--TEST-- SPL: spl_autoload_unregister() with closures and invocables --FILE-- dir = $dir; } public function __invoke($class) { echo ("Autoloader('{$this->dir}') called with $class\n"); } } class WorkingAutoloader { public function __invoke($class) { echo ("WorkingAutoloader() called with $class\n"); eval("class $class { }"); } } $al1 = new Autoloader('d1'); $al2 = new WorkingAutoloader('d2'); spl_autoload_register($closure); spl_autoload_register($al1); spl_autoload_register($al2); $x = new TestX; spl_autoload_unregister($closure); spl_autoload_unregister($al1); $y = new TestY; ?> --EXPECT-- closure called with class TestX Autoloader('d1') called with TestX WorkingAutoloader() called with TestX WorkingAutoloader() called with TestY