Filesystems =========== This page lists the builtin filesystems. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) ---------------------------- An interface to FTP servers. See :mod:`fs.ftpfs` Memory ------ A filesystem that exists entirely in memory. See :mod:`fs.memoryfs` Mount ----- A filesystem that can map directories in to other filesystems (like a symlink). See :mod:`fs.mountfs` Multi ----- A filesystem that overlays other filesystems. See :mod:`fs.multifs` OS -- An interface to the OS Filesystem. See :mod:`fs.osfs` Secure FTP (Secure FTP) ----------------------- A secure FTP filesystem. See :mod:`fs.sftpfs` S3 -- A filesystem to access an Amazon S3 service. See :mod:`fs.s3fs` Temporary --------- Creates a temporary filesystem in an OS provided location. See :mod:`fs.tempfs` Wrap ---- A collection of wrappers that add new behaviour / features to existing FS instances. See :mod:`fs.wrapfs` Zip --- An interface to zip files. See :mod:`fs.zipfs`