gtk.ToolItemGroup Synopsis gtk.ToolItemGroup gtk.Container gtk.ToolItemGroup label set_label label set_label_widget label_widget set_collapsed collapsed set_ellipsize ellipsize set_header_relief style get_label get_label_widget get_collapsed get_ellipsize get_header_relief insert item position set_item_position item position get_item_position item get_n_items get_nth_item index get_drop_item x y Ancestry +-- GObject +-- gtk.Object +-- gtk.Widget +-- gtk.Container +-- gtk.ToolItemGroup Constructor gtk.ToolItemGroup label label : the label of the new group Returns : a new gtk.ToolItemGroup. This constructor is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. Creates a new tool item group with label label. Methods gtk.ToolItemGroup.set_label set_label label label : the new human-readable label of of the group This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. The set_label() method sets the label of the tool item group. The label is displayed in the header of the group. gtk.ToolItemGroup.set_label_widget set_label_widget label_widget label_widget : the widget to be displayed in place of the usual label This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. The set_label_widget() method sets the label of the tool item group. The label widget is displayed in the header of the group, in place of the usual label. gtk.ToolItemGroup.set_collapsed set_collapsed collapsed collapsed : whether the group should be collapsed or expanded This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. Sets whether the group should be collapsed or expanded. gtk.ToolItemGroup.set_ellipsize set_ellipsize ellipsize ellipsize : the PangoEllipsizeMode labels in group should use This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. The set_ellipsize() method sets the ellipsization mode which should be used by labels in group. gtk.ToolItemGroup.set_header_relief set_header_relief style style : the GtkReliefStyle This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. Set the button relief of the group header. See gtk.Button.set_relief for details. gtk.ToolItemGroup.get_label get_label Returns : the label of group. The label is an internal string of group and must not be modified. Note that NULL is returned if a custom label has been set with gtk.ToolItemGroup.set_label_widget This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. Gets the label of group. gtk.ToolItemGroup.get_label_widget get_label_widget Returns : the label widget of group This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. Gets the label widget of group. See gtk.ToolItemGroup.set_label_widget. gtk.ToolItemGroup.get_collapsed get_collapsed Returns : TRUE if group is collapsed, FALSE if it is expanded This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. Gets whether group is collapsed or expanded. gtk.ToolItemGroup.get_ellipsize get_ellipsize Returns : the PangoEllipsizeMode of group This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. Gets the ellipsization mode of group. gtk.ToolItemGroup.get_header_relief get_header_relief Returns : the GtkReliefStyle This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. Gets the relief mode of the header button of group. gtk.ToolItemGroup.insert insert item position item : the gtk.ToolItem to insert into group position : the position of item in group, starting with 0. The position -1 means end of list. This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. Inserts item at position in the list of children of group. gtk.ToolItemGroup.set_item_position set_item_position item position item : the gtk.ToolItem to move to a new position, should be a child of group. position : the new position of item in group, starting with 0. The position -1 means end of list. This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. The set_item_position() method sets the position of item in the list of children of group. gtk.ToolItemGroup.get_item_position get_item_position item item : a gtk.ToolItem Returns : the index of item in group or -1 if item is no child of group This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. Gets the position of item in group as index. gtk.ToolItemGroup.get_n_items get_n_items Returns : the number of tool items in group This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. Gets the number of tool items in group. gtk.ToolItemGroup.get_nth_item get_nth_item index index : the index Returns : the gtk.ToolItem at index This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. Gets the tool item at index in group. gtk.ToolItemGroup.get_drop_item get_drop_item x y x : the x position y : the y position Returns : the gtk.ToolItem at position (x, y) This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. Gets the tool item at position (x, y).