const core = require('@actions/core') const child_process = require('child_process') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const process = require('process') const PROGRAM_FILES_X86 = process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'] const PROGRAM_FILES = [process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'], process.env['ProgramFiles']] const EDITIONS = ['Enterprise', 'Professional', 'Community'] const VERSIONS = ['2022', '2019', '2017'] const VSWHERE_PATH = `${PROGRAM_FILES_X86}\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\Installer` function findWithVswhere(pattern) { try { let installationPath = child_process.execSync(`vswhere -products * -latest -prerelease -property installationPath`).toString().trim() return installationPath + '\\' + pattern } catch (e) { core.warning(`vswhere failed: ${e}`) } return null } function findVcvarsall() { // If vswhere is available, ask it about the location of the latest Visual Studio. let path = findWithVswhere('VC\\Auxiliary\\Build\\vcvarsall.bat') if (path && fs.existsSync(path)) {`Found with vswhere: ${path}`) return path }"Not found with vswhere") // If that does not work, try the standard installation locations, // starting with the latest and moving to the oldest. for (const prog_files of PROGRAM_FILES) { for (const ver of VERSIONS) { for (const ed of EDITIONS) { path = `${prog_files}\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\${ver}\\${ed}\\VC\\Auxiliary\\Build\\vcvarsall.bat``Trying standard location: ${path}`) if (fs.existsSync(path)) {`Found standard location: ${path}`) return path } } } }"Not found in standard locations") // Special case for Visual Studio 2015 (and maybe earlier), try it out too. path = `${PROGRAM_FILES_X86}\\Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools\\vcbuildtools.bat` if (fs.existsSync(path)) {`Found VS 2015: ${path}`) return path }`Not found in VS 2015 location: ${path}`) throw new Error('Microsoft Visual Studio not found') } function isPathVariable(name) { const pathLikeVariables = ['PATH', 'INCLUDE', 'LIB', 'LIBPATH'] return pathLikeVariables.indexOf(name.toUpperCase()) != -1 } function filterPathValue(path) { let paths = path.split(';') // Remove duplicates by keeping the first occurance and preserving order. // This keeps path shadowing working as intended. function unique(value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) === index } return paths.filter(unique).join(';') } /** See */ function setupMSVCDevCmd(arch, sdk, toolset, uwp, spectre) { if (process.platform != 'win32') {'This is not a Windows virtual environment, bye!') return } // Add standard location of "vswhere" to PATH, in case it's not there. process.env.PATH += path.delimiter + VSWHERE_PATH // There are all sorts of way the architectures are called. In addition to // values supported by Microsoft Visual C++, recognize some common aliases. let arch_aliases = { "win32": "x86", "win64": "x64", "x86_64": "x64", "x86-64": "x64", } // Ignore case when matching as that's what humans expect. if (arch.toLowerCase() in arch_aliases) { arch = arch_aliases[arch.toLowerCase()] } // Due to the way Microsoft Visual C++ is configured, we have to resort to the following hack: // Call the configuration batch file and then output *all* the environment variables. var args = [arch] if (uwp == 'true') { args.push('uwp') } if (sdk) { args.push(sdk) } if (toolset) { args.push(`-vcvars_ver=${toolset}`) } if (spectre == 'true') { args.push('-vcvars_spectre_libs=spectre') } const vcvars = `"${findVcvarsall()}" ${args.join(' ')}` core.debug(`vcvars command-line: ${vcvars}`) const cmd_output_string = child_process.execSync(`set && cls && ${vcvars} && cls && set`, {shell: "cmd"}).toString() const cmd_output_parts = cmd_output_string.split('\f') const old_environment = cmd_output_parts[0].split('\r\n') const vcvars_output = cmd_output_parts[1].split('\r\n') const new_environment = cmd_output_parts[2].split('\r\n') // If vsvars.bat is given an incorrect command line, it will print out // an error and *still* exit successfully. Parse out errors from output // which don't look like environment variables, and fail if appropriate. const error_messages = vcvars_output.filter((line) => { if (line.match(/^\[ERROR.*\]/)) { // Don't print this particular line which will be confusing in output. if (!line.match(/Error in script usage. The correct usage is:$/)) { return true } } return false }) if (error_messages.length > 0) { throw new Error('invalid parameters' + '\r\n' + error_messages.join('\r\n')) } // Convert old environment lines into a dictionary for easier lookup. let old_env_vars = {} for (let string of old_environment) { const [name, value] = string.split('=') old_env_vars[name] = value } // Now look at the new environment and export everything that changed. // These are the variables set by vsvars.bat. Also export everything // that was not there during the first sweep: those are new variables. core.startGroup('Environment variables') for (let string of new_environment) { // vsvars.bat likes to print some fluff at the beginning. // Skip lines that don't look like environment variables. if (!string.includes('=')) { continue; } let [name, new_value] = string.split('=') let old_value = old_env_vars[name] // For new variables "old_value === undefined". if (new_value !== old_value) {`Setting ${name}`) // Special case for a bunch of PATH-like variables: vcvarsall.bat // just prepends its stuff without checking if its already there. // This makes repeated invocations of this action fail after some // point, when the environment variable overflows. Avoid that. if (isPathVariable(name)) { new_value = filterPathValue(new_value) } core.exportVariable(name, new_value) } } core.endGroup()`Configured Developer Command Prompt`) } exports.setupMSVCDevCmd = setupMSVCDevCmd function main() { var arch = core.getInput('arch') const sdk = core.getInput('sdk') const toolset = core.getInput('toolset') const uwp = core.getInput('uwp') const spectre = core.getInput('spectre') setupMSVCDevCmd(arch, sdk, toolset, uwp, spectre) } try { main() } catch (e) { core.setFailed('Could not setup Developer Command Prompt: ' + e.message) }