_len; zend_error_handling error_handling; zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, spl_ce_RuntimeException, &error_handling); intern->u.file.open_mode = NULL; intern->u.file.open_mode_len = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "p|sbr!", &intern->file_name, &intern->file_name_len, &intern->u.file.open_mode, &intern->u.file.open_mode_len, &use_include_path, &intern->u.file.zcontext) == FAILURE) { intern->u.file.open_mode = NULL; intern->file_name = NULL; zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); return; } if (intern->u.file.open_mode == NULL) { intern->u.file.open_mode = "r"; intern->u.file.open_mode_len = 1; } if (spl_filesystem_file_open(intern, use_include_path, 0) == SUCCESS) { tmp_path_len = strlen(intern->u.file.stream->orig_path); if (tmp_path_len > 1 && IS_SLASH_AT(intern->u.file.stream->orig_path, tmp_path_len-1)) { tmp_path_len--; } tmp_path = estrndup(intern->u.file.stream->orig_path, tmp_path_len); p1 = strrchr(tmp_path, '/'); #if defined(PHP_WIN32) || defined(NETWARE) p2 = strrchr(tmp_path, '\\'); #else p2 = 0; #endif if (p1 || p2) { intern->_path_len = (int)((p1 > p2 ? p1 : p2) - tmp_path); } else { intern->_path_len = 0; } efree(tmp_path); intern->_path = estrndup(intern->u.file.stream->orig_path, intern->_path_len); } zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void SplTempFileObject::__construct([int max_memory]) Construct a new temp file object */ SPL_METHOD(SplTempFileObject, __construct) { zend_long max_memory = PHP_STREAM_MAX_MEM; char tmp_fname[48]; spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); zend_error_handling error_handling; zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, spl_ce_RuntimeException, &error_handling); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "|l", &max_memory) == FAILURE) { zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); return; } if (max_memory < 0) { intern->file_name = "php://memory"; intern->file_name_len = 12; } else if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS()) { intern->file_name_len = slprintf(tmp_fname, sizeof(tmp_fname), "php://temp/maxmemory:%pd", max_memory); intern->file_name = tmp_fname; } else { intern->file_name = "php://temp"; intern->file_name_len = 10; } intern->u.file.open_mode = "wb"; intern->u.file.open_mode_len = 1; if (spl_filesystem_file_open(intern, 0, 0) == SUCCESS) { intern->_path_len = 0; intern->_path = estrndup("", 0); } zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void SplFileObject::rewind() Rewind the file and read the first line */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, rewind) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } spl_filesystem_file_rewind(getThis(), intern); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void SplFileObject::eof() Return whether end of file is reached */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, eof) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } RETURN_BOOL(php_stream_eof(intern->u.file.stream)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void SplFileObject::valid() Return !eof() */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, valid) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } if (SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_AHEAD)) { RETURN_BOOL(intern->u.file.current_line || !Z_ISUNDEF(intern->u.file.current_zval)); } else { if(!intern->u.file.stream) { RETURN_FALSE; } RETVAL_BOOL(!php_stream_eof(intern->u.file.stream)); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string SplFileObject::fgets() Rturn next line from file */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, fgets) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } if (spl_filesystem_file_read(intern, 0) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_STRINGL(intern->u.file.current_line, intern->u.file.current_line_len); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string SplFileObject::current() Return current line from file */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, current) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } if (!intern->u.file.current_line && Z_ISUNDEF(intern->u.file.current_zval)) { spl_filesystem_file_read_line(getThis(), intern, 1); } if (intern->u.file.current_line && (!SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_CSV) || Z_ISUNDEF(intern->u.file.current_zval))) { RETURN_STRINGL(intern->u.file.current_line, intern->u.file.current_line_len); } else if (!Z_ISUNDEF(intern->u.file.current_zval)) { RETURN_ZVAL(&intern->u.file.current_zval, 1, 0); } RETURN_FALSE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileObject::key() Return line number */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, key) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } /* Do not read the next line to support correct counting with fgetc() if (!intern->current_line) { spl_filesystem_file_read_line(getThis(), intern, 1); } */ RETURN_LONG(intern->u.file.current_line_num); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void SplFileObject::next() Read next line */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, next) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } spl_filesystem_file_free_line(intern); if (SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_AHEAD)) { spl_filesystem_file_read_line(getThis(), intern, 1); } intern->u.file.current_line_num++; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void SplFileObject::setFlags(int flags) Set file handling flags */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, setFlags) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &intern->flags) == FAILURE) { return; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileObject::getFlags() Get file handling flags */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, getFlags) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } RETURN_LONG(intern->flags & SPL_FILE_OBJECT_MASK); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void SplFileObject::setMaxLineLen(int max_len) Set maximum line length */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, setMaxLineLen) { zend_long max_len; spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &max_len) == FAILURE) { return; } if (max_len < 0) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_DomainException, 0, "Maximum line length must be greater than or equal zero"); return; } intern->u.file.max_line_len = max_len; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileObject::getMaxLineLen() Get maximum line length */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, getMaxLineLen) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } RETURN_LONG((zend_long)intern->u.file.max_line_len); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool SplFileObject::hasChildren() Return false */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, hasChildren) { if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } RETURN_FALSE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool SplFileObject::getChildren() Read NULL */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, getChildren) { if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } /* return NULL */ } /* }}} */ /* {{{ FileFunction */ #define FileFunction(func_name) \ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, func_name) \ { \ spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); \ FileFunctionCall(func_name, ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), NULL); \ } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array SplFileObject::fgetcsv([string delimiter [, string enclosure [, escape = '\\']]]) Return current line as csv */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, fgetcsv) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); char delimiter = intern->u.file.delimiter, enclosure = intern->u.file.enclosure, escape = intern->u.file.escape; char *delim = NULL, *enclo = NULL, *esc = NULL; size_t d_len = 0, e_len = 0, esc_len = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "|sss", &delim, &d_len, &enclo, &e_len, &esc, &esc_len) == SUCCESS) { if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } switch(ZEND_NUM_ARGS()) { case 3: if (esc_len != 1) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "escape must be a character"); RETURN_FALSE; } escape = esc[0]; /* no break */ case 2: if (e_len != 1) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "enclosure must be a character"); RETURN_FALSE; } enclosure = enclo[0]; /* no break */ case 1: if (d_len != 1) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "delimiter must be a character"); RETURN_FALSE; } delimiter = delim[0]; /* no break */ case 0: break; } spl_filesystem_file_read_csv(intern, delimiter, enclosure, escape, return_value); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileObject::fputcsv(array fields, [string delimiter [, string enclosure [, string escape]]]) Output a field array as a CSV line */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, fputcsv) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); char delimiter = intern->u.file.delimiter, enclosure = intern->u.file.enclosure, escape = intern->u.file.escape; char *delim = NULL, *enclo = NULL, *esc = NULL; size_t d_len = 0, e_len = 0, esc_len = 0; zend_long ret; zval *fields = NULL; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "a|sss", &fields, &delim, &d_len, &enclo, &e_len, &esc, &esc_len) == SUCCESS) { switch(ZEND_NUM_ARGS()) { case 4: if (esc_len != 1) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "escape must be a character"); RETURN_FALSE; } escape = esc[0]; /* no break */ case 3: if (e_len != 1) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "enclosure must be a character"); RETURN_FALSE; } enclosure = enclo[0]; /* no break */ case 2: if (d_len != 1) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "delimiter must be a character"); RETURN_FALSE; } delimiter = delim[0]; /* no break */ case 1: case 0: break; } ret = php_fputcsv(intern->u.file.stream, fields, delimiter, enclosure, escape); RETURN_LONG(ret); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void SplFileObject::setCsvControl([string delimiter = ',' [, string enclosure = '"' [, string escape = '\\']]]) Set the delimiter and enclosure character used in fgetcsv */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, setCsvControl) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); char delimiter = ',', enclosure = '"', escape='\\'; char *delim = NULL, *enclo = NULL, *esc = NULL; size_t d_len = 0, e_len = 0, esc_len = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "|sss", &delim, &d_len, &enclo, &e_len, &esc, &esc_len) == SUCCESS) { switch(ZEND_NUM_ARGS()) { case 3: if (esc_len != 1) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "escape must be a character"); RETURN_FALSE; } escape = esc[0]; /* no break */ case 2: if (e_len != 1) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "enclosure must be a character"); RETURN_FALSE; } enclosure = enclo[0]; /* no break */ case 1: if (d_len != 1) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "delimiter must be a character"); RETURN_FALSE; } delimiter = delim[0]; /* no break */ case 0: break; } intern->u.file.delimiter = delimiter; intern->u.file.enclosure = enclosure; intern->u.file.escape = escape; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array SplFileObject::getCsvControl() Get the delimiter and enclosure character used in fgetcsv */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, getCsvControl) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); char delimiter[2], enclosure[2]; array_init(return_value); delimiter[0] = intern->u.file.delimiter; delimiter[1] = '\0'; enclosure[0] = intern->u.file.enclosure; enclosure[1] = '\0'; add_next_index_string(return_value, delimiter); add_next_index_string(return_value, enclosure); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool SplFileObject::flock(int operation [, int &wouldblock]) Portable file locking */ FileFunction(flock) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool SplFileObject::fflush() Flush the file */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, fflush) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } RETURN_BOOL(!php_stream_flush(intern->u.file.stream)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileObject::ftell() Return current file position */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, ftell) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); zend_long ret; if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } ret = php_stream_tell(intern->u.file.stream); if (ret == -1) { RETURN_FALSE; } else { RETURN_LONG(ret); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileObject::fseek(int pos [, int whence = SEEK_SET]) Return current file position */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, fseek) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); zend_long pos, whence = SEEK_SET; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l|l", &pos, &whence) == FAILURE) { return; } if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } spl_filesystem_file_free_line(intern); RETURN_LONG(php_stream_seek(intern->u.file.stream, pos, (int)whence)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileObject::fgetc() Get a character form the file */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, fgetc) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); char buf[2]; int result; if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } spl_filesystem_file_free_line(intern); result = php_stream_getc(intern->u.file.stream); if (result == EOF) { RETVAL_FALSE; } else { if (result == '\n') { intern->u.file.current_line_num++; } buf[0] = result; buf[1] = '\0'; RETURN_STRINGL(buf, 1); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string SplFileObject::fgetss([string allowable_tags]) Get a line from file pointer and strip HTML tags */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, fgetss) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); zval arg2; if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } if (intern->u.file.max_line_len > 0) { ZVAL_LONG(&arg2, intern->u.file.max_line_len); } else { ZVAL_LONG(&arg2, 1024); } spl_filesystem_file_free_line(intern); intern->u.file.current_line_num++; FileFunctionCall(fgetss, ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), &arg2); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int SplFileObject::fpassthru() Output all remaining data from a file pointer */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, fpassthru) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } RETURN_LONG(php_stream_passthru(intern->u.file.stream)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool SplFileObject::fscanf(string format [, string ...]) Implements a mostly ANSI compatible fscanf() */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, fscanf) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } spl_filesystem_file_free_line(intern); intern->u.file.current_line_num++; FileFunctionCall(fscanf, ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), NULL); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto mixed SplFileObject::fwrite(string str [, int length]) Binary-safe file write */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, fwrite) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); char *str; size_t str_len; zend_long length = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "s|l", &str, &str_len, &length) == FAILURE) { return; } if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() > 1) { if (length >= 0) { str_len = MAX(0, MIN((size_t)length, str_len)); } else { /* Negative length given, nothing to write */ str_len = 0; } } if (!str_len) { RETURN_LONG(0); } RETURN_LONG(php_stream_write(intern->u.file.stream, str, str_len)); } /* }}} */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, fread) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); zend_long length = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &length) == FAILURE) { return; } if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } if (length <= 0) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Length parameter must be greater than 0"); RETURN_FALSE; } ZVAL_NEW_STR(return_value, zend_string_alloc(length, 0)); Z_STRLEN_P(return_value) = php_stream_read(intern->u.file.stream, Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), length); /* needed because recv/read/gzread doesnt put a null at the end*/ Z_STRVAL_P(return_value)[Z_STRLEN_P(return_value)] = 0; } /* {{{ proto bool SplFileObject::fstat() Stat() on a filehandle */ FileFunction(fstat) /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool SplFileObject::ftruncate(int size) Truncate file to 'size' length */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, ftruncate) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); zend_long size; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &size) == FAILURE) { return; } if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } if (!php_stream_truncate_supported(intern->u.file.stream)) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_LogicException, 0, "Can't truncate file %s", intern->file_name); RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_BOOL(0 == php_stream_truncate_set_size(intern->u.file.stream, size)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void SplFileObject::seek(int line_pos) Seek to specified line */ SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, seek) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(getThis()); zend_long line_pos; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &line_pos) == FAILURE) { return; } if(!intern->u.file.stream) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_RuntimeException, 0, "Object not initialized"); return; } if (line_pos < 0) { zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_LogicException, 0, "Can't seek file %s to negative line %pd", intern->file_name, line_pos); RETURN_FALSE; } spl_filesystem_file_rewind(getThis(), intern); while(intern->u.file.current_line_num < line_pos) { if (spl_filesystem_file_read_line(getThis(), intern, 1) == FAILURE) { break; } } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Function/Class/Method definitions */ ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_file_object___construct, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, file_name) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, open_mode) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, use_include_path) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, context) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO(arginfo_file_object_setFlags, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, flags) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO(arginfo_file_object_setMaxLineLen, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, max_len) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_file_object_fgetcsv, 0, 0, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, delimiter) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, enclosure) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, escape) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_file_object_fputcsv, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, fields) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, delimiter) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, enclosure) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, escape) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_file_object_flock, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, operation) ZEND_ARG_INFO(1, wouldblock) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_file_object_fseek, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, pos) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, whence) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_file_object_fgetss, 0, 0, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, allowable_tags) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_file_object_fscanf, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, format) ZEND_ARG_VARIADIC_INFO(1, vars) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_file_object_fwrite, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, str) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, length) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_file_object_fread, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, length) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_file_object_ftruncate, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, size) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_file_object_seek, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, line_pos) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() static const zend_function_entry spl_SplFileObject_functions[] = { SPL_ME(SplFileObject, __construct, arginfo_file_object___construct, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, rewind, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, eof, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, valid, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, fgets, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, fgetcsv, arginfo_file_object_fgetcsv, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, fputcsv, arginfo_file_object_fputcsv, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, setCsvControl, arginfo_file_object_fgetcsv, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, getCsvControl, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, flock, arginfo_file_object_flock, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, fflush, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, ftell, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, fseek, arginfo_file_object_fseek, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, fgetc, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, fpassthru, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, fgetss, arginfo_file_object_fgetss, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, fscanf, arginfo_file_object_fscanf, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, fwrite, arginfo_file_object_fwrite, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, fread, arginfo_file_object_fread, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, fstat, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, ftruncate, arginfo_file_object_ftruncate, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, current, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, key, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, next, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, setFlags, arginfo_file_object_setFlags, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, getFlags, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, setMaxLineLen, arginfo_file_object_setMaxLineLen, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, getMaxLineLen, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, hasChildren, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, getChildren, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_ME(SplFileObject, seek, arginfo_file_object_seek, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) /* mappings */ SPL_MA(SplFileObject, getCurrentLine, SplFileObject, fgets, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) SPL_MA(SplFileObject, __toString, SplFileObject, current, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END }; ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_temp_file_object___construct, 0, 0, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, max_memory) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() static const zend_function_entry spl_SplTempFileObject_functions[] = { SPL_ME(SplTempFileObject, __construct, arginfo_temp_file_object___construct, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END }; /* }}} */ /* {{{ PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(spl_directory) */ PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(spl_directory) { REGISTER_SPL_STD_CLASS_EX(SplFileInfo, spl_filesystem_object_new, spl_SplFileInfo_functions); memcpy(&spl_filesystem_object_handlers, zend_get_std_object_handlers(), sizeof(zend_object_handlers)); spl_filesystem_object_handlers.offset = XtOffsetOf(spl_filesystem_object, std); spl_filesystem_object_handlers.clone_obj = spl_filesystem_object_clone; spl_filesystem_object_handlers.cast_object = spl_filesystem_object_cast; spl_filesystem_object_handlers.get_debug_info = spl_filesystem_object_get_debug_info; spl_filesystem_object_handlers.dtor_obj = zend_objects_destroy_object; spl_filesystem_object_handlers.free_obj = spl_filesystem_object_free_storage; spl_ce_SplFileInfo->serialize = zend_class_serialize_deny; spl_ce_SplFileInfo->unserialize = zend_class_unserialize_deny; REGISTER_SPL_SUB_CLASS_EX(DirectoryIterator, SplFileInfo, spl_filesystem_object_new, spl_DirectoryIterator_functions); zend_class_implements(spl_ce_DirectoryIterator, 1, zend_ce_iterator); REGISTER_SPL_IMPLEMENTS(DirectoryIterator, SeekableIterator); spl_ce_DirectoryIterator->get_iterator = spl_filesystem_dir_get_iterator; REGISTER_SPL_SUB_CLASS_EX(FilesystemIterator, DirectoryIterator, spl_filesystem_object_new, spl_FilesystemIterator_functions); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "CURRENT_MODE_MASK", SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_MODE_MASK); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME", SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO", SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "CURRENT_AS_SELF", SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_SELF); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "KEY_MODE_MASK", SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_MODE_MASK); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "KEY_AS_PATHNAME", SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_AS_PATHNAME); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "FOLLOW_SYMLINKS", SPL_FILE_DIR_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "KEY_AS_FILENAME", SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_AS_FILENAME); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "NEW_CURRENT_AND_KEY", SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_AS_FILENAME|SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "OTHER_MODE_MASK", SPL_FILE_DIR_OTHERS_MASK); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "SKIP_DOTS", SPL_FILE_DIR_SKIPDOTS); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "UNIX_PATHS", SPL_FILE_DIR_UNIXPATHS); spl_ce_FilesystemIterator->get_iterator = spl_filesystem_tree_get_iterator; REGISTER_SPL_SUB_CLASS_EX(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, FilesystemIterator, spl_filesystem_object_new, spl_RecursiveDirectoryIterator_functions); REGISTER_SPL_IMPLEMENTS(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveIterator); memcpy(&spl_filesystem_object_check_handlers, &spl_filesystem_object_handlers, sizeof(zend_object_handlers)); spl_filesystem_object_check_handlers.get_method = spl_filesystem_object_get_method_check; #ifdef HAVE_GLOB REGISTER_SPL_SUB_CLASS_EX(GlobIterator, FilesystemIterator, spl_filesystem_object_new_check, spl_GlobIterator_functions); REGISTER_SPL_IMPLEMENTS(GlobIterator, Countable); #endif REGISTER_SPL_SUB_CLASS_EX(SplFileObject, SplFileInfo, spl_filesystem_object_new_check, spl_SplFileObject_functions); REGISTER_SPL_IMPLEMENTS(SplFileObject, RecursiveIterator); REGISTER_SPL_IMPLEMENTS(SplFileObject, SeekableIterator); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(SplFileObject, "DROP_NEW_LINE", SPL_FILE_OBJECT_DROP_NEW_LINE); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(SplFileObject, "READ_AHEAD", SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_AHEAD); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(SplFileObject, "SKIP_EMPTY", SPL_FILE_OBJECT_SKIP_EMPTY); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(SplFileObject, "READ_CSV", SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_CSV); REGISTER_SPL_SUB_CLASS_EX(SplTempFileObject, SplFileObject, spl_filesystem_object_new_check, spl_SplTempFileObject_functions); return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * vim600: noet sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker * vim<600: noet sw=4 ts=4 */