atk.RelationSet a set of atk.Relation objects, normally the set of atk.Relation objects that an atk.Object has. Synopsis atk.RelationSet gobject.GObject atk.RelationSet contains relationship remove relation add relation get_n_relations get_relation i get_relation_by_type relationship Ancestry +-- gobject.GObject +-- atk.RelationSet atk.RelationSet Signal Prototypes gobject.GObject Signal Prototypes Description The atk.RelationSet held by an object establishes its relationships with objects beyond the normal "parent/child" hierarchical relationships that all user interface objects have. atk.RelationSet objects establish whether objects are labelled or controlled by other components, share group membership with other components (for instance within a radio-button group), or share content which "flows" between them, among other types of possible relationships. Constructor atk.RelationSet atk.RelationSet Returns : a new atk.RelationSet Creates a new empty relation set. Methods atk.RelationSet.contains contains relationship relationship : one of the . Returns : True if relationship is the relationship type. Determines whether the relation set contains a relation that matches the type specified by relationship. atk.RelationSet.remove remove relation relation : an atk.Relation Removes a relation from the relation set. atk.RelationSet.add add relation relation : an atk.Relation Add a new atk.Relation to the current relation set if it is not already present. atk.RelationSet.get_n_relations get_n_relations Returns : an integer representing the number of relations in the set. Returns the number of relations in a relation set. atk.RelationSet.get_relation get_relation i i : an index representing a position in the set, starting from 0. Returns : the atk.Relation, that is the relation at position i in the set. Determines the relation at the specified position in the relation set. atk.RelationSet.get_relation_by_type get_relation_by_type relationship relationship : one of the . Returns : an atk.Relation, which is a relation matching the specified type. Finds a relation that matches the specified type.