Module pyinotify :: Class WatchManager
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Class WatchManager

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Provide operations for watching files and directories. Its internal dictionary is used to reference watched items. When used inside threaded code, one must instanciate as many WatchManager instances as there are ThreadedNotifier instances.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, exclude_filter=<function <lambda> at 0x8e9e294>)
Initialization: init inotify, init watch manager dictionary.
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Return assigned inotify's file descriptor.
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get_watch(self, wd)
Get watch from provided watch descriptor wd.
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del_watch(self, wd)
Remove watch entry associated to watch descriptor wd.
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__add_watch(self, path, mask, proc_fun, auto_add)
Add a watch on path, build a Watch object and insert it in the watch manager dictionary.
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__glob(self, path, do_glob) source code
dict of {str: int}
add_watch(self, path, mask, proc_fun=None, rec=False, auto_add=False, do_glob=False, quiet=True, exclude_filter=None)
Add watch(s) on the provided |path|(s) with associated |mask| flag value and optionally with a processing |proc_fun| function and recursive flag |rec| set to True.
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list of int
__get_sub_rec(self, lpath)
Get every wd from self._wmd if its path is under the path of one (at least) of those in lpath.
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dict of {int: bool}
update_watch(self, wd, mask=None, proc_fun=None, rec=False, auto_add=False, quiet=True)
Update existing watch descriptors |wd|.
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list of type(param)
__format_param(self, param)
Returns: wrap param.
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int or None
get_wd(self, path)
Returns the watch descriptor associated to path.
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string or None
get_path(self, wd)
Returns the path associated to WD, if WD is unknown it returns None.
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__walk_rec(self, top, rec)
Yields each subdirectories of top, doesn't follow symlinks.
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dict of {int: bool}
rm_watch(self, wd, rec=False, quiet=True)
Removes watch(s).
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Same as add_watch().
watch_transient_file(self, filename, mask, proc_class)
Watch a transient file, which will be created and deleted frequently over time (e.g.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, exclude_filter=<function <lambda> at 0x8e9e294>)

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Initialization: init inotify, init watch manager dictionary. Raise OSError if initialization fails.

  • exclude_filter (bool) - boolean function, returns True if current path must be excluded from being watched. Convenient for providing a common exclusion filter for every call to add_watch.
Overrides: object.__init__


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Return assigned inotify's file descriptor.

Returns: int
File descriptor.

get_watch(self, wd)

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Get watch from provided watch descriptor wd.

  • wd (int) - Watch descriptor.

del_watch(self, wd)

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Remove watch entry associated to watch descriptor wd.

  • wd (int) - Watch descriptor.

__add_watch(self, path, mask, proc_fun, auto_add)

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Add a watch on path, build a Watch object and insert it in the watch manager dictionary. Return the wd value.

add_watch(self, path, mask, proc_fun=None, rec=False, auto_add=False, do_glob=False, quiet=True, exclude_filter=None)

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Add watch(s) on the provided |path|(s) with associated |mask| flag value and optionally with a processing |proc_fun| function and recursive flag |rec| set to True. Ideally |path| components should not be unicode objects. Note that although unicode paths are accepted there are converted to byte strings before a watch is put on that path. The encoding used for converting the unicode object is given by sys.getfilesystemencoding().

  • path (string or list of strings) - Path to watch, the path can either be a file or a directory. Also accepts a sequence (list) of paths.
  • mask (int) - Bitmask of events.
  • proc_fun (function or ProcessEvent instance or instance of one of its subclasses or callable object.) - Processing object.
  • rec (bool) - Recursively add watches from path on all its subdirectories, set to False by default (doesn't follows symlinks in any case).
  • auto_add (bool) - Automatically add watches on newly created directories in watched parent |path| directory.
  • do_glob (bool) - Do globbing on pathname (see standard globbing module for more informations).
  • quiet (bool) - if False raises a WatchManagerError exception on error. See example
  • exclude_filter (bool) - boolean function, returns True if current path must be excluded from being watched. Has precedence on exclude_filter defined into __init__.
Returns: dict of {str: int}
dict of paths associated to watch descriptors. A wd value is positive if the watch was added sucessfully, otherwise the value is negative. If the path was invalid it is not included into this returned dictionary.

__get_sub_rec(self, lpath)

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Get every wd from self._wmd if its path is under the path of one (at least) of those in lpath. Doesn't follow symlinks.

  • lpath (list of int) - list of watch descriptor
Returns: list of int
list of watch descriptor

update_watch(self, wd, mask=None, proc_fun=None, rec=False, auto_add=False, quiet=True)

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Update existing watch descriptors |wd|. The |mask| value, the processing object |proc_fun|, the recursive param |rec| and the |auto_add| and |quiet| flags can all be updated.

  • wd (int or list of int) - Watch Descriptor to update. Also accepts a list of watch descriptors.
  • mask (int) - Optional new bitmask of events.
  • proc_fun (function or ProcessEvent instance or instance of one of its subclasses or callable object.) - Optional new processing function.
  • rec (bool) - Optionally adds watches recursively on all subdirectories contained into |wd| directory.
  • auto_add (bool) - Automatically adds watches on newly created directories in the watch's path corresponding to |wd|.
  • quiet (bool) - If False raises a WatchManagerError exception on error. See example
Returns: dict of {int: bool}
dict of watch descriptors associated to booleans values. True if the corresponding wd has been successfully updated, False otherwise.

__format_param(self, param)

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  • param (string or int) - Parameter.
Returns: list of type(param)
wrap param.

get_wd(self, path)

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Returns the watch descriptor associated to path. This method presents a prohibitive cost, always prefer to keep the WD returned by add_watch(). If the path is unknown it returns None.

  • path (str) - Path.
Returns: int or None
WD or None.

get_path(self, wd)

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Returns the path associated to WD, if WD is unknown it returns None.

  • wd (int) - Watch descriptor.
Returns: string or None
Path or None.

__walk_rec(self, top, rec)

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Yields each subdirectories of top, doesn't follow symlinks. If rec is false, only yield top.

  • top (string) - root directory.
  • rec (bool) - recursive flag.
Returns: string
path of one subdirectory.

rm_watch(self, wd, rec=False, quiet=True)

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Removes watch(s).

  • wd (int or list of int.) - Watch Descriptor of the file or directory to unwatch. Also accepts a list of WDs.
  • rec (bool) - Recursively removes watches on every already watched subdirectories and subfiles.
  • quiet (bool) - If False raises a WatchManagerError exception on error. See example
Returns: dict of {int: bool}
dict of watch descriptors associated to booleans values. True if the corresponding wd has been successfully removed, False otherwise.

watch_transient_file(self, filename, mask, proc_class)

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Watch a transient file, which will be created and deleted frequently over time (e.g. pid file).

  • filename (string) - Filename.
  • mask (int) - Bitmask of events, should contain IN_CREATE and IN_DELETE.
  • proc_class (ProcessEvent's instance or of one of its subclasses.) - ProcessEvent (or of one of its subclass), beware of accepting a ProcessEvent's instance as argument into __init__, see example for more details.
Returns: Same as add_watch().
Same as add_watch().

Attention: Currently under the call to this function it is not possible to correctly watch the events triggered into the same base directory than the directory where is located this watched transient file. For instance it would be wrong to make these two successive calls: wm.watch_transient_file('/var/run/', ...) and wm.add_watch('/var/run/', ...)