--TEST-- Bug #27439 (foreach() with $this segfaults) --FILE-- object = new test_props; } public function getArray() { return $this->array; } public function getString() { return $this->string; } public function case1() { foreach ($this->array as $foo) { echo $foo; } } public function case2() { foreach ($this->foobar as $foo); } public function case3() { foreach ($this->string as $foo); } public function case4() { foreach ($this->getArray() as $foo); } public function case5() { foreach ($this->getString() as $foo); } public function case6() { foreach ($this->object as $foo) { echo $foo; } } } $test = new test(); $test->case1(); $test->case2(); $test->case3(); $test->case4(); $test->case5(); $test->case6(); echo "\n"; echo "===DONE==="; ?> --EXPECTF-- 123 Warning: Undefined property: test::$foobar in %s on line %d Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in %s on line %d Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, string given in %s on line %d Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, string given in %s on line %d 123 ===DONE===