''' fs.contrib.tahoelafs ==================== This modules provides a PyFilesystem interface to the Tahoe Least Authority File System. Tahoe-LAFS is a distributed, encrypted, fault-tolerant storage system: http://tahoe-lafs.org/ You will need access to a Tahoe-LAFS "web api" service. Example (it will use publicly available (but slow) Tahoe-LAFS cloud):: from fs.contrib.tahoelafs import TahoeLAFS, Connection dircap = TahoeLAFS.createdircap(webapi='http://insecure.tahoe-lafs.org') print "Your dircap (unique key to your storage directory) is", dircap print "Keep it safe!" fs = TahoeLAFS(dircap, autorun=False, webapi='http://insecure.tahoe-lafs.org') f = fs.open("foo.txt", "a") f.write('bar!') f.close() print "Now visit %s and enjoy :-)" % fs.getpathurl('foo.txt') When any problem occurred, you can turn on internal debugging messages:: import logging l = logging.getLogger() l.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) l.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) ... your Python code using TahoeLAFS ... TODO: * unicode support * try network errors / bad happiness * exceptions * tests * sanitize all path types (., /) * support for extra large file uploads (poster module) * Possibility to block write until upload done (Tahoe mailing list) * Report something sane when Tahoe crashed/unavailable * solve failed unit tests (makedir_winner, ...) * file times * docs & author * python3 support * remove creating blank files (depends on FileUploadManager) TODO (Not TahoeLAFS specific tasks): * RemoteFileBuffer on the fly buffering support * RemoteFileBuffer unit tests * RemoteFileBuffer submit to trunk * Implement FileUploadManager + faking isfile/exists of just processing file * pyfilesystem docs is outdated (rename, movedir, ...) ''' import stat as statinfo import logging from logging import DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, CRITICAL import fs import fs.errors as errors from fs.path import abspath, relpath, normpath, dirname, pathjoin from fs.base import FS, NullFile from fs import _thread_synchronize_default, SEEK_END from fs.remote import CacheFSMixin, RemoteFileBuffer from fs.base import fnmatch, NoDefaultMeta from util import TahoeUtil from connection import Connection from six import b logger = fs.getLogger('fs.tahoelafs') def _fix_path(func): """Method decorator for automatically normalising paths.""" def wrapper(self, *args, **kwds): if len(args): args = list(args) args[0] = _fixpath(args[0]) return func(self, *args, **kwds) return wrapper def _fixpath(path): """Normalize the given path.""" return abspath(normpath(path)) class _TahoeLAFS(FS): """FS providing raw access to a Tahoe-LAFS Filesystem. This class implements all the details of interacting with a Tahoe-backed filesystem, but you probably don't want to use it in practice. Use the TahoeLAFS class instead, which has some internal caching to improve performance. """ _meta = { 'virtual' : False, 'read_only' : False, 'unicode_paths' : True, 'case_insensitive_paths' : False, 'network' : True } def __init__(self, dircap, largefilesize=10*1024*1024, webapi=''): '''Creates instance of TahoeLAFS. :param dircap: special hash allowing user to work with TahoeLAFS directory. :param largefilesize: - Create placeholder file for files larger than this treshold. Uploading and processing of large files can last extremely long (many hours), so placing this placeholder can help you to remember that upload is processing. Setting this to None will skip creating placeholder files for any uploads. ''' self.dircap = dircap if not dircap.endswith('/') else dircap[:-1] self.largefilesize = largefilesize self.connection = Connection(webapi) self.tahoeutil = TahoeUtil(webapi) super(_TahoeLAFS, self).__init__(thread_synchronize=_thread_synchronize_default) def __str__(self): return "" % self.dircap @classmethod def createdircap(cls, webapi=''): return TahoeUtil(webapi).createdircap() def getmeta(self,meta_name,default=NoDefaultMeta): if meta_name == "read_only": return self.dircap.startswith('URI:DIR2-RO') return super(_TahoeLAFS,self).getmeta(meta_name,default) @_fix_path def open(self, path, mode='r', **kwargs): self._log(INFO, 'Opening file %s in mode %s' % (path, mode)) newfile = False if not self.exists(path): if 'w' in mode or 'a' in mode: newfile = True else: self._log(DEBUG, "File %s not found while opening for reads" % path) raise errors.ResourceNotFoundError(path) elif self.isdir(path): self._log(DEBUG, "Path %s is directory, not a file" % path) raise errors.ResourceInvalidError(path) elif 'w' in mode: newfile = True if newfile: self._log(DEBUG, 'Creating empty file %s' % path) if self.getmeta("read_only"): raise errors.UnsupportedError('read only filesystem') self.setcontents(path, b('')) handler = NullFile() else: self._log(DEBUG, 'Opening existing file %s for reading' % path) handler = self.getrange(path,0) return RemoteFileBuffer(self, path, mode, handler, write_on_flush=False) @_fix_path def desc(self, path): try: return self.getinfo(path) except: return '' @_fix_path def exists(self, path): try: self.getinfo(path) self._log(DEBUG, "Path %s exists" % path) return True except errors.ResourceNotFoundError: self._log(DEBUG, "Path %s does not exists" % path) return False except errors.ResourceInvalidError: self._log(DEBUG, "Path %s does not exists, probably misspelled URI" % path) return False @_fix_path def getsize(self, path): try: size = self.getinfo(path)['size'] self._log(DEBUG, "Size of %s is %d" % (path, size)) return size except errors.ResourceNotFoundError: return 0 @_fix_path def isfile(self, path): try: isfile = (self.getinfo(path)['type'] == 'filenode') except errors.ResourceNotFoundError: #isfile = not path.endswith('/') isfile = False self._log(DEBUG, "Path %s is file: %d" % (path, isfile)) return isfile @_fix_path def isdir(self, path): try: isdir = (self.getinfo(path)['type'] == 'dirnode') except errors.ResourceNotFoundError: isdir = False self._log(DEBUG, "Path %s is directory: %d" % (path, isdir)) return isdir def listdir(self, *args, **kwargs): return [ item[0] for item in self.listdirinfo(*args, **kwargs) ] def listdirinfo(self, *args, **kwds): return list(self.ilistdirinfo(*args,**kwds)) def ilistdir(self, *args, **kwds): for item in self.ilistdirinfo(*args,**kwds): yield item[0] @_fix_path def ilistdirinfo(self, path="/", wildcard=None, full=False, absolute=False, dirs_only=False, files_only=False): self._log(DEBUG, "Listing directory (listdirinfo) %s" % path) if dirs_only and files_only: raise ValueError("dirs_only and files_only can not both be True") for item in self.tahoeutil.list(self.dircap, path): if dirs_only and item['type'] == 'filenode': continue elif files_only and item['type'] == 'dirnode': continue if wildcard is not None: if isinstance(wildcard,basestring): if not fnmatch.fnmatch(item['name'], wildcard): continue else: if not wildcard(item['name']): continue if full: item_path = relpath(pathjoin(path, item['name'])) elif absolute: item_path = abspath(pathjoin(path, item['name'])) else: item_path = item['name'] yield (item_path, item) @_fix_path def remove(self, path): self._log(INFO, 'Removing file %s' % path) if self.getmeta("read_only"): raise errors.UnsupportedError('read only filesystem') if not self.isfile(path): if not self.isdir(path): raise errors.ResourceNotFoundError(path) raise errors.ResourceInvalidError(path) try: self.tahoeutil.unlink(self.dircap, path) except Exception, e: raise errors.ResourceInvalidError(path) @_fix_path def removedir(self, path, recursive=False, force=False): self._log(INFO, "Removing directory %s" % path) if self.getmeta("read_only"): raise errors.UnsupportedError('read only filesystem') if not self.isdir(path): if not self.isfile(path): raise errors.ResourceNotFoundError(path) raise errors.ResourceInvalidError(path) if not force and self.listdir(path): raise errors.DirectoryNotEmptyError(path) self.tahoeutil.unlink(self.dircap, path) if recursive and path != '/': try: self.removedir(dirname(path), recursive=True) except errors.DirectoryNotEmptyError: pass @_fix_path def makedir(self, path, recursive=False, allow_recreate=False): self._log(INFO, "Creating directory %s" % path) if self.getmeta("read_only"): raise errors.UnsupportedError('read only filesystem') if self.exists(path): if not self.isdir(path): raise errors.ResourceInvalidError(path) if not allow_recreate: raise errors.DestinationExistsError(path) if not recursive and not self.exists(dirname(path)): raise errors.ParentDirectoryMissingError(path) self.tahoeutil.mkdir(self.dircap, path) def movedir(self, src, dst, overwrite=False): self.move(src, dst, overwrite=overwrite) def move(self, src, dst, overwrite=False): self._log(INFO, "Moving file from %s to %s" % (src, dst)) if self.getmeta("read_only"): raise errors.UnsupportedError('read only filesystem') src = _fixpath(src) dst = _fixpath(dst) if not self.exists(dirname(dst)): raise errors.ParentDirectoryMissingError(dst) if not overwrite and self.exists(dst): raise errors.DestinationExistsError(dst) self.tahoeutil.move(self.dircap, src, dst) def rename(self, src, dst): self.move(src, dst) def copy(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, chunk_size=16384): if self.getmeta("read_only"): raise errors.UnsupportedError('read only filesystem') # FIXME: this is out of date; how to do native tahoe copy? # FIXME: Workaround because isfile() not exists on _TahoeLAFS FS.copy(self, src, dst, overwrite, chunk_size) def copydir(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, ignore_errors=False, chunk_size=16384): if self.getmeta("read_only"): raise errors.UnsupportedError('read only filesystem') # FIXME: this is out of date; how to do native tahoe copy? # FIXME: Workaround because isfile() not exists on _TahoeLAFS FS.copydir(self, src, dst, overwrite, ignore_errors, chunk_size) def _log(self, level, message): if not logger.isEnabledFor(level): return logger.log(level, u'(%d) %s' % (id(self), unicode(message).encode('ASCII', 'replace'))) @_fix_path def getpathurl(self, path, allow_none=False, webapi=None): ''' Retrieve URL where the file/directory is stored ''' if webapi == None: webapi = self.connection.webapi self._log(DEBUG, "Retrieving URL for %s over %s" % (path, webapi)) path = self.tahoeutil.fixwinpath(path, False) return u"%s/uri/%s%s" % (webapi, self.dircap, path) @_fix_path def getrange(self, path, offset, length=None): return self.connection.get(u'/uri/%s%s' % (self.dircap, path), offset=offset, length=length) @_fix_path def setcontents(self, path, file, chunk_size=64*1024): self._log(INFO, 'Uploading file %s' % path) size=None if self.getmeta("read_only"): raise errors.UnsupportedError('read only filesystem') # Workaround for large files: # First create zero file placeholder, then # upload final content. if self.largefilesize != None and getattr(file, 'read', None): # As 'file' can be also a string, need to check, # if 'file' looks like duck. Sorry, file. file.seek(0, SEEK_END) size = file.tell() file.seek(0) if size > self.largefilesize: self.connection.put(u'/uri/%s%s' % (self.dircap, path), "PyFilesystem.TahoeLAFS: Upload started, final size %d" % size) self.connection.put(u'/uri/%s%s' % (self.dircap, path), file, size=size) @_fix_path def getinfo(self, path): self._log(INFO, 'Reading meta for %s' % path) info = self.tahoeutil.info(self.dircap, path) #import datetime #info['created_time'] = datetime.datetime.now() #info['modified_time'] = datetime.datetime.now() #info['accessed_time'] = datetime.datetime.now() if info['type'] == 'filenode': info["st_mode"] = 0x700 | statinfo.S_IFREG elif info['type'] == 'dirnode': info["st_mode"] = 0x700 | statinfo.S_IFDIR return info class TahoeLAFS(CacheFSMixin,_TahoeLAFS): """FS providing cached access to a Tahoe Filesystem. This class is the preferred means to access a Tahoe filesystem. It maintains an internal cache of recently-accessed metadata to speed up operations. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): kwds.setdefault("cache_timeout",60) super(TahoeLAFS,self).__init__(*args,**kwds)