# Contributing to PycURL ## Issues Please take a moment to consider whether your issue is a bug report or a support request. A bug report should contain code to reproduce the bug, patch to fix the bug, or at the very least a pointer to some code in PycURL that you suspect to be the problem. If you don't have any of these, your issue is likely a support request. Please send support requests to our mailing list: http://cool.haxx.se/mailman/listinfo/curl-and-python People have also had success with getting help at Stack Overflow. If you are not sure whether your issue is a support request or a bug report, please post it to the mailing list. ## Pull Requests Thanks for writing a patch! PycURL supports many Python versions, libcurl versions and SSL backends. When you submit a pull request, Travis CI will run PycURL test suite against it on a bunch of different configurations. Please check back after 10-15 minutes to see if the tests passed. A message will be shown in the pull request as to whether the build and test suite succeeded with your patch applied.