--TEST-- Stream: RFC2397 with corrupt? payload --INI-- allow_url_fopen=1 --FILE-- getMessage(), "\n"; } } ?> --EXPECTF-- file_get_contents(): Argument #1 ($filename) must not contain any null bytes file_get_contents(): Argument #1 ($filename) must not contain any null bytes Warning: file_get_contents(data:;base64,#Zm9vYmFyIGZvb2Jhcg==): Failed to open stream: rfc2397: unable to decode in %sstream_rfc2397_006.php on line %d bool(false) Warning: file_get_contents(data:;base64,#Zm9vYmFyIGZvb2Jhc=): Failed to open stream: rfc2397: unable to decode in %sstream_rfc2397_006.php on line %d bool(false)