diff options
authorJim Warner <>2022-01-13 13:13:13 -0600
committerCraig Small <>2022-01-17 20:27:21 +1100
commit1f30c205d781b78bec4d5924ce59ba9cfeb24d89 (patch)
parent99ec6247ecca5179694d63be78dcc47bd90236aa (diff)
top: bust up that overly large 'summary_show' function
Over the years the summary_show function has increased from around 77 lines of code & comments to its current size of 195 lines. This is well beyond an ideal length of available screen rows. So this patch will split it. We'll take the cpu and memory duties and make separate functions out of them. Of course, this will incur some additional call overhead but, given current cpu/memory logic, any such increase really becomes insignificant. Now summary_show's a svelte 31 lines of code/comments. [ this is like what was done to that do_key function ] [ a decade ago except overhead of new function calls ] [ plus table lookup was even less of a concern since ] [ a human was involved, not normal iterative output. ] Reference(s): . 01/03/22, newlib branch equivalent commit commit cbff1d;d10645cb8c7fc55dda08b06fbafed05932 Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
2 files changed, 196 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/top/top.c b/top/top.c
index fa2905c..7b57342 100644
--- a/top/top.c
+++ b/top/top.c
@@ -5792,7 +5792,7 @@ static void keys_xtra (int ch) {
// show_msg(fmtmk("%s sort compatibility key honored", xmsg));
} // end: keys_xtra
-/*###### Secondary summary display support (summary_show helpers) ######*/
+/*###### Tertiary summary display support (summary_show helpers) #######*/
* note how alphabetical order is maintained within carefully chosen |
@@ -5926,6 +5926,190 @@ static int sum_unify (CPU_t *cpu, int nobuf) {
return 0;
} // end: sum_unify
+/*###### Secondary summary display support (summary_show helpers) ######*/
+ /*
+ * A helper function that displays cpu and/or numa node stuff |
+ * ( so as to keep the 'summary_show' guy a reasonable size ) | */
+static void do_cpus (void) {
+ #define noMAS (Msg_row + 1 >= Screen_rows - 1)
+ char tmp[MEDBUFSIZ];
+ int i;
+ if (CHKw(Curwin, View_CPUNOD)) {
+ if (Numa_node_sel < 0) {
+ /*
+ * display the 1st /proc/stat line, then the nodes (if room) */
+ Msg_row += sum_tics(&Cpu_tics[smp_num_cpus], N_txt(WORD_allcpus_txt), 1);
+ // display each cpu node's states
+ for (i = 0; i < Numa_node_tot; i++) {
+ CPU_t *nod_ptr = &Cpu_tics[1 + smp_num_cpus + i];
+ if (noMAS) break;
+ if (!nod_ptr->id) continue;
+ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(NUMA_nodenam_fmt), i);
+ Msg_row += sum_tics(nod_ptr, tmp, 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * display the node summary, then the associated cpus (if room) */
+ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(NUMA_nodenam_fmt), Numa_node_sel);
+ Msg_row += sum_tics(&Cpu_tics[1 + smp_num_cpus + Numa_node_sel], tmp, 1);
+#ifdef PRETEND48CPU
+ #define deLIMIT Cpu_true_tot
+ #define deLIMIT Cpu_faux_tot
+ for (i = 0; i < deLIMIT; i++) {
+ if (Numa_node_sel == Cpu_tics[i].node) {
+ if (noMAS) break;
+ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(WORD_eachcpu_fmt), Cpu_tics[i].id);
+ Msg_row += sum_tics(&Cpu_tics[i], tmp, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ #undef deLIMIT
+ }
+ } else if (!CHKw(Curwin, View_CPUSUM)) {
+ /*
+ * display each cpu's states separately, screen height permitting... */
+ if (Curwin->rc.combine_cpus) {
+ for (i = 0; i < Cpu_faux_tot; i++) {
+ Msg_row += sum_unify(&Cpu_tics[i], (i+1 >= Cpu_faux_tot));
+ if (noMAS) break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < Cpu_faux_tot; i++) {
+ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(WORD_eachcpu_fmt), Cpu_tics[i].id);
+ Msg_row += sum_tics(&Cpu_tics[i], tmp, (i+1 >= Cpu_faux_tot));
+ if (noMAS) break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * display just the 1st /proc/stat line */
+ Msg_row += sum_tics(&Cpu_tics[smp_num_cpus], N_txt(WORD_allcpus_txt), 1);
+ }
+ #undef noMAS
+} // end: do_cpus
+ /*
+ * A helper function which will display the memory/swap stuff |
+ * ( so as to keep the 'summary_show' guy a reasonable size ) | */
+static void do_memory (void) {
+ #define bfT(n) buftab[n].buf
+ #define scT(e) scaletab[Rc.summ_mscale]. e
+ #define mkM(x) (float)kb_main_ ## x / scT(div)
+ #define mkS(x) (float)kb_swap_ ## x / scT(div)
+ #define prT(b,z) { if (9 < snprintf(b, 10, scT(fmts), z)) b[8] = '+'; }
+#ifdef TOG4_OFF_MEM
+ #define memPARM 1
+ #define memPARM 0
+ static const struct {
+ const char *used, *misc, *swap, *type;
+ } gtab[] = {
+ { "%-.*s~7", "%-.*s~8", "%-.*s~8", Graph_bars },
+ { "%-.*s~4", "%-.*s~6", "%-.*s~6", Graph_blks }
+ };
+ static struct {
+ float div;
+ const char *fmts;
+ const char *label;
+ } scaletab[] = {
+ { 1, "%.0f ", NULL }, // kibibytes
+ { 1024.0, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // mebibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // gibibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // tebibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // pebibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL } // exbibytes
+ { 1024.0, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // mebibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // gibibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // tebibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // pebibytes
+ { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL } // exbibytes
+ };
+ struct { // 0123456789
+ // snprintf contents of each buf (after SK_Kb): 'nnnn.nnn 0'
+ // & prT macro might replace space at buf[8] with: -------> +
+ char buf[10]; // MEMORY_lines_fmt provides for 8+1 bytes
+ } buftab[8];
+ char used[SMLBUFSIZ], util[SMLBUFSIZ], dual[MEDBUFSIZ], row[ROWMINSIZ];
+ float pct_used, pct_misc, pct_swap;
+ int ix, num_used, num_misc;
+ unsigned long kb_main_my_misc;
+ if (!scaletab[0].label) {
+ scaletab[0].label = N_txt(AMT_kilobyte_txt);
+ scaletab[1].label = N_txt(AMT_megabyte_txt);
+ scaletab[2].label = N_txt(AMT_gigabyte_txt);
+ scaletab[3].label = N_txt(AMT_terabyte_txt);
+ scaletab[4].label = N_txt(AMT_petabyte_txt);
+ scaletab[5].label = N_txt(AMT_exxabyte_txt);
+ }
+ if (Curwin->rc.graph_mems) {
+ pct_used = (float)kb_main_used * (100.0 / (float)kb_main_total);
+ pct_misc = (float)(kb_main_buffers + kb_main_cached) * (100.0 / (float)kb_main_total);
+ pct_misc = (float)(kb_main_total - kb_main_available - kb_main_used) * (100.0 / (float)kb_main_total);
+ if (pct_used + pct_misc > 100.0 || pct_misc < 0) pct_misc = 0;
+ pct_swap = kb_swap_total ? (float)kb_swap_used * (100.0 / (float)kb_swap_total) : 0;
+ ix = Curwin->rc.graph_mems - 1;
+ num_used = (int)((pct_used * Graph_adj) + .5),
+ num_misc = (int)((pct_misc * Graph_adj) + .5);
+ if (num_used + num_misc > Graph_len) num_misc = Graph_len - num_used;
+ snprintf(used, sizeof(used), gtab[ix].used, num_used, gtab[ix].type);
+ snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].misc, num_misc, gtab[ix].type);
+ (void)num_used; (void)num_misc;
+ snprintf(used, sizeof(used), gtab[ix].used, (int)((pct_used * Graph_adj) + .5), gtab[ix].type);
+ snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].misc, (int)((pct_misc * Graph_adj) + .4), gtab[ix].type);
+ snprintf(dual, sizeof(dual), "%s%s", used, util);
+ snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].swap, (int)((pct_swap * Graph_adj) + .5), gtab[ix].type);
+ prT(bfT(0), mkM(total)); prT(bfT(1), mkS(total));
+ snprintf(row, sizeof(row), "%s %s:~3%#5.1f~2/%-9.9s~3[~1%-*s]~1"
+ , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt), pct_used + pct_misc, bfT(0), Graph_len +4, dual);
+ Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
+ snprintf(row, sizeof(row), "%s %s:~3%#5.1f~2/%-9.9s~3[~1%-*s]~1"
+ , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_swp_txt), pct_swap, bfT(1), Graph_len +2, util);
+ Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
+ } else {
+ kb_main_my_misc = kb_main_buffers + kb_main_cached;
+ prT(bfT(0), mkM(total)); prT(bfT(1), mkM(free));
+ prT(bfT(2), mkM(used)); prT(bfT(3), mkM(my_misc));
+ prT(bfT(4), mkS(total)); prT(bfT(5), mkS(free));
+ prT(bfT(6), mkS(used)); prT(bfT(7), mkM(available));
+ snprintf(row, sizeof(row), N_unq(MEMORY_line1_fmt)
+ , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt), bfT(0), bfT(1), bfT(2), bfT(3));
+ Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
+ snprintf(row, sizeof(row), N_unq(MEMORY_line2_fmt)
+ , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_swp_txt), bfT(4), bfT(5), bfT(6), bfT(7)
+ , N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt));
+ Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
+ }
+ #undef bfT
+ #undef scT
+ #undef mkM
+ #undef mkS
+ #undef prT
+ #undef memPARM
+} // end: do_memory
/*###### Main Screen routines ##########################################*/
@@ -6008,19 +6192,15 @@ all_done:
* 2) Display task/cpu states (maybe)
* 3) Display memory & swap usage (maybe) */
static void summary_show (void) {
- #define isROOM(f,n) (CHKw(w, f) && Msg_row + (n) < Screen_rows - 1)
- #define anyFLG 0xffffff
- WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
- char tmp[MEDBUFSIZ];
- int i;
+ #define isROOM(f,n) (CHKw(Curwin, f) && Msg_row + (n) < Screen_rows - 1)
// Display Uptime and Loadavg
if (isROOM(View_LOADAV, 1)) {
if (!Rc.mode_altscr)
show_special(0, fmtmk(LOADAV_line, Myname, sprint_uptime(0)));
- show_special(0, fmtmk(CHKw(w, Show_TASKON)? LOADAV_line_alt : LOADAV_line
- , w->grpname, sprint_uptime(0)));
+ show_special(0, fmtmk(CHKw(Curwin, Show_TASKON)? LOADAV_line_alt : LOADAV_line
+ , Curwin->grpname, sprint_uptime(0)));
Msg_row += 1;
} // end: View_LOADAV
@@ -6032,175 +6212,15 @@ static void summary_show (void) {
, Frame_stopped, Frame_zombied));
Msg_row += 1;
- if (CHKw(w, View_CPUNOD)) {
- if (Numa_node_sel < 0) {
- // display the 1st /proc/stat line, then the nodes (if room)
- Msg_row += sum_tics(&Cpu_tics[smp_num_cpus], N_txt(WORD_allcpus_txt), 1);
- // display each cpu node's states
- for (i = 0; i < Numa_node_tot; i++) {
- CPU_t *nod_ptr = &Cpu_tics[1 + smp_num_cpus + i];
- if (!isROOM(anyFLG, 1)) break;
- if (nod_ptr->id) {
- snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(NUMA_nodenam_fmt), i);
- Msg_row += sum_tics(nod_ptr, tmp, 1);
- }
- }
- } else {
- // display the node summary, then the associated cpus (if room)
- snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(NUMA_nodenam_fmt), Numa_node_sel);
- Msg_row += sum_tics(&Cpu_tics[1 + smp_num_cpus + Numa_node_sel], tmp, 1);
-#ifdef PRETEND48CPU
- for (i = 0; i < Cpu_true_tot; i++) {
- for (i = 0; i < Cpu_faux_tot; i++) {
- if (Numa_node_sel == Cpu_tics[i].node) {
- if (!isROOM(anyFLG, 1)) break;
- snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(WORD_eachcpu_fmt), Cpu_tics[i].id);
- Msg_row += sum_tics(&Cpu_tics[i], tmp, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (CHKw(w, View_CPUSUM)) {
- // display just the 1st /proc/stat line
- Msg_row += sum_tics(&Cpu_tics[smp_num_cpus], N_txt(WORD_allcpus_txt), 1);
- } else {
- // display each cpu's states separately, screen height permitting...
- if (w->rc.combine_cpus) {
- for (i = 0; i < Cpu_faux_tot; i++) {
- Msg_row += sum_unify(&Cpu_tics[i], (i+1 >= Cpu_faux_tot));
- if (!isROOM(anyFLG, 1)) break;
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < Cpu_faux_tot; i++) {
- snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(WORD_eachcpu_fmt), Cpu_tics[i].id);
- Msg_row += sum_tics(&Cpu_tics[i], tmp, (i+1 >= Cpu_faux_tot));
- if (!isROOM(anyFLG, 1)) break;
- }
- }
- }
- } // end: View_STATES
+ do_cpus();
+ }
// Display Memory and Swap stats
if (isROOM(View_MEMORY, 2)) {
- #define bfT(n) buftab[n].buf
- #define scT(e) scaletab[Rc.summ_mscale]. e
- #define mkM(x) (float)kb_main_ ## x / scT(div)
- #define mkS(x) (float)kb_swap_ ## x / scT(div)
- #define prT(b,z) { if (9 < snprintf(b, 10, scT(fmts), z)) b[8] = '+'; }
-#ifdef TOG4_OFF_MEM
- #define memPARM 1
- #define memPARM 0
- static struct {
- float div;
- const char *fmts;
- const char *label;
- } scaletab[] = {
- { 1, "%.0f ", NULL }, // kibibytes
- { 1024.0, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // mebibytes
- { 1024.0*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // gibibytes
- { 1024.0*1024*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // tebibytes
- { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL }, // pebibytes
- { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024*1024, "%#.3f ", NULL } // exbibytes
- { 1024.0, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // mebibytes
- { 1024.0*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // gibibytes
- { 1024.0*1024*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // tebibytes
- { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL }, // pebibytes
- { 1024.0*1024*1024*1024*1024, "%#.1f ", NULL } // exbibytes
- };
- struct { // 0123456789
- // snprintf contents of each buf (after SK_Kb): 'nnnn.nnn 0'
- // and prT macro might replace space at buf[8] with: ------> +
- char buf[10]; // MEMORY_lines_fmt provides for 8+1 bytes
- } buftab[8];
- if (!scaletab[0].label) {
- scaletab[0].label = N_txt(AMT_kilobyte_txt);
- scaletab[1].label = N_txt(AMT_megabyte_txt);
- scaletab[2].label = N_txt(AMT_gigabyte_txt);
- scaletab[3].label = N_txt(AMT_terabyte_txt);
- scaletab[4].label = N_txt(AMT_petabyte_txt);
- scaletab[5].label = N_txt(AMT_exxabyte_txt);
- }
- if (w->rc.graph_mems) {
- static const struct {
- const char *used, *misc, *swap, *type;
- } gtab[] = {
- { "%-.*s~7", "%-.*s~8", "%-.*s~8", Graph_bars },
- { "%-.*s~4", "%-.*s~6", "%-.*s~6", Graph_blks }
- };
- char used[SMLBUFSIZ], util[SMLBUFSIZ], dual[MEDBUFSIZ], row[ROWMINSIZ];
- float pct_used, pct_misc, pct_swap;
- int ix, num_used, num_misc;
- pct_used = (float)kb_main_used * (100.0 / (float)kb_main_total);
- pct_misc = (float)(kb_main_buffers + kb_main_cached) * (100.0 / (float)kb_main_total);
- pct_misc = (float)(kb_main_total - kb_main_available - kb_main_used) * (100.0 / (float)kb_main_total);
- if (pct_used + pct_misc > 100.0 || pct_misc < 0) pct_misc = 0;
- pct_swap = kb_swap_total ? (float)kb_swap_used * (100.0 / (float)kb_swap_total) : 0;
- ix = w->rc.graph_mems - 1;
- num_used = (int)((pct_used * Graph_adj) + .5),
- num_misc = (int)((pct_misc * Graph_adj) + .5);
- if (num_used + num_misc > Graph_len) num_misc = Graph_len - num_used;
- snprintf(used, sizeof(used), gtab[ix].used, num_used, gtab[ix].type);
- snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].misc, num_misc, gtab[ix].type);
- (void)num_used; (void)num_misc;
- snprintf(used, sizeof(used), gtab[ix].used, (int)((pct_used * Graph_adj) + .5), gtab[ix].type);
- snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].misc, (int)((pct_misc * Graph_adj) + .4), gtab[ix].type);
- snprintf(dual, sizeof(dual), "%s%s", used, util);
- snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].swap, (int)((pct_swap * Graph_adj) + .5), gtab[ix].type);
- prT(bfT(0), mkM(total)); prT(bfT(1), mkS(total));
- snprintf(row, sizeof(row), "%s %s:~3%#5.1f~2/%-9.9s~3[~1%-*s]~1"
- , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt), pct_used + pct_misc, bfT(0), Graph_len +4, dual);
- Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
- snprintf(row, sizeof(row), "%s %s:~3%#5.1f~2/%-9.9s~3[~1%-*s]~1"
- , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_swp_txt), pct_swap, bfT(1), Graph_len +2, util);
- Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
- } else {
- char row[MEDBUFSIZ];
- unsigned long kb_main_my_misc = kb_main_buffers + kb_main_cached;
- prT(bfT(0), mkM(total)); prT(bfT(1), mkM(free));
- prT(bfT(2), mkM(used)); prT(bfT(3), mkM(my_misc));
- prT(bfT(4), mkS(total)); prT(bfT(5), mkS(free));
- prT(bfT(6), mkS(used)); prT(bfT(7), mkM(available));
- snprintf(row, sizeof(row), N_unq(MEMORY_line1_fmt)
- , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt), bfT(0), bfT(1), bfT(2), bfT(3));
- Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
- snprintf(row, sizeof(row), N_unq(MEMORY_line2_fmt)
- , scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_swp_txt), bfT(4), bfT(5), bfT(6), bfT(7)
- , N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt));
- Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
- }
- #undef bfT
- #undef scT
- #undef mkM
- #undef mkS
- #undef prT
- #undef memPARM
- } // end: View_MEMORY
+ do_memory();
+ }
#undef isROOM
- #undef anyFLG
} // end: summary_show
diff --git a/top/top.h b/top/top.h
index 44c6822..6eb87fb 100644
--- a/top/top.h
+++ b/top/top.h
@@ -820,10 +820,13 @@ typedef struct WIN_t {
//atic void keys_task (int ch);
//atic void keys_window (int ch);
//atic void keys_xtra (int ch);
-/*------ Secondary summary display support (summary_show helpers) ------*/
+/*------ Tertiary summary display support (summary_show helpers) -------*/
//atic inline int sum_see (const char *str, int nobuf);
//atic int sum_tics (CPU_t *cpu, const char *pfx, int nobuf);
//atic int sum_unify (CPU_t *cpu, int nobuf);
+/*------ Secondary summary display support (summary_show helpers) ------*/
+//atic void do_cpus (void);
+//atic void do_memory (void);
/*------ Main Screen routines ------------------------------------------*/
//atic void do_key (int ch);
//atic void summary_show (void);