.. _commands: Command Line Applications ========================= PyFilesystem adds a number of applications that expose some of the PyFilesystem functionality to the command line. These commands use the opener syntax, as described in :doc:`opening`, to refer to filesystems. Most of these applications shadow existing shell commands and work in similar ways. All of the command line application support the `-h` (or `--help`) switch which will display a full list of options. Custom Filesystem Openers ------------------------- When opening filesystems, the command line applications will use the default openers. You can also 'point' the command line applications at an opener to add it to a list of available openers. For example, the following uses a custom opener to list the contents of a directory served with the 'myfs' protocol:: fsls --fs mypackage.mymodule.myfs.MyFSOpener myfs:// Listing Supported Filesystems ----------------------------- All of the command line applications support the ``--listopeners`` switch, which lists all available installed openers:: fsls --listopeners fsls ---- Lists the contents of a directory, similar to the ``ls`` command, e.g.:: fsls fsls ../ fsls ftp://example.org/pub fsls zip://photos.zip fstree ------ Displays an ASCII tree of a directory. e.g.:: fstree fstree -g fstree rpc:// -l3 fstree zip://photos.zip fscat ----- Writes a file to stdout, e.g.:: fscat ~/.bashrc fscat http://www.willmcgugan.com fscat ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/README fsinfo ------ Displays information regarding a file / directory, e.g.:: fsinfo C:\autoexec.bat fsinfo ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/README fsmv ---- Moves a file from one location to another, e.g.:: fsmv foo bar fsmv *.jpg zip://photos.zip fsmkdir ------- Makes a directory on a filesystem, e.g.:: fsmkdir foo fsmkdir ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/foo fsmkdir rpc:// fscp ---- Copies a file from one location to another, e.g.:: fscp foo bar fscp ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/README readme.txt fsrm ---- Removes (deletes) a file from a filesystem, e.g.:: fsrm foo fsrm -r mydir fsserve ------- Serves the contents of a filesystem over a network with one of a number of methods; HTTP, RPC or SFTP, e.g.:: fsserve fsserve --type rpc fsserve --type http zip://photos.zip fsmount ------- Mounts a filesystem with FUSE (on Linux) and Dokan (on Windows), e.g.:: fsmount mem:// ram fsserve mem:// M fsserve ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub ftpgateway