======= Contact ======= Issue Tracker If you have any questions, problems or want to give feedback please file an issue in our `issue tracker `__. IRC For chatting with the community we have an IRC channel named ``#python`` on ``irc.gnome.org``. Logs for the channel are available at https://quodlibet.duckdns.org/irc/pygobject. Mailing List If you want to start a discussion with the Python community that is part of the GNOME project use the mailing list at https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/python-hackers-list. StackOverflow / StackExchange If you have technical questions about PyGObject you can find answers on `Stack Overflow `__. When asking there please use the tag `PyGObject`. If you are unsure which communication channel to use **please use the issue tracker**.