path: root/tool/extlibs.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tool/extlibs.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 285 deletions
diff --git a/tool/extlibs.rb b/tool/extlibs.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 5d1a2db..0000000
--- a/tool/extlibs.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-# Used to download, extract and patch extension libraries (extlibs)
-# for Ruby. See for Ruby's usage.
-require 'digest'
-require_relative 'downloader'
- require_relative 'lib/colorize'
-rescue LoadError
-class ExtLibs
- unless defined?(Colorize)
- class Colorize
- def pass(str) str; end
- def fail(str) str; end
- end
- end
- class Vars < Hash
- def pattern
- /\$\((#{Regexp.union(keys)})\)/
- end
- def expand(str)
- if empty?
- str
- else
- str.gsub(pattern) {self[$1]}
- end
- end
- end
- def initialize(mode = :all, cache_dir: nil)
- @mode = mode
- @cache_dir = cache_dir
- @colorize =
- end
- def cache_file(url, cache_dir)
- Downloader.cache_file(url, nil, cache_dir).to_path
- end
- def do_download(url, cache_dir)
-, nil, nil, nil, :cache_dir => cache_dir)
- end
- def do_checksum(cache, chksums)
- chksums.each do |sum|
- name, sum = sum.split(/:/)
- $stdout.print "checking #{name} of #{cache} ..."
- $stdout.flush
- end
- hd = Digest(name.upcase).file(cache).hexdigest
- $stdout.print " "
- $stdout.puts hd == sum ? @colorize.pass("OK") :"NG")
- $stdout.flush
- end
- unless hd == sum
- raise "checksum mismatch: #{cache}, #{name}:#{hd}, expected #{sum}"
- end
- end
- end
- def do_extract(cache, dir)
- $stdout.puts "extracting #{cache} into #{dir}"
- $stdout.flush
- end
- ext = File.extname(cache)
- case ext
- when '.gz', '.tgz'
- f = IO.popen(["gzip", "-dc", cache])
- cache = cache.chomp('.gz')
- when '.bz2', '.tbz'
- f = IO.popen(["bzip2", "-dc", cache])
- cache = cache.chomp('.bz2')
- when '.xz', '.txz'
- f = IO.popen(["xz", "-dc", cache])
- cache = cache.chomp('.xz')
- else
- inp = cache
- end
- inp ||= f.binmode
- ext = File.extname(cache)
- case ext
- when '.tar', /\A\.t[gbx]z\z/
- pid = Process.spawn("tar", "xpf", "-", in: inp, chdir: dir)
- when '.zip'
- pid = Process.spawn("unzip", inp, "-d", dir)
- end
- f.close if f
- Process.wait(pid)
- $?.success? or raise "failed to extract #{cache}"
- end
- def do_patch(dest, patch, args)
- $stdout.puts "applying #{patch} under #{dest}"
- $stdout.flush
- end
- Process.wait(Process.spawn(ENV.fetch("PATCH", "patch"), "-d", dest, "-i", patch, *args))
- $?.success? or raise "failed to patch #{patch}"
- end
- def do_link(file, src, dest)
- file = File.join(dest, file)
- if (target = src).start_with?("/")
- target = File.join([".."] * file.count("/"), src)
- end
- return unless File.exist?(File.expand_path(target, File.dirname(file)))
- File.unlink(file) rescue nil
- begin
- File.symlink(target, file)
- rescue
- else
- $stdout.puts "linked #{target} to #{file}"
- $stdout.flush
- end
- return
- end
- begin
- src = src.sub(/\A\//, '')
- File.copy_stream(src, file)
- rescue
- $stdout.puts "failed to link #{src} to #{file}: #{$!.message}"
- end
- else
- $stdout.puts "copied #{src} to #{file}"
- end
- end
- end
- def do_exec(command, dir, dest)
- dir = dir ? File.join(dest, dir) : dest
- $stdout.puts "running #{command.dump} under #{dir}"
- $stdout.flush
- end
- system(command, chdir: dir) or raise "failed #{command.dump}"
- end
- def do_command(mode, dest, url, cache_dir, chksums)
- extracted = false
- base = /.*(?=\.tar(?:\.\w+)?\z)/
- case mode
- when :download
- cache = do_download(url, cache_dir)
- do_checksum(cache, chksums)
- when :extract
- cache = cache_file(url, cache_dir)
- target = File.join(dest, File.basename(cache)[base])
- unless
- do_checksum(cache, chksums)
- extracted = do_extract(cache, dest)
- end
- when :all
- cache = do_download(url, cache_dir)
- target = File.join(dest, File.basename(cache)[base])
- unless
- do_checksum(cache, chksums)
- extracted = do_extract(cache, dest)
- end
- end
- extracted
- end
- def process(list)
- mode = @mode
- cache_dir = @cache_dir
- after_extract = (mode == :all or mode == :patch)
- success = true
- $stdout.puts "downloading for #{list}"
- $stdout.flush
- end
- vars =
- extracted = false
- dest = File.dirname(list)
- url = chksums = nil
- IO.foreach(list) do |line|
- line.sub!(/\s*#.*/, '')
- if /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)/ =~ line
- vars[$1] = vars.expand($2)
- next
- end
- if chksums
- chksums.concat(line.split)
- elsif /^\t/ =~ line
- if extracted and after_extract
- patch, *args = {|s| vars.expand(s)}
- do_patch(dest, patch, args)
- end
- next
- elsif /^!\s*(?:chdir:\s*([^|\s]+)\|\s*)?(.*)/ =~ line
- if extracted and after_extract
- command = vars.expand($2.strip)
- chdir = $1 and chdir = vars.expand(chdir)
- do_exec(command, chdir, dest)
- end
- next
- elsif /->/ =~ line
- if extracted and after_extract
- link, file = $`.strip, $'.strip
- do_link(vars.expand(link), vars.expand(file), dest)
- end
- next
- else
- url, *chksums = line.split(' ')
- end
- if chksums.last == '\\'
- chksums.pop
- next
- end
- unless url
- chksums = nil
- next
- end
- url = vars.expand(url)
- begin
- extracted = do_command(mode, dest, url, cache_dir, chksums)
- rescue => e
- warn e.full_message
- success = false
- end
- url = chksums = nil
- end
- success
- end
- def process_under(dir)
- success = true
- Dir.glob("#{dir}/**/extlibs") do |list|
- success &= process(list)
- end
- success
- end
- def
- cache_dir = nil
- mode = :all
- until argv.empty?
- case argv[0]
- when '--download'
- mode = :download
- when '--extract'
- mode = :extract
- when '--patch'
- mode = :patch
- when '--all'
- mode = :all
- when '--cache'
- argv.shift
- cache_dir = argv[0]
- when /\A--cache=/
- cache_dir = $'
- when '--'
- argv.shift
- break
- when /\A-/
- warn "unknown option: #{argv[0]}"
- return false
- else
- break
- end
- argv.shift
- end
- extlibs = new(mode, cache_dir: cache_dir)
- argv.inject(true) do |success, dir|
- success & extlibs.process_under(dir)
- end
- end
-if $0 == __FILE__
- exit