#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vi:ts=4:et """Setup script for the PycURL module distribution.""" PACKAGE = "pycurl" PY_PACKAGE = "curl" VERSION = "7.45.0" import glob, os, re, sys, subprocess import distutils try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension from distutils.util import split_quoted from distutils.version import LooseVersion py3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 try: # python 2 exception_base = StandardError except NameError: # python 3 exception_base = Exception class ConfigurationError(exception_base): pass def fail(msg): sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n") exit(10) def scan_argv(argv, s, default=None): p = default i = 1 while i < len(argv): arg = argv[i] if s.endswith('='): if str.find(arg, s) == 0: # --option=value p = arg[len(s):] if s != '--openssl-lib-name=': assert p, arg del argv[i] else: i += 1 else: if s == arg: # --option # set value to True p = True del argv[i] else: i = i + 1 ##print argv return p def scan_argvs(argv, s): if not s.endswith('='): raise Exception('specification must end with =') p = [] i = 1 while i < len(argv): arg = argv[i] if str.find(arg, s) == 0: # --option=value p.append(arg[len(s):]) if s != '--openssl-lib-name=': assert p[-1], arg del argv[i] else: i = i + 1 ##print argv return p class ExtensionConfiguration(object): def __init__(self, argv=[]): # we mutate argv, this is necessary because # setuptools does not recognize pycurl-specific options self.argv = argv self.original_argv = argv[:] self.include_dirs = [] self.define_macros = [("PYCURL_VERSION", '"%s"' % VERSION)] self.library_dirs = [] self.libraries = [] self.runtime_library_dirs = [] self.extra_objects = [] self.extra_compile_args = [] self.extra_link_args = [] self.ssl_lib_detected = None self.configure() @property def define_symbols(self): return [symbol for symbol, expansion in self.define_macros] # append contents of an environment variable to library_dirs[] def add_libdirs(self, envvar, sep, fatal=False): v = os.environ.get(envvar) if not v: return for dir in str.split(v, sep): dir = str.strip(dir) if not dir: continue dir = os.path.normpath(dir) if os.path.isdir(dir): if not dir in self.library_dirs: self.library_dirs.append(dir) elif fatal: fail("FATAL: bad directory %s in environment variable %s" % (dir, envvar)) def detect_features(self): p = subprocess.Popen((self.curl_config(), '--features'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.wait() != 0: msg = "Problem running `%s' --features" % self.curl_config() if stderr: msg += ":\n" + stderr.decode() raise ConfigurationError(msg) curl_has_ssl = False for feature in split_quoted(stdout.decode()): if feature == 'SSL': # this means any ssl library, not just openssl. # we set the ssl flag to check for ssl library mismatch # at link time and run time self.define_macros.append(('HAVE_CURL_SSL', 1)) curl_has_ssl = True self.curl_has_ssl = curl_has_ssl def ssl_options(self): return { '--with-openssl': self.using_openssl, '--with-ssl': self.using_openssl, '--with-wolfssl': self.using_wolfssl, '--with-gnutls': self.using_gnutls, '--with-nss': self.using_nss, '--with-mbedtls': self.using_mbedtls, '--with-sectransp': self.using_sectransp, } def detect_ssl_option(self): for option in self.ssl_options(): if scan_argv(self.argv, option) is not None: for other_option in self.ssl_options(): if option != other_option: if scan_argv(self.argv, other_option) is not None: raise ConfigurationError('Cannot give both %s and %s' % (option, other_option)) return option def detect_ssl_backend(self): ssl_lib_detected = None if 'PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY' in os.environ: ssl_lib = os.environ['PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY'] if ssl_lib in ['openssl', 'wolfssl', 'gnutls', 'nss', 'mbedtls', 'sectransp']: ssl_lib_detected = ssl_lib getattr(self, 'using_%s' % ssl_lib)() else: raise ConfigurationError('Invalid value "%s" for PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY' % ssl_lib) option = self.detect_ssl_option() if option: ssl_lib_detected = option.replace('--with-', '') self.ssl_options()[option]() # ssl detection - ssl libraries are added if not ssl_lib_detected: libcurl_dll_path = scan_argv(self.argv, "--libcurl-dll=") if libcurl_dll_path is not None: ssl_lib_detected = self.detect_ssl_lib_from_libcurl_dll(libcurl_dll_path) if not ssl_lib_detected: ssl_lib_detected = self.detect_ssl_lib_using_curl_config() if not ssl_lib_detected: # self.sslhintbuf is a hack for arg in split_quoted(self.sslhintbuf): if arg[:2] == "-l": if arg[2:] == 'ssl': self.using_openssl() ssl_lib_detected = 'openssl' break if arg[2:] == 'wolfssl': self.using_wolfssl() ssl_lib_detected = 'wolfssl' break if arg[2:] == 'gnutls': self.using_gnutls() ssl_lib_detected = 'gnutls' break if arg[2:] == 'ssl3': self.using_nss() ssl_lib_detected = 'nss' break if arg[2:] == 'mbedtls': self.using_mbedtls() ssl_lib_detected = 'mbedtls' break if not ssl_lib_detected and len(self.argv) == len(self.original_argv) \ and not os.environ.get('PYCURL_CURL_CONFIG') \ and not os.environ.get('PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY'): # this path should only be taken when no options or # configuration environment variables are given to setup.py ssl_lib_detected = self.detect_ssl_lib_on_centos6_plus() self.ssl_lib_detected = ssl_lib_detected def curl_config(self): try: return self._curl_config except AttributeError: curl_config = os.environ.get('PYCURL_CURL_CONFIG', "curl-config") curl_config = scan_argv(self.argv, "--curl-config=", curl_config) self._curl_config = curl_config return curl_config def configure_unix(self): OPENSSL_DIR = scan_argv(self.argv, "--openssl-dir=") if OPENSSL_DIR is not None: self.include_dirs.append(os.path.join(OPENSSL_DIR, "include")) self.library_dirs.append(os.path.join(OPENSSL_DIR, "lib")) try: p = subprocess.Popen((self.curl_config(), '--version'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: exc = sys.exc_info()[1] msg = 'Could not run curl-config: %s' % str(exc) raise ConfigurationError(msg) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.wait() != 0: msg = "`%s' not found -- please install the libcurl development files or specify --curl-config=/path/to/curl-config" % self.curl_config() if stderr: msg += ":\n" + stderr.decode() raise ConfigurationError(msg) libcurl_version = stdout.decode().strip() print("Using %s (%s)" % (self.curl_config(), libcurl_version)) p = subprocess.Popen((self.curl_config(), '--cflags'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.wait() != 0: msg = "Problem running `%s' --cflags" % self.curl_config() if stderr: msg += ":\n" + stderr.decode() raise ConfigurationError(msg) for arg in split_quoted(stdout.decode()): if arg[:2] == "-I": # do not add /usr/include if not re.search(r"^\/+usr\/+include\/*$", arg[2:]): self.include_dirs.append(arg[2:]) else: self.extra_compile_args.append(arg) # Obtain linker flags/libraries to link against. # In theory, all we should need is `curl-config --libs`. # Apparently on some platforms --libs fails and --static-libs works, # so try that. # If --libs succeeds do not try --static-libs; see # https://github.com/pycurl/pycurl/issues/52 for more details. # If neither --libs nor --static-libs work, fail. # # --libs/--static-libs are also used for SSL detection. # libcurl may be configured such that --libs only includes -lcurl # without any of libcurl's dependent libraries, but the dependent # libraries would be included in --static-libs (unless libcurl # was built with static libraries disabled). # Therefore we largely ignore (see below) --static-libs output for # libraries and flags if --libs succeeded, but consult both outputs # for hints as to which SSL library libcurl is linked against. # More information: https://github.com/pycurl/pycurl/pull/147 # # The final point is we should link agaist the SSL library in use # even if libcurl does not tell us to, because *we* invoke functions # in that SSL library. This means any SSL libraries found in # --static-libs are forwarded to our libraries. optbuf = '' sslhintbuf = '' errtext = '' for option in ["--libs", "--static-libs"]: p = subprocess.Popen((self.curl_config(), option), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.wait() == 0: if optbuf == '': # first successful call optbuf = stdout.decode() # optbuf only has output from this call sslhintbuf += optbuf else: # second successful call sslhintbuf += stdout.decode() else: if optbuf == '': # no successful call yet errtext += stderr.decode() else: # first call succeeded and second call failed # ignore stderr and the error exit pass if optbuf == "": msg = "Neither curl-config --libs nor curl-config --static-libs" +\ " succeeded and produced output" if errtext: msg += ":\n" + errtext raise ConfigurationError(msg) # hack self.sslhintbuf = sslhintbuf self.detect_features() self.ssl_lib_detected = None if self.curl_has_ssl: self.detect_ssl_backend() if not self.ssl_lib_detected: sys.stderr.write('''\ Warning: libcurl is configured to use SSL, but we have not been able to \ determine which SSL backend it is using. If your Curl is built against \ OpenSSL, LibreSSL, BoringSSL, GnuTLS, NSS, mbedTLS, or Secure Transport \ please specify the SSL backend manually. For other SSL backends please \ ignore this message.''') else: if self.detect_ssl_option(): sys.stderr.write("Warning: SSL backend specified manually but libcurl does not use SSL\n") # libraries and options - all libraries and options are forwarded # but if --libs succeeded, --static-libs output is ignored for arg in split_quoted(optbuf): if arg[:2] == "-l": self.libraries.append(arg[2:]) elif arg[:2] == "-L": self.library_dirs.append(arg[2:]) else: self.extra_link_args.append(arg) if not self.libraries: self.libraries.append("curl") # Add extra compile flag for MacOS X if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): self.extra_link_args.append("-flat_namespace") # Recognize --avoid-stdio on Unix so that it can be tested self.check_avoid_stdio() def detect_ssl_lib_from_libcurl_dll(self, libcurl_dll_path): ssl_lib_detected = None curl_version_info = self.get_curl_version_info(libcurl_dll_path) ssl_version = curl_version_info.ssl_version if py3: # ssl_version is bytes on python 3 ssl_version = ssl_version.decode('ascii') if ssl_version.startswith('OpenSSL/') or ssl_version.startswith('LibreSSL/'): self.using_openssl() ssl_lib_detected = 'openssl' elif ssl_version.startswith('GnuTLS/'): self.using_gnutls() ssl_lib_detected = 'gnutls' elif ssl_version.startswith('NSS/'): self.using_nss() ssl_lib_detected = 'nss' elif ssl_version.startswith('mbedTLS/'): self.using_mbedtls() ssl_lib_detected = 'mbedtls' elif ssl_version.startswith('SecureTransport'): self.using_sectransp() ssl_lib_detected = 'sectransp' return ssl_lib_detected def detect_ssl_lib_on_centos6_plus(self): import platform from ctypes.util import find_library os_name = platform.system() if os_name != 'Linux' or not hasattr(platform, 'dist'): return False dist_name, dist_version, _ = platform.dist() dist_version = dist_version.split('.')[0] if dist_name != 'centos' or int(dist_version) < 6: return False libcurl_dll_path = find_library('curl') print('libcurl_dll_path = "%s"' % libcurl_dll_path) return self.detect_ssl_lib_from_libcurl_dll(libcurl_dll_path) def detect_ssl_lib_using_curl_config(self): ssl_lib_detected = None p = subprocess.Popen((self.curl_config(), '--ssl-backends'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.wait() != 0: # curl-config --ssl-backends is not supported on older curl versions return None ssl_version = stdout.decode() if ssl_version.startswith('OpenSSL') or ssl_version.startswith('LibreSSL'): self.using_openssl() ssl_lib_detected = 'openssl' elif ssl_version.startswith('GnuTLS'): self.using_gnutls() ssl_lib_detected = 'gnutls' elif ssl_version.startswith('NSS'): self.using_nss() ssl_lib_detected = 'nss' elif ssl_version.startswith('mbedTLS'): self.using_mbedtls() ssl_lib_detected = 'mbedtls' return ssl_lib_detected def configure_windows(self): OPENSSL_DIR = scan_argv(self.argv, "--openssl-dir=") if OPENSSL_DIR is not None: self.include_dirs.append(os.path.join(OPENSSL_DIR, "include")) self.library_dirs.append(os.path.join(OPENSSL_DIR, "lib")) # Windows users have to pass --curl-dir parameter to specify path # to libcurl, because there is no curl-config on windows at all. curl_dir = scan_argv(self.argv, "--curl-dir=") if curl_dir is None: fail("Please specify --curl-dir=/path/to/built/libcurl") if not os.path.exists(curl_dir): fail("Curl directory does not exist: %s" % curl_dir) if not os.path.isdir(curl_dir): fail("Curl directory is not a directory: %s" % curl_dir) print("Using curl directory: %s" % curl_dir) self.include_dirs.append(os.path.join(curl_dir, "include")) # libcurl windows documentation states that for linking against libcurl # dll, the import library name is libcurl_imp.lib. # For libcurl 7.46.0, the library name is libcurl.lib. # And static library name is libcurl_a.lib by default as of libcurl 7.46.0. # override with: --libcurl-lib-name=libcurl_imp.lib curl_lib_name = scan_argv(self.argv, '--libcurl-lib-name=', 'libcurl.lib') # openssl 1.1.0 changed its library names # from libeay32.lib/ssleay32.lib to libcrypto.lib/libssl.lib. # at the same time they dropped thread locking callback interface, # meaning the correct usage of this option is --openssl-lib-name="" self.openssl_lib_name = scan_argv(self.argv, '--openssl-lib-name=', 'libeay32.lib') for lib in scan_argvs(self.argv, '--link-arg='): self.extra_link_args.append(lib) if scan_argv(self.argv, "--use-libcurl-dll") is not None: libcurl_lib_path = os.path.join(curl_dir, "lib", curl_lib_name) self.extra_link_args.extend(["ws2_32.lib"]) if str.find(sys.version, "MSC") >= 0: # build a dll self.extra_compile_args.append("-MD") else: self.extra_compile_args.append("-DCURL_STATICLIB") libcurl_lib_path = os.path.join(curl_dir, "lib", curl_lib_name) self.extra_link_args.extend(["gdi32.lib", "wldap32.lib", "winmm.lib", "ws2_32.lib",]) if not os.path.exists(libcurl_lib_path): fail("libcurl.lib does not exist at %s.\nCurl directory must point to compiled libcurl (bin/include/lib subdirectories): %s" %(libcurl_lib_path, curl_dir)) self.extra_objects.append(libcurl_lib_path) if scan_argv(self.argv, '--with-openssl') is not None or scan_argv(self.argv, '--with-ssl') is not None: self.using_openssl() self.check_avoid_stdio() # make pycurl binary work on windows xp. # we use inet_ntop which was added in vista and implement a fallback. # our implementation will not be compiled with _WIN32_WINNT targeting # vista or above, thus said binary won't work on xp. # https://curl.haxx.se/mail/curlpython-2013-12/0007.html self.extra_compile_args.append("-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501") if str.find(sys.version, "MSC") >= 0: self.extra_compile_args.append("-O2") self.extra_compile_args.append("-GF") # enable read-only string pooling self.extra_compile_args.append("-WX") # treat warnings as errors p = subprocess.Popen(['cl.exe'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() match = re.search(r'Version (\d+)', err.decode().split("\n")[0]) if match and int(match.group(1)) < 16: # option removed in vs 2010: # connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/475896/link-fatal-error-lnk1117-syntax-error-in-option-opt-nowin98/ self.extra_link_args.append("/opt:nowin98") # use small section alignment if sys.platform == "win32": configure = configure_windows else: configure = configure_unix def check_avoid_stdio(self): if 'PYCURL_SETUP_OPTIONS' in os.environ and '--avoid-stdio' in os.environ['PYCURL_SETUP_OPTIONS']: self.extra_compile_args.append("-DPYCURL_AVOID_STDIO") if scan_argv(self.argv, '--avoid-stdio') is not None: self.extra_compile_args.append("-DPYCURL_AVOID_STDIO") def get_curl_version_info(self, dll_path): import ctypes class curl_version_info_struct(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('age', ctypes.c_int), ('version', ctypes.c_char_p), ('version_num', ctypes.c_uint), ('host', ctypes.c_char_p), ('features', ctypes.c_int), ('ssl_version', ctypes.c_char_p), ('ssl_version_num', ctypes.c_long), ('libz_version', ctypes.c_char_p), ('protocols', ctypes.c_void_p), ('ares', ctypes.c_char_p), ('ares_num', ctypes.c_int), ('libidn', ctypes.c_char_p), ('iconv_ver_num', ctypes.c_int), ('libssh_version', ctypes.c_char_p), ('brotli_ver_num', ctypes.c_uint), ('brotli_version', ctypes.c_char_p), ('nghttp2_ver_num', ctypes.c_uint), ('nghttp2_version', ctypes.c_char_p), ('quic_version', ctypes.c_char_p), ('cainfo', ctypes.c_char_p), ('capath', ctypes.c_char_p), ('zstd_ver_num', ctypes.c_uint), ('zstd_version', ctypes.c_char_p), ('hyper_version', ctypes.c_char_p), ('gsasl_version', ctypes.c_char_p), ] dll = ctypes.CDLL(dll_path) fn = dll.curl_version_info fn.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int] fn.restype = ctypes.POINTER(curl_version_info_struct) # current version is 3 return fn(3)[0] def using_openssl(self): self.define_macros.append(('HAVE_CURL_OPENSSL', 1)) if sys.platform == "win32": # CRYPTO_num_locks is defined in libeay32.lib # for openssl < 1.1.0; it is a noop for openssl >= 1.1.0 self.extra_link_args.append(self.openssl_lib_name) else: # we also need ssl for the certificate functions # (SSL_CTX_get_cert_store) self.libraries.append('ssl') # the actual library that defines CRYPTO_num_locks etc. # is crypto, and on cygwin linking against ssl does not # link against crypto as of May 2014. # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23687488/cant-get-pycurl-to-install-on-cygwin-missing-openssl-symbols-crypto-num-locks self.libraries.append('crypto') self.define_macros.append(('HAVE_CURL_SSL', 1)) self.ssl_lib_detected = 'openssl' def using_wolfssl(self): self.define_macros.append(('HAVE_CURL_WOLFSSL', 1)) self.libraries.append('wolfssl') self.define_macros.append(('HAVE_CURL_SSL', 1)) self.ssl_lib_detected = 'wolfssl' def using_gnutls(self): self.define_macros.append(('HAVE_CURL_GNUTLS', 1)) self.libraries.append('gnutls') self.define_macros.append(('HAVE_CURL_SSL', 1)) self.ssl_lib_detected = 'gnutls' def using_nss(self): self.define_macros.append(('HAVE_CURL_NSS', 1)) self.libraries.append('ssl3') self.define_macros.append(('HAVE_CURL_SSL', 1)) self.ssl_lib_detected = 'nss' def using_mbedtls(self): self.define_macros.append(('HAVE_CURL_MBEDTLS', 1)) self.libraries.append('mbedtls') self.define_macros.append(('HAVE_CURL_SSL', 1)) self.ssl_lib_detected = 'mbedtls' def using_sectransp(self): self.define_macros.append(('HAVE_CURL_SECTRANSP', 1)) self.define_macros.append(('HAVE_CURL_SSL', 1)) self.ssl_lib_detected = 'sectransp' def get_bdist_msi_version_hack(): # workaround for distutils/msi version requirement per # epydoc.sourceforge.net/stdlib/distutils.version.StrictVersion-class.html - # only x.y.z version numbers are supported, whereas our versions might be x.y.z.p. # bugs.python.org/issue6040#msg133094 from distutils.command.bdist_msi import bdist_msi import inspect import types import re class bdist_msi_version_hack(bdist_msi): """ MSI builder requires version to be in the x.x.x format """ def run(self): def monkey_get_version(self): """ monkey patch replacement for metadata.get_version() that returns MSI compatible version string for bdist_msi """ # get filename of the calling function if inspect.stack()[1][1].endswith('bdist_msi.py'): # strip revision from version (if any), e.g. 11.0.0-r31546 match = re.match(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', self.version) assert match return match.group(1) else: return self.version # monkeypatching get_version() call for DistributionMetadata self.distribution.metadata.get_version = \ types.MethodType(monkey_get_version, self.distribution.metadata) bdist_msi.run(self) return bdist_msi_version_hack def strip_pycurl_options(argv): if sys.platform == 'win32': options = [ '--curl-dir=', '--libcurl-lib-name=', '--use-libcurl-dll', '--avoid-stdio', '--with-openssl', '--openssl-dir=', ] else: options = ['--openssl-dir=', '--curl-config=', '--avoid-stdio'] for option in options: scan_argv(argv, option) ############################################################################### PRETTY_SSL_LIBS = { # setup.py may be detecting BoringSSL properly, need to test 'openssl': 'OpenSSL/LibreSSL/BoringSSL', 'wolfssl': 'wolfSSL', 'gnutls': 'GnuTLS', 'nss': 'NSS', 'mbedtls': 'mbedTLS', 'sectransp': 'Secure Transport', } def get_extension(argv, split_extension_source=False): if split_extension_source: sources = [ os.path.join("src", "docstrings.c"), os.path.join("src", "easy.c"), os.path.join("src", "easycb.c"), os.path.join("src", "easyinfo.c"), os.path.join("src", "easyopt.c"), os.path.join("src", "easyperform.c"), os.path.join("src", "module.c"), os.path.join("src", "multi.c"), os.path.join("src", "oscompat.c"), os.path.join("src", "pythoncompat.c"), os.path.join("src", "share.c"), os.path.join("src", "stringcompat.c"), os.path.join("src", "threadsupport.c"), os.path.join("src", "util.c"), ] depends = [ os.path.join("src", "pycurl.h"), ] else: sources = [ os.path.join("src", "allpycurl.c"), ] depends = [] ext_config = ExtensionConfiguration(argv) if ext_config.ssl_lib_detected: print('Using SSL library: %s' % PRETTY_SSL_LIBS[ext_config.ssl_lib_detected]) else: print('Not using an SSL library') ext = Extension( name=PACKAGE, sources=sources, depends=depends, include_dirs=ext_config.include_dirs, define_macros=ext_config.define_macros, library_dirs=ext_config.library_dirs, libraries=ext_config.libraries, runtime_library_dirs=ext_config.runtime_library_dirs, extra_objects=ext_config.extra_objects, extra_compile_args=ext_config.extra_compile_args, extra_link_args=ext_config.extra_link_args, ) ##print(ext.__dict__); sys.exit(1) return ext ############################################################################### # prepare data_files def get_data_files(): # a list of tuples with (path to install to, a list of local files) data_files = [] if sys.platform == "win32": datadir = os.path.join("doc", PACKAGE) else: datadir = os.path.join("share", "doc", PACKAGE) # files = ["AUTHORS", "ChangeLog", "COPYING-LGPL", "COPYING-MIT", "INSTALL.rst", "README.rst", "RELEASE-NOTES.rst"] if files: data_files.append((os.path.join(datadir), files)) files = glob.glob(os.path.join("examples", "*.py")) if files: data_files.append((os.path.join(datadir, "examples"), files)) files = glob.glob(os.path.join("examples", "quickstart", "*.py")) if files: data_files.append((os.path.join(datadir, "examples", "quickstart"), files)) # assert data_files for install_dir, files in data_files: assert files for f in files: assert os.path.isfile(f), (f, install_dir) return data_files ############################################################################### def check_manifest(): import fnmatch f = open('MANIFEST.in') globs = [] try: for line in f.readlines(): stripped = line.strip() if stripped == '' or stripped.startswith('#'): continue assert stripped.startswith('include ') glob = stripped[8:] globs.append(glob) finally: f.close() paths = [] start = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(start): if '.git' in dirs: dirs.remove('.git') for file in files: if file.endswith('.pyc'): continue rel = os.path.join(root, file)[len(start)+1:] paths.append(rel) for path in paths: included = False for glob in globs: if fnmatch.fnmatch(path, glob): included = True break if not included: print(path) AUTHORS_PARAGRAPH = 3 def check_authors(): f = open('AUTHORS') try: contents = f.read() finally: f.close() paras = contents.split("\n\n") authors_para = paras[AUTHORS_PARAGRAPH] authors = [author for author in authors_para.strip().split("\n")] log = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'log', '--format=%an (%ae)']) for author in log.strip().split("\n"): author = author.replace('@', ' at ').replace('(', '<').replace(')', '>') if author not in authors: authors.append(author) authors.sort() paras[AUTHORS_PARAGRAPH] = "\n".join(authors) f = open('AUTHORS', 'w') try: f.write("\n\n".join(paras)) finally: f.close() def convert_docstrings(): docstrings = [] for entry in sorted(os.listdir('doc/docstrings')): if not entry.endswith('.rst'): continue name = entry.replace('.rst', '') f = open('doc/docstrings/%s' % entry) try: text = f.read().strip() finally: f.close() docstrings.append((name, text)) f = open('src/docstrings.c', 'w') try: f.write("/* Generated file - do not edit. */\n") # space to avoid having /* inside a C comment f.write("/* See doc/docstrings/ *.rst. */\n\n") f.write("#include \"pycurl.h\"\n\n") for name, text in docstrings: text = text.replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("\n", "\\n\\\n") f.write("PYCURL_INTERNAL const char %s_doc[] = \"%s\";\n\n" % (name, text)) finally: f.close() f = open('src/docstrings.h', 'w') try: f.write("/* Generated file - do not edit. */\n") # space to avoid having /* inside a C comment f.write("/* See doc/docstrings/ *.rst. */\n\n") for name, text in docstrings: f.write("extern const char %s_doc[];\n" % name) finally: f.close() def gen_docstrings_sources(): sources = 'DOCSTRINGS_SOURCES =' for entry in sorted(os.listdir('doc/docstrings')): if entry.endswith('.rst'): sources += " \\\n\tdoc/docstrings/%s" % entry print(sources) ############################################################################### setup_args = dict( name=PACKAGE, version=VERSION, description='PycURL -- A Python Interface To The cURL library', long_description='''\ PycURL -- A Python Interface To The cURL library ================================================ PycURL is a Python interface to `libcurl`_, the multiprotocol file transfer library. Similarly to the urllib_ Python module, PycURL can be used to fetch objects identified by a URL from a Python program. Beyond simple fetches however PycURL exposes most of the functionality of libcurl, including: - Speed - libcurl is very fast and PycURL, being a thin wrapper above libcurl, is very fast as well. PycURL `was benchmarked`_ to be several times faster than requests_. - Features including multiple protocol support, SSL, authentication and proxy options. PycURL supports most of libcurl's callbacks. - Multi_ and share_ interfaces. - Sockets used for network operations, permitting integration of PycURL into the application's I/O loop (e.g., using Tornado_). .. _was benchmarked: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15461995/python-requests-vs-pycurl-performance .. _requests: http://python-requests.org/ .. _Multi: https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-multi.html .. _share: https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-share.html .. _Tornado: http://www.tornadoweb.org/ Requirements ------------ - Python 3.5-3.10. - libcurl 7.19.0 or better. Installation ------------ Download the source distribution from `PyPI`_. Please see `the installation documentation`_ for installation instructions. .. _PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycurl .. _the installation documentation: http://pycurl.io/docs/latest/install.html Documentation ------------- Documentation for the most recent PycURL release is available on `PycURL website `_. Support ------- For support questions please use `curl-and-python mailing list`_. `Mailing list archives`_ are available for your perusal as well. Although not an official support venue, `Stack Overflow`_ has been popular with some PycURL users. Bugs can be reported `via GitHub`_. Please use GitHub only for bug reports and direct questions to our mailing list instead. .. _curl-and-python mailing list: http://cool.haxx.se/mailman/listinfo/curl-and-python .. _Stack Overflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/pycurl .. _Mailing list archives: https://curl.haxx.se/mail/list.cgi?list=curl-and-python .. _via GitHub: https://github.com/pycurl/pycurl/issues License ------- PycURL is dual licensed under the LGPL and an MIT/X derivative license based on the libcurl license. The complete text of the licenses is available in COPYING-LGPL_ and COPYING-MIT_ files in the source distribution. .. _libcurl: https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/ .. _urllib: http://docs.python.org/library/urllib.html .. _COPYING-LGPL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pycurl/pycurl/master/COPYING-LGPL .. _COPYING-MIT: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pycurl/pycurl/master/COPYING-MIT ''', author="Kjetil Jacobsen, Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer, Oleg Pudeyev", author_email="kjetilja@gmail.com, markus@oberhumer.com, oleg@bsdpower.com", maintainer="Oleg Pudeyev", maintainer_email="oleg@bsdpower.com", url="http://pycurl.io/", license="LGPL/MIT", keywords=['curl', 'libcurl', 'urllib', 'wget', 'download', 'file transfer', 'http', 'www'], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10', 'Topic :: Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP)', 'Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP', ], packages=[PY_PACKAGE], package_dir={ PY_PACKAGE: os.path.join('python', 'curl') }, python_requires='>=3.5', ) if sys.platform == "win32": setup_args['cmdclass'] = {'bdist_msi': get_bdist_msi_version_hack()} ##print distutils.__version__ if LooseVersion(distutils.__version__) > LooseVersion("1.0.1"): setup_args["platforms"] = "All" if LooseVersion(distutils.__version__) < LooseVersion("1.0.3"): setup_args["licence"] = setup_args["license"] unix_help = '''\ PycURL Unix options: --curl-config=/path/to/curl-config use specified curl-config binary --libcurl-dll=[/path/to/]libcurl.so obtain SSL library from libcurl.so --openssl-dir=/path/to/openssl/dir path to OpenSSL/LibreSSL/BoringSSL headers and libraries --with-openssl libcurl is linked against OpenSSL/LibreSSL/BoringSSL --with-ssl legacy alias for --with-openssl --with-gnutls libcurl is linked against GnuTLS --with-nss libcurl is linked against NSS --with-mbedtls libcurl is linked against mbedTLS --with-wolfssl libcurl is linked against wolfSSL --with-sectransp libcurl is linked against Secure Transport ''' windows_help = '''\ PycURL Windows options: --curl-dir=/path/to/compiled/libcurl path to libcurl headers and libraries --use-libcurl-dll link against libcurl DLL, if not given link against libcurl statically --libcurl-lib-name=libcurl_imp.lib override libcurl import library name --openssl-dir=/path/to/openssl/dir path to OpenSSL/LibreSSL/BoringSSL headers and libraries --with-openssl libcurl is linked against OpenSSL/LibreSSL/BoringSSL --with-ssl legacy alias for --with-openssl --link-arg=foo.lib also link against specified library ''' if __name__ == "__main__": if '--help' in sys.argv or '-h' in sys.argv: # unfortunately this help precedes distutils help if sys.platform == "win32": print(windows_help) else: print(unix_help) # invoke setup without configuring pycurl because # configuration might fail, and we want to display help anyway. # we need to remove our options because distutils complains about them strip_pycurl_options(sys.argv) setup(**setup_args) elif len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'manifest': check_manifest() elif len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'docstrings': convert_docstrings() elif len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'authors': check_authors() elif len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'docstrings-sources': gen_docstrings_sources() else: if sys.argv[1] not in ['clean'] and (not os.path.exists('src/docstrings.c') or not os.path.exists('src/docstrings.h')): convert_docstrings() setup_args['data_files'] = get_data_files() if 'PYCURL_RELEASE' in os.environ and os.environ['PYCURL_RELEASE'].lower() in ['1', 'yes', 'true']: split_extension_source = False else: split_extension_source = True ext = get_extension(sys.argv, split_extension_source=split_extension_source) setup_args['ext_modules'] = [ext] for o in ext.extra_objects: assert os.path.isfile(o), o setup(**setup_args)