""" fs.watch ======== Change notification support for FS. This module defines a standard interface for FS subclasses that support change notification callbacks. It also offers some WrapFS subclasses that can simulate such an ability on top of an ordinary FS object. An FS object that wants to be "watchable" must provide the following methods: * ``add_watcher(callback,path="/",events=None,recursive=True)`` Request that the given callback be executed in response to changes to the given path. A specific set of change events can be specified. This method returns a Watcher object. * ``del_watcher(watcher_or_callback)`` Remove the given watcher object, or any watchers associated with the given callback. If you would prefer to read changes from a filesystem in a blocking fashion rather than using callbacks, you can use the function 'iter_changes' to obtain an iterator over the change events. """ import sys import weakref import threading import Queue import traceback from fs.path import * from fs.errors import * from fs.wrapfs import WrapFS from fs.base import FS from fs.filelike import FileWrapper from six import b class EVENT(object): """Base class for change notification events.""" def __init__(self,fs,path): super(EVENT, self).__init__() self.fs = fs if path is not None: path = abspath(normpath(path)) self.path = path def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode("utf8") def __unicode__(self): return u"" % (self.__class__.__name__,self.path,hex(id(self))) def clone(self,fs=None,path=None): if fs is None: fs = self.fs if path is None: path = self.path return self.__class__(fs,path) class ACCESSED(EVENT): """Event fired when a file's contents are accessed.""" pass class CREATED(EVENT): """Event fired when a new file or directory is created.""" pass class REMOVED(EVENT): """Event fired when a file or directory is removed.""" pass class MODIFIED(EVENT): """Event fired when a file or directory is modified.""" def __init__(self,fs,path,data_changed=False, closed=False): super(MODIFIED,self).__init__(fs,path) self.data_changed = data_changed self.closed = closed def clone(self,fs=None,path=None,data_changed=None): evt = super(MODIFIED,self).clone(fs,path) if data_changed is None: data_changed = self.data_changed evt.data_changed = data_changed return evt class MOVED_DST(EVENT): """Event fired when a file or directory is the target of a move.""" def __init__(self,fs,path,source=None): super(MOVED_DST,self).__init__(fs,path) if source is not None: source = abspath(normpath(source)) self.source = source def __unicode__(self): return u"" % (self.__class__.__name__,self.path,self.source,hex(id(self))) def clone(self,fs=None,path=None,source=None): evt = super(MOVED_DST,self).clone(fs,path) if source is None: source = self.source evt.source = source return evt class MOVED_SRC(EVENT): """Event fired when a file or directory is the source of a move.""" def __init__(self,fs,path,destination=None): super(MOVED_SRC,self).__init__(fs,path) if destination is not None: destination = abspath(normpath(destination)) self.destination = destination def __unicode__(self): return u"" % (self.__class__.__name__,self.path,self.destination,hex(id(self))) def clone(self,fs=None,path=None,destination=None): evt = super(MOVED_SRC,self).clone(fs,path) if destination is None: destination = self.destination evt.destination = destination return evt class CLOSED(EVENT): """Event fired when the filesystem is closed.""" pass class ERROR(EVENT): """Event fired when some miscellaneous error occurs.""" pass class OVERFLOW(ERROR): """Event fired when some events could not be processed.""" pass class Watcher(object): """Object encapsulating filesystem watch info.""" def __init__(self,fs,callback,path="/",events=None,recursive=True): if events is None: events = (EVENT,) else: events = tuple(events) # Since the FS probably holds a reference to the Watcher, keeping # a reference back to the FS would create a cycle containing a # __del__ method. Use a weakref to avoid this. self._w_fs = weakref.ref(fs) self.callback = callback self.path = abspath(normpath(path)) self.events = events self.recursive = recursive @property def fs(self): return self._w_fs() def delete(self): fs = self.fs if fs is not None: fs.del_watcher(self) def handle_event(self,event): if not isinstance(event,self.events): return if event.path is not None: if not isprefix(self.path,event.path): return if not self.recursive: if event.path != self.path: if dirname(event.path) != self.path: return try: self.callback(event) except Exception: print >>sys.stderr, "error in FS watcher callback", self.callback traceback.print_exc() class WatchableFSMixin(FS): """Mixin class providing watcher management functions.""" def __init__(self,*args,**kwds): self._watchers = PathMap() super(WatchableFSMixin,self).__init__(*args,**kwds) def __getstate__(self): state = super(WatchableFSMixin,self).__getstate__() state.pop("_watchers",None) return state def __setstate__(self,state): super(WatchableFSMixin,self).__setstate__(state) self._watchers = PathMap() def add_watcher(self,callback,path="/",events=None,recursive=True): """Add a watcher callback to the FS.""" w = Watcher(self,callback,path,events,recursive=recursive) self._watchers.setdefault(path,[]).append(w) return w def del_watcher(self,watcher_or_callback): """Delete a watcher callback from the FS.""" if isinstance(watcher_or_callback,Watcher): self._watchers[watcher_or_callback.path].remove(watcher_or_callback) else: for watchers in self._watchers.itervalues(): for i,watcher in enumerate(watchers): if watcher.callback is watcher_or_callback: del watchers[i] break def _find_watchers(self,callback): """Find watchers registered with the given callback.""" for watchers in self._watchers.itervalues(): for watcher in watchers: if watcher.callback is callback: yield watcher def notify_watchers(self,event_or_class,path=None,*args,**kwds): """Notify watchers of the given event data.""" if isinstance(event_or_class,EVENT): event = event_or_class else: event = event_or_class(self,path,*args,**kwds) if path is None: path = event.path if path is None: for watchers in self._watchers.itervalues(): for watcher in watchers: watcher.handle_event(event) else: for prefix in recursepath(path): if prefix in self._watchers: for watcher in self._watchers[prefix]: watcher.handle_event(event) class WatchedFile(FileWrapper): """File wrapper for use with WatchableFS. This file wrapper provides access to a file opened from a WatchableFS instance, and fires MODIFIED events when the file is modified. """ def __init__(self,file,fs,path,mode=None): super(WatchedFile,self).__init__(file,mode) self.fs = fs self.path = path self.was_modified = False def _write(self,string,flushing=False): self.was_modified = True return super(WatchedFile,self)._write(string,flushing=flushing) def _truncate(self,size): self.was_modified = True return super(WatchedFile,self)._truncate(size) def flush(self): super(WatchedFile,self).flush() # Don't bother if python if being torn down if Watcher is not None: if self.was_modified: self.fs.notify_watchers(MODIFIED,self.path,True) def close(self): super(WatchedFile,self).close() # Don't bother if python if being torn down if Watcher is not None: if self.was_modified: self.fs.notify_watchers(MODIFIED,self.path,True) class WatchableFS(WatchableFSMixin,WrapFS): """FS wrapper simulating watcher callbacks. This FS wrapper intercepts method calls that modify the underlying FS and generates appropriate notification events. It thus allows watchers to monitor changes made through the underlying FS object, but not changes that might be made through other interfaces to the same filesystem. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super(WatchableFS, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) def close(self): super(WatchableFS, self).close() self.notify_watchers(CLOSED) def open(self, path, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, line_buffering=False, **kwargs): existed = self.wrapped_fs.isfile(path) f = super(WatchableFS, self).open(path, mode=mode, buffering=buffering, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline, line_buffering=line_buffering, **kwargs) if not existed: self.notify_watchers(CREATED, path) self.notify_watchers(ACCESSED, path) return WatchedFile(f, self, path, mode) def setcontents(self, path, data=b'', encoding=None, errors=None, chunk_size=64*1024): existed = self.wrapped_fs.isfile(path) ret = super(WatchableFS, self).setcontents(path, data=data, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, chunk_size=chunk_size) if not existed: self.notify_watchers(CREATED, path) self.notify_watchers(ACCESSED, path) if data: self.notify_watchers(MODIFIED, path, True) return ret def createfile(self, path, wipe=False): existed = self.wrapped_fs.isfile(path) ret = super(WatchableFS, self).createfile(path, wipe=wipe) if not existed: self.notify_watchers(CREATED,path) self.notify_watchers(ACCESSED,path) return ret def makedir(self,path,recursive=False,allow_recreate=False): existed = self.wrapped_fs.isdir(path) try: super(WatchableFS,self).makedir(path,allow_recreate=allow_recreate) except ParentDirectoryMissingError: if not recursive: raise parent = dirname(path) if parent != path: self.makedir(dirname(path),recursive=True,allow_recreate=True) super(WatchableFS,self).makedir(path,allow_recreate=allow_recreate) if not existed: self.notify_watchers(CREATED,path) def remove(self,path): super(WatchableFS,self).remove(path) self.notify_watchers(REMOVED,path) def removedir(self,path,recursive=False,force=False): if not force: for nm in self.listdir(path): raise DirectoryNotEmptyError(path) else: for nm in self.listdir(path,dirs_only=True): try: self.removedir(pathjoin(path,nm),force=True) except ResourceNotFoundError: pass for nm in self.listdir(path,files_only=True): try: self.remove(pathjoin(path,nm)) except ResourceNotFoundError: pass super(WatchableFS,self).removedir(path) self.notify_watchers(REMOVED,path) if recursive: parent = dirname(path) while parent and not self.listdir(parent): super(WatchableFS,self).removedir(parent) self.notify_watchers(REMOVED,parent) parent = dirname(parent) def rename(self,src,dst): d_existed = self.wrapped_fs.exists(dst) super(WatchableFS,self).rename(src,dst) if d_existed: self.notify_watchers(REMOVED,dst) self.notify_watchers(MOVED_DST,dst,src) self.notify_watchers(MOVED_SRC,src,dst) def copy(self,src,dst,**kwds): d = self._pre_copy(src,dst) super(WatchableFS,self).copy(src,dst,**kwds) self._post_copy(src,dst,d) def copydir(self,src,dst,**kwds): d = self._pre_copy(src,dst) super(WatchableFS,self).copydir(src,dst,**kwds) self._post_copy(src,dst,d) def move(self,src,dst,**kwds): d = self._pre_copy(src,dst) super(WatchableFS,self).move(src,dst,**kwds) self._post_copy(src,dst,d) self._post_move(src,dst,d) def movedir(self,src,dst,**kwds): d = self._pre_copy(src,dst) super(WatchableFS,self).movedir(src,dst,**kwds) self._post_copy(src,dst,d) self._post_move(src,dst,d) def _pre_copy(self,src,dst): dst_paths = {} try: for (dirnm,filenms) in self.wrapped_fs.walk(dst): dirnm = dirnm[len(dst)+1:] dst_paths[dirnm] = True for filenm in filenms: dst_paths[filenm] = False except ResourceNotFoundError: pass except ResourceInvalidError: dst_paths[""] = False src_paths = {} try: for (dirnm,filenms) in self.wrapped_fs.walk(src): dirnm = dirnm[len(src)+1:] src_paths[dirnm] = True for filenm in filenms: src_paths[pathjoin(dirnm,filenm)] = False except ResourceNotFoundError: pass except ResourceInvalidError: src_paths[""] = False return (src_paths,dst_paths) def _post_copy(self,src,dst,data): (src_paths,dst_paths) = data for src_path,isdir in sorted(src_paths.items()): path = pathjoin(dst,src_path) if src_path in dst_paths: self.notify_watchers(MODIFIED,path,not isdir) else: self.notify_watchers(CREATED,path) for dst_path,isdir in sorted(dst_paths.items()): path = pathjoin(dst,dst_path) if not self.wrapped_fs.exists(path): self.notify_watchers(REMOVED,path) def _post_move(self,src,dst,data): (src_paths,dst_paths) = data for src_path,isdir in sorted(src_paths.items(),reverse=True): path = pathjoin(src,src_path) self.notify_watchers(REMOVED,path) def setxattr(self,path,name,value): super(WatchableFS,self).setxattr(path,name,value) self.notify_watchers(MODIFIED,path,False) def delxattr(self,path,name): super(WatchableFS,self).delxattr(path,name) self.notify_watchers(MODIFIED,path,False) class PollingWatchableFS(WatchableFS): """FS wrapper simulating watcher callbacks by periodic polling. This FS wrapper augments the functionality of WatchableFS by periodically polling the underlying FS for changes. It is thus capable of detecting changes made to the underlying FS via other interfaces, albeit with a (configurable) delay to account for the polling interval. """ def __init__(self,wrapped_fs,poll_interval=60*5): super(PollingWatchableFS,self).__init__(wrapped_fs) self.poll_interval = poll_interval self.add_watcher(self._on_path_modify,"/",(CREATED,MOVED_DST,)) self.add_watcher(self._on_path_modify,"/",(MODIFIED,ACCESSED,)) self.add_watcher(self._on_path_delete,"/",(REMOVED,MOVED_SRC,)) self._path_info = PathMap() self._poll_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._poll_for_changes) self._poll_cond = threading.Condition() self._poll_close_event = threading.Event() self._poll_thread.start() def close(self): self._poll_close_event.set() self._poll_thread.join() super(PollingWatchableFS,self).close() def _on_path_modify(self,event): path = event.path try: try: self._path_info[path] = self.wrapped_fs.getinfo(path) except ResourceNotFoundError: self._path_info.clear(path) except FSError: pass def _on_path_delete(self,event): self._path_info.clear(event.path) def _poll_for_changes(self): try: while not self._poll_close_event.isSet(): # Walk all directories looking for changes. # Come back to any that give us an error. error_paths = set() for dirnm in self.wrapped_fs.walkdirs(): if self._poll_close_event.isSet(): break try: self._check_for_changes(dirnm) except FSError: error_paths.add(dirnm) # Retry the directories that gave us an error, until # we have successfully updated them all while error_paths and not self._poll_close_event.isSet(): dirnm = error_paths.pop() if self.wrapped_fs.isdir(dirnm): try: self._check_for_changes(dirnm) except FSError: error_paths.add(dirnm) # Notify that we have completed a polling run self._poll_cond.acquire() self._poll_cond.notifyAll() self._poll_cond.release() # Sleep for the specified interval, or until closed. self._poll_close_event.wait(timeout=self.poll_interval) except FSError: if not self.closed: raise def _check_for_changes(self,dirnm): # Check the metadata for the directory itself. new_info = self.wrapped_fs.getinfo(dirnm) try: old_info = self._path_info[dirnm] except KeyError: self.notify_watchers(CREATED,dirnm) else: if new_info != old_info: self.notify_watchers(MODIFIED,dirnm,False) # Check the metadata for each file in the directory. # We assume that if the file's data changes, something in its # metadata will also change; don't want to read through each file! # Subdirectories will be handled by the outer polling loop. for filenm in self.wrapped_fs.listdir(dirnm,files_only=True): if self._poll_close_event.isSet(): return fpath = pathjoin(dirnm,filenm) new_info = self.wrapped_fs.getinfo(fpath) try: old_info = self._path_info[fpath] except KeyError: self.notify_watchers(CREATED,fpath) else: was_accessed = False was_modified = False for (k,v) in new_info.iteritems(): if k not in old_info: was_modified = True break elif old_info[k] != v: if k in ("accessed_time","st_atime",): was_accessed = True elif k: was_modified = True break else: for k in old_info: if k not in new_info: was_modified = True break if was_modified: self.notify_watchers(MODIFIED,fpath,True) elif was_accessed: self.notify_watchers(ACCESSED,fpath) # Check for deletion of cached child entries. for childnm in self._path_info.iternames(dirnm): if self._poll_close_event.isSet(): return cpath = pathjoin(dirnm,childnm) if not self.wrapped_fs.exists(cpath): self.notify_watchers(REMOVED,cpath) def ensure_watchable(fs,wrapper_class=PollingWatchableFS,*args,**kwds): """Ensure that the given fs supports watching, simulating it if necessary. Given an FS object, this function returns an equivalent FS that has support for watcher callbacks. This may be the original object if it supports them natively, or a wrapper class if they must be simulated. """ if isinstance(fs,wrapper_class): return fs try: w = fs.add_watcher(lambda e: None,"/",recursive=False) except (AttributeError,FSError): return wrapper_class(fs,*args,**kwds) else: fs.del_watcher(w) return fs class iter_changes(object): """Blocking iterator over the change events produced by an FS. This class can be used to transform the callback-based watcher mechanism into a blocking stream of events. It operates by having the callbacks push events onto a queue as they come in, then reading them off one at a time. """ def __init__(self,fs=None,path="/",events=None,**kwds): self.closed = False self._queue = Queue.Queue() self._watching = set() if fs is not None: self.add_watcher(fs,path,events,**kwds) def __iter__(self): return self def __del__(self): self.close() def next(self,timeout=None): if not self._watching: raise StopIteration try: event = self._queue.get(timeout=timeout) except Queue.Empty: raise StopIteration if event is None: raise StopIteration if isinstance(event,CLOSED): event.fs.del_watcher(self._enqueue) self._watching.remove(event.fs) return event def close(self): if not self.closed: self.closed = True for fs in self._watching: fs.del_watcher(self._enqueue) self._queue.put(None) def add_watcher(self,fs,path="/",events=None,**kwds): w = fs.add_watcher(self._enqueue,path,events,**kwds) self._watching.add(fs) return w def _enqueue(self,event): self._queue.put(event) def del_watcher(self,watcher): for fs in self._watching: try: fs.del_watcher(watcher) break except ValueError: pass else: raise ValueError("watcher not found: %s" % (watcher,))