Introduction ============ PyFilesystem is a Python module that provides a common interface to any filesystem. Think of PyFilesystem ``FS`` objects as the next logical step to Python's ``file`` class. Just as *file-like* objects abstract a single file, FS objects abstract the whole filesystem by providing a common interface to operations such as reading directories, getting file information, opening/copying/deleting files etc. Even if you only want to work with the local filesystem, PyFilesystem simplifies a number of common operations and reduces the chance of error. About PyFilesystem ------------------ PyFilesystem was initially created by Will McGugan and is now a joint effort from the following contributors: - Will McGugan ( - Ryan Kelly ( - Andrew Scheller - Ben Timby And many others who have contributed bug reports and patches. Need Help? ---------- If you have any problems or questions, please contact the developers through one of the following channels: Bugs #### If you find a bug in PyFilesystem, please file an issue: Discussion Group ################ There is also a discussion group for PyFilesystem: