/*** This file is part of PulseAudio. Copyright 2004-2006 Lennart Poettering Copyright 2008 Colin Guthrie PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with PulseAudio; if not, see . ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "module-raop-discover-symdef.h" PA_MODULE_AUTHOR("Colin Guthrie"); PA_MODULE_DESCRIPTION("mDNS/DNS-SD Service Discovery of RAOP devices"); PA_MODULE_VERSION(PACKAGE_VERSION); PA_MODULE_LOAD_ONCE(true); #define SERVICE_TYPE_SINK "_raop._tcp" struct userdata { pa_core *core; pa_module *module; AvahiPoll *avahi_poll; AvahiClient *client; AvahiServiceBrowser *sink_browser; pa_hashmap *tunnels; }; static const char* const valid_modargs[] = { NULL }; struct tunnel { AvahiIfIndex interface; AvahiProtocol protocol; char *name, *type, *domain; uint32_t module_index; }; static unsigned tunnel_hash(const void *p) { const struct tunnel *t = p; return (unsigned) t->interface + (unsigned) t->protocol + pa_idxset_string_hash_func(t->name) + pa_idxset_string_hash_func(t->type) + pa_idxset_string_hash_func(t->domain); } static int tunnel_compare(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct tunnel *ta = a, *tb = b; int r; if (ta->interface != tb->interface) return 1; if (ta->protocol != tb->protocol) return 1; if ((r = strcmp(ta->name, tb->name))) return r; if ((r = strcmp(ta->type, tb->type))) return r; if ((r = strcmp(ta->domain, tb->domain))) return r; return 0; } static struct tunnel* tunnel_new( AvahiIfIndex interface, AvahiProtocol protocol, const char *name, const char *type, const char *domain) { struct tunnel *t; t = pa_xnew(struct tunnel, 1); t->interface = interface; t->protocol = protocol; t->name = pa_xstrdup(name); t->type = pa_xstrdup(type); t->domain = pa_xstrdup(domain); t->module_index = PA_IDXSET_INVALID; return t; } static void tunnel_free(struct tunnel *t) { pa_assert(t); pa_xfree(t->name); pa_xfree(t->type); pa_xfree(t->domain); pa_xfree(t); } static void resolver_cb( AvahiServiceResolver *r, AvahiIfIndex interface, AvahiProtocol protocol, AvahiResolverEvent event, const char *name, const char *type, const char *domain, const char *host_name, const AvahiAddress *a, uint16_t port, AvahiStringList *txt, AvahiLookupResultFlags flags, void *userdata) { struct userdata *u = userdata; struct tunnel *tnl; char *device = NULL, *nicename, *dname, *vname, *args; char *tp = NULL, *et = NULL, *cn = NULL; char *ch = NULL, *ss = NULL, *sr = NULL; char *t = NULL; char at[AVAHI_ADDRESS_STR_MAX]; AvahiStringList *l; pa_module *m; pa_assert(u); tnl = tunnel_new(interface, protocol, name, type, domain); if (event != AVAHI_RESOLVER_FOUND) { pa_log("Resolving of '%s' failed: %s", name, avahi_strerror(avahi_client_errno(u->client))); goto finish; } if ((nicename = strstr(name, "@"))) { ++nicename; if (strlen(nicename) > 0) { pa_log_debug("Found RAOP: %s", nicename); nicename = pa_escape(nicename, "\"'"); } else nicename = NULL; } for (l = txt; l; l = l->next) { char *key, *value; pa_assert_se(avahi_string_list_get_pair(l, &key, &value, NULL) == 0); pa_log_debug("Found key: '%s' with value: '%s'", key, value); if (pa_streq(key, "device")) { device = value; value = NULL; } else if (pa_streq(key, "tp")) { /* Transport protocol: * - TCP = only TCP, * - UDP = only UDP, * - TCP,UDP = both supported (UDP should be prefered) */ if (pa_str_in_list(value, ",", "UDP")) tp = pa_xstrdup("UDP"); else if (pa_str_in_list(value, ",", "TCP")) tp = pa_xstrdup("TCP"); else tp = pa_xstrdup(value); } else if (pa_streq(key, "et")) { /* Supported encryption types: * - 0 = none, * - 1 = RSA, * - 2 = FairPlay, * - 3 = MFiSAP, * - 4 = FairPlay SAPv2.5. */ if (pa_str_in_list(value, ",", "1")) et = pa_xstrdup("RSA"); else et = pa_xstrdup("none"); } else if (pa_streq(key, "cn")) { /* Suported audio codecs: * - 0 = PCM, * - 1 = ALAC, * - 2 = AAC, * - 3 = AAC ELD. */ if (pa_str_in_list(value, ",", "1")) cn = pa_xstrdup("ALAC"); else cn = pa_xstrdup("PCM"); } else if (pa_streq(key, "md")) { /* Supported metadata types: * - 0 = text, * - 1 = artwork, * - 2 = progress. */ } else if (pa_streq(key, "pw")) { /* Requires password ? (true/false) */ } else if (pa_streq(key, "ch")) { /* Number of channels */ ch = pa_xstrdup(value); } else if (pa_streq(key, "ss")) { /* Sample size */ ss = pa_xstrdup(value); } else if (pa_streq(key, "sr")) { /* Sample rate */ sr = pa_xstrdup(value); } avahi_free(key); avahi_free(value); } if (device) dname = pa_sprintf_malloc("raop_output.%s.%s", host_name, device); else dname = pa_sprintf_malloc("raop_output.%s", host_name); if (!(vname = pa_namereg_make_valid_name(dname))) { pa_log("Cannot construct valid device name from '%s'.", dname); avahi_free(device); pa_xfree(dname); goto finish; } avahi_free(device); pa_xfree(dname); avahi_address_snprint(at, sizeof(at), a); if (nicename) { args = pa_sprintf_malloc("server=[%s]:%u " "sink_name=%s " "sink_properties='device.description=\"%s (%s:%u)\"'", at, port, vname, nicename, at, port); pa_xfree(nicename); } else { args = pa_sprintf_malloc("server=[%s]:%u " "sink_name=%s" "sink_properties='device.description=\"%s:%u\"'", at, port, vname, at, port); } if (tp != NULL) { t = args; args = pa_sprintf_malloc("%s protocol=%s", args, tp); pa_xfree(tp); pa_xfree(t); } if (et != NULL) { t = args; args = pa_sprintf_malloc("%s encryption=%s", args, et); pa_xfree(et); pa_xfree(t); } if (cn != NULL) { t = args; args = pa_sprintf_malloc("%s codec=%s", args, cn); pa_xfree(cn); pa_xfree(t); } if (ch != NULL) { t = args; args = pa_sprintf_malloc("%s channels=%s", args, ch); pa_xfree(ch); pa_xfree(t); } if (ss != NULL) { t = args; args = pa_sprintf_malloc("%s format=%s", args, ss); pa_xfree(ss); pa_xfree(t); } if (sr != NULL) { t = args; args = pa_sprintf_malloc("%s rate=%s", args, sr); pa_xfree(sr); pa_xfree(t); } pa_log_debug("Loading module-raop-sink with arguments '%s'", args); if ((m = pa_module_load(u->core, "module-raop-sink", args))) { tnl->module_index = m->index; pa_hashmap_put(u->tunnels, tnl, tnl); tnl = NULL; } pa_xfree(vname); pa_xfree(args); finish: avahi_service_resolver_free(r); if (tnl) tunnel_free(tnl); } static void browser_cb( AvahiServiceBrowser *b, AvahiIfIndex interface, AvahiProtocol protocol, AvahiBrowserEvent event, const char *name, const char *type, const char *domain, AvahiLookupResultFlags flags, void *userdata) { struct userdata *u = userdata; struct tunnel *t; pa_assert(u); if (flags & AVAHI_LOOKUP_RESULT_LOCAL) return; t = tunnel_new(interface, protocol, name, type, domain); if (event == AVAHI_BROWSER_NEW) { if (!pa_hashmap_get(u->tunnels, t)) if (!(avahi_service_resolver_new(u->client, interface, protocol, name, type, domain, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, 0, resolver_cb, u))) pa_log("avahi_service_resolver_new() failed: %s", avahi_strerror(avahi_client_errno(u->client))); /* We ignore the returned resolver object here, since the we don't * need to attach any special data to it, and we can still destroy * it from the callback. */ } else if (event == AVAHI_BROWSER_REMOVE) { struct tunnel *t2; if ((t2 = pa_hashmap_get(u->tunnels, t))) { pa_module_unload_request_by_index(u->core, t2->module_index, true); pa_hashmap_remove(u->tunnels, t2); tunnel_free(t2); } } tunnel_free(t); } static void client_callback(AvahiClient *c, AvahiClientState state, void *userdata) { struct userdata *u = userdata; pa_assert(c); pa_assert(u); u->client = c; switch (state) { case AVAHI_CLIENT_S_REGISTERING: case AVAHI_CLIENT_S_RUNNING: case AVAHI_CLIENT_S_COLLISION: if (!u->sink_browser) { if (!(u->sink_browser = avahi_service_browser_new( c, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, SERVICE_TYPE_SINK, NULL, 0, browser_cb, u))) { pa_log("avahi_service_browser_new() failed: %s", avahi_strerror(avahi_client_errno(c))); pa_module_unload_request(u->module, true); } } break; case AVAHI_CLIENT_FAILURE: if (avahi_client_errno(c) == AVAHI_ERR_DISCONNECTED) { int error; pa_log_debug("Avahi daemon disconnected."); /* Try to reconnect. */ if (!(u->client = avahi_client_new(u->avahi_poll, AVAHI_CLIENT_NO_FAIL, client_callback, u, &error))) { pa_log("avahi_client_new() failed: %s", avahi_strerror(error)); pa_module_unload_request(u->module, true); } } /* Fall through. */ case AVAHI_CLIENT_CONNECTING: if (u->sink_browser) { avahi_service_browser_free(u->sink_browser); u->sink_browser = NULL; } break; default: break; } } int pa__init(pa_module *m) { struct userdata *u; pa_modargs *ma = NULL; int error; if (!(ma = pa_modargs_new(m->argument, valid_modargs))) { pa_log("Failed to parse module arguments."); goto fail; } m->userdata = u = pa_xnew(struct userdata, 1); u->core = m->core; u->module = m; u->sink_browser = NULL; u->tunnels = pa_hashmap_new(tunnel_hash, tunnel_compare); u->avahi_poll = pa_avahi_poll_new(m->core->mainloop); if (!(u->client = avahi_client_new(u->avahi_poll, AVAHI_CLIENT_NO_FAIL, client_callback, u, &error))) { pa_log("pa_avahi_client_new() failed: %s", avahi_strerror(error)); goto fail; } pa_modargs_free(ma); return 0; fail: pa__done(m); if (ma) pa_modargs_free(ma); return -1; } void pa__done(pa_module *m) { struct userdata *u; pa_assert(m); if (!(u = m->userdata)) return; if (u->client) avahi_client_free(u->client); if (u->avahi_poll) pa_avahi_poll_free(u->avahi_poll); if (u->tunnels) { struct tunnel *t; while ((t = pa_hashmap_steal_first(u->tunnels))) { pa_module_unload_request_by_index(u->core, t->module_index, true); tunnel_free(t); } pa_hashmap_free(u->tunnels); } pa_xfree(u); }