import shutil from .builder import * class Nghttp2Builder(StandardBuilder): CMAKE_GENERATORS = { # Thanks cmake for requiring both version number and year, # necessitating this additional map 'vc9': 'Visual Studio 9 2008', 'vc14': 'Visual Studio 14 2015', } def build(self): nghttp2_dir = self.standard_fetch_extract( '') # nghttp2 uses stdint.h which msvc9 does not ship. # Amazingly, nghttp2 can seemingly build successfully without this # file existing, but libcurl build subsequently fails # when it tries to include stdint.h. # Well, the reason why nghttp2 builds correctly is because it is built # with the wrong compiler - msvc14 when 9 and 14 are both installed. # nghttp2 build with msvc9 does fail without stdint.h existing. if self.bconf.vc_version == 'vc9': # fetch('') with in_dir(nghttp2_dir): shutil.copy('../stdint.h', 'lib/includes/stdint.h') with in_dir(nghttp2_dir): generator = self.CMAKE_GENERATORS[self.bconf.vc_version] with self.execute_batch() as b: # Workaround for VCTargetsPath issue that looks like this: # C:\dev\build-pycurl\archives\nghttp2-1.40.0-vc14-32\CMakeFiles\3.16.3\VCTargetsPath.vcxproj(14,2): error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk. # # Many solutions proposed on SO, including: # # if not os.path.exists(self.bconf.vc_targets_path): raise ValueError("VCTargetsPath does not exist: %s" % self.bconf.vc_targets_path) b.add('SET VCTargetsPath=%s' % self.bconf.vc_targets_path) # The msbuild.exe in path could be v4.0 from .net sdk, whereas the # vctargetspath ends up referencing the msbuild from visual studio... # Put the visual studio msbuild into the path first. if self.bconf.bitness == 64: msbuild_bin_path = os.path.join(self.bconf.msbuild_bin_path, 'amd64') else: msbuild_bin_path = self.bconf.msbuild_bin_path b.add("set path=%s;%%path%%" % msbuild_bin_path) # When performing 64-bit build, ucrtd.lib is not in library path for whatever reason. Sigh. # Superseded by instructions below. if self.bconf.bitness == 64 and False: windows_sdk_lib_path = glob_first("c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Lib\\*\\ucrt\\x64") b.add('set lib=%s;%%lib%%' % windows_sdk_lib_path) parts = [ '"%s"' % self.bconf.cmake_path, # I don't know if this does anything, build type/config # must be specified with --build option below. '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release', # This configures libnghttp2 only which is what we want. # However, configure step still complains about all of the # missing dependencies for nghttp2 server. # And there is no indication whatsoever from configure step # that this option is enabled, or that the missing # dependency complaints can be ignored. '-DENABLE_LIB_ONLY=1', # This is required to get a static library built. # However, even with this turned on there is still a DLL # built - without an import library for it. '-DENABLE_STATIC_LIB=1', # And cmake ignores all visual studio environment variables # and uses the newest compiler by default, which is great # if one doesn't care what compiler their code is compiled with. # '-G', '"%s"' % generator, ] # Cmake also couldn't care less about the bitness I have configured in the # environment since it ignores the environment entirely. # Educate it on the required bitness by hand. # # # New strategy: # if self.bconf.bitness == 64 and False: parts += ['-A', 'x64'] # And it does its own windows sdk selection, apparently, and botches it. # # TODO figure out which version is needed here, 8.1 or 10.0 or 10.0.10240.0 parts.append('-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=8.1') b.add('%s .' % ' '.join(parts)) b.add(' '.join([ '"%s"' % self.bconf.cmake_path, '--build', '.', # this is what produces a release build '--config', 'Release', # this builds the static library. # without this option cmake configures itself to be capable # of building a static library but sometimes builds a DLL # and sometimes builds a static library # depending on compiler in use (vc9/vc14) or, possibly, # phase of the moon. '--target', 'nghttp2_static', ])) # assemble dist b.add('mkdir dist dist\\include dist\\include\\nghttp2 dist\\lib') b.add('cp lib/Release/*.lib dist/lib') b.add('cp lib/includes/nghttp2/*.h dist/include/nghttp2') if self.bconf.vc_version == 'vc9': # stdint.h b.add('cp lib/includes/*.h dist/include') # libcurl expects nghttp2_static.lib apparently, and depending on nghttp2 version/configuration(?) # the library name is sometimes nghttp2.lib if not os.path.exists('lib/Release/nghttp2_static.lib'): shutil.copy('lib/Release/nghttp2.lib', 'lib/Release/nghttp2_static.lib')