""" fs.ftpfs ======== FTPFS is a filesystem for accessing an FTP server (uses ftplib in standard library) """ __all__ = ['FTPFS'] import sys import fs from fs.base import * from fs.errors import * from fs.path import pathsplit, abspath, dirname, recursepath, normpath, pathjoin, isbase from fs import iotools from ftplib import FTP, error_perm, error_temp, error_proto, error_reply try: from ftplib import _GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT except ImportError: _GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = object() import threading import datetime import calendar from socket import error as socket_error from fs.local_functools import wraps import six from six import PY3, b if PY3: from six import BytesIO as StringIO else: try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO import time # ----------------------------------------------- # Taken from http://www.clapper.org/software/python/grizzled/ # ----------------------------------------------- class Enum(object): def __init__(self, *names): self._names_map = dict((name, i) for i, name in enumerate(names)) def __getattr__(self, name): return self._names_map[name] MONTHS = ('jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec') MTIME_TYPE = Enum('UNKNOWN', 'LOCAL', 'REMOTE_MINUTE', 'REMOTE_DAY') """ ``MTIME_TYPE`` identifies how a modification time ought to be interpreted (assuming the caller cares). - ``LOCAL``: Time is local to the client, granular to (at least) the minute - ``REMOTE_MINUTE``: Time is local to the server and granular to the minute - ``REMOTE_DAY``: Time is local to the server and granular to the day. - ``UNKNOWN``: Time's locale is unknown. """ ID_TYPE = Enum('UNKNOWN', 'FULL') """ ``ID_TYPE`` identifies how a file's identifier should be interpreted. - ``FULL``: The ID is known to be complete. - ``UNKNOWN``: The ID is not set or its type is unknown. """ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Globals # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- now = time.time() current_year = time.localtime().tm_year # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FTPListData(object): """ The `FTPListDataParser` class's ``parse_line()`` method returns an instance of this class, capturing the parsed data. :IVariables: name : str The name of the file, if parsable try_cwd : bool ``True`` if the entry might be a directory (i.e., the caller might want to try an FTP ``CWD`` command), ``False`` if it cannot possibly be a directory. try_retr : bool ``True`` if the entry might be a retrievable file (i.e., the caller might want to try an FTP ``RETR`` command), ``False`` if it cannot possibly be a file. size : long The file's size, in bytes mtime : long The file's modification time, as a value that can be passed to ``time.localtime()``. mtime_type : `MTIME_TYPE` How to interpret the modification time. See `MTIME_TYPE`. id : str A unique identifier for the file. The unique identifier is unique on the *server*. On a Unix system, this identifier might be the device number and the file's inode; on other system's, it might be something else. It's also possible for this field to be ``None``. id_type : `ID_TYPE` How to interpret the identifier. See `ID_TYPE`. """ def __init__(self, raw_line): self.raw_line = raw_line self.name = None self.try_cwd = False self.try_retr = False self.size = 0 self.mtime_type = MTIME_TYPE.UNKNOWN self.mtime = 0 self.id_type = ID_TYPE.UNKNOWN self.id = None class FTPListDataParser(object): """ An ``FTPListDataParser`` object can be used to parse one or more lines that were retrieved by an FTP ``LIST`` command that was sent to a remote server. """ def __init__(self): pass def parse_line(self, ftp_list_line): """ Parse a line from an FTP ``LIST`` command. :Parameters: ftp_list_line : str The line of output :rtype: `FTPListData` :return: An `FTPListData` object describing the parsed line, or ``None`` if the line could not be parsed. Note that it's possible for this method to return a partially-filled `FTPListData` object (e.g., one without a name). """ buf = ftp_list_line if len(buf) < 2: # an empty name in EPLF, with no info, could be 2 chars return None c = buf[0] if c == '+': return self._parse_EPLF(buf) elif c in 'bcdlps-': return self._parse_unix_style(buf) i = buf.find(';') if i > 0: return self._parse_multinet(buf, i) if c in '0123456789': return self._parse_msdos(buf) return None # UNIX ls does not show the year for dates in the last six months. # So we have to guess the year. # # Apparently NetWare uses ``twelve months'' instead of ``six months''; ugh. # Some versions of ls also fail to show the year for future dates. def _guess_time(self, month, mday, hour=0, minute=0): year = None t = None for year in range(current_year - 1, current_year + 100): t = self._get_mtime(year, month, mday, hour, minute) if (now - t) < (350 * 86400): return t return 0 def _get_mtime(self, year, month, mday, hour=0, minute=0, second=0): return time.mktime((year, month, mday, hour, minute, second, 0, 0, -1)) def _get_month(self, buf): if len(buf) == 3: for i in range(0, 12): if buf.lower().startswith(MONTHS[i]): return i+1 return -1 def _parse_EPLF(self, buf): result = FTPListData(buf) # see http://cr.yp.to/ftp/list/eplf.html #"+i8388621.29609,m824255902,/,\tdev" #"+i8388621.44468,m839956783,r,s10376,\tRFCEPLF" i = 1 for j in range(1, len(buf)): if buf[j] == '\t': result.name = buf[j+1:] break if buf[j] == ',': c = buf[i] if c == '/': result.try_cwd = True elif c == 'r': result.try_retr = True elif c == 's': result.size = long(buf[i+1:j]) elif c == 'm': result.mtime_type = MTIME_TYPE.LOCAL result.mtime = long(buf[i+1:j]) elif c == 'i': result.id_type = ID_TYPE.FULL result.id = buf[i+1:j-i-1] i = j + 1 return result def _parse_unix_style(self, buf): # UNIX-style listing, without inum and without blocks: # "-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 531 Jan 29 03:26 README" # "dr-xr-xr-x 2 root other 512 Apr 8 1994 etc" # "dr-xr-xr-x 2 root 512 Apr 8 1994 etc" # "lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 7 Jan 25 00:17 bin -> usr/bin" # # Also produced by Microsoft's FTP servers for Windows: # "---------- 1 owner group 1803128 Jul 10 10:18 ls-lR.Z" # "d--------- 1 owner group 0 May 9 19:45 Softlib" # # Also WFTPD for MSDOS: # "-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 322 Aug 19 1996 message.ftp" # # Also NetWare: # "d [R----F--] supervisor 512 Jan 16 18:53 login" # "- [R----F--] rhesus 214059 Oct 20 15:27 cx.exe" # # Also NetPresenz for the Mac: # "-------r-- 326 1391972 1392298 Nov 22 1995 MegaPhone.sit" # "drwxrwxr-x folder 2 May 10 1996 network" result = FTPListData(buf) buflen = len(buf) c = buf[0] if c == 'd': result.try_cwd = True if c == '-': result.try_retr = True if c == 'l': result.try_retr = True result.try_cwd = True state = 1 i = 0 tokens = buf.split() for j in range(1, buflen): if (buf[j] == ' ') and (buf[j - 1] != ' '): if state == 1: # skipping perm state = 2 elif state == 2: # skipping nlink state = 3 if ((j - i) == 6) and (buf[i] == 'f'): # NetPresenz state = 4 elif state == 3: # skipping UID/GID state = 4 elif state == 4: # getting tentative size try: size = long(buf[i:j]) except ValueError: pass state = 5 elif state == 5: # searching for month, else getting tentative size month = self._get_month(buf[i:j]) if month >= 0: state = 6 else: size = long(buf[i:j]) elif state == 6: # have size and month mday = long(buf[i:j]) state = 7 elif state == 7: # have size, month, mday if (j - i == 4) and (buf[i+1] == ':'): hour = long(buf[i]) minute = long(buf[i+2:i+4]) result.mtime_type = MTIME_TYPE.REMOTE_MINUTE result.mtime = self._guess_time(month, mday, hour, minute) elif (j - i == 5) and (buf[i+2] == ':'): hour = long(buf[i:i+2]) minute = long(buf[i+3:i+5]) result.mtime_type = MTIME_TYPE.REMOTE_MINUTE result.mtime = self._guess_time(month, mday, hour, minute) elif j - i >= 4: year = long(buf[i:j]) result.mtime_type = MTIME_TYPE.REMOTE_DAY result.mtime = self._get_mtime(year, month, mday) else: break result.name = buf[j+1:] state = 8 elif state == 8: # twiddling thumbs pass i = j + 1 while (i < buflen) and (buf[i] == ' '): i += 1 #if state != 8: #return None result.size = size if c == 'l': i = 0 while (i + 3) < len(result.name): if result.name[i:i+4] == ' -> ': result.target = result.name[i+4:] result.name = result.name[:i] break i += 1 # eliminate extra NetWare spaces if (buf[1] == ' ') or (buf[1] == '['): namelen = len(result.name) if namelen > 3: result.name = result.name.strip() return result def _parse_multinet(self, buf, i): # MultiNet (some spaces removed from examples) # "00README.TXT;1 2 30-DEC-1996 17:44 [SYSTEM] (RWED,RWED,RE,RE)" # "CORE.DIR;1 1 8-SEP-1996 16:09 [SYSTEM] (RWE,RWE,RE,RE)" # and non-MultiNet VMS: #"CII-MANUAL.TEX;1 213/216 29-JAN-1996 03:33:12 [ANONYMOU,ANONYMOUS] (RWED,RWED,,)" result = FTPListData(buf) result.name = buf[:i] buflen = len(buf) if i > 4: if buf[i-4:i] == '.DIR': result.name = result.name[0:-4] result.try_cwd = True if not result.try_cwd: result.try_retr = True try: i = buf.index(' ', i) i = _skip(buf, i, ' ') i = buf.index(' ', i) i = _skip(buf, i, ' ') j = i j = buf.index('-', j) mday = long(buf[i:j]) j = _skip(buf, j, '-') i = j j = buf.index('-', j) month = self._get_month(buf[i:j]) if month < 0: raise IndexError j = _skip(buf, j, '-') i = j j = buf.index(' ', j) year = long(buf[i:j]) j = _skip(buf, j, ' ') i = j j = buf.index(':', j) hour = long(buf[i:j]) j = _skip(buf, j, ':') i = j while (buf[j] != ':') and (buf[j] != ' '): j += 1 if j == buflen: raise IndexError # abort, abort! minute = long(buf[i:j]) result.mtime_type = MTIME_TYPE.REMOTE_MINUTE result.mtime = self._get_mtime(year, month, mday, hour, minute) except IndexError: pass return result def _parse_msdos(self, buf): # MSDOS format # 04-27-00 09:09PM licensed # 07-18-00 10:16AM pub # 04-14-00 03:47PM 589 readme.htm buflen = len(buf) i = 0 j = 0 try: result = FTPListData(buf) j = buf.index('-', j) month = long(buf[i:j]) j = _skip(buf, j, '-') i = j j = buf.index('-', j) mday = long(buf[i:j]) j = _skip(buf, j, '-') i = j j = buf.index(' ', j) year = long(buf[i:j]) if year < 50: year += 2000 if year < 1000: year += 1900 j = _skip(buf, j, ' ') i = j j = buf.index(':', j) hour = long(buf[i:j]) j = _skip(buf, j, ':') i = j while not (buf[j] in 'AP'): j += 1 if j == buflen: raise IndexError minute = long(buf[i:j]) if buf[j] == 'A': j += 1 if j == buflen: raise IndexError if buf[j] == 'P': hour = (hour + 12) % 24 j += 1 if j == buflen: raise IndexError if buf[j] == 'M': j += 1 if j == buflen: raise IndexError j = _skip(buf, j, ' ') if buf[j] == '<': result.try_cwd = True j = buf.index(' ', j) else: i = j j = buf.index(' ', j) result.size = long(buf[i:j]) result.try_retr = True j = _skip(buf, j, ' ') result.name = buf[j:] result.mtime_type = MTIME_TYPE.REMOTE_MINUTE result.mtime = self._get_mtime(year, month, mday, hour, minute) except IndexError: pass return result class FTPMlstDataParser(object): """ An ``FTPMlstDataParser`` object can be used to parse one or more lines that were retrieved by an FTP ``MLST`` or ``MLSD`` command that was sent to a remote server. """ def __init__(self): pass def parse_line(self, ftp_list_line): """ Parse a line from an FTP ``MLST`` or ``MLSD`` command. :Parameters: ftp_list_line : str The line of output :rtype: `FTPListData` :return: An `FTPListData` object describing the parsed line, or ``None`` if the line could not be parsed. Note that it's possible for this method to return a partially-filled `FTPListData` object (e.g., one without a mtime). """ result = FTPListData(ftp_list_line) # pull out the name parts = ftp_list_line.partition(' ') result.name = parts[2] # parse the facts if parts[0][-1] == ';': for fact in parts[0][:-1].split(';'): parts = fact.partition('=') factname = parts[0].lower() factvalue = parts[2] if factname == 'unique': if factvalue == "0g0" or factvalue == "0g1": # Matrix FTP server sometimes returns bogus "unique" facts result.id_type = ID_TYPE.UNKNOWN else: result.id_type = ID_TYPE.FULL result.id = factvalue elif factname == 'modify': result.mtime_type = MTIME_TYPE.LOCAL result.mtime = calendar.timegm((int(factvalue[0:4]), int(factvalue[4:6]), int(factvalue[6:8]), int(factvalue[8:10]), int(factvalue[10:12]), int(factvalue[12:14]), 0, 0, 0)) elif factname == 'size': result.size = long(factvalue) elif factname == 'sizd': # some FTP servers report directory size with sizd result.size = long(factvalue) elif factname == 'type': if factvalue.lower() == 'file': result.try_retr = True elif factvalue.lower() in ['dir', 'cdir', 'pdir']: result.try_cwd = True else: # dunno if it's file or directory result.try_retr = True result.try_cwd = True return result # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public Functions # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse_ftp_list_line(ftp_list_line, is_mlst=False): """ Convenience function that instantiates an `FTPListDataParser` object and passes ``ftp_list_line`` to the object's ``parse_line()`` method, returning the result. :Parameters: ftp_list_line : str The line of output :rtype: `FTPListData` :return: An `FTPListData` object describing the parsed line, or ``None`` if the line could not be parsed. Note that it's possible for this method to return a partially-filled `FTPListData` object (e.g., one without a name). """ if is_mlst: return FTPMlstDataParser().parse_line(ftp_list_line) else: return FTPListDataParser().parse_line(ftp_list_line) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private Functions # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _skip(s, i, c): while s[i] == c: i += 1 if i == len(s): raise IndexError return i def fileftperrors(f): @wraps(f) def deco(self, *args, **kwargs): self._lock.acquire() try: try: ret = f(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception, e: self.ftpfs._translate_exception(args[0] if args else '', e) finally: self._lock.release() return ret return deco class _FTPFile(object): """ A file-like that provides access to a file being streamed over ftp.""" blocksize = 1024 * 64 def __init__(self, ftpfs, ftp, path, mode): if not hasattr(self, '_lock'): self._lock = threading.RLock() self.ftpfs = ftpfs self.ftp = ftp self.path = normpath(path) self.mode = mode self.read_pos = 0 self.write_pos = 0 self.closed = False self.file_size = None if 'r' in mode or 'a' in mode: self.file_size = ftpfs.getsize(path) self.conn = None self._start_file(mode, _encode(self.path)) @fileftperrors def _start_file(self, mode, path): self.read_pos = 0 self.write_pos = 0 if 'r' in mode: self.ftp.voidcmd('TYPE I') self.conn = self.ftp.transfercmd('RETR ' + path, None) else:#if 'w' in mode or 'a' in mode: self.ftp.voidcmd('TYPE I') if 'a' in mode: self.write_pos = self.file_size self.conn = self.ftp.transfercmd('APPE ' + path) else: self.conn = self.ftp.transfercmd('STOR ' + path) @fileftperrors def read(self, size=None): if self.conn is None: return b('') chunks = [] if size is None or size < 0: while 1: data = self.conn.recv(self.blocksize) if not data: self.conn.close() self.conn = None self.ftp.voidresp() break chunks.append(data) self.read_pos += len(data) return b('').join(chunks) remaining_bytes = size while remaining_bytes: read_size = min(remaining_bytes, self.blocksize) data = self.conn.recv(read_size) if not data: self.conn.close() self.conn = None self.ftp.voidresp() break chunks.append(data) self.read_pos += len(data) remaining_bytes -= len(data) return b('').join(chunks) @fileftperrors def write(self, data): data_pos = 0 remaining_data = len(data) while remaining_data: chunk_size = min(remaining_data, self.blocksize) self.conn.sendall(data[data_pos:data_pos+chunk_size]) data_pos += chunk_size remaining_data -= chunk_size self.write_pos += chunk_size def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self,exc_type,exc_value,traceback): self.close() @fileftperrors def flush(self): self.ftpfs._on_file_written(self.path) @fileftperrors def seek(self, pos, where=fs.SEEK_SET): # Ftp doesn't support a real seek, so we close the transfer and resume # it at the new position with the REST command # I'm not sure how reliable this method is! if self.file_size is None: raise ValueError("Seek only works with files open for read") self._lock.acquire() try: current = self.tell() new_pos = None if where == fs.SEEK_SET: new_pos = pos elif where == fs.SEEK_CUR: new_pos = current + pos elif where == fs.SEEK_END: new_pos = self.file_size + pos if new_pos < 0: raise ValueError("Can't seek before start of file") if self.conn is not None: self.conn.close() finally: self._lock.release() self.close() self._lock.acquire() try: self.ftp = self.ftpfs._open_ftp() self.ftp.sendcmd('TYPE I') self.ftp.sendcmd('REST %i' % (new_pos)) self.__init__(self.ftpfs, self.ftp, self.path, self.mode) self.read_pos = new_pos finally: self._lock.release() #raise UnsupportedError('ftp seek') @fileftperrors def tell(self): if 'r' in self.mode: return self.read_pos else: return self.write_pos @fileftperrors def truncate(self, size=None): self.ftpfs._on_file_written(self.path) # Inefficient, but I don't know how else to implement this if size is None: size = self.tell() if self.conn is not None: self.conn.close() self.close() read_f = None try: read_f = self.ftpfs.open(self.path, 'rb') data = read_f.read(size) finally: if read_f is not None: read_f.close() self.ftp = self.ftpfs._open_ftp() self.mode = 'w' self.__init__(self.ftpfs, self.ftp, _encode(self.path), self.mode) #self._start_file(self.mode, self.path) self.write(data) if len(data) < size: self.write('\0' * (size - len(data))) @fileftperrors def close(self): if 'w' in self.mode or 'a' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode: self.ftpfs._on_file_written(self.path) if self.conn is not None: try: self.conn.close() self.conn = None self.ftp.voidresp() except error_temp, error_perm: pass if self.ftp is not None: try: self.ftp.close() except error_temp, error_perm: pass self.closed = True def next(self): return self.readline() def readline(self, size=None): return next(iotools.line_iterator(self, size)) def __iter__(self): return iotools.line_iterator(self) def ftperrors(f): @wraps(f) def deco(self, *args, **kwargs): self._lock.acquire() try: self._enter_dircache() try: try: ret = f(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception, e: self._translate_exception(args[0] if args else '', e) finally: self._leave_dircache() finally: self._lock.release() return ret return deco def _encode(s): if isinstance(s, unicode): return s.encode('utf-8') return s class _DirCache(dict): def __init__(self): super(_DirCache, self).__init__() self.count = 0 def addref(self): self.count += 1 return self.count def decref(self): self.count -= 1 return self.count class FTPFS(FS): _meta = { 'thread_safe' : True, 'network' : True, 'virtual': False, 'read_only' : False, 'unicode_paths' : True, 'case_insensitive_paths' : False, 'atomic.move' : True, 'atomic.copy' : True, 'atomic.makedir' : True, 'atomic.rename' : True, 'atomic.setcontents' : False, 'file.read_and_write' : False, } def __init__(self, host='', user='', passwd='', acct='', timeout=_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, port=21, dircache=True, follow_symlinks=False): """Connect to a FTP server. :param host: Host to connect to :param user: Username, or a blank string for anonymous :param passwd: Password, if required :param acct: Accounting information (few servers require this) :param timeout: Timeout in seconds :param port: Port to connection (default is 21) :param dircache: If True then directory information will be cached, speeding up operations such as `getinfo`, `isdir`, `isfile`, but changes to the ftp file structure will not be visible until :meth:`~fs.ftpfs.FTPFS.clear_dircache` is called """ super(FTPFS, self).__init__() self.host = host self.port = port self.user = user self.passwd = passwd self.acct = acct self.timeout = timeout self.default_timeout = timeout is _GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT self.use_dircache = dircache self.follow_symlinks = follow_symlinks self.use_mlst = False self._lock = threading.RLock() self._init_dircache() self._cache_hint = False try: self.ftp except FSError: self.closed = True raise def _init_dircache(self): self.dircache = _DirCache() @synchronize def cache_hint(self, enabled): self._cache_hint = bool(enabled) def _enter_dircache(self): self.dircache.addref() def _leave_dircache(self): self.dircache.decref() if self.use_dircache: if not self.dircache.count and not self._cache_hint: self.clear_dircache() else: self.clear_dircache() assert self.dircache.count >= 0, "dircache count should never be negative" @synchronize def _on_file_written(self, path): self.refresh_dircache(dirname(path)) @synchronize def _readdir(self, path): path = abspath(normpath(path)) if self.dircache.count: cached_dirlist = self.dircache.get(path) if cached_dirlist is not None: return cached_dirlist dirlist = {} def _get_FEAT(ftp): features = dict() try: response = ftp.sendcmd("FEAT") if response[:3] == "211": for line in response.splitlines()[1:]: if line[3] == "211": break if line[0] != ' ': break parts = line[1:].partition(' ') features[parts[0].upper()] = parts[2] except error_perm: # some FTP servers may not support FEAT pass return features def on_line(line): if not isinstance(line, unicode): line = line.decode('utf-8') info = parse_ftp_list_line(line, self.use_mlst) if info: info = info.__dict__ if info['name'] not in ('.', '..'): dirlist[info['name']] = info try: encoded_path = _encode(path) ftp_features = _get_FEAT(self.ftp) if 'MLST' in ftp_features: self.use_mlst = True try: # only request the facts we need self.ftp.sendcmd("OPTS MLST type;unique;size;modify;") except error_perm: # some FTP servers don't support OPTS MLST pass # need to send MLST first to discover if it's file or dir response = self.ftp.sendcmd("MLST " + encoded_path) lines = response.splitlines() if lines[0][:3] == "250": list_line = lines[1] # MLST line is preceded by space if list_line[0] == ' ': on_line(list_line[1:]) else: # Matrix FTP server has bug on_line(list_line) # if it's a dir, then we can send a MLSD if dirlist[dirlist.keys()[0]]['try_cwd']: dirlist = {} self.ftp.retrlines("MLSD " + encoded_path, on_line) else: self.ftp.dir(encoded_path, on_line) except error_reply: pass self.dircache[path] = dirlist def is_symlink(info): return info['try_retr'] and info['try_cwd'] and info.has_key('target') def resolve_symlink(linkpath): linkinfo = self.getinfo(linkpath) if not linkinfo.has_key('resolved'): linkinfo['resolved'] = linkpath if is_symlink(linkinfo): target = linkinfo['target'] base, fname = pathsplit(linkpath) return resolve_symlink(pathjoin(base, target)) else: return linkinfo if self.follow_symlinks: for name in dirlist: if is_symlink(dirlist[name]): target = dirlist[name]['target'] linkinfo = resolve_symlink(pathjoin(path, target)) for key in linkinfo: if key != 'name': dirlist[name][key] = linkinfo[key] del dirlist[name]['target'] return dirlist @synchronize def clear_dircache(self, *paths): """ Clear cached directory information. :param path: Path of directory to clear cache for, or all directories if None (the default) """ if not paths: self.dircache.clear() else: dircache = self.dircache paths = [normpath(abspath(path)) for path in paths] for cached_path in dircache.keys(): for path in paths: if isbase(cached_path, path): dircache.pop(cached_path, None) break @synchronize def refresh_dircache(self, *paths): for path in paths: path = abspath(normpath(path)) self.dircache.pop(path, None) @synchronize def _check_path(self, path): path = normpath(path) base, fname = pathsplit(abspath(path)) dirlist = self._readdir(base) if fname and fname not in dirlist: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) return dirlist, fname def _get_dirlist(self, path): path = normpath(path) base, fname = pathsplit(abspath(path)) dirlist = self._readdir(base) return dirlist, fname @ftperrors def get_ftp(self): if self.closed: return None if not getattr(self, '_ftp', None): self._ftp = self._open_ftp() return self._ftp ftp = property(get_ftp) @ftperrors def _open_ftp(self): try: ftp = FTP() if self.default_timeout or sys.version_info < (2,6,): ftp.connect(self.host, self.port) else: ftp.connect(self.host, self.port, self.timeout) ftp.login(self.user, self.passwd, self.acct) except socket_error, e: raise RemoteConnectionError(str(e), details=e) return ftp def __getstate__(self): state = super(FTPFS, self).__getstate__() del state['_lock'] state.pop('_ftp', None) return state def __setstate__(self,state): super(FTPFS, self).__setstate__(state) self._init_dircache() self._lock = threading.RLock() #self._ftp = None #self.ftp def __str__(self): return '' % self.host def __unicode__(self): return u'' % self.host @convert_os_errors def _translate_exception(self, path, exception): """ Translates exceptions that my be thrown by the ftp code in to FS exceptions TODO: Flesh this out with more specific exceptions """ if isinstance(exception, socket_error): self._ftp = None raise RemoteConnectionError(str(exception), details=exception) elif isinstance(exception, error_temp): code, message = str(exception).split(' ', 1) self._ftp = None raise RemoteConnectionError(str(exception), path=path, msg="FTP error: %s" % str(exception), details=exception) elif isinstance(exception, error_perm): code, message = str(exception).split(' ', 1) code = int(code) if code == 550: pass if code == 552: raise StorageSpaceError raise PermissionDeniedError(str(exception), path=path, msg="FTP error: %s" % str(exception), details=exception) raise exception @ftperrors def close(self): if not self.closed: try: self.ftp.close() except FSError: pass self.closed = True def getpathurl(self, path, allow_none=False): path = normpath(path) credentials = '%s:%s' % (self.user, self.passwd) if credentials == ':': url = 'ftp://%s%s' % (self.host.rstrip('/'), abspath(path)) else: url = 'ftp://%s@%s%s' % (credentials, self.host.rstrip('/'), abspath(path)) return url @iotools.filelike_to_stream @ftperrors def open(self, path, mode, buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, line_buffering=False, **kwargs): path = normpath(path) mode = mode.lower() if self.isdir(path): raise ResourceInvalidError(path) if 'r' in mode or 'a' in mode: if not self.isfile(path): raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) if 'w' in mode or 'a' in mode or '+' in mode: self.refresh_dircache(dirname(path)) ftp = self._open_ftp() f = _FTPFile(self, ftp, normpath(path), mode) return f @ftperrors def setcontents(self, path, data=b'', encoding=None, errors=None, chunk_size=1024*64): path = normpath(path) data = iotools.make_bytes_io(data, encoding=encoding, errors=errors) self.refresh_dircache(dirname(path)) self.ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % _encode(path), data, blocksize=chunk_size) @ftperrors def getcontents(self, path, mode="rb", encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None): path = normpath(path) contents = StringIO() self.ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % _encode(path), contents.write, blocksize=1024*64) data = contents.getvalue() if 'b' in data: return data return iotools.decode_binary(data, encoding=encoding, errors=errors) @ftperrors def exists(self, path): path = normpath(path) if path in ('', '/'): return True dirlist, fname = self._get_dirlist(path) return fname in dirlist @ftperrors def isdir(self, path): path = normpath(path) if path in ('', '/'): return True dirlist, fname = self._get_dirlist(path) info = dirlist.get(fname) if info is None: return False return info['try_cwd'] @ftperrors def isfile(self, path): path = normpath(path) if path in ('', '/'): return False dirlist, fname = self._get_dirlist(path) info = dirlist.get(fname) if info is None: return False return not info['try_cwd'] @ftperrors def listdir(self, path="./", wildcard=None, full=False, absolute=False, dirs_only=False, files_only=False): path = normpath(path) #self.clear_dircache(path) if not self.exists(path): raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) if not self.isdir(path): raise ResourceInvalidError(path) paths = self._readdir(path).keys() return self._listdir_helper(path, paths, wildcard, full, absolute, dirs_only, files_only) @ftperrors def listdirinfo(self, path="./", wildcard=None, full=False, absolute=False, dirs_only=False, files_only=False): path = normpath(path) def getinfo(p): try: if full or absolute: return self.getinfo(p) else: return self.getinfo(pathjoin(path,p)) except FSError: return {} return [(p, getinfo(p)) for p in self.listdir(path, wildcard=wildcard, full=full, absolute=absolute, dirs_only=dirs_only, files_only=files_only)] @ftperrors def makedir(self, path, recursive=False, allow_recreate=False): path = normpath(path) if path in ('', '/'): return def checkdir(path): if not self.isdir(path): self.clear_dircache(dirname(path)) try: self.ftp.mkd(_encode(path)) except error_reply: return except error_perm, e: if recursive or allow_recreate: return if str(e).split(' ', 1)[0]=='550': raise DestinationExistsError(path) else: raise if recursive: for p in recursepath(path): checkdir(p) else: base = dirname(path) if not self.exists(base): raise ParentDirectoryMissingError(path) if not allow_recreate: if self.exists(path): if self.isfile(path): raise ResourceInvalidError(path) raise DestinationExistsError(path) checkdir(path) @ftperrors def remove(self, path): if not self.exists(path): raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) if not self.isfile(path): raise ResourceInvalidError(path) self.refresh_dircache(dirname(path)) self.ftp.delete(_encode(path)) @ftperrors def removedir(self, path, recursive=False, force=False): path = abspath(normpath(path)) if not self.exists(path): raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) if self.isfile(path): raise ResourceInvalidError(path) if normpath(path) in ('', '/'): raise RemoveRootError(path) if not force: for _checkpath in self.listdir(path): raise DirectoryNotEmptyError(path) try: if force: for rpath in self.listdir(path, full=True): try: if self.isfile(rpath): self.remove(rpath) elif self.isdir(rpath): self.removedir(rpath, force=force) except FSError: pass self.clear_dircache(dirname(path)) self.ftp.rmd(_encode(path)) except error_reply: pass if recursive: try: if dirname(path) not in ('', '/'): self.removedir(dirname(path), recursive=True) except DirectoryNotEmptyError: pass self.clear_dircache(dirname(path), path) @ftperrors def rename(self, src, dst): try: self.refresh_dircache(dirname(src), dirname(dst)) self.ftp.rename(_encode(src), _encode(dst)) except error_perm, exception: code, message = str(exception).split(' ', 1) if code == "550": if not self.exists(dirname(dst)): raise ParentDirectoryMissingError(dst) raise except error_reply: pass @ftperrors def getinfo(self, path): dirlist, fname = self._check_path(path) if not fname: return {} info = dirlist[fname].copy() info['modified_time'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(info['mtime']) info['created_time'] = info['modified_time'] return info @ftperrors def getsize(self, path): size = None if self.dircache.count: dirlist, fname = self._check_path(path) size = dirlist[fname].get('size') if size is not None: return size self.ftp.sendcmd('TYPE I') size = self.ftp.size(_encode(path)) if size is None: dirlist, fname = self._check_path(path) size = dirlist[fname].get('size') if size is None: raise OperationFailedError('getsize', path) return size @ftperrors def desc(self, path): path = normpath(path) url = self.getpathurl(path, allow_none=True) if url: return url dirlist, fname = self._check_path(path) if fname not in dirlist: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) return dirlist[fname].get('raw_line', 'No description available') @ftperrors def move(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, chunk_size=16384): if not overwrite and self.exists(dst): raise DestinationExistsError(dst) #self.refresh_dircache(dirname(src), dirname(dst)) try: self.rename(src, dst) except: self.copy(src, dst, overwrite=overwrite) self.remove(src) finally: self.refresh_dircache(src, dirname(src), dst, dirname(dst)) @ftperrors def copy(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, chunk_size=1024*64): if not self.isfile(src): if self.isdir(src): raise ResourceInvalidError(src, msg="Source is not a file: %(path)s") raise ResourceNotFoundError(src) if not overwrite and self.exists(dst): raise DestinationExistsError(dst) dst = normpath(dst) src_file = None try: src_file = self.open(src, "rb") ftp = self._open_ftp() ftp.voidcmd('TYPE I') ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % _encode(normpath(dst)), src_file, blocksize=chunk_size) finally: self.refresh_dircache(dirname(dst)) if src_file is not None: src_file.close() @ftperrors def movedir(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, ignore_errors=False, chunk_size=16384): self.clear_dircache(dirname(src), dirname(dst)) super(FTPFS, self).movedir(src, dst, overwrite, ignore_errors, chunk_size) @ftperrors def copydir(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, ignore_errors=False, chunk_size=16384): self.clear_dircache(dirname(dst)) super(FTPFS, self).copydir(src, dst, overwrite, ignore_errors, chunk_size) if __name__ == "__main__": ftp_fs = FTPFS('ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu') ftp_fs.cache_hint(True) from fs.browsewin import browse browse(ftp_fs) #ftp_fs = FTPFS('', 'user', '12345', dircache=True) #f = ftp_fs.open('testout.txt', 'w') #f.write("Testing writing to an ftp file!") #f.write("\nHai!") #f.close() #ftp_fs.createfile(u"\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA}", 'unicode!') #kappa = u"\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA}" #ftp_fs.makedir(kappa) #print repr(ftp_fs.listdir()) #print repr(ftp_fs.listdir()) #ftp_fs.makedir('a/b/c/d', recursive=True) #print ftp_fs.getsize('/testout.txt') #print f.read() #for p in ftp_fs: # print p #from fs.utils import print_fs #print_fs(ftp_fs) #print ftp_fs.getsize('test.txt') #from fs.browsewin import browse #browse(ftp_fs)