""" fs.multifs ========== A MultiFS is a filesystem composed of a sequence of other filesystems, where the directory structure of each filesystem is overlaid over the previous filesystem. When you attempt to access a file from the MultiFS it will try each 'child' FS in order, until it either finds a path that exists or raises a ResourceNotFoundError. One use for such a filesystem would be to selectively override a set of files, to customize behavior. For example, to create a filesystem that could be used to *theme* a web application. We start with the following directories:: `-- templates |-- snippets | `-- panel.html |-- index.html |-- profile.html `-- base.html `-- theme |-- snippets | |-- widget.html | `-- extra.html |-- index.html `-- theme.html And we want to create a single filesystem that looks for files in `templates` if they don't exist in `theme`. We can do this with the following code:: from fs.osfs import OSFS from fs.multifs import MultiFS themed_template_fs.addfs('templates', OSFS('templates')) themed_template_fs.addfs('theme', OSFS('themes')) Now we have a `themed_template_fs` FS object presents a single view of both directories:: |-- snippets | |-- panel.html | |-- widget.html | `-- extra.html |-- index.html |-- profile.html |-- base.html `-- theme.html A MultiFS is generally read-only, and any operation that may modify data (including opening files for writing) will fail. However, you can set a writeable fs with the `setwritefs` method -- which does not have to be one of the FS objects set with `addfs`. The reason that only one FS object is ever considered for write access is that otherwise it would be ambiguous as to which filesystem you would want to modify. If you need to be able to modify more than one FS in the MultiFS, you can always access them directly. """ from fs.base import FS, synchronize from fs.path import * from fs.errors import * from fs import _thread_synchronize_default class MultiFS(FS): """A filesystem that delegates to a sequence of other filesystems. Operations on the MultiFS will try each 'child' filesystem in order, until it succeeds. In effect, creating a filesystem that combines the files and dirs of its children. """ _meta = { 'virtual': True, 'read_only' : False, 'unicode_paths' : True, 'case_insensitive_paths' : False } def __init__(self, auto_close=True): """ :param auto_close: If True the child filesystems will be closed when the MultiFS is closed """ super(MultiFS, self).__init__(thread_synchronize=_thread_synchronize_default) self.auto_close = auto_close self.fs_sequence = [] self.fs_lookup = {} self.fs_priorities = {} self.writefs = None @synchronize def __str__(self): return "" % ", ".join(str(fs) for fs in self.fs_sequence) __repr__ = __str__ @synchronize def __unicode__(self): return u"" % ", ".join(unicode(fs) for fs in self.fs_sequence) def _get_priority(self, name): return self.fs_priorities[name] @synchronize def close(self): # Explicitly close if requested if self.auto_close: for fs in self.fs_sequence: fs.close() if self.writefs is not None: self.writefs.close() # Discard any references del self.fs_sequence[:] self.fs_lookup.clear() self.fs_priorities.clear() self.writefs = None super(MultiFS, self).close() def _priority_sort(self): """Sort filesystems by priority order""" priority_order = sorted(self.fs_lookup.keys(), key=lambda n: self.fs_priorities[n], reverse=True) self.fs_sequence = [self.fs_lookup[name] for name in priority_order] @synchronize def addfs(self, name, fs, write=False, priority=0): """Adds a filesystem to the MultiFS. :param name: A unique name to refer to the filesystem being added. The filesystem can later be retrieved by using this name as an index to the MultiFS, i.e. multifs['myfs'] :param fs: The filesystem to add :param write: If this value is True, then the `fs` will be used as the writeable FS :param priority: A number that gives the priorty of the filesystem being added. Filesystems will be searched in descending priority order and then by the reverse order they were added. So by default, the most recently added filesystem will be looked at first """ if name in self.fs_lookup: raise ValueError("Name already exists.") priority = (priority, len(self.fs_sequence)) self.fs_priorities[name] = priority self.fs_sequence.append(fs) self.fs_lookup[name] = fs self._priority_sort() if write: self.setwritefs(fs) @synchronize def setwritefs(self, fs): """Sets the filesystem to use when write access is required. Without a writeable FS, any operations that could modify data (including opening files for writing / appending) will fail. :param fs: An FS object that will be used to open writeable files """ self.writefs = fs @synchronize def clearwritefs(self): """Clears the writeable filesystem (operations that modify the multifs will fail)""" self.writefs = None @synchronize def removefs(self, name): """Removes a filesystem from the sequence. :param name: The name of the filesystem, as used in addfs """ if name not in self.fs_lookup: raise ValueError("No filesystem called '%s'" % name) fs = self.fs_lookup[name] self.fs_sequence.remove(fs) del self.fs_lookup[name] self._priority_sort() @synchronize def __getitem__(self, name): return self.fs_lookup[name] @synchronize def __iter__(self): return iter(self.fs_sequence[:]) def _delegate_search(self, path): for fs in self: if fs.exists(path): return fs return None @synchronize def which(self, path, mode='r'): """Retrieves the filesystem that a given path would delegate to. Returns a tuple of the filesystem's name and the filesystem object itself. :param path: A path in MultiFS """ if 'w' in mode or '+' in mode or 'a' in mode: return self.writefs for fs in self: if fs.exists(path): for fs_name, fs_object in self.fs_lookup.iteritems(): if fs is fs_object: return fs_name, fs raise ResourceNotFoundError(path, msg="Path does not map to any filesystem: %(path)s") @synchronize def getsyspath(self, path, allow_none=False): fs = self._delegate_search(path) if fs is not None: return fs.getsyspath(path, allow_none=allow_none) if allow_none: return None raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) @synchronize def desc(self, path): if not self.exists(path): raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) name, fs = self.which(path) if name is None: return "" return "%s, on %s (%s)" % (fs.desc(path), name, fs) @synchronize def open(self, path, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, line_buffering=False, **kwargs): if 'w' in mode or '+' in mode or 'a' in mode: if self.writefs is None: raise OperationFailedError('open', path=path, msg="No writeable FS set") return self.writefs.open(path, mode=mode, buffering=buffering, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline, line_buffering=line_buffering, **kwargs) for fs in self: if fs.exists(path): fs_file = fs.open(path, mode=mode, buffering=buffering, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline, line_buffering=line_buffering, **kwargs) return fs_file raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) @synchronize def exists(self, path): return self._delegate_search(path) is not None @synchronize def isdir(self, path): fs = self._delegate_search(path) if fs is not None: return fs.isdir(path) return False @synchronize def isfile(self, path): fs = self._delegate_search(path) if fs is not None: return fs.isfile(path) return False @synchronize def listdir(self, path="./", *args, **kwargs): paths = [] for fs in self: try: paths += fs.listdir(path, *args, **kwargs) except FSError: pass return list(set(paths)) @synchronize def makedir(self, path, recursive=False, allow_recreate=False): if self.writefs is None: raise OperationFailedError('makedir', path=path, msg="No writeable FS set") self.writefs.makedir(path, recursive=recursive, allow_recreate=allow_recreate) @synchronize def remove(self, path): if self.writefs is None: raise OperationFailedError('remove', path=path, msg="No writeable FS set") self.writefs.remove(path) @synchronize def removedir(self, path, recursive=False, force=False): if self.writefs is None: raise OperationFailedError('removedir', path=path, msg="No writeable FS set") if normpath(path) in ('', '/'): raise RemoveRootError(path) self.writefs.removedir(path, recursive=recursive, force=force) @synchronize def rename(self, src, dst): if self.writefs is None: raise OperationFailedError('rename', path=src, msg="No writeable FS set") self.writefs.rename(src, dst) @synchronize def settimes(self, path, accessed_time=None, modified_time=None): if self.writefs is None: raise OperationFailedError('settimes', path=path, msg="No writeable FS set") self.writefs.settimes(path, accessed_time, modified_time) @synchronize def getinfo(self, path): for fs in self: if fs.exists(path): return fs.getinfo(path) raise ResourceNotFoundError(path)