testConfig(); if ($testResult !== null) { self::clean(2); die("skip $testResult"); } } /** * Skip test if IPv6 is not supported. */ static public function skipIfIPv6IsNotSupported() { @stream_socket_client('tcp://[::1]:0', $errno); if ($errno != 111) { die('skip IPv6 is not supported.'); } } /** * Skip if running on Travis. * * @param $message */ static public function skipIfTravis($message) { if (getenv("TRAVIS")) { die('skip Travis: ' . $message); } } /** * Skip if not running as root. */ static public function skipIfNotRoot() { if (getmyuid() != 0) { die('skip not running as root'); } } /** * Skip if running as root. */ static public function skipIfRoot() { if (getmyuid() == 0) { die('skip running as root'); } } /** * Skip if posix extension not loaded. */ static public function skipIfPosixNotLoaded() { if (!extension_loaded('posix')) { die('skip posix extension not loaded'); } } /** * Tester constructor. * * @param string|array $configTemplate * @param string $code * @param array $options * @param string $fileName */ public function __construct( $configTemplate, string $code = '', array $options = [], $fileName = null ) { $this->configTemplate = $configTemplate; $this->code = $code; $this->options = $options; $this->fileName = $fileName ?: self::getCallerFileName(); $this->logTool = new LogTool(); $this->debug = (bool) getenv('TEST_FPM_DEBUG'); } /** * @param string $ini */ public function setUserIni(string $ini) { $iniFile = __DIR__ . '/.user.ini'; file_put_contents($iniFile, $ini); } /** * Test configuration file. * * @return null|string * @throws \Exception */ public function testConfig() { $configFile = $this->createConfig(); $cmd = self::findExecutable() . ' -t -y ' . $configFile . ' 2>&1'; exec($cmd, $output, $code); if ($code) { return preg_replace("/\[.+?\]/", "", $output[0]); } return null; } /** * Start PHP-FPM master process * * @param array $extraArgs * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ public function start(array $extraArgs = []) { $configFile = $this->createConfig(); $desc = $this->outDesc ? [] : [1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('redirect', 1)]; $cmd = [self::findExecutable(), '-F', '-O', '-y', $configFile]; if (getenv('TEST_FPM_RUN_AS_ROOT')) { $cmd[] = '--allow-to-run-as-root'; } $cmd = array_merge($cmd, $extraArgs); $this->masterProcess = proc_open($cmd, $desc, $pipes); register_shutdown_function( function($masterProcess) use($configFile) { @unlink($configFile); if (is_resource($masterProcess)) { @proc_terminate($masterProcess); while (proc_get_status($masterProcess)['running']) { usleep(10000); } } }, $this->masterProcess ); if (!$this->outDesc !== false) { $this->outDesc = $pipes[1]; } return true; } /** * Run until needle is found in the log. * * @param string $needle * @param int $max * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ public function runTill(string $needle, $max = 10) { $this->start(); $found = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $line = $this->getLogLine(); if (is_null($line)) { break; } if (preg_match($needle, $line) === 1) { $found = true; break; } } $this->close(true); if (!$found) { return $this->error("The search pattern not found"); } return true; } /** * Check if connection works. * * @param string $host * @param null|string $successMessage * @param null|string $errorMessage * @param int $attempts * @param int $delay */ public function checkConnection( $host = '', $successMessage = null, $errorMessage = 'Connection failed', $attempts = 20, $delay = 50000 ) { $i = 0; do { if ($i > 0 && $delay > 0) { usleep($delay); } $fp = @fsockopen($host, $this->getPort()); } while ((++$i < $attempts) && !$fp); if ($fp) { $this->message($successMessage); fclose($fp); } else { $this->message($errorMessage); } } /** * Execute request with parameters ordered for better checking. * * @param string $address * @param string|null $successMessage * @param string|null $errorMessage * @param string $uri * @param string $query * @param array $headers * @return Response */ public function checkRequest( string $address, string $successMessage = null, string $errorMessage = null, $uri = '/ping', $query = '', $headers = [] ) { return $this->request($query, $headers, $uri, $address, $successMessage, $errorMessage); } /** * Execute and check ping request. * * @param string $address * @param string $pingPath * @param string $pingResponse */ public function ping( string $address = '{{ADDR}}', string $pingResponse = 'pong', string $pingPath = '/ping' ) { $response = $this->request('', [], $pingPath, $address); $response->expectBody($pingResponse, 'text/plain'); } /** * Execute and check status request(s). * * @param array $expectedFields * @param string|null $address * @param string $statusPath * @param mixed $formats * @throws \Exception */ public function status( array $expectedFields, string $address = null, string $statusPath = '/status', $formats = ['plain', 'html', 'xml', 'json', 'openmetrics'] ) { if (!is_array($formats)) { $formats = [$formats]; } require_once "status.inc"; $status = new Status(); foreach ($formats as $format) { $query = $format === 'plain' ? '' : $format; $response = $this->request($query, [], $statusPath, $address); $status->checkStatus($response, $expectedFields, $format); } } /** * Execute request. * * @param string $query * @param array $headers * @param string|null $uri * @param string|null $address * @param string|null $successMessage * @param string|null $errorMessage * @param bool $connKeepAlive * @return Response */ public function request( string $query = '', array $headers = [], string $uri = null, string $address = null, string $successMessage = null, string $errorMessage = null, bool $connKeepAlive = false ) { if ($this->hasError()) { return new Response(null, true); } if (is_null($uri)) { $uri = $this->makeSourceFile(); } $params = array_merge( [ 'GATEWAY_INTERFACE' => 'FastCGI/1.0', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => $uri, 'SCRIPT_NAME' => $uri, 'QUERY_STRING' => $query, 'REQUEST_URI' => $uri . ($query ? '?'.$query : ""), 'DOCUMENT_URI' => $uri, 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'php/fcgiclient', 'REMOTE_ADDR' => '', 'REMOTE_PORT' => '7777', 'SERVER_ADDR' => '', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'SERVER_NAME' => php_uname('n'), 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => __DIR__, 'CONTENT_TYPE' => '', 'CONTENT_LENGTH' => 0 ], $headers ); $params = array_filter($params, function($value) { return !is_null($value); }); try { $this->response = new Response( $this->getClient($address, $connKeepAlive)->request_data($params, false) ); $this->message($successMessage); } catch (\Exception $exception) { if ($errorMessage === null) { $this->error("Request failed", $exception); } else { $this->message($errorMessage); } $this->response = new Response(); } if ($this->debug) { $this->response->debugOutput(); } return $this->response; } /** * Get client. * * @param string $address * @param bool $keepAlive * @return Client */ private function getClient(string $address = null, $keepAlive = false) { $address = $address ? $this->processTemplate($address) : $this->getAddr(); if ($address[0] === '/') { // uds $host = 'unix://' . $address; $port = -1; } elseif ($address[0] === '[') { // ipv6 $addressParts = explode(']:', $address); $host = $addressParts[0]; if (isset($addressParts[1])) { $host .= ']'; $port = $addressParts[1]; } else { $port = $this->getPort(); } } else { // ipv4 $addressParts = explode(':', $address); $host = $addressParts[0]; $port = $addressParts[1] ?? $this->getPort(); } if (!$keepAlive) { return new Client($host, $port); } if (!isset($this->clients[$host][$port])) { $client = new Client($host, $port); $client->setKeepAlive(true); $this->clients[$host][$port] = $client; } return $this->clients[$host][$port]; } /** * Display logs * * @param int $number * @param string $ignore */ public function displayLog(int $number = 1, string $ignore = 'systemd') { /* Read $number lines or until EOF */ while ($number > 0 || ($number < 0 && !feof($this->outDesc))) { $a = fgets($this->outDesc); if (empty($ignore) || !strpos($a, $ignore)) { echo $a; $number--; } } } /** * Get a single log line * * @return null|string */ private function getLogLine() { $read = [$this->outDesc]; $write = null; $except = null; if (stream_select($read, $write, $except, $timeout=3)) { return fgets($this->outDesc); } else { return null; } } /** * Get log lines * * @param int $number * @param bool $skipBlank * @param string $ignore * @return array */ public function getLogLines(int $number = 1, bool $skipBlank = false, string $ignore = 'systemd') { $lines = []; /* Read $n lines or until EOF */ while ($number > 0 || ($number < 0 && !feof($this->outDesc))) { $line = $this->getLogLine(); if (is_null($line)) { break; } if ((empty($ignore) || !strpos($line, $ignore)) && (!$skipBlank || strlen(trim($line)) > 0)) { $lines[] = $line; $number--; } } if ($this->debug) { foreach ($lines as $line) { echo "LOG LINE: " . $line; } } return $lines; } /** * @return mixed|string */ public function getLastLogLine() { $lines = $this->getLogLines(); return $lines[0] ?? ''; } /** * @return string */ public function getUser() { return get_current_user(); } /** * @return string */ public function getGroup() { return get_current_group(); } /** * @return int */ public function getUid() { return getmyuid(); } /** * @return int */ public function getGid() { return getmygid(); } /** * Reload FPM by sending USR2 signal and optionally change config before that. * * @param string|array $configTemplate * @return string * @throws \Exception */ public function reload($configTemplate = null) { if (!is_null($configTemplate)) { self::cleanConfigFiles(); $this->configTemplate = $configTemplate; $this->createConfig(); } return $this->signal('USR2'); } /** * Send signal to the supplied PID or the server PID. * * @param string $signal * @param int|null $pid * @return string */ public function signal($signal, int $pid = null) { if (is_null($pid)) { $pid = $this->getPid(); } return exec("kill -$signal $pid"); } /** * Terminate master process */ public function terminate() { proc_terminate($this->masterProcess); } /** * Close all open descriptors and process resources * * @param bool $terminate */ public function close($terminate = false) { if ($terminate) { $this->terminate(); } fclose($this->outDesc); proc_close($this->masterProcess); } /** * Create a config file. * * @param string $extension * @return string * @throws \Exception */ private function createConfig($extension = 'ini') { if (is_array($this->configTemplate)) { $configTemplates = $this->configTemplate; if (!isset($configTemplates['main'])) { throw new \Exception('The config template array has to have main config'); } $mainTemplate = $configTemplates['main']; if (!is_dir(self::CONF_DIR)) { mkdir(self::CONF_DIR); } foreach ($this->createPoolConfigs($configTemplates) as $name => $poolConfig) { $this->makeFile( 'conf', $this->processTemplate($poolConfig), self::CONF_DIR, $name ); } } else { $mainTemplate = $this->configTemplate; } return $this->makeFile($extension, $this->processTemplate($mainTemplate)); } /** * Create pool config templates. * * @param array $configTemplates * @return array * @throws \Exception */ private function createPoolConfigs(array $configTemplates) { if (!isset($configTemplates['poolTemplate'])) { unset($configTemplates['main']); return $configTemplates; } $poolTemplate = $configTemplates['poolTemplate']; $configs = []; if (isset($configTemplates['count'])) { $start = $configTemplates['start'] ?? 1; for ($i = $start; $i < $start + $configTemplates['count']; $i++) { $configs[$i] = str_replace('%index%', $i, $poolTemplate); } } elseif (isset($configTemplates['names'])) { foreach($configTemplates['names'] as $name) { $configs[$name] = str_replace('%name%', $name, $poolTemplate); } } else { throw new \Exception('The config template requires count or names if poolTemplate set'); } return $configs; } /** * Process template string. * * @param string $template * @return string */ private function processTemplate(string $template) { $vars = [ 'FILE:LOG:ACC' => ['getAbsoluteFile', self::FILE_EXT_LOG_ACC], 'FILE:LOG:ERR' => ['getAbsoluteFile', self::FILE_EXT_LOG_ERR], 'FILE:LOG:SLOW' => ['getAbsoluteFile', self::FILE_EXT_LOG_SLOW], 'FILE:PID' => ['getAbsoluteFile', self::FILE_EXT_PID], 'RFILE:LOG:ACC' => ['getRelativeFile', self::FILE_EXT_LOG_ACC], 'RFILE:LOG:ERR' => ['getRelativeFile', self::FILE_EXT_LOG_ERR], 'RFILE:LOG:SLOW' => ['getRelativeFile', self::FILE_EXT_LOG_SLOW], 'RFILE:PID' => ['getRelativeFile', self::FILE_EXT_PID], 'ADDR:IPv4' => ['getAddr', 'ipv4'], 'ADDR:IPv4:ANY' => ['getAddr', 'ipv4-any'], 'ADDR:IPv6' => ['getAddr', 'ipv6'], 'ADDR:IPv6:ANY' => ['getAddr', 'ipv6-any'], 'ADDR:UDS' => ['getAddr', 'uds'], 'PORT' => ['getPort', 'ip'], 'INCLUDE:CONF' => self::CONF_DIR . '/*.conf', 'USER' => ['getUser'], 'GROUP' => ['getGroup'], 'UID' => ['getUid'], 'GID' => ['getGid'], ]; $aliases = [ 'ADDR' => 'ADDR:IPv4', 'FILE:LOG' => 'FILE:LOG:ERR', ]; foreach ($aliases as $aliasName => $aliasValue) { $vars[$aliasName] = $vars[$aliasValue]; } return preg_replace_callback( '/{{([a-zA-Z0-9:]+)(\[\w+\])?}}/', function ($matches) use ($vars) { $varName = $matches[1]; if (!isset($vars[$varName])) { $this->error("Invalid config variable $varName"); return 'INVALID'; } $pool = $matches[2] ?? 'default'; $varValue = $vars[$varName]; if (is_string($varValue)) { return $varValue; } $functionName = array_shift($varValue); $varValue[] = $pool; return call_user_func_array([$this, $functionName], $varValue); }, $template ); } /** * @param string $type * @param string $pool * @return string */ public function getAddr(string $type = 'ipv4', $pool = 'default') { $port = $this->getPort($type, $pool, true); if ($type === 'uds') { $address = $this->getFile($port . '.sock'); // Socket max path length is 108 on Linux and 104 on BSD, // so we use the latter if (strlen($address) <= 104) { return $address; } return sys_get_temp_dir().'/'. hash('crc32', dirname($address)).'-'. basename($address); } return $this->getHost($type) . ':' . $port; } /** * @param string $type * @param string $pool * @param bool $useAsId * @return int */ public function getPort(string $type = 'ip', $pool = 'default', $useAsId = false) { if ($type === 'uds' && !$useAsId) { return -1; } if (isset($this->ports['values'][$pool])) { return $this->ports['values'][$pool]; } $port = ($this->ports['last'] ?? 9000 + PHP_INT_SIZE - 1) + 1; $this->ports['values'][$pool] = $this->ports['last'] = $port; return $port; } /** * @param string $type * @return string */ public function getHost(string $type = 'ipv4') { switch ($type) { case 'ipv6-any': return '[::]'; case 'ipv6': return '[::1]'; case 'ipv4-any': return ''; default: return ''; } } /** * Get listen address. * * @param string|null $template * @return string */ public function getListen($template = null) { return $template ? $this->processTemplate($template) : $this->getAddr(); } /** * Get PID. * * @return int */ public function getPid() { $pidFile = $this->getFile('pid'); if (!is_file($pidFile)) { return (int) $this->error("PID file has not been created"); } $pidContent = file_get_contents($pidFile); if (!is_numeric($pidContent)) { return (int) $this->error("PID content '$pidContent' is not integer"); } return (int) $pidContent; } /** * @param string $extension * @param string|null $dir * @param string|null $name * @return string */ private function getFile(string $extension, $dir = null, $name = null) { $fileName = (is_null($name) ? $this->fileName : $name . '.') . $extension; return is_null($dir) ? $fileName : $dir . '/' . $fileName; } /** * @param string $extension * @return string */ private function getAbsoluteFile(string $extension) { return $this->getFile($extension); } /** * @param string $extension * @return string */ private function getRelativeFile(string $extension) { $fileName = rtrim(basename($this->fileName), '.'); return $this->getFile($extension, null, $fileName); } /** * @param string $extension * @param string $prefix * @return string */ private function getPrefixedFile(string $extension, string $prefix = null) { $fileName = rtrim($this->fileName, '.'); if (!is_null($prefix)) { $fileName = $prefix . '/' . basename($fileName); } return $this->getFile($extension, null, $fileName); } /** * @param string $extension * @param string $content * @param string|null $dir * @param string|null $name * @return string */ private function makeFile(string $extension, string $content = '', $dir = null, $name = null) { $filePath = $this->getFile($extension, $dir, $name); file_put_contents($filePath, $content); return $filePath; } /** * @return string */ public function makeSourceFile() { return $this->makeFile('src.php', $this->code); } /** * @param string|null $msg */ private function message($msg) { if ($msg !== null) { echo "$msg\n"; } } /** * @param string $msg * @param \Exception|null $exception */ private function error($msg, \Exception $exception = null) { $this->error = 'ERROR: ' . $msg; if ($exception) { $this->error .= '; EXCEPTION: ' . $exception->getMessage(); } $this->error .= "\n"; echo $this->error; } /** * @return bool */ private function hasError() { return !is_null($this->error) || !is_null($this->logTool->getError()); } /** * Expect file with a supplied extension to exist. * * @param string $extension * @param string $prefix * @return bool */ public function expectFile(string $extension, $prefix = null) { $filePath = $this->getPrefixedFile($extension, $prefix); if (!file_exists($filePath)) { return $this->error("The file $filePath does not exist"); } return true; } /** * Expect file with a supplied extension to not exist. * * @param string $extension * @param string $prefix * @return bool */ public function expectNoFile(string $extension, $prefix = null) { $filePath = $this->getPrefixedFile($extension, $prefix); if (file_exists($filePath)) { return $this->error("The file $filePath exists"); } return true; } /** * Expect message to be written to FastCGI error stream. * * @param string $message * @param int $limit * @param int $repeat */ public function expectFastCGIErrorMessage( string $message, int $limit = 1024, int $repeat = 0 ) { $this->logTool->setExpectedMessage($message, $limit, $repeat); $this->logTool->checkTruncatedMessage($this->response->getErrorData()); } /** * Expect reloading lines to be logged. * * @param int $socketCount */ public function expectLogReloadingNotices($socketCount = 1) { $this->logTool->expectReloadingLines($this->getLogLines($socketCount + 4)); } /** * Expect starting lines to be logged. */ public function expectLogStartNotices() { $this->logTool->expectStartingLines($this->getLogLines(2)); } /** * Expect terminating lines to be logged. */ public function expectLogTerminatingNotices() { $this->logTool->expectTerminatorLines($this->getLogLines(-1)); } /** * Expect log message that can span multiple lines. * * @param string $message * @param int $limit * @param int $repeat * @param bool $decorated * @param bool $wrapped */ public function expectLogMessage( string $message, int $limit = 1024, int $repeat = 0, bool $decorated = true, bool $wrapped = true ) { $this->logTool->setExpectedMessage($message, $limit, $repeat); if ($wrapped) { $logLines = $this->getLogLines(-1, true); $this->logTool->checkWrappedMessage($logLines, true, $decorated); } else { $logLines = $this->getLogLines(1, true); $this->logTool->checkTruncatedMessage($logLines[0] ?? ''); } if ($this->debug) { $this->message("-------------- LOG LINES: -------------"); var_dump($logLines); $this->message("---------------------------------------\n"); } } /** * Expect a single log line. * * @param string $message * @return bool */ public function expectLogLine(string $message, bool $is_stderr = true) { $messageLen = strlen($message); $limit = $messageLen > 1024 ? $messageLen + 16 : 1024; $this->logTool->setExpectedMessage($message, $limit); $logLines = $this->getLogLines(1, true); if ($this->debug) { $this->message("LOG LINE: " . ($logLines[0] ?? '')); } return $this->logTool->checkWrappedMessage($logLines, false, true, $is_stderr); } /** * Expect log entry. * * @param string $type The log type * @param string $message The expected message * @param string|null $pool The pool for pool prefixed log entry * @param int $count The number of items * @return bool */ private function expectLogEntry(string $type, string $message, $pool = null, $count = 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (!$this->logTool->expectEntry($type, $this->getLastLogLine(), $message, $pool)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Expect a log debug message. * * @param string $message * @param string|null $pool * @param int $count * @return bool */ public function expectLogDebug(string $message, $pool = null, $count = 1) { return $this->expectLogEntry(LogTool::DEBUG, $message, $pool, $count); } /** * Expect a log notice. * * @param string $message * @param string|null $pool * @param int $count * @return bool */ public function expectLogNotice(string $message, $pool = null, $count = 1) { return $this->expectLogEntry(LogTool::NOTICE, $message, $pool, $count); } /** * Expect a log warning. * * @param string $message * @param string|null $pool * @param int $count * @return bool */ public function expectLogWarning(string $message, $pool = null, $count = 1) { return $this->expectLogEntry(LogTool::WARNING, $message, $pool, $count); } /** * Expect a log error. * * @param string $message * @param string|null $pool * @param int $count * @return bool */ public function expectLogError(string $message, $pool = null, $count = 1) { return $this->expectLogEntry(LogTool::ERROR, $message, $pool, $count); } /** * Expect a log alert. * * @param string $message * @param string|null $pool * @param int $count * @return bool */ public function expectLogAlert(string $message, $pool = null, $count = 1) { return $this->expectLogEntry(LogTool::ALERT, $message, $pool, $count); } /** * Expect no log lines to be logged. * * @return bool */ public function expectNoLogMessages() { $logLines = $this->getLogLines(-1, true); if (!empty($logLines)) { return $this->error( "Expected no log lines but following lines logged:\n" . implode("\n", $logLines) ); } return true; } /** * Expect log config options * * @param array $options * @return bool */ public function expectLogConfigOptions(array $options) { $configOptions = $this->getConfigOptions(); foreach ($options as $name => $value) { if (!isset($configOptions[$name])) { return $this->error("Expected config option: {$name} = {$value} but {$name} is not set"); } if ($configOptions[$name] != $value) { return $this->error( "Expected config option: {$name} = {$value} but got: {$name} = {$configOptions[$name]}" ); } } return true; } /** * Get set config options * * @return array */ private function getConfigOptions() { $options = []; foreach ($this->getLogLines(-1) as $line) { preg_match('/.+NOTICE:\s+(.+)\s=\s(.+)/', $line, $matches); if ($matches) { $options[$matches[1]] = $matches[2]; } } return $options; } /** * Print content of access log. */ public function printAccessLog() { $accessLog = $this->getFile('acc.log'); if (is_file($accessLog)) { print file_get_contents($accessLog); } } }