""" Defines the Exception classes thrown by PyFilesystem objects. Exceptions relating to the underlying filesystem are translated in to one of the following Exceptions. Exceptions that relate to a path store that path in `self.path`. All Exception classes are derived from `FSError` which can be used as a catch-all exception. """ __all__ = ['FSError', 'CreateFailedError', 'PathError', 'InvalidPathError', 'InvalidCharsInPathError', 'OperationFailedError', 'UnsupportedError', 'RemoteConnectionError', 'StorageSpaceError', 'PermissionDeniedError', 'FSClosedError', 'OperationTimeoutError', 'RemoveRootError', 'ResourceError', 'NoSysPathError', 'NoMetaError', 'NoPathURLError', 'ResourceNotFoundError', 'ResourceInvalidError', 'DestinationExistsError', 'DirectoryNotEmptyError', 'ParentDirectoryMissingError', 'ResourceLockedError', 'NoMMapError', 'BackReferenceError', 'convert_fs_errors', 'convert_os_errors', ] import sys import errno from fs.path import * from fs.local_functools import wraps class FSError(Exception): """Base exception class for the FS module.""" default_message = "Unspecified error" def __init__(self,msg=None,details=None): if msg is None: msg = self.default_message self.msg = msg self.details = details def __str__(self): keys = {} for k,v in self.__dict__.iteritems(): if isinstance(v,unicode): v = v.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) keys[k] = v return str(self.msg % keys) def __unicode__(self): return unicode(self.msg) % self.__dict__ def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__,(),self.__dict__.copy(),) class CreateFailedError(FSError): """An exception thrown when a FS could not be created""" default_message = "Unable to create filesystem" class PathError(FSError): """Exception for errors to do with a path string. """ default_message = "Path is invalid: %(path)s" def __init__(self,path="",**kwds): self.path = path super(PathError,self).__init__(**kwds) class InvalidPathError(PathError): """Base exception for fs paths that can't be mapped on to the underlaying filesystem.""" default_message = "Path is invalid on this filesystem %(path)s" class InvalidCharsInPathError(InvalidPathError): """The path contains characters that are invalid on this filesystem""" default_message = "Path contains invalid characters: %(path)s" class OperationFailedError(FSError): """Base exception class for errors associated with a specific operation.""" default_message = "Unable to %(opname)s: unspecified error [%(errno)s - %(details)s]" def __init__(self,opname="",path=None,**kwds): self.opname = opname self.path = path self.errno = getattr(kwds.get("details",None),"errno",None) super(OperationFailedError,self).__init__(**kwds) class UnsupportedError(OperationFailedError): """Exception raised for operations that are not supported by the FS.""" default_message = "Unable to %(opname)s: not supported by this filesystem" class RemoteConnectionError(OperationFailedError): """Exception raised when operations encounter remote connection trouble.""" default_message = "%(opname)s: remote connection errror" class StorageSpaceError(OperationFailedError): """Exception raised when operations encounter storage space trouble.""" default_message = "Unable to %(opname)s: insufficient storage space" class PermissionDeniedError(OperationFailedError): default_message = "Unable to %(opname)s: permission denied" class FSClosedError(OperationFailedError): default_message = "Unable to %(opname)s: the FS has been closed" class OperationTimeoutError(OperationFailedError): default_message = "Unable to %(opname)s: operation timed out" class RemoveRootError(OperationFailedError): default_message = "Can't remove root dir" class ResourceError(FSError): """Base exception class for error associated with a specific resource.""" default_message = "Unspecified resource error: %(path)s" def __init__(self,path="",**kwds): self.path = path self.opname = kwds.pop("opname",None) super(ResourceError,self).__init__(**kwds) class NoSysPathError(ResourceError): """Exception raised when there is no syspath for a given path.""" default_message = "No mapping to OS filesystem: %(path)s" class NoMetaError(FSError): """Exception raised when there is no meta value available.""" default_message = "No meta value named '%(meta_name)s' could be retrieved" def __init__(self, meta_name, msg=None): self.meta_name = meta_name super(NoMetaError, self).__init__(msg) def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__,(self.meta_name,),self.__dict__.copy(),) class NoPathURLError(ResourceError): """Exception raised when there is no URL form for a given path.""" default_message = "No URL form: %(path)s" class ResourceNotFoundError(ResourceError): """Exception raised when a required resource is not found.""" default_message = "Resource not found: %(path)s" class ResourceInvalidError(ResourceError): """Exception raised when a resource is the wrong type.""" default_message = "Resource is invalid: %(path)s" class DestinationExistsError(ResourceError): """Exception raised when a target destination already exists.""" default_message = "Destination exists: %(path)s" class DirectoryNotEmptyError(ResourceError): """Exception raised when a directory to be removed is not empty.""" default_message = "Directory is not empty: %(path)s" class ParentDirectoryMissingError(ResourceError): """Exception raised when a parent directory is missing.""" default_message = "Parent directory is missing: %(path)s" class ResourceLockedError(ResourceError): """Exception raised when a resource can't be used because it is locked.""" default_message = "Resource is locked: %(path)s" class NoMMapError(ResourceError): """Exception raise when getmmap fails to create a mmap""" default_message = "Can't get mmap for %(path)s" class BackReferenceError(ValueError): """Exception raised when too many backrefs exist in a path (ex: '/..', '/docs/../..').""" def convert_fs_errors(func): """Function wrapper to convert FSError instances into OSError.""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args,**kwds): try: return func(*args,**kwds) except ResourceNotFoundError, e: raise OSError(errno.ENOENT,str(e)) except ParentDirectoryMissingError, e: if sys.platform == "win32": raise OSError(errno.ESRCH,str(e)) else: raise OSError(errno.ENOENT,str(e)) except ResourceInvalidError, e: raise OSError(errno.EINVAL,str(e)) except PermissionDeniedError, e: raise OSError(errno.EACCES,str(e)) except ResourceLockedError, e: if sys.platform == "win32": raise WindowsError(32,str(e)) else: raise OSError(errno.EACCES,str(e)) except DirectoryNotEmptyError, e: raise OSError(errno.ENOTEMPTY,str(e)) except DestinationExistsError, e: raise OSError(errno.EEXIST,str(e)) except StorageSpaceError, e: raise OSError(errno.ENOSPC,str(e)) except RemoteConnectionError, e: raise OSError(errno.ENETDOWN,str(e)) except UnsupportedError, e: raise OSError(errno.ENOSYS,str(e)) except FSError, e: raise OSError(errno.EFAULT,str(e)) return wrapper def convert_os_errors(func): """Function wrapper to convert OSError/IOError instances into FSError.""" opname = func.__name__ @wraps(func) def wrapper(self,*args,**kwds): try: return func(self,*args,**kwds) except (OSError,IOError), e: (exc_type,exc_inst,tb) = sys.exc_info() path = getattr(e,"filename",None) if path and path[0] == "/" and hasattr(self,"root_path"): path = normpath(path) if isprefix(self.root_path,path): path = path[len(self.root_path):] if not hasattr(e,"errno") or not e.errno: raise OperationFailedError(opname,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path,opname=opname,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.ESRCH: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path,opname=opname,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.ENOTEMPTY: raise DirectoryNotEmptyError(path,opname=opname,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: raise DestinationExistsError(path,opname=opname,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == 183: # some sort of win32 equivalent to EEXIST raise DestinationExistsError(path,opname=opname,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.ENOTDIR: raise ResourceInvalidError(path,opname=opname,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.EISDIR: raise ResourceInvalidError(path,opname=opname,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.EINVAL: raise ResourceInvalidError(path,opname=opname,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.ENOSPC: raise StorageSpaceError(opname,path=path,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.EPERM: raise PermissionDeniedError(opname,path=path,details=e),None,tb if hasattr(errno,"ENONET") and e.errno == errno.ENONET: raise RemoteConnectionError(opname,path=path,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.ENETDOWN: raise RemoteConnectionError(opname,path=path,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: raise RemoteConnectionError(opname,path=path,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.EACCES: if sys.platform == "win32": if e.args[0] and e.args[0] == 32: raise ResourceLockedError(path,opname=opname,details=e),None,tb raise PermissionDeniedError(opname,details=e),None,tb # Sometimes windows gives some random errors... if sys.platform == "win32": if e.errno in (13,): raise ResourceInvalidError(path,opname=opname,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.ENAMETOOLONG: raise PathError(path,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.EOPNOTSUPP: raise UnsupportedError(opname,details=e),None,tb if e.errno == errno.ENOSYS: raise UnsupportedError(opname,details=e),None,tb raise OperationFailedError(opname,details=e),None,tb return wrapper