import random import platform import warnings import pytest from gi.repository import Gio, GObject from gi import PyGIWarning class Item(GObject.Object): _id = 0 def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Item, self).__init__(**kwargs) Item._id += 1 self._id = self._id def __repr__(self): return str(self._id) class NamedItem(Item): name = GObject.Property(type=str, default='') def __repr__(self): return def test_list_store_sort(): store = Gio.ListStore() items = [NamedItem(name=n) for n in "cabx"] sorted_items = sorted(items, key=lambda i: user_data = [object(), object()] def sort_func(a, b, *args): assert list(args) == user_data assert isinstance(a, NamedItem) assert isinstance(b, NamedItem) cmp = lambda a, b: (a > b) - (a < b) return cmp(, store[:] = items assert store[:] != sorted_items store.sort(sort_func, *user_data) assert store[:] == sorted_items def test_list_store_insert_sorted(): store = Gio.ListStore() items = [NamedItem(name=n) for n in "cabx"] sorted_items = sorted(items, key=lambda i: user_data = [object(), object()] def sort_func(a, b, *args): assert list(args) == user_data assert isinstance(a, NamedItem) assert isinstance(b, NamedItem) cmp = lambda a, b: (a > b) - (a < b) return cmp(, for item in items: index = store.insert_sorted(item, sort_func, *user_data) assert isinstance(index, int) assert store[:] == sorted_items def test_list_model_len(): model = assert len(model) == 0 assert not model for i in range(1, 10): model.append(Item()) assert len(model) == i assert model model.remove_all() assert not model assert len(model) == 0 def test_list_model_get_item_simple(): model = with pytest.raises(IndexError): model[0] first_item = Item() model.append(first_item) assert model[0] is first_item assert model[-1] is first_item second_item = Item() model.append(second_item) assert model[1] is second_item assert model[-1] is second_item assert model[-2] is first_item with pytest.raises(IndexError): model[-3] with pytest.raises(TypeError): model[object()] def test_list_model_get_item_slice(): model = source = [Item() for i in range(30)] for i in source: model.append(i) assert model[1:10] == source[1:10] assert model[1:-2] == source[1:-2] assert model[-4:-1] == source[-4:-1] assert model[-100:-1] == source[-100:-1] assert model[::-1] == source[::-1] assert model[:] == source[:] def test_list_model_contains(): model = item = Item() model.append(item) assert item in model assert Item() not in model with pytest.raises(TypeError): object() in model with pytest.raises(TypeError): None in model def test_list_model_iter(): model = item = Item() model.append(item) it = iter(model) assert next(it) is item repr(item) def test_list_store_delitem_simple(): store = store.append(Item()) del store[0] assert not store with pytest.raises(IndexError): del store[0] with pytest.raises(IndexError): del store[-1] store.append(Item()) with pytest.raises(IndexError): del store[-2] del store[-1] assert not store source = [Item(), Item()] store.append(source[0]) store.append(source[1]) del store[-1] assert store[:] == [source[0]] with pytest.raises(TypeError): del store[object()] def test_list_store_delitem_slice(): def do_del(count, key): events = [] def on_changed(m, *args): events.append(args) store = source = [Item() for i in range(count)] for item in source: store.append(item) store.connect("items-changed", on_changed) source.__delitem__(key) store.__delitem__(key) assert source == store[:] return events values = [None, 1, -15, 3, -2, 0, -3, 5, 7] variants = set() for i in range(500): start = random.choice(values) stop = random.choice(values) step = random.choice(values) length = abs(random.choice(values) or 0) if step == 0: step += 1 variants.add((length, start, stop, step)) for length, start, stop, step in variants: do_del(length, slice(start, stop, step)) # basics do_del(10, slice(None, None, None)) do_del(10, slice(None, None, None)) do_del(10, slice(None, None, -1)) do_del(10, slice(0, 5, None)) do_del(10, slice(0, 10, 1)) do_del(10, slice(0, 10, 2)) do_del(10, slice(14, 2, -1)) # test some fast paths assert do_del(100, slice(None, None, None)) == [(0, 100, 0)] assert do_del(100, slice(None, None, -1)) == [(0, 100, 0)] assert do_del(100, slice(0, 50, 1)) == [(0, 50, 0)] def test_list_store_setitem_simple(): store = first = Item() store.append(first) class Wrong(GObject.Object): pass with pytest.raises(TypeError): store[0] = object() with pytest.raises(TypeError): store[0] = None with pytest.raises(TypeError): store[0] = Wrong() assert store[:] == [first] new = Item() store[0] = new assert len(store) == 1 store[-1] = Item() assert len(store) == 1 with pytest.raises(IndexError): store[1] = Item() with pytest.raises(IndexError): store[-2] = Item() store = source = [Item(), Item(), Item()] for item in source: store.append(item) new = Item() store[1] = new assert store[:] == [source[0], new, source[2]] with pytest.raises(TypeError): store[object()] = Item() def test_list_store_setitem_slice(): def do_set(count, key, new_count): if count == 0 and key.step is not None \ and platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy": # return store = source = [Item() for i in range(count)] new = [Item() for i in range(new_count)] for item in source: store.append(item) source_error = None try: source.__setitem__(key, new) except ValueError as e: source_error = type(e) store_error = None try: store.__setitem__(key, new) except Exception as e: store_error = type(e) assert source_error == store_error assert source == store[:] values = [None, 1, -15, 3, -2, 0, 3, 4, 100] variants = set() for i in range(500): start = random.choice(values) stop = random.choice(values) step = random.choice(values) length = abs(random.choice(values) or 0) new = random.choice(values) or 0 if step == 0: step += 1 variants.add((length, start, stop, step, new)) for length, start, stop, step, new in variants: do_set(length, slice(start, stop, step), new) # basics do_set(10, slice(None, None, None), 20) do_set(10, slice(None, None, None), 0) do_set(10, slice(None, None, -1), 20) do_set(10, slice(None, None, -1), 10) do_set(10, slice(0, 5, None), 20) do_set(10, slice(0, 10, 1), 0) # test iterators store = store[:] = iter([Item() for i in range(10)]) assert len(store) == 10 # make sure we do all or nothing store = with pytest.raises(TypeError): store[:] = [Item(), object()] assert len(store) == 0 def test_action_map_add_action_entries(): actionmap = Gio.SimpleActionGroup() test_data = [] def f(action, parameter, data): test_data.append('test back') actionmap.add_action_entries(( ("simple", f), ("with_type", f, "i"), ("with_state", f, "s", "'left'", f), )) assert actionmap.has_action("simple") assert actionmap.has_action("with_type") assert actionmap.has_action("with_state") actionmap.add_action_entries(( ("with_user_data", f), ), "user_data") assert actionmap.has_action("with_user_data") with pytest.raises(TypeError): actionmap.add_action_entries(( ("invaild_type_string", f, 'asdf'), )) with pytest.raises(ValueError): actionmap.add_action_entries(( ("stateless_with_change_state", f, None, None, f), )) actionmap.activate_action("simple") assert test_data[0] == 'test back' def test_types_init_warn(): types = [ Gio.DBusAnnotationInfo, Gio.DBusArgInfo, Gio.DBusMethodInfo, Gio.DBusSignalInfo, Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo, Gio.DBusNodeInfo, ] for t in types: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warn: warnings.simplefilter('always') t() assert issubclass(warn[0].category, PyGIWarning)