import unittest import weakref import gc import testmodule from common import gobject, testhelper # FIXME: do not import gtk import gtk class _ClassInittableMetaType(gobject.GObjectMeta): def __init__(cls, name, bases, namespace): super(_ClassInittableMetaType, cls).__init__(name, bases, namespace) cls.__class_init__(namespace) class ClassInittableObject(object): __metaclass__ = _ClassInittableMetaType def __class_init__(cls, namespace): pass __class_init__ = classmethod(__class_init__) class TestSubType(unittest.TestCase): def testSubType(self): t = type('testtype', (gobject.GObject, gobject.GInterface), {}) self.failUnless(issubclass(t, gobject.GObject)) self.failUnless(issubclass(t, gobject.GInterface)) def testGObject(self): label = gobject.GObject() self.assertEqual(label.__grefcount__, 1) label = self.assertEqual(label.__grefcount__, 1) def testPythonSubclass(self): label = testmodule.PyGObject() self.assertEqual(label.__grefcount__, 1) self.assertEqual(label.props.label, "hello") label = self.assertEqual(label.__grefcount__, 1) self.assertEqual(label.props.label, "hello") def testCPyCSubclassing(self): obj = testhelper.create_test_type() self.assertEqual(obj.__grefcount__, 1) refcount = testhelper.test_g_object_new() self.assertEqual(refcount, 2) def testRegisterArgNotType(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, gobject.type_register, 1) def testGObjectNewError(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError,, gobject.GObject, text='foo') def testSubSubType(self): Object1 = type('Object1', (gobject.GObject,), {'__gtype_name__': 'Object1'}) Object2 = type('Object2', (Object1,), {'__gtype_name__': 'Object2'}) obj = Object2() self.failUnless(isinstance(obj, Object2)) self.assertEqual(, 'Object2') obj = self.failUnless(isinstance(obj, Object2)) self.assertEqual(, 'Object2') def testUnregisteredSubclass(self): class MyButton(gtk.Button): def custom_method(self): pass b = MyButton() self.assertEqual(type(b), MyButton) box = gtk.EventBox() box.add(b) del b b = box.child self.assertEqual(type(b), MyButton) try: b.custom_method() except AttributeError: def testInstDict(self): b = gtk.Button() box = gtk.EventBox() box.add(b) = "zbr" del b b = box.child self.assert_(hasattr(b, "xyz")) try: xyz = except AttributeError: self.assertEqual(xyz, "zbr") def testImmediateCollection(self): b = gtk.Button() bref = weakref.ref(b) while gc.collect(): pass del b self.assertEqual(gc.collect(), 0) self.assertEqual(bref(), None) def testGCCollection(self): a = gtk.Button() b = gtk.Button() a.b = b b.a = a aref = weakref.ref(a) bref = weakref.ref(b) del a, b while gc.collect(): pass self.assertEqual(aref(), None) self.assertEqual(bref(), None) def testWrapperUnref(self): b = gtk.Button() bref = weakref.ref(b) del b self.assertEqual(bref(), None) def testGObjectUnref(self): b = gtk.Button() bref = b.weak_ref() self.assert_(bref() is b) del b self.assertEqual(bref(), None) def testGCCollection(self): a = gtk.Button() b = gtk.Button() a.b = b b.a = a aref = a.weak_ref() bref = b.weak_ref() del a, b while gc.collect(): pass self.assertEqual(aref(), None) self.assertEqual(bref(), None) def testGhostTwice(self): b = gtk.Button() bref = b.weak_ref() box = gtk.EventBox() box.add(b) del b b = box.child del b self.assertNotEqual(bref(), None) box.destroy() del box self.assertEqual(bref(), None) def testGhostWeakref(self): b = gtk.Button() bref = b.weak_ref() box = gtk.EventBox() box.add(b) del b b = bref() b.hide() del box b.hide() del b def testWeakRefCallback(self): def callback(a, b, c): self._wr_args = a, b, c self._wr_args = None b = gtk.Button() bref = b.weak_ref(callback, 1, 2, 3) del b self.assertEqual(self._wr_args, (1, 2, 3)) def testCycle(self): class _TestCycle(gtk.EventBox): def __init__(self): gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) self.connect('notify', self.cb) class DetectDel: def __del__(self): pass #print 'del' self.d = DetectDel() def cb(self, *args): pass a = _TestCycle() a_d_id = id(a.d) = "hello" b = gtk.EventBox() b.add(a) #print "__dict__1: refcount=%i id=%i" % (sys.getrefcount(a.__dict__), id(a.__dict__)) del a while gc.collect(): pass a = b.child #print "__dict__2: refcount=%i id=%i" % (sys.getrefcount(a.__dict__), id(a.__dict__)) del a while gc.collect(): pass a = b.child #print "__dict__3: refcount=%i id=%i" % (sys.getrefcount(a.__dict__), id(a.__dict__)) self.assert_(hasattr(a, 'd')) self.assert_(hasattr(a, 'foo')) self.assertEqual(, "hello") self.assertEqual(id(a.d), a_d_id) def testSimpleDecref(self): class CallInDel: def __init__(self, callback): self.callback = callback def __del__(self): if callable(self.callback): self.callback() disposed_calls = [] def on_dispose(): disposed_calls.append(None) gobj = gobject.GObject() gobj.set_data('tmp', CallInDel(on_dispose)) del gobj assert len(disposed_calls) == 1 def testDescriptor(self): # Test for bug #434659 class GProperty(object): def __set__(self, instance, value): pass class C(gobject.GObject): str = GProperty() o = C() o.str = 'str' o.str = 'str' def testDescriptorV2(self): """""" class Foo(gobject.GObject): def set_foo(self, foo): self._foo = foo def get_foo(self, foo): self._foo = foo fooprop = property(get_foo, set_foo) foo = Foo() foo.fooprop = 123 def testGetDict(self): """reported in bug #466082""" class Foo(gobject.GObject): __gtype_name__ = 'Foo' foo = Foo() d = foo.__dict__ def test_gtk_buildable_virtual_method(self): """Bug 566571.""" # Currently the bug is not solved, so skip the test. return class CustomDialog(gtk.Dialog): __gtype_name__ = 'CustomDialog' def do_parser_finished(self, build): self.built = True builder = gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_string('') dialog = builder.get_object('main') self.assert_(isinstance(dialog, gtk.Buildable)) self.assert_(hasattr(dialog, 'built'))