gtk.ToolItem the base class of widgets that can be added to gtk.Toolbar (new in PyGTK 2.4) Synopsis gtk.ToolItem gtk.Bin gtk.ToolItem set_homogeneous homogeneous get_homogeneous set_expand expand get_expand set_tooltip tooltips tip_textNone tip_privateNone set_use_drag_window use_drag_window get_use_drag_window set_visible_horizontal visible_horizontal get_visible_horizontal set_visible_vertical visible_vertical get_visible_vertical set_is_important is_important get_is_important get_icon_size get_orientation get_toolbar_style get_relief_style retrieve_proxy_menu_item set_proxy_menu_item menu_item_id menu_item get_proxy_menu_item menu_item_id rebuild_menu set_tooltip_markup markup set_tooltip_text text toolbar_reconfigured get_ellipsize_mode get_text_alignment get_text_orientation get_text_size_group Ancestry +-- gobject.GObject +-- gtk.Object +-- gtk.Widget +-- gtk.Container +-- gtk.Bin +-- gtk.ToolItem Implemented Interfaces gtk.ToolItem implements gtk.Buildable gtk.ToolItem Properties gtk.Object Properties gtk.Widget Properties gtk.Container Properties These properties are available in GTK+ 2.4 and above.
"is-important" Read-Write If True, the toolbar item is considered important and the toolbar buttons show text in gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ mode. Default value: False "visible-horizontal" Read-Write If True, the toolbar item is visible when the toolbar is in a horizontal orientation. Default value: True "visible-vertical" Read-Write If True, the toolbar item is visible when the toolbar is in a vertical orientation. Default value: True
gtk.ToolItem Style Properties gtk.Widget Style Properties gtk.ToolItem Signal Prototypes gobject.GObject Signal Prototypes gtk.Object Signal Prototypes gtk.Widget Signal Prototypes gtk.Container Signal Prototypes "create-menu-proxy" callback toolitem user_param1 ... "set-tooltip" callback toolitem tooltips tip_text tip_private user_param1 ... "toolbar-reconfigured" callback toolitem user_param1 ... Description This widget is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. A gtk.ToolItem is a widget that can appear on a gtk.Toolbar. To create a toolbar item that contains something else than a button, use the gtk.ToolItem() constructor then use the gtk.Container.add() method to add a child widget to the tool item. To create and use toolbar items that contain buttons, see the gtk.ToolButton, gtk.ToggleToolButton and gtk.RadioToolButton classes. See the gtk.Toolbar class for a description of the toolbar widget. Constructor gtk.ToolItem Returns : the new gtk.ToolItem This constructor is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. Creates a new empty gtk.ToolItem Methods gtk.ToolItem.set_homogeneous set_homogeneous homogeneous homogeneous : if True the tool item is the same size as other homogeneous items This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The set_homogeneous() method sets the homogeneous setting of the tool item to the value of homogeneous. If homogeneous is True the tool item is to be allocated the same size as other homogeneous items. The effect is that all homogeneous items will have the same width as the widest of the items. gtk.ToolItem.get_homogeneous get_homogeneous Returns : True if the item is the same size as other homogeneous items. This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The get_homogeneous() method returns the setting of the homogeneous setting of the tool item. If True the tool item is the same size as other homogeneous items. See the set_homogeneous() method for more detail. gtk.ToolItem.set_expand set_expand expand expand : If True the tool item is allocated extra space when available This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The set_expand() method sets the expand setting of the tool item to the value of expand. If expand is True the tool item is allocated extra space when there is more room on the toolbar than needed for the items. The effect is that the item gets bigger when the toolbar gets bigger and smaller when the toolbar gets smaller. gtk.ToolItem.get_expand get_expand Returns : True if the tool item is allocated extra space when available. This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The get_expand() method returns the value of the expand setting of the tool item. If True the tool item is allocated extra space. See the gtk.ToolItem.set_expand() method for more detail. gtk.ToolItem.set_tooltip set_tooltip tooltips tip_textNone tip_privateNone tooltips : The gtk.Tooltips object to be used tip_text : the text to be used as tooltip text for the tool item or None tip_private : the text to be used as private tooltip text or None This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The set_tooltip() method sets the gtk.Tooltips object specified by tooltips to be used for the tool item with the tooltip text specified by tip_text and the private text specified by tip_private. See the gtk.Tooltips.set_tip() method for more information. gtk.ToolItem.set_use_drag_window set_use_drag_window use_drag_window use_drag_window : if True the tool item has a drag window. This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The set_use_drag_window() method determines whether the tool item has a drag window according to the value of use_drag_window. If use_drag_window is True the toolitem can be used as a drag source through the gtk.Widget.drag_source_set() method. When the tool item has a drag window it will intercept all events, even those that would otherwise be sent to a child of the tool item gtk.ToolItem.get_use_drag_window get_use_drag_window Returns : True if the tool item uses a drag window. This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The get_use_drag_window() returns the setting that determines if the tool item has a drag window. See the set_use_drag_window() for more information. gtk.ToolItem.set_visible_horizontal set_visible_horizontal visible_horizontal visible_horizontal : if True the tool item is visible when in horizontal mode This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The set_visible_horizontal() method sets the "visible-horizontal" property to the value of visible_horizontal. If visible_horizontal is True, the tool item is visible when the toolbar is docked horizontally. gtk.ToolItem.get_visible_horizontal get_visible_horizontal Returns : True if the tool item is visible on toolbars that are docked horizontally. This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The get_visible_horizontal() method returns the value of the "visible-horizontal" property. If "visible-horizontal" is True, the tool item is visible on toolbars that are docked horizontally. gtk.ToolItem.set_visible_vertical set_visible_vertical visible_vertical visible_vertical : if True, the tool item is visible when the toolbar is in vertical mode This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The set_visible_vertical() method sets the "visible-vertical" property to the value of visible_vertical. If visible_vertical is True, the tool item is visible when the toolbar is docked vertically. Some tool items, such as text entries, are too wide to be useful on a vertically docked toolbar. If visible_vertical is False the tool item will not appear on toolbars that are docked vertically. gtk.ToolItem.get_visible_vertical get_visible_vertical Returns : True if the tool item is visible when the toolbar is docked vertically This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The get_visible_vertical() method returns the value of the "visible-vertical" property. If "visible-vertical" is True, the tool item is visible when the toolbar is docked vertically. See the set_visible_vertical() method for more information. gtk.ToolItem.set_is_important set_is_important is_important is_important : if True, the tool item should be considered important This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The set_is_important() method sets the "is-important" property to the value of is_important. If is_important is True the tool item should be considered important. The gtk.ToolButton class uses this property to determine whether to show its label when the toolbar style is gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ. The result is that only tool buttons with the "is_important" property set have labels, an effect known as "priority text". gtk.ToolItem.get_is_important get_is_important Returns : True if the tool item is considered important. This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The get_is_important() method returns the value of the "is-important" property. If "is-important" is True, the tool item is considered important. See the set_is_important() method for more information. gtk.ToolItem.get_icon_size get_icon_size Returns : the icon size used for the tool item This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The get_icon_size() method returns the icon size used for the tool item. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this method to find out what size icons they should use. The return value should be one of: gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU, gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, gtk.ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON, gtk.ICON_SIZE_DND, gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG or an integer value returned from the gtk.icon_size_register() function. gtk.ToolItem.get_orientation get_orientation Returns : the orientation used for the tool item This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The get_orientation() method returns the orientation used for the tool item. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this method to find out what size icons they should use. The return value should be either gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL or gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL. gtk.ToolItem.get_toolbar_style get_toolbar_style Returns : the toolbar style used for the tool item This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The get_toolbar_style() method returns the toolbar style used for the tool item. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this method in the "toolbar-reconfigured" signal handler to find out in what style the toolbar is displayed and change themselves accordingly. Possibilities are: gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH, meaning the tool item should show both an icon and a label, stacked vertically gtk.TOOLBAR_ICONS, meaning the toolbar shows only icons gtk.TOOLBAR_TEXT, meaning the tool item should only show text gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ, meaning the tool item should show both an icon and a label, arranged horizontally.. gtk.ToolItem.get_relief_style get_relief_style Returns : the relief style used for the tool item This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The get_relief_style() method returns the relief style of the tool item. See the gtk.Button.set_relief() method for more information. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this method in the handler of the gtk.ToolItem "toolbar-reconfigured" signal to find out the relief style of buttons. The return value should be one of: gtk.RELIEF_NORMAL, gtk.RELIEF_HALF or gtk.RELIEF_NONE. gtk.ToolItem.retrieve_proxy_menu_item retrieve_proxy_menu_item Returns : The gtk.MenuItem that is going to appear in the overflow menu for the tool item This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The retrieve_proxy_menu_item() method returns the gtk.MenuItem that was last set by the set_proxy_menu_item() method, i.e. the gtk.MenuItem that is going to appear in the overflow menu. gtk.ToolItem.set_proxy_menu_item set_proxy_menu_item menu_item_id menu_item menu_item_id : a string used to identify menu_item menu_item : a gtk.MenuItem to be used in the overflow menu or None This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The set_proxy_menu_item() method sets the gtk.MenuItem specified by menu_item to be used in the toolbar overflow menu. menu_item_id is used to identify the caller of this method and should also be used with the get_proxy_menu_item() method. If menu_item is None the tool item will not appear in the overflow menu. gtk.ToolItem.get_proxy_menu_item get_proxy_menu_item menu_item_id menu_item_id : a string used to identify the menu item Returns : The gtk.MenuItem matching menu_item_id. This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The get_proxy_menu_item() method returns the gtk.MenuItem corresponding to the string specified by menu_item_id as passed to the set_proxy_menu_item() method. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should use this method to update their menu item when the gtk.ToolItem changes. Forcing a match with menu_item_id ensures that a gtk.ToolItem will not inadvertently change a menu item that they did not create. gtk.ToolItem.rebuild_menu rebuild_menu This method is available in PyGTK 2.6 and above. The rebuild_menu() method ignals to the toolbar that the overflow menu item has changed. If the overflow menu is visible when this method it called, the menu will be rebuilt. The method must be called when the tool item changes what it will do in response to the "create_menu_proxy" signal. gtk.ToolItem.set_tooltip_markup set_tooltip_markup markup markup : markup text to be used as tooltip. This method is available in PyGTK 2.12 and above. The set_tooltip_markup() method sets the markup text to be displayed as tooltip on the item. See gtk.Widget.set_tooltip_markup(). gtk.ToolItem.set_tooltip_text set_tooltip_text text markup : the text to be used as tooltip. This method is available in PyGTK 2.12 and above. The set_tooltip_text() method sets the text to be displayed as tooltip on the item. See gtk.Widget.set_tooltip_text(). gtk.ToolItem.toolbar_reconfigured toolbar_reconfigured This method is available in PyGTK 2.14 and above. The toolbar_reconfigured() method emits the signal "toolbar-reconfigured" on tool_item. gtk.ToolBar and other gtk.ToolShell implementations use this method to notify children, when some aspect of their configuration changes. gtk.ToolItem.get_ellipsize_mode get_ellipsize_mode Returns : one of the indicating how text should be ellipsized. This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. The get_ellipsize_mode() method returns the ellipsize mode used for the tool item. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this method to find out how text should be ellipsized. gtk.ToolItem.get_text_alignment get_text_alignment Returns : the horizontal text alignment used for the tool item. This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. The get_text_alignment() method returns the text alignment used for the tool item. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this method to find out how text should be aligned. gtk.ToolItem.get_text_orientation get_text_orientation Returns : the text orientation used for the tool item. This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. The get_text_orientation() method returns the text orientation used for the tool item. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this method to find out how text should be orientated. gtk.ToolItem.get_text_size_group get_text_size_group Returns : a gtk.SizeGroup. This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. The get_text_size_group() method returns the size group used for labels in the tool item. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this method and use the size group for labels. Signals The "create-menu-proxy" gtk.ToolItem Signal callback toolitem user_param1 ... toolitem : the toolitem that received the signal user_param1 : the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method ... : additional user parameters (if any) Returns : True if the signal was handled This signal is available in GTK+ 2.4 and above. The "create-menu-proxy" signal is emitted when the toolbar is displaying an overflow menu and is trying to determine if toolitem should appear in the overflow menu. In response toolitem should either call the set_proxy_menu_item() method specifying menu_item as None and return True to indicate that the item should not appear in the overflow menu call the set_proxy_menu_item() method with a new menu item and return True, or return False to indicate that the signal was not handled by the item. This means that the item will not appear in the overflow menu unless a later handler installs a menu item. The toolbar may cache the result of this signal. When the tool item changes how it will respond to this signal it must call the rebuild_menu()) method to invalidate the cache and ensure that the toolbar rebuilds its overflow menu. The "set-tooltip" gtk.ToolItem Signal callback toolitem tooltips tip_text tip_private user_param1 ... toolitem : the toolitem that received the signal tooltips : the gtk.Tooltips tip_text : the tooltip text tip_private : the tooltip private text user_param1 : the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method ... : additional user parameters (if any) Returns : True if the signal was handled This signal is available in GTK+ 2.4 and above. The "set-tooltip" signal is emitted when the tool item's tooltip changes. Application developers can use the set_tooltip() method to set the item's tooltip. The "toolbar-reconfigured" gtk.ToolItem Signal callback toolitem user_param1 ... toolitem : the toolitem that received the signal user_param1 : the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method ... : additional user parameters (if any) This signal is available in GTK+ 2.4 and above. The "toolbar-reconfigured" signal is emitted when some property of the toolbar that the item is a child of changes. For custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem, the default handler of this signal uses the methods: gtk.Toolbar.get_orientation() gtk.Toolbar.get_style() gtk.Toolbar.get_icon_size() gtk.Toolbar.get_relief_style() to find out what the toolbar should look like and change themselves accordingly.