# This file builds official Windows binaries of PycURL and all of its dependencies. # # It is written to be run on a system dedicated to building pycurl, but can be configured # for any system that has the required tools installed. # # Generally, the workflow of building pycurl binaries is as follows: # 1. Install git for windows. Use it to check out pycurl repository on the build system. # 2. There must be a python installation already present on the build system # in order to execute this file at all. It doesn't matter what the python # version of the bootstrap python is. The first step is to install some # version of python. It saves effort to install one of the versions that will be used # to build pycurl later, however if this is done the target path should be # in line with where all other pythons are going to be installed (i.e. c:/dev/{32,64}/pythonXY by default). # Try these binaries: # https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.0/python-3.8.0.exe # https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.0/python-3.8.0-amd64.exe # Then execute: # c:\dev\python-3.8.0.exe /norestart /passive InstallAllUsers=1 Include_test=0 Include_doc=0 Include_launcher=0 Include_tcltk=0 TargetDir=c:\dev\32\python38 # 3. Define python versions to build for in the configuration below, then # run `python winbuild.py download` and `python winbuild.py installpy` to install them. # 4. Download and install visual studio. Any edition of 2015 or newer should work; # 2019 in particular (including community edition) provides batch files to set up a 2015 build environment, # such that there is no reason to get an older version. # 5. You may need to install platform sdk/windows sdk, especially if you installed community edition of # visual studio as opposed to a fuller edition. Try https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/windows-10-sdk. # 6. You may also need to install windows 8.1 sdk for building nghttp2 with cmake. # See https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/sdk-archive. # 7. Download and install perl. This script is tested with activestate perl, although # other distributions may also work. activestate perl can be downloaded at http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads, # although it now requires registration to download thus using a third party download site may be preferable. # 8. Download and install nasm: https://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/?C=M;O=D # (homepage: http://www.nasm.us/) # 9a. Not needed since nghttp2 is currently built using gmake: download and install cmake: https://cmake.org/download/ # 9b. Download and install gmake: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/make.htm # 10. Run `python winbuild.py builddeps` to compile all dependencies for all environments (32/64 bit and python versions). # 11. Optional: run `python winbuild.py assembledeps` to assemble all dependencies into archives suitable for use in appveyor. # 12. Run `python winbuild.py installvirtualenv` to install virtualenv in all python interpreters. # 13. Run `python winbuild.py createvirtualenvs` to create virtualenvs used for pycurl compilation. # 14. Run `python winbuild.py` to compile pycurl in all defined configurations. # 15. Optional: run `python winbuild.py assemble` to assemble all built versions of pycurl in the current directory. class Config: '''User-adjustable configuration. This class contains version numbers for dependencies, which dependencies to use, and where various binaries, headers and libraries are located in the filesystem. ''' # work directory for downloading dependencies and building everything root = 'c:/dev/build-pycurl' # where msysgit is installed git_root = 'c:/program files/git' msysgit_bin_paths = [ "c:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin", "c:\\Program Files\\Git\\usr\\bin", #"c:\\Program Files\\Git\\mingw64\\bin", ] # where NASM is installed, for building OpenSSL nasm_path = ('c:/dev/nasm', 'c:/program files/nasm', 'c:/program files (x86)/nasm') cmake_path = r"c:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" gmake_path = r"c:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\make.exe" # where ActiveState Perl is installed, for building 64-bit OpenSSL activestate_perl_path = ('c:/perl64', r'c:\dev\perl64') # which versions of python to build against #python_versions = ['2.7.10', '3.2.5', '3.3.5', '3.4.3', '3.5.4', '3.6.2'] # these require only vc9 and vc14 python_versions = ['3.5.4', '3.6.8', '3.7.6', '3.8.1'] # where pythons are installed python_path_template = 'c:/dev/%(bitness)s/python%(python_release)s/python' # overrides only, defaults are given in default_vc_paths below vc_paths = { # where msvc 9/vs 2008 is installed, for python 2.6 through 3.2 'vc9': None, # where msvc 10/vs 2010 is installed, for python 3.3 through 3.4 'vc10': None, # where msvc 14/vs 2015 is installed, for python 3.5 through 3.8 'vc14': None, } # whether to link libcurl against zlib use_zlib = True # which version of zlib to use, will be downloaded from internet zlib_version = '1.2.11' # whether to use openssl instead of winssl use_openssl = True # which version of openssl to use, will be downloaded from internet openssl_version = '1.1.1d' # whether to use c-ares use_cares = True cares_version = '1.15.0' # whether to use libssh2 use_libssh2 = True libssh2_version = '1.9.0' use_nghttp2 = True nghttp2_version = '1.40.0' use_libidn = False libiconv_version = '1.16' libidn_version = '1.35' # which version of libcurl to use, will be downloaded from internet libcurl_version = '7.68.0' # virtualenv version virtualenv_version = '15.1.0' # whether to build binary wheels build_wheels = True # pycurl version to build, we should know this ourselves pycurl_version = '7.45.0' # Sometimes vc14 does not include windows sdk path in vcvars which breaks stuff. # another application for this is to supply normaliz.lib for vc9 # which has an older version that doesn't have the symbols we need windows_sdk_path = 'c:\\program files (x86)\\microsoft sdks\\windows\\v7.1a' # See the note below about VCTargetsPath and # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16092169/why-does-msbuild-look-in-c-for-microsoft-cpp-default-props-instead-of-c-progr. # Since we are targeting vc14, use the v140 path. vc_targets_path = "c:\\Program Files (x86)\\MSBuild\\Microsoft.Cpp\\v4.0\\v140" #vc_targets_path = "c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Community\\MSBuild\\Current" # Where the msbuild that is part of visual studio lives msbuild_bin_path = "c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Community\\MSBuild\\Current\\Bin" # *** # No user-serviceable parts beyond this point. # *** # OpenSSL build resources including 64-bit builds: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/158232/how-do-you-compile-openssl-for-x64 # https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Compilation_and_Installation # http://developer.covenanteyes.com/building-openssl-for-visual-studio/ import os, os.path, sys, subprocess, shutil, contextlib, zipfile, re from winbuild.utils import * from winbuild.config import * from winbuild.builder import * from winbuild.nghttp_gmake import * from winbuild.tools import * from winbuild.zlib import * from winbuild.openssl import * from winbuild.cares import * from winbuild.ssh import * from winbuild.curl import * from winbuild.pycurl import * user_config = {} for attr in dir(Config): if attr.startswith('_'): continue user_config[attr] = getattr(Config, attr) # This must be at top level as __file__ can be a relative path # and changing current directory will break it DIR_HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def fetch_to_archives(url): mkdir_p(config.archives_path) path = os.path.join(config.archives_path, os.path.basename(url)) fetch(url, path) @contextlib.contextmanager def step(step_fn, args, target_dir): #step = step_fn.__name__ state_tag = target_dir mkdir_p(config.state_path) state_file_path = os.path.join(config.state_path, state_tag) if not os.path.exists(state_file_path) or not os.path.exists(target_dir): step_fn(*args) with open(state_file_path, 'w'): pass def dep_builders(bconf): builders = [] if config.use_zlib: builders.append(ZlibBuilder) if config.use_openssl: builders.append(OpensslBuilder) if config.use_cares: builders.append(CaresBuilder) if config.use_libssh2: builders.append(Libssh2Builder) if config.use_nghttp2: builders.append(Nghttp2Builder) if config.use_libidn: builders.append(LibiconvBuilder) builders.append(LibidnBuilder) builders.append(LibcurlBuilder) builders = [ cls(bconf=bconf) for cls in builders ] return builders def build_dependencies(config): if config.use_libssh2: if not config.use_zlib: # technically we can build libssh2 without zlib but I don't want to bother raise ValueError('use_zlib must be true if use_libssh2 is true') if not config.use_openssl: raise ValueError('use_openssl must be true if use_libssh2 is true') if config.git_bin_path: os.environ['PATH'] += ";%s" % config.git_bin_path mkdir_p(config.archives_path) with in_dir(config.archives_path): for bconf in buildconfigs(): if opts.verbose: print('Builddep for %s, %s-bit' % (bconf.vc_version, bconf.bitness)) for builder in dep_builders(bconf): step(builder.build, (), builder.state_tag) def build(config): # note: adds git_bin_path to PATH if necessary, and creates archives_path build_dependencies(config) with in_dir(config.archives_path): for bitness in config.bitnesses: for python_release in config.python_releases: targets = ['bdist', 'bdist_wininst', 'bdist_msi'] vc_version = PYTHON_VC_VERSIONS[python_release] bconf = BuildConfig(config, bitness=bitness, vc_version=vc_version) builder = PycurlBuilder(bconf=bconf, python_release=python_release) builder.prepare_tree() builder.build(targets) def assemble(config): rm_rf(config, 'dist') mkdir_p('dist') for bitness in config.bitnesses: for python_release in config.python_releases: vc_version = PYTHON_VC_VERSIONS[python_release] bconf = BuildConfig(config, bitness=bitness, vc_version=vc_version) builder = PycurlBuilder(bconf=bconf, python_release=python_release) print(builder.build_dir_name) sys.stdout.flush() src = os.path.join(config.archives_path, builder.build_dir_name, 'dist') cp_r(config, src, '.') def python_metas(): metas = [] for version in config.python_versions: parts = [int(part) for part in version.split('.')] if parts[0] >= 3 and parts[1] >= 5: ext = 'exe' amd64_suffix = '-amd64' else: ext = 'msi' amd64_suffix = '.amd64' url_32 = 'https://www.python.org/ftp/python/%s/python-%s.%s' % (version, version, ext) url_64 = 'https://www.python.org/ftp/python/%s/python-%s%s.%s' % (version, version, amd64_suffix, ext) meta = dict( version=version, ext=ext, amd64_suffix=amd64_suffix, url_32=url_32, url_64=url_64, installed_path_32 = 'c:\\dev\\32\\python%d%d' % (parts[0], parts[1]), installed_path_64 = 'c:\\dev\\64\\python%d%d' % (parts[0], parts[1]), ) metas.append(meta) return metas def download_pythons(config): for meta in python_metas(): for bitness in config.bitnesses: fetch_to_archives(meta['url_%d' % bitness]) def install_pythons(config): for meta in python_metas(): for bitness in config.bitnesses: if not os.path.exists(meta['installed_path_%d' % bitness]): install_python(config, meta, bitness) # http://eddiejackson.net/wp/?p=10276 def install_python(config, meta, bitness): archive_path = fix_slashes(os.path.join(config.archives_path, os.path.basename(meta['url_%d' % bitness]))) if meta['ext'] == 'exe': cmd = [archive_path] else: cmd = ['msiexec', '/i', archive_path, '/norestart'] cmd += ['/passive', 'InstallAllUsers=1', 'Include_test=0', 'Include_doc=0', 'Include_launcher=0', 'Include_tcltk=0', 'TargetDir=%s' % meta['installed_path_%d' % bitness], ] sys.stdout.write('Installing python %s (%d bit)\n' % (meta['version'], bitness)) print(' '.join(cmd)) sys.stdout.flush() check_call(cmd) def download_bootstrap_python(config): version = config.python_versions[-2] url = 'https://www.python.org/ftp/python/%s/python-%s.msi' % (version, version) fetch(url) def install_virtualenv(config): with in_dir(config.archives_path): #fetch('https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/v/virtualenv/virtualenv-%s.tar.gz' % virtualenv_version) fetch('https://pypi.python.org/packages/d4/0c/9840c08189e030873387a73b90ada981885010dd9aea134d6de30cd24cb8/virtualenv-15.1.0.tar.gz') for bitness in config.bitnesses: for python_release in config.python_releases: print('Installing virtualenv %s for Python %s (%s bit)' % (config.virtualenv_version, python_release, bitness)) sys.stdout.flush() untar(config, 'virtualenv-%s' % config.virtualenv_version) with in_dir('virtualenv-%s' % config.virtualenv_version): python_binary = PythonBinary(python_release, bitness) cmd = [python_binary.executable_path(config), 'setup.py', 'install'] check_call(cmd) def create_virtualenvs(config): for bitness in config.bitnesses: for python_release in config.python_releases: print('Creating a virtualenv for Python %s (%s bit)' % (python_release, bitness)) sys.stdout.flush() with in_dir(config.archives_path): python_binary = PythonBinary(python_release, bitness) venv_basename = 'venv-%s-%s' % (python_release, bitness) cmd = [python_binary.executable_path(config), '-m', 'virtualenv', venv_basename] check_call(cmd) def assemble_deps(config): rm_rf(config, 'deps') os.mkdir('deps') for bconf in buildconfigs(): print(bconf.vc_tag) sys.stdout.flush() dest = os.path.join('deps', bconf.vc_tag) os.mkdir(dest) for builder in dep_builders(bconf): cp_r(config, builder.include_path, dest) cp_r(config, builder.lib_path, dest) with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join('deps', bconf.vc_tag + '.zip'), 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dest): for file in files: path = os.path.join(root, file) zip_name = path[len(dest)+1:] zip.write(path, zip_name) def get_deps(): import struct python_release = sys.version_info[:2] vc_version = PYTHON_VC_VERSIONS['.'.join(map(str, python_release))] bitness = struct.calcsize('P') * 8 vc_tag = '%s-%d' % (vc_version, bitness) fetch('https://dl.bintray.com/pycurl/deps/%s.zip' % vc_tag) check_call(['unzip', '-d', 'deps', vc_tag + '.zip']) import optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-b', '--bitness', help='Bitnesses build for, comma separated') parser.add_option('-p', '--python', help='Python versions to build for, comma separated') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', help='Print what is being done', action='store_true') opts, args = parser.parse_args() if opts.bitness: chosen_bitnesses = [int(bitness) for bitness in opts.bitness.split(',')] for bitness in chosen_bitnesses: if bitness not in BITNESSES: print('Invalid bitness %d' % bitness) exit(2) else: chosen_bitnesses = BITNESSES if opts.python: chosen_pythons = opts.python.split(',') chosen_python_versions = [] for python in chosen_pythons: python = python.replace('.', '') python = python[0] + '.' + python[1] + '.' ok = False for python_version in Config.python_versions: if python_version.startswith(python): chosen_python_versions.append(python_version) ok = True if not ok: print('Invalid python %s' % python) exit(2) else: chosen_python_versions = Config.python_versions config = ExtendedConfig(user_config, bitnesses=chosen_bitnesses, python_versions=chosen_python_versions, winbuild_root=DIR_HERE, ) def buildconfigs(): return [BuildConfig(config, bitness=bitness, vc_version=vc_version) for bitness in config.bitnesses for vc_version in needed_vc_versions(config, config.python_versions) ] if len(args) > 0: if args[0] == 'download': download_pythons(config) elif args[0] == 'bootstrap': download_bootstrap_python(config) elif args[0] == 'installpy': install_pythons(config) elif args[0] == 'builddeps': build_dependencies(config) elif args[0] == 'installvirtualenv': install_virtualenv(config) elif args[0] == 'createvirtualenvs': create_virtualenvs(config) elif args[0] == 'assembledeps': assemble_deps(config) elif args[0] == 'assemble': assemble(config) elif args[0] == 'getdeps': get_deps() else: print('Unknown command: %s' % args[0]) exit(2) else: build(config)