--TEST-- Test gettype() & settype() functions : basic functionalities --INI-- precision=14 --FILE-- x = $x; $this->y = $y; } function __toString() { return "Object"; } } $unset_var = 10; unset($unset_var); $values = array( array(1,2,3), $var1, $var2, 1, -20, 2.54, -2.54, NULL, false, "some string", 'string', $fp, $dfp, new point(10,20) ); $types = array( "null", "integer", "int", "float", "double", "boolean", "bool", "resource", "array", "object", "string" ); echo "\n*** Testing gettype(): basic operations ***\n"; foreach ($values as $value) { var_dump( gettype($value) ); } echo "\n*** Testing settype(): basic operations ***\n"; foreach ($types as $type) { echo "\n-- Setting type of data to $type --\n"; $loop_count = 1; foreach ($values as $var) { echo "-- Iteration $loop_count --\n"; $loop_count ++; try { // set to new type var_dump( settype($var, $type) ); // dump the var var_dump( $var ); // check the new type var_dump( gettype($var) ); } catch (ValueError $exception) { echo $exception->getMessage() . "\n"; } } } echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECTF-- **** Testing gettype() and settype() functions **** *** Testing gettype(): basic operations *** string(5) "array" string(6) "string" string(5) "array" string(7) "integer" string(7) "integer" string(6) "double" string(6) "double" string(4) "NULL" string(7) "boolean" string(6) "string" string(6) "string" string(8) "resource" string(8) "resource" string(6) "object" *** Testing settype(): basic operations *** -- Setting type of data to null -- -- Iteration 1 -- bool(true) NULL string(4) "NULL" -- Iteration 2 -- bool(true) NULL string(4) "NULL" -- Iteration 3 -- bool(true) NULL string(4) "NULL" -- Iteration 4 -- bool(true) NULL string(4) "NULL" -- Iteration 5 -- bool(true) NULL string(4) "NULL" -- Iteration 6 -- bool(true) NULL string(4) "NULL" -- Iteration 7 -- bool(true) NULL string(4) "NULL" -- Iteration 8 -- bool(true) NULL string(4) "NULL" -- Iteration 9 -- bool(true) NULL string(4) "NULL" -- Iteration 10 -- bool(true) NULL string(4) "NULL" -- Iteration 11 -- bool(true) NULL string(4) "NULL" -- Iteration 12 -- bool(true) NULL string(4) "NULL" -- Iteration 13 -- bool(true) NULL string(4) "NULL" -- Iteration 14 -- bool(true) NULL string(4) "NULL" -- Setting type of data to integer -- -- Iteration 1 -- bool(true) int(1) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 2 -- bool(true) int(0) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 3 -- bool(true) int(1) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 4 -- bool(true) int(1) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 5 -- bool(true) int(-20) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 6 -- bool(true) int(2) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 7 -- bool(true) int(-2) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 8 -- bool(true) int(0) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 9 -- bool(true) int(0) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 10 -- bool(true) int(0) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 11 -- bool(true) int(0) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 12 -- bool(true) int(%d) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 13 -- bool(true) int(%d) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 14 -- 2: Object of class point could not be converted to int bool(true) int(1) string(7) "integer" -- Setting type of data to int -- -- Iteration 1 -- bool(true) int(1) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 2 -- bool(true) int(0) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 3 -- bool(true) int(1) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 4 -- bool(true) int(1) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 5 -- bool(true) int(-20) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 6 -- bool(true) int(2) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 7 -- bool(true) int(-2) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 8 -- bool(true) int(0) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 9 -- bool(true) int(0) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 10 -- bool(true) int(0) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 11 -- bool(true) int(0) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 12 -- bool(true) int(%d) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 13 -- bool(true) int(%d) string(7) "integer" -- Iteration 14 -- 2: Object of class point could not be converted to int bool(true) int(1) string(7) "integer" -- Setting type of data to float -- -- Iteration 1 -- bool(true) float(1) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 2 -- bool(true) float(0) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 3 -- bool(true) float(1) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 4 -- bool(true) float(1) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 5 -- bool(true) float(-20) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 6 -- bool(true) float(2.54) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 7 -- bool(true) float(-2.54) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 8 -- bool(true) float(0) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 9 -- bool(true) float(0) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 10 -- bool(true) float(0) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 11 -- bool(true) float(0) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 12 -- bool(true) float(%f) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 13 -- bool(true) float(%f) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 14 -- 2: Object of class point could not be converted to float bool(true) float(1) string(6) "double" -- Setting type of data to double -- -- Iteration 1 -- bool(true) float(1) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 2 -- bool(true) float(0) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 3 -- bool(true) float(1) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 4 -- bool(true) float(1) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 5 -- bool(true) float(-20) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 6 -- bool(true) float(2.54) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 7 -- bool(true) float(-2.54) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 8 -- bool(true) float(0) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 9 -- bool(true) float(0) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 10 -- bool(true) float(0) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 11 -- bool(true) float(0) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 12 -- bool(true) float(%f) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 13 -- bool(true) float(%f) string(6) "double" -- Iteration 14 -- 2: Object of class point could not be converted to float bool(true) float(1) string(6) "double" -- Setting type of data to boolean -- -- Iteration 1 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 2 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 3 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 4 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 5 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 6 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 7 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 8 -- bool(true) bool(false) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 9 -- bool(true) bool(false) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 10 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 11 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 12 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 13 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 14 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Setting type of data to bool -- -- Iteration 1 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 2 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 3 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 4 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 5 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 6 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 7 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 8 -- bool(true) bool(false) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 9 -- bool(true) bool(false) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 10 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 11 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 12 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 13 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Iteration 14 -- bool(true) bool(true) string(7) "boolean" -- Setting type of data to resource -- -- Iteration 1 -- Cannot convert to resource type -- Iteration 2 -- Cannot convert to resource type -- Iteration 3 -- Cannot convert to resource type -- Iteration 4 -- Cannot convert to resource type -- Iteration 5 -- Cannot convert to resource type -- Iteration 6 -- Cannot convert to resource type -- Iteration 7 -- Cannot convert to resource type -- Iteration 8 -- Cannot convert to resource type -- Iteration 9 -- Cannot convert to resource type -- Iteration 10 -- Cannot convert to resource type -- Iteration 11 -- Cannot convert to resource type -- Iteration 12 -- Cannot convert to resource type -- Iteration 13 -- Cannot convert to resource type -- Iteration 14 -- Cannot convert to resource type -- Setting type of data to array -- -- Iteration 1 -- bool(true) array(3) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) [2]=> int(3) } string(5) "array" -- Iteration 2 -- bool(true) array(1) { [0]=> string(14) "another string" } string(5) "array" -- Iteration 3 -- bool(true) array(3) { [0]=> int(2) [1]=> int(3) [2]=> int(4) } string(5) "array" -- Iteration 4 -- bool(true) array(1) { [0]=> int(1) } string(5) "array" -- Iteration 5 -- bool(true) array(1) { [0]=> int(-20) } string(5) "array" -- Iteration 6 -- bool(true) array(1) { [0]=> float(2.54) } string(5) "array" -- Iteration 7 -- bool(true) array(1) { [0]=> float(-2.54) } string(5) "array" -- Iteration 8 -- bool(true) array(0) { } string(5) "array" -- Iteration 9 -- bool(true) array(1) { [0]=> bool(false) } string(5) "array" -- Iteration 10 -- bool(true) array(1) { [0]=> string(11) "some string" } string(5) "array" -- Iteration 11 -- bool(true) array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "string" } string(5) "array" -- Iteration 12 -- bool(true) array(1) { [0]=> resource(%d) of type (stream) } string(5) "array" -- Iteration 13 -- bool(true) array(1) { [0]=> resource(%d) of type (stream) } string(5) "array" -- Iteration 14 -- bool(true) array(2) { ["x"]=> int(10) ["y"]=> int(20) } string(5) "array" -- Setting type of data to object -- -- Iteration 1 -- bool(true) object(stdClass)#2 (3) { ["0"]=> int(1) ["1"]=> int(2) ["2"]=> int(3) } string(6) "object" -- Iteration 2 -- bool(true) object(stdClass)#2 (1) { ["scalar"]=> string(14) "another string" } string(6) "object" -- Iteration 3 -- bool(true) object(stdClass)#2 (3) { ["0"]=> int(2) ["1"]=> int(3) ["2"]=> int(4) } string(6) "object" -- Iteration 4 -- bool(true) object(stdClass)#2 (1) { ["scalar"]=> int(1) } string(6) "object" -- Iteration 5 -- bool(true) object(stdClass)#2 (1) { ["scalar"]=> int(-20) } string(6) "object" -- Iteration 6 -- bool(true) object(stdClass)#2 (1) { ["scalar"]=> float(2.54) } string(6) "object" -- Iteration 7 -- bool(true) object(stdClass)#2 (1) { ["scalar"]=> float(-2.54) } string(6) "object" -- Iteration 8 -- bool(true) object(stdClass)#2 (0) { } string(6) "object" -- Iteration 9 -- bool(true) object(stdClass)#2 (1) { ["scalar"]=> bool(false) } string(6) "object" -- Iteration 10 -- bool(true) object(stdClass)#2 (1) { ["scalar"]=> string(11) "some string" } string(6) "object" -- Iteration 11 -- bool(true) object(stdClass)#2 (1) { ["scalar"]=> string(6) "string" } string(6) "object" -- Iteration 12 -- bool(true) object(stdClass)#2 (1) { ["scalar"]=> resource(%d) of type (stream) } string(6) "object" -- Iteration 13 -- bool(true) object(stdClass)#2 (1) { ["scalar"]=> resource(%d) of type (stream) } string(6) "object" -- Iteration 14 -- bool(true) object(point)#1 (2) { ["x"]=> int(10) ["y"]=> int(20) } string(6) "object" -- Setting type of data to string -- -- Iteration 1 -- 2: Array to string conversion bool(true) string(5) "Array" string(6) "string" -- Iteration 2 -- bool(true) string(14) "another string" string(6) "string" -- Iteration 3 -- 2: Array to string conversion bool(true) string(5) "Array" string(6) "string" -- Iteration 4 -- bool(true) string(1) "1" string(6) "string" -- Iteration 5 -- bool(true) string(3) "-20" string(6) "string" -- Iteration 6 -- bool(true) string(4) "2.54" string(6) "string" -- Iteration 7 -- bool(true) string(5) "-2.54" string(6) "string" -- Iteration 8 -- bool(true) string(0) "" string(6) "string" -- Iteration 9 -- bool(true) string(0) "" string(6) "string" -- Iteration 10 -- bool(true) string(11) "some string" string(6) "string" -- Iteration 11 -- bool(true) string(6) "string" string(6) "string" -- Iteration 12 -- bool(true) string(14) "Resource id #%d" string(6) "string" -- Iteration 13 -- bool(true) string(14) "Resource id #%d" string(6) "string" -- Iteration 14 -- bool(true) string(6) "Object" string(6) "string" Done