""" fs.zipfs ======== A FS object that represents the contents of a Zip file """ import datetime import os.path from fs.base import * from fs.path import * from fs.errors import * from fs.filelike import StringIO from fs import iotools from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED, ZIP_STORED, BadZipfile, LargeZipFile from memoryfs import MemoryFS import tempfs from six import PY3 class ZipOpenError(CreateFailedError): """Thrown when the zip file could not be opened""" pass class ZipNotFoundError(CreateFailedError): """Thrown when the requested zip file does not exist""" pass class _TempWriteFile(object): """Proxies a file object and calls a callback when the file is closed.""" def __init__(self, fs, filename, close_callback): self.fs = fs self.filename = filename self._file = self.fs.open(filename, 'wb+') self.close_callback = close_callback def write(self, data): return self._file.write(data) def tell(self): return self._file.tell() def close(self): self._file.close() self.close_callback(self.filename) def flush(self): self._file.flush() def seek(self, offset, whence): return self._file.seek(offset, whence) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() class _ExceptionProxy(object): """A placeholder for an object that may no longer be used.""" def __getattr__(self, name): raise ValueError("Zip file has been closed") def __setattr__(self, name, value): raise ValueError("Zip file has been closed") def __nonzero__(self): return False class ZipFS(FS): """A FileSystem that represents a zip file.""" _meta = {'thread_safe': True, 'virtual': False, 'read_only': False, 'unicode_paths': True, 'case_insensitive_paths': False, 'network': False, 'atomic.setcontents': False } def __init__(self, zip_file, mode="r", compression="deflated", allow_zip_64=False, encoding="CP437", thread_synchronize=True): """Create a FS that maps on to a zip file. :param zip_file: a (system) path, or a file-like object :param mode: mode to open zip file, 'r' for reading, 'w' for writing or 'a' for appending :param compression: can be 'deflated' (default) to compress data or 'stored' to just store date :param allow_zip_64: set to True to use zip files greater than 2 GB, default is False :param encoding: the encoding to use for unicode filenames :param thread_synchronize: set to True (default) to enable thread-safety :raises `fs.errors.ZipOpenError`: thrown if the zip file could not be opened :raises `fs.errors.ZipNotFoundError`: thrown if the zip file does not exist (derived from ZipOpenError) """ super(ZipFS, self).__init__(thread_synchronize=thread_synchronize) if compression == "deflated": compression_type = ZIP_DEFLATED elif compression == "stored": compression_type = ZIP_STORED else: raise ValueError("Compression should be 'deflated' (default) or 'stored'") if len(mode) > 1 or mode not in "rwa": raise ValueError("mode must be 'r', 'w' or 'a'") self.zip_mode = mode self.encoding = encoding if isinstance(zip_file, basestring): zip_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(zip_file)) zip_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(zip_file)) self._zip_file_string = True else: self._zip_file_string = False try: self.zf = ZipFile(zip_file, mode, compression_type, allow_zip_64) except BadZipfile, bzf: raise ZipOpenError("Not a zip file or corrupt (%s)" % str(zip_file), details=bzf) except IOError, ioe: if str(ioe).startswith('[Errno 22] Invalid argument'): raise ZipOpenError("Not a zip file or corrupt (%s)" % str(zip_file), details=ioe) raise ZipNotFoundError("Zip file not found (%s)" % str(zip_file), details=ioe) self.zip_path = str(zip_file) self.temp_fs = None if mode in 'wa': self.temp_fs = tempfs.TempFS() self._path_fs = MemoryFS() if mode in 'ra': self._parse_resource_list() self.read_only = mode == 'r' def __str__(self): return "" % self.zip_path def __unicode__(self): return u"" % self.zip_path def _decode_path(self, path): if PY3: return path return path.decode(self.encoding) def _encode_path(self, path): if PY3: return path return path.encode(self.encoding) def _parse_resource_list(self): for path in self.zf.namelist(): #self._add_resource(path.decode(self.encoding)) self._add_resource(self._decode_path(path)) def _add_resource(self, path): if path.endswith('/'): path = path[:-1] if path: self._path_fs.makedir(path, recursive=True, allow_recreate=True) else: dirpath, _filename = pathsplit(path) if dirpath: self._path_fs.makedir(dirpath, recursive=True, allow_recreate=True) f = self._path_fs.open(path, 'w') f.close() def getmeta(self, meta_name, default=NoDefaultMeta): if meta_name == 'read_only': return self.read_only return super(ZipFS, self).getmeta(meta_name, default) def close(self): """Finalizes the zip file so that it can be read. No further operations will work after this method is called.""" if hasattr(self, 'zf') and self.zf: self.zf.close() self.zf = _ExceptionProxy() @synchronize @iotools.filelike_to_stream def open(self, path, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, line_buffering=False, **kwargs): path = normpath(relpath(path)) if 'r' in mode: if self.zip_mode not in 'ra': raise OperationFailedError("open file", path=path, msg="1 Zip file must be opened for reading ('r') or appending ('a')") try: if hasattr(self.zf, 'open') and self._zip_file_string: return self.zf.open(self._encode_path(path), "r") else: contents = self.zf.read(self._encode_path(path)) except KeyError: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) return StringIO(contents) if 'w' in mode: if self.zip_mode not in 'wa': raise OperationFailedError("open file", path=path, msg="2 Zip file must be opened for writing ('w') or appending ('a')") dirname, _filename = pathsplit(path) if dirname: self.temp_fs.makedir(dirname, recursive=True, allow_recreate=True) self._add_resource(path) f = _TempWriteFile(self.temp_fs, path, self._on_write_close) return f raise ValueError("Mode must contain be 'r' or 'w'") @synchronize def getcontents(self, path, mode="rb", encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None): if not self.exists(path): raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) path = normpath(relpath(path)) try: contents = self.zf.read(self._encode_path(path)) except KeyError: raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) except RuntimeError: raise OperationFailedError("read file", path=path, msg="3 Zip file must be opened with 'r' or 'a' to read") if 'b' in mode: return contents return iotools.decode_binary(contents, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline) @synchronize def _on_write_close(self, filename): sys_path = self.temp_fs.getsyspath(filename) self.zf.write(sys_path, self._encode_path(filename)) def desc(self, path): return "%s in zip file %s" % (path, self.zip_path) def isdir(self, path): return self._path_fs.isdir(path) def isfile(self, path): return self._path_fs.isfile(path) def exists(self, path): return self._path_fs.exists(path) @synchronize def makedir(self, dirname, recursive=False, allow_recreate=False): dirname = normpath(dirname) if self.zip_mode not in "wa": raise OperationFailedError("create directory", path=dirname, msg="4 Zip file must be opened for writing ('w') or appending ('a')") if not dirname.endswith('/'): dirname += '/' self._add_resource(dirname) def listdir(self, path="/", wildcard=None, full=False, absolute=False, dirs_only=False, files_only=False): return self._path_fs.listdir(path, wildcard, full, absolute, dirs_only, files_only) @synchronize def getinfo(self, path): if not self.exists(path): raise ResourceNotFoundError(path) path = normpath(path).lstrip('/') try: zi = self.zf.getinfo(self._encode_path(path)) zinfo = dict((attrib, getattr(zi, attrib)) for attrib in dir(zi) if not attrib.startswith('_')) for k, v in zinfo.iteritems(): if callable(v): zinfo[k] = v() except KeyError: zinfo = {'file_size':0} info = {'size' : zinfo['file_size']} if 'date_time' in zinfo: info['created_time'] = datetime.datetime(*zinfo['date_time']) info.update(zinfo) if 'FileHeader' in info: del info['FileHeader'] return info