''' Sqlite3 based file system using PyFileSystem Developed and Contributed by Sensible Softwares Pvt. Ltd. (http://bootstraptoday.com) Contributed under the terms of the BSD License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php ''' import tempfile import datetime from fs.path import iteratepath, normpath,dirname,forcedir from fs.path import frombase, basename,pathjoin from fs.base import * from fs.errors import * from fs import _thread_synchronize_default import apsw def fetchone(cursor): ''' return a single row from the cursor (equivalent to pysqlite fetchone function) ''' row = None try: row = cursor.next() except: pass return(row) def remove_end_slash(dirname): if dirname.endswith('/'): return dirname[:-1] return dirname class SqliteFsFileBase(object): ''' base class for representing the files in the sqlite file system ''' def __init__(self, fs, path, id, real_file=None): assert(fs != None) assert(path != None) assert(id != None) self.fs = fs self.path = path self.id = id self.closed = False #real file like object. Most of the methods are passed to this object self.real_stream= real_file def close(self): if not self.closed and self.real_stream is not None: self._do_close() self.fs._on_close(self) self.real_stream.close() self.closed = True def __str__(self): return "" % (self.fs, self.path) __repr__ = __str__ def __unicode__(self): return u"" % (self.fs, self.path) def __del__(self): if not self.closed: self.close() def flush(self): self.real_stream.flush() def __iter__(self): raise OperationFailedError('__iter__', self.path) def next(self): raise OperationFailedError('next', self.path) def readline(self, *args, **kwargs): raise OperationFailedError('readline', self.path) def read(self, size=None): raise OperationFailedError('read', self.path) def seek(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.real_stream.seek(*args, **kwargs) def tell(self): return self.real_stream.tell() def truncate(self, *args, **kwargs): raise OperationFailedError('truncate', self.path) def write(self, data): raise OperationFailedError('write', self.path) def writelines(self, *args, **kwargs): raise OperationFailedError('writelines', self.path) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self,exc_type,exc_value,traceback): self.close() return False class SqliteWritableFile(SqliteFsFileBase): ''' represents an sqlite file. Usually used for 'writing'. OnClose will actually 'copy the contents from temp disk file to sqlite blob ''' def __init__(self,fs, path, id): super(SqliteWritableFile, self).__init__(fs, path, id) #open a temp file and return that. self.real_stream = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size='128*1000') def _do_close(self): #push the contents of the file to blob self.fs._writeblob(self.id, self.real_stream) def truncate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.real_stream.truncate(*args, **kwargs) def write(self, data): return self.real_stream.write(data) def writelines(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.real_stream.writelines(*args, **kwargs) class SqliteReadableFile(SqliteFsFileBase): def __init__(self,fs, path, id, real_file): super(SqliteReadableFile, self).__init__(fs, path, id, real_file) assert(self.real_stream != None) def _do_close(self): pass def __iter__(self): return iter(self.real_stream) def next(self): return self.real_stream.next() def readline(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.real_stream.readline(*args, **kwargs) def read(self, size=None): if( size==None): size=-1 return self.real_stream.read(size) class SqliteFS(FS): ''' sqlite based file system to store the files in sqlite database as 'blobs' We need two tables one to store file or directory meta data another for storing the file contain. Two are seperate so that same file can be refered from multiple directories. FsFileMetaData table : id : file id name : name of file parent : id of parent directory for the file. FsDirMetaData table: name : name of the directory (wihtout parent directory names) fullpath : full path of the directory including the parent directory name parent_id : id of the parent directory FsFileTable: size : file size in bytes (this is actual file size). Blob size may be different if compressed type : file type (extension or mime type) compression : For future use, Initially None. Later it will define type of compression used to compress the file last_modified : timestamp of last modification author : who changed it last content : blob where actual file contents are stored. TODO : Need an open files table or a flag in sqlite database. To avoid opening the file twice. (even from the different process or thread) ''' def __init__(self, sqlite_filename): super(SqliteFS, self).__init__() self.dbpath =sqlite_filename self.dbcon =None self.__actual_query_cur = None self.__actual_update_cur =None self.open_files = [] def close(self): ''' unlock all files. and close all open connections. ''' self.close_all() self._closedb() super(SqliteFS,self).close() def _initdb(self): if( self.dbcon is None): self.dbcon = apsw.Connection(self.dbpath) self._create_tables() @property def _querycur(self): assert(self.dbcon != None) if( self.__actual_query_cur == None): self.__actual_query_cur = self.dbcon.cursor() return(self.__actual_query_cur) @property def _updatecur(self): assert(self.dbcon != None) if( self.__actual_update_cur == None): self.__actual_update_cur = self.dbcon.cursor() return(self.__actual_update_cur) def _closedb(self): self.dbcon.close() def close_all(self): ''' close all open files ''' openfiles = list(self.open_files) for fileobj in openfiles: fileobj.close() def _create_tables(self): cur = self._updatecur cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS FsFileMetaData(name text, fileid INTEGER, parent INTEGER)") cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS FsDirMetaData(name text, fullpath TEXT, parentid INTEGER,\ created timestamp)") cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS FsFileTable(type text, compression text, author TEXT, \ created timestamp, last_modified timestamp, last_accessed timestamp, \ locked BOOL, size INTEGER, contents BLOB)") #if the root directory name is created rootid = self._get_dir_id('/') if( rootid is None): cur.execute("INSERT INTO FsDirMetaData (name, fullpath) VALUES ('/','/')") def _get_dir_id(self, dirpath): ''' get the id for given directory path. ''' dirpath = remove_end_slash(dirpath) if( dirpath== None or len(dirpath)==0): dirpath = '/' self._querycur.execute("SELECT rowid from FsDirMetaData where fullpath=?",(dirpath,)) dirid = None dirrow = fetchone(self._querycur) if( dirrow): dirid = dirrow[0] return(dirid) def _get_file_id(self, dir_id, filename): ''' get the file id from the path ''' assert(dir_id != None) assert(filename != None) file_id = None self._querycur.execute("select rowid from FsFileMetaData where name=? and parent=?",(filename,dir_id)) row = fetchone(self._querycur) if( row ): file_id = row[0] return(file_id) def _get_file_contentid(self, file_id): ''' return the file content id from the 'content' table (i.e. FsFileTable) ''' assert(file_id != None) content_id = None self._querycur.execute("select fileid from FsFileMetaData where ROWID=?",(file_id,)) row = fetchone(self._querycur) assert(row != None) content_id = row[0] return(content_id) def _create_file_entry(self, dirid, filename, **kwargs): ''' create file entry in the file table ''' assert(dirid != None) assert(filename != None) #insert entry in file metadata table author = kwargs.pop('author', None) created = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() last_modified = created compression = 'raw' size = 0 self._updatecur.execute("INSERT INTO FsFileTable(author, compression, size, created, last_modified) \ values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",(author, compression, size, created, last_modified)) content_id = self.dbcon.last_insert_rowid() #insert entry in file table self._updatecur.execute("INSERT INTO FsFileMetaData(name, parent, fileid) VALUES(?,?,?)",(filename, dirid, content_id)) #self.dbcon.commit() fileid = self.dbcon.last_insert_rowid() return(fileid) def _writeblob(self, fileid, stream): ''' extract the data from stream and write it as blob. ''' size = stream.tell() last_modified = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() self._updatecur.execute('UPDATE FsFileTable SET size=?, last_modified=?, contents=? where rowid=?', (size, last_modified, apsw.zeroblob(size), fileid)) blob_stream=self.dbcon.blobopen("main", "FsFileTable", "contents", fileid, True) # 1 is for read/write stream.seek(0) blob_stream.write(stream.read()) blob_stream.close() def _on_close(self, fileobj): #Unlock file on close. assert(fileobj != None and fileobj.id != None) self._lockfileentry(fileobj.id, lock=False) #Now remove it from openfile list. self.open_files.remove(fileobj) def _islocked(self, fileid): ''' check if the file is locked. ''' locked=False if( fileid): content_id = self._get_file_contentid(fileid) assert(content_id != None) self._querycur.execute("select locked from FsFileTable where rowid=?",(content_id,)) row = fetchone(self._querycur) assert(row != None) locked = row[0] return(locked) def _lockfileentry(self, contentid, lock=True): ''' lock the file entry in the database. ''' assert(contentid != None) last_accessed=datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() self._updatecur.execute('UPDATE FsFileTable SET locked=?, last_accessed=? where rowid=?', (lock, last_accessed, contentid)) def _makedir(self, parent_id, dname): self._querycur.execute("SELECT fullpath from FsDirMetaData where rowid=?",(parent_id,)) row = fetchone(self._querycur) assert(row != None) parentpath = row[0] fullpath= pathjoin(parentpath, dname) fullpath= remove_end_slash(fullpath) created = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() self._updatecur.execute('INSERT INTO FsDirMetaData(name, fullpath, parentid,created) \ VALUES(?,?,?,?)', (dname, fullpath, parent_id,created)) def _rename_file(self, src, dst): ''' rename source file 'src' to destination file 'dst' ''' srcdir = dirname(src) srcfname = basename(src) dstdir = dirname(dst) dstfname = basename(dst) #Make sure that the destination directory exists and destination file #doesnot exist. dstdirid = self._get_dir_id(dstdir) if( dstdirid == None): raise ParentDirectoryMissingError(dst) dstfile_id = self._get_file_id(dstdirid, dstfname) if( dstfile_id != None): raise DestinationExistsError(dst) #All checks are done. Delete the entry for the source file. #Create an entry for the destination file. srcdir_id = self._get_dir_id(srcdir) assert(srcdir_id != None) srcfile_id = self._get_file_id(srcdir_id, srcfname) assert(srcfile_id != None) srccontent_id = self._get_file_contentid(srcfile_id) self._updatecur.execute('DELETE FROM FsFileMetaData where ROWID=?',(srcfile_id,)) self._updatecur.execute("INSERT INTO FsFileMetaData(name, parent, fileid) \ VALUES(?,?,?)",(dstfname, dstdirid, srccontent_id)) def _rename_dir(self, src, dst): src = remove_end_slash(src) dst = remove_end_slash(dst) dstdirid = self._get_dir_id(dst) if( dstdirid != None): raise DestinationExistsError(dst) dstparent = dirname(dst) dstparentid = self._get_dir_id(dstparent) if(dstparentid == None): raise ParentDirectoryMissingError(dst) srcdirid = self._get_dir_id(src) assert(srcdirid != None) dstdname = basename(dst) self._updatecur.execute('UPDATE FsDirMetaData SET name=?, fullpath=?, \ parentid=? where ROWID=?',(dstdname, dst, dstparentid, srcdirid,)) def _get_dir_list(self, dirid, path, full): assert(dirid != None) assert(path != None) if( full==True): dirsearchpath = path + r'%' self._querycur.execute('SELECT fullpath FROM FsDirMetaData where fullpath LIKE ?', (dirsearchpath,)) else: #search inside this directory only self._querycur.execute('SELECT fullpath FROM FsDirMetaData where parentid=?', (dirid,)) dirlist = [row[0] for row in self._querycur] return dirlist def _get_file_list(self, dirpath, full): assert(dirpath != None) if( full==True): searchpath = dirpath + r"%" self._querycur.execute('SELECT FsFileMetaData.name, FsDirMetaData.fullpath \ FROM FsFileMetaData, FsDirMetaData where FsFileMetaData.parent=FsDirMetaData.ROWID \ and FsFileMetaData.parent in (SELECT rowid FROM FsDirMetaData \ where fullpath LIKE ?)',(searchpath,)) else: parentid = self._get_dir_id(dirpath) self._querycur.execute('SELECT FsFileMetaData.name, FsDirMetaData.fullpath \ FROM FsFileMetaData, FsDirMetaData where FsFileMetaData.parent=FsDirMetaData.ROWID \ and FsFileMetaData.parent =?',(parentid,)) filelist = [pathjoin(row[1],row[0]) for row in self._querycur] return(filelist) def _get_dir_info(self, path): ''' get the directory information dictionary. ''' info = dict() info['st_mode'] = 0755 return info def _get_file_info(self, path): filedir = dirname(path) filename = basename(path) dirid = self._get_dir_id(filedir) assert(dirid is not None) fileid = self._get_file_id(dirid, filename) assert(fileid is not None) contentid = self._get_file_contentid(fileid) assert(contentid is not None) self._querycur.execute('SELECT author, size, created, last_modified, last_accessed \ FROM FsFileTable where rowid=?',(contentid,)) row = fetchone(self._querycur) assert(row != None) info = dict() info['author'] = row[0] info['size'] = row[1] info['created'] = row[2] info['last_modified'] = row[3] info['last_accessed'] = row[4] info['st_mode'] = 0666 return(info) def _isfile(self,path): path = normpath(path) filedir = dirname(path) filename = basename(path) dirid = self._get_dir_id(filedir) return(dirid is not None and self._get_file_id(dirid, filename) is not None) def _isdir(self,path): path = normpath(path) return(self._get_dir_id(path) is not None) def _isexist(self,path): return self._isfile(path) or self._isdir(path) @synchronize def open(self, path, mode='r', **kwargs): self._initdb() path = normpath(path) filedir = dirname(path) filename = basename(path) dir_id = self._get_dir_id(filedir) if( dir_id == None): raise ResourceNotFoundError(filedir) file_id = self._get_file_id(dir_id, filename) if( self._islocked(file_id)): raise ResourceLockedError(path) sqfsfile=None if 'r' in mode: if file_id is None: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) content_id = self._get_file_contentid(file_id) #make sure lock status is updated before the blob is opened self._lockfileentry(content_id, lock=True) blob_stream=self.dbcon.blobopen("main", "FsFileTable", "contents", file_id, False) # 1 is for read/write sqfsfile = SqliteReadableFile(self, path, content_id, blob_stream) elif 'w' in mode or 'a' in mode: if( file_id is None): file_id= self._create_file_entry(dir_id, filename) assert(file_id != None) content_id = self._get_file_contentid(file_id) #file_dir_entry.accessed_time = datetime.datetime.now() self._lockfileentry(content_id, lock=True) sqfsfile = SqliteWritableFile(self, path, content_id) if( sqfsfile): self.open_files.append(sqfsfile) return sqfsfile raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) @synchronize def isfile(self, path): self._initdb() return self._isfile(path) @synchronize def isdir(self, path): self._initdb() return self._isdir(path) @synchronize def listdir(self, path='/', wildcard=None, full=False, absolute=False, dirs_only=False, files_only=False): path = normpath(path) dirid = self._get_dir_id(path) if( dirid == None): raise ResourceInvalidError(path) dirlist = self._get_dir_list(dirid, path,full) if( dirs_only): pathlist = dirlist else: filelist = self._get_file_list(path, full) if( files_only == True): pathlist = filelist else: pathlist = filelist + dirlist if( wildcard and dirs_only == False): pass if( absolute == False): pathlist = map(lambda dpath:frombase(path,dpath), pathlist) return(pathlist) @synchronize def makedir(self, path, recursive=False, allow_recreate=False): self._initdb() path = remove_end_slash(normpath(path)) if(self._isexist(path)==False): parentdir = dirname(path) dname = basename(path) parent_id = self._get_dir_id(parentdir) if( parent_id ==None): if( recursive == False): raise ParentDirectoryMissingError(path) else: self.makedir(parentdir, recursive,allow_recreate) parent_id = self._get_dir_id(parentdir) self._makedir(parent_id,dname) else: raise DestinationExistsError(path) @synchronize def remove(self, path): self._initdb() path = normpath(path) if( self.isdir(path)==True): #path is actually a directory raise ResourceInvalidError(path) filedir = dirname(path) filename = basename(path) dirid = self._get_dir_id(filedir) fileid = self._get_file_id(dirid, filename) if( fileid == None): raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) content_id = self._get_file_contentid(fileid) self._updatecur.execute("DELETE FROM FsFileMetaData where ROWID=?",(fileid,)) #check there is any other file pointing to same location. If not #delete the content as well. self._querycur.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM FsFileMetaData where fileid=?', (content_id,)) row = fetchone(self._querycur) if( row == None or row[0] == 0): self._updatecur.execute("DELETE FROM FsFileTable where ROWID=?",(content_id,)) @synchronize def removedir(self,path, recursive=False, force=False): self._initdb() path = normpath(path) if( self.isfile(path)==True): #path is actually a file raise ResourceInvalidError(path) dirid = self._get_dir_id(path) if( dirid == None): raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) #check if there are any files in this directory self._querycur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FsFileMetaData where parent=?",(dirid,)) row = fetchone(self._qurycur) if( row[0] > 0): raise DirectoryNotEmptyError(path) self._updatecur.execute("DELETE FROM FsDirMetaData where ROWID=?",(dirid,)) @synchronize def rename(self,src, dst): self._initdb() src = normpath(src) dst = normpath(dst) if self._isexist(dst)== False: #first check if this is a directory rename or a file rename if( self.isfile(src)): self._rename_file(src, dst) elif self.isdir(src): self._rename_dir(src, dst) else: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) else: raise DestinationExistsError(dst) @synchronize def getinfo(self, path): self._initdb() path = normpath(path) isfile = False isdir = self.isdir(path) if( isdir == False): isfile=self.isfile(path) if( not isfile and not isdir): raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) if isdir: info= self._get_dir_info(path) else: info= self._get_file_info(path) return(info) #import msvcrt # built-in module # #def kbfunc(): # return ord(msvcrt.getch()) if msvcrt.kbhit() else 0 # #def mount_windows(sqlfilename, driveletter): # sqfs = SqliteFS(sqlfilename) # from fs.expose import dokan # #mp = dokan.mount(sqfs,driveletter,foreground=True) # #mp.unmount() # sqfs.close() # #def run_tests(sqlfilename): # fs = SqliteFS(sqlfilename) # fs.makedir('/test') # f = fs.open('/test/test.txt', "w") # f.write("This is a test") # f.close() # f = fs.open('/test/test.txt', "r") # contents = f.read() # print contents # f.close() # print "testing file rename" # fs.rename('/test/test.txt', '/test/test1.txt') # f = fs.open('/test/test1.txt', "r") # print contents # f.close() # print "done testing file rename" # print "testing directory rename" # fs.rename('/test', '/test1') # f = fs.open('/test1/test1.txt', "r") # contents = f.read() # print contents # f.close() # print "done testing directory rename" # flist = fs.listdir('/', full=True,absolute=True,files_only=True) # print flist # fs.close() # #if __name__ == '__main__': # run_tests("sqfs.sqlite") # mount_windows("sqfs.sqlite", 'm') # # #fs.remove('/test1/test1.txt') # #try: # # f = fs.open('/test1/test1.txt', "r") # #except ResourceNotFoundError: # # print "Success : file doesnot exist" # #fs.browse() #