gtk.CellEditable an interface for editing a TreeView cell Synopsis gtk.CellEditable gobject.GInterface start_editing event editing_done remove_widget gtk.CellEditable Properties
"editing-canceled" Read/Write If True the editing on the cell has been canceled. This property is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above.
gtk.CellEditable Signal Prototypes "editing-done" callback celleditable user_param1 ... "remove-widget" callback celleditable user_param1 ... Description The gtk.CellEditable is an interface that provides editing of a cell in a gtk.TreeView cell. Methods gtk.CellEditable.start_editing start_editing event event : A gtk.gdk.Event, or None The start_editing() method begins the editing on a cell_editable widget that has been reparented over the treeview cell. event is the gtk.gdk.Event that began the editing process. If the editing was initiated through programmatic means, event may be None, . gtk.CellEditable.editing_done editing_done The editing_done() method emits the "editing_done" signal that notifies the cell renderer to update it's value from the cell. gtk.CellEditable.remove_widget remove_widget The remove_widget() method emits the "remove_widget" signal that indicates that the cell is finished editing, and the celleditable widget may now be destroyed. Signals The "editing-done" gtk.CellEditable Signal callback celleditable user_param1 ... celleditable : the celleditable that received the signal user_param1 : the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method ... : additional user parameters (if any) The "editing-done" signal is emitted when the editing_done() method is called. The "remove-widget" gtk.CellEditable Signal callback celleditable user_param1 ... celleditable : the celleditable that received the signal user_param1 : the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method ... : additional user parameters (if any) The "remove-widget" signal is emitted when the cellrenderer for the treeview cell has retrieved the edited information and the celleditable widget can be destroyed.