#!/usr/bin/env python """ fs.memoryfs =========== A Filesystem that exists in memory only. Which makes them extremely fast, but non-permanent. If you open a file from a `memoryfs` you will get back a StringIO object from the standard library. """ import datetime import stat from fs.path import iteratepath, pathsplit, normpath from fs.base import * from fs.errors import * from fs import _thread_synchronize_default from fs.filelike import StringIO from fs import iotools from os import SEEK_END import threading import six from six import b def _check_mode(mode, mode_chars): for c in mode_chars: if c not in mode: return False return True class MemoryFile(object): def seek_and_lock(f): def deco(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self._lock.acquire() self.mem_file.seek(self.pos) ret = f(self, *args, **kwargs) self.pos = self.mem_file.tell() return ret finally: self._lock.release() return deco def __init__(self, path, memory_fs, mem_file, mode, lock): self.closed = False self.path = path self.memory_fs = memory_fs self.mem_file = mem_file self.mode = mode self._lock = lock self.pos = 0 if _check_mode(mode, 'a'): lock.acquire() try: self.mem_file.seek(0, SEEK_END) self.pos = self.mem_file.tell() finally: lock.release() elif _check_mode(mode, 'w'): lock.acquire() try: self.mem_file.seek(0) self.mem_file.truncate() finally: lock.release() assert self.mem_file is not None, "self.mem_file should have a value" def __str__(self): return "" % (self.memory_fs, self.path) def __repr__(self): return u"" % (self.memory_fs, self.path) def __unicode__(self): return u"" % (self.memory_fs, self.path) def __del__(self): if not self.closed: self.close() def flush(self): pass def __iter__(self): if 'r' not in self.mode and '+' not in self.mode: raise IOError("File not open for reading") self.mem_file.seek(self.pos) for line in self.mem_file: yield line @seek_and_lock def next(self): if 'r' not in self.mode and '+' not in self.mode: raise IOError("File not open for reading") return self.mem_file.next() @seek_and_lock def readline(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'r' not in self.mode and '+' not in self.mode: raise IOError("File not open for reading") return self.mem_file.readline(*args, **kwargs) def close(self): do_close = False self._lock.acquire() try: do_close = not self.closed and self.mem_file is not None if do_close: self.closed = True finally: self._lock.release() if do_close: self.memory_fs._on_close_memory_file(self, self.path) @seek_and_lock def read(self, size=None): if 'r' not in self.mode and '+' not in self.mode: raise IOError("File not open for reading") if size is None: size = -1 return self.mem_file.read(size) @seek_and_lock def seek(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.mem_file.seek(*args, **kwargs) @seek_and_lock def tell(self): return self.pos @seek_and_lock def truncate(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'r' in self.mode and '+' not in self.mode: raise IOError("File not open for writing") return self.mem_file.truncate(*args, **kwargs) #@seek_and_lock def write(self, data): if 'r' in self.mode and '+' not in self.mode: raise IOError("File not open for writing") self.memory_fs._on_modify_memory_file(self.path) self._lock.acquire() try: self.mem_file.seek(self.pos) self.mem_file.write(data) self.pos = self.mem_file.tell() finally: self._lock.release() @seek_and_lock def writelines(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.mem_file.writelines(*args, **kwargs) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() return False class DirEntry(object): def sync(f): def deco(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.lock is not None: try: self.lock.acquire() return f(self, *args, **kwargs) finally: self.lock.release() else: return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return deco def __init__(self, type, name, contents=None): assert type in ("dir", "file"), "Type must be dir or file!" self.type = type self.name = name if contents is None and type == "dir": contents = {} self.open_files = [] self.contents = contents self.mem_file = None self.created_time = datetime.datetime.now() self.modified_time = self.created_time self.accessed_time = self.created_time self.xattrs = {} self.lock = None if self.type == 'file': self.mem_file = StringIO() self.lock = threading.RLock() def get_value(self): self.lock.acquire() try: return self.mem_file.getvalue() finally: self.lock.release() data = property(get_value) def desc_contents(self): if self.isfile(): return "" % self.name elif self.isdir(): return "" % "".join("%s: %s" % (k, v.desc_contents()) for k, v in self.contents.iteritems()) def isdir(self): return self.type == "dir" def isfile(self): return self.type == "file" def __str__(self): return "%s: %s" % (self.name, self.desc_contents()) @sync def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state.pop('lock') if self.mem_file is not None: state['mem_file'] = self.data return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) if self.type == 'file': self.lock = threading.RLock() else: self.lock = None if self.mem_file is not None: data = self.mem_file self.mem_file = StringIO() self.mem_file.write(data) class MemoryFS(FS): """An in-memory filesystem. """ _meta = {'thread_safe': True, 'network': False, 'virtual': False, 'read_only': False, 'unicode_paths': True, 'case_insensitive_paths': False, 'atomic.move': False, 'atomic.copy': False, 'atomic.makedir': True, 'atomic.rename': True, 'atomic.setcontents': False} def _make_dir_entry(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.dir_entry_factory(*args, **kwargs) def __init__(self, file_factory=None): super(MemoryFS, self).__init__(thread_synchronize=_thread_synchronize_default) self.dir_entry_factory = DirEntry self.file_factory = file_factory or MemoryFile if not callable(self.file_factory): raise ValueError("file_factory should be callable") self.root = self._make_dir_entry('dir', 'root') def __str__(self): return "" def __repr__(self): return "MemoryFS()" def __unicode__(self): return "" @synchronize def _get_dir_entry(self, dirpath): dirpath = normpath(dirpath) current_dir = self.root for path_component in iteratepath(dirpath): if current_dir.contents is None: return None dir_entry = current_dir.contents.get(path_component, None) if dir_entry is None: return None current_dir = dir_entry return current_dir @synchronize def _dir_entry(self, path): dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(path) if dir_entry is None: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) return dir_entry @synchronize def desc(self, path): if self.isdir(path): return "Memory dir" elif self.isfile(path): return "Memory file object" else: return "No description available" @synchronize def isdir(self, path): path = normpath(path) if path in ('', '/'): return True dir_item = self._get_dir_entry(path) if dir_item is None: return False return dir_item.isdir() @synchronize def isfile(self, path): path = normpath(path) if path in ('', '/'): return False dir_item = self._get_dir_entry(path) if dir_item is None: return False return dir_item.isfile() @synchronize def exists(self, path): path = normpath(path) if path in ('', '/'): return True return self._get_dir_entry(path) is not None @synchronize def makedir(self, dirname, recursive=False, allow_recreate=False): if not dirname and not allow_recreate: raise PathError(dirname) fullpath = normpath(dirname) if fullpath in ('', '/'): if allow_recreate: return raise DestinationExistsError(dirname) dirpath, dirname = pathsplit(dirname.rstrip('/')) if recursive: parent_dir = self._get_dir_entry(dirpath) if parent_dir is not None: if parent_dir.isfile(): raise ResourceInvalidError(dirname, msg="Can not create a directory, because path references a file: %(path)s") else: if not allow_recreate: if dirname in parent_dir.contents: raise DestinationExistsError(dirname, msg="Can not create a directory that already exists (try allow_recreate=True): %(path)s") current_dir = self.root for path_component in iteratepath(dirpath)[:-1]: dir_item = current_dir.contents.get(path_component, None) if dir_item is None: break if not dir_item.isdir(): raise ResourceInvalidError(dirname, msg="Can not create a directory, because path references a file: %(path)s") current_dir = dir_item current_dir = self.root for path_component in iteratepath(dirpath): dir_item = current_dir.contents.get(path_component, None) if dir_item is None: new_dir = self._make_dir_entry("dir", path_component) current_dir.contents[path_component] = new_dir current_dir = new_dir else: current_dir = dir_item parent_dir = current_dir else: parent_dir = self._get_dir_entry(dirpath) if parent_dir is None: raise ParentDirectoryMissingError(dirname, msg="Could not make dir, as parent dir does not exist: %(path)s") dir_item = parent_dir.contents.get(dirname, None) if dir_item is not None: if dir_item.isdir(): if not allow_recreate: raise DestinationExistsError(dirname) else: raise ResourceInvalidError(dirname, msg="Can not create a directory, because path references a file: %(path)s") if dir_item is None: parent_dir.contents[dirname] = self._make_dir_entry("dir", dirname) #@synchronize #def _orphan_files(self, file_dir_entry): # for f in file_dir_entry.open_files[:]: # f.close() @synchronize @iotools.filelike_to_stream def open(self, path, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, line_buffering=False, **kwargs): path = normpath(path) filepath, filename = pathsplit(path) parent_dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(filepath) if parent_dir_entry is None or not parent_dir_entry.isdir(): raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) if 'r' in mode or 'a' in mode: if filename not in parent_dir_entry.contents: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) file_dir_entry = parent_dir_entry.contents[filename] if file_dir_entry.isdir(): raise ResourceInvalidError(path) file_dir_entry.accessed_time = datetime.datetime.now() mem_file = self.file_factory(path, self, file_dir_entry.mem_file, mode, file_dir_entry.lock) file_dir_entry.open_files.append(mem_file) return mem_file elif 'w' in mode: if filename not in parent_dir_entry.contents: file_dir_entry = self._make_dir_entry("file", filename) parent_dir_entry.contents[filename] = file_dir_entry else: file_dir_entry = parent_dir_entry.contents[filename] file_dir_entry.accessed_time = datetime.datetime.now() mem_file = self.file_factory(path, self, file_dir_entry.mem_file, mode, file_dir_entry.lock) file_dir_entry.open_files.append(mem_file) return mem_file if parent_dir_entry is None: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) @synchronize def remove(self, path): dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(path) if dir_entry is None: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) if dir_entry.isdir(): raise ResourceInvalidError(path, msg="That's a directory, not a file: %(path)s") pathname, dirname = pathsplit(path) parent_dir = self._get_dir_entry(pathname) del parent_dir.contents[dirname] @synchronize def removedir(self, path, recursive=False, force=False): path = normpath(path) if path in ('', '/'): raise RemoveRootError(path) dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(path) if dir_entry is None: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) if not dir_entry.isdir(): raise ResourceInvalidError(path, msg="Can't remove resource, its not a directory: %(path)s" ) if dir_entry.contents and not force: raise DirectoryNotEmptyError(path) if recursive: rpathname = path while rpathname: rpathname, dirname = pathsplit(rpathname) parent_dir = self._get_dir_entry(rpathname) if not dirname: raise RemoveRootError(path) del parent_dir.contents[dirname] # stop recursing if the directory has other contents if parent_dir.contents: break else: pathname, dirname = pathsplit(path) parent_dir = self._get_dir_entry(pathname) if not dirname: raise RemoveRootError(path) del parent_dir.contents[dirname] @synchronize def rename(self, src, dst): src = normpath(src) dst = normpath(dst) src_dir, src_name = pathsplit(src) src_entry = self._get_dir_entry(src) if src_entry is None: raise ResourceNotFoundError(src) open_files = src_entry.open_files[:] for f in open_files: f.flush() f.path = dst dst_dir,dst_name = pathsplit(dst) dst_entry = self._get_dir_entry(dst) if dst_entry is not None: raise DestinationExistsError(dst) src_dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(src_dir) src_xattrs = src_dir_entry.xattrs.copy() dst_dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(dst_dir) if dst_dir_entry is None: raise ParentDirectoryMissingError(dst) dst_dir_entry.contents[dst_name] = src_dir_entry.contents[src_name] dst_dir_entry.contents[dst_name].name = dst_name dst_dir_entry.xattrs.update(src_xattrs) del src_dir_entry.contents[src_name] @synchronize def settimes(self, path, accessed_time=None, modified_time=None): now = datetime.datetime.now() if accessed_time is None: accessed_time = now if modified_time is None: modified_time = now dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(path) if dir_entry is not None: dir_entry.accessed_time = accessed_time dir_entry.modified_time = modified_time return True return False @synchronize def _on_close_memory_file(self, open_file, path): dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(path) if dir_entry is not None: dir_entry.open_files.remove(open_file) @synchronize def _on_modify_memory_file(self, path): dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(path) if dir_entry is not None: dir_entry.modified_time = datetime.datetime.now() @synchronize def listdir(self, path="/", wildcard=None, full=False, absolute=False, dirs_only=False, files_only=False): dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(path) if dir_entry is None: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) if dir_entry.isfile(): raise ResourceInvalidError(path, msg="not a directory: %(path)s") paths = dir_entry.contents.keys() for (i,p) in enumerate(paths): if not isinstance(p,unicode): paths[i] = unicode(p) return self._listdir_helper(path, paths, wildcard, full, absolute, dirs_only, files_only) @synchronize def getinfo(self, path): dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(path) if dir_entry is None: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) info = {} info['created_time'] = dir_entry.created_time info['modified_time'] = dir_entry.modified_time info['accessed_time'] = dir_entry.accessed_time if dir_entry.isdir(): info['st_mode'] = 0755 | stat.S_IFDIR else: info['size'] = len(dir_entry.data or b('')) info['st_mode'] = 0666 | stat.S_IFREG return info @synchronize def copydir(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, ignore_errors=False, chunk_size=1024*64): src_dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(src) if src_dir_entry is None: raise ResourceNotFoundError(src) src_xattrs = src_dir_entry.xattrs.copy() super(MemoryFS, self).copydir(src, dst, overwrite, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, chunk_size=chunk_size) dst_dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(dst) if dst_dir_entry is not None: dst_dir_entry.xattrs.update(src_xattrs) @synchronize def movedir(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, ignore_errors=False, chunk_size=1024*64): src_dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(src) if src_dir_entry is None: raise ResourceNotFoundError(src) src_xattrs = src_dir_entry.xattrs.copy() super(MemoryFS, self).movedir(src, dst, overwrite, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, chunk_size=chunk_size) dst_dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(dst) if dst_dir_entry is not None: dst_dir_entry.xattrs.update(src_xattrs) @synchronize def copy(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, chunk_size=1024*64): src_dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(src) if src_dir_entry is None: raise ResourceNotFoundError(src) src_xattrs = src_dir_entry.xattrs.copy() super(MemoryFS, self).copy(src, dst, overwrite, chunk_size) dst_dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(dst) if dst_dir_entry is not None: dst_dir_entry.xattrs.update(src_xattrs) @synchronize def move(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, chunk_size=1024*64): src_dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(src) if src_dir_entry is None: raise ResourceNotFoundError(src) src_xattrs = src_dir_entry.xattrs.copy() super(MemoryFS, self).move(src, dst, overwrite, chunk_size) dst_dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(dst) if dst_dir_entry is not None: dst_dir_entry.xattrs.update(src_xattrs) @synchronize def getcontents(self, path, mode="rb", encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None): dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(path) if dir_entry is None: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) if not dir_entry.isfile(): raise ResourceInvalidError(path, msg="not a file: %(path)s") data = dir_entry.data or b('') if 'b' not in mode: return iotools.decode_binary(data, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline) return data @synchronize def setcontents(self, path, data=b'', encoding=None, errors=None, chunk_size=1024*64): if isinstance(data, six.binary_type): if not self.exists(path): self.open(path, 'wb').close() dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(path) if not dir_entry.isfile(): raise ResourceInvalidError('Not a directory %(path)s', path) new_mem_file = StringIO() new_mem_file.write(data) dir_entry.mem_file = new_mem_file return len(data) return super(MemoryFS, self).setcontents(path, data=data, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, chunk_size=chunk_size) # if isinstance(data, six.text_type): # return super(MemoryFS, self).setcontents(path, data, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, chunk_size=chunk_size) # if not self.exists(path): # self.open(path, 'wb').close() # dir_entry = self._get_dir_entry(path) # if not dir_entry.isfile(): # raise ResourceInvalidError('Not a directory %(path)s', path) # new_mem_file = StringIO() # new_mem_file.write(data) # dir_entry.mem_file = new_mem_file @synchronize def setxattr(self, path, key, value): dir_entry = self._dir_entry(path) key = unicode(key) dir_entry.xattrs[key] = value @synchronize def getxattr(self, path, key, default=None): key = unicode(key) dir_entry = self._dir_entry(path) return dir_entry.xattrs.get(key, default) @synchronize def delxattr(self, path, key): dir_entry = self._dir_entry(path) try: del dir_entry.xattrs[key] except KeyError: pass @synchronize def listxattrs(self, path): dir_entry = self._dir_entry(path) return dir_entry.xattrs.keys()