--TEST-- Test disk_free_space and its alias diskfreespace() functions : basic functionality --INI-- memory_limit=32M --FILE-- $space2 ) echo "\n Free Space Value Is Correct\n"; else echo "\n Free Space Value Is Incorrect\n"; echo "*** Testing with Binary Input ***\n"; var_dump( disk_free_space(b"$file_path") ); echo"\n--- Done ---"; ?> --CLEAN-- --EXPECTF-- *** Testing with existing directory *** float(%d) float(%d) *** Testing with newly created directory *** Free Space before writing to a file float(%d) Free Space after writing to a file float(%d) Free Space Value Is Correct *** Testing with Binary Input *** float(%d) --- Done --- --UEXPECTF-- *** Testing with existing directory *** float(%d) float(%d) *** Testing with newly created directory *** Free Space before writing to a file float(%d) Free Space after writing to a file float(%d) Free Space Value Is Correct *** Testing with Binary Input *** float(%d) --- Done ---