/* * connection.c * * Copyright (C) AB Strakt * Copyright (C) Jean-Paul Calderone * See LICENSE for details. * * SSL Connection objects and methods. * See the file RATIONALE for a short explanation of why this module was written. * * Reviewed 2001-07-23 */ #include #ifndef MS_WINDOWS # include # include # if !(defined(__BEOS__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)) # include # endif #else # include # include #endif #define SSL_MODULE #include #include #include "ssl.h" /** * If we are on UNIX, fine, just use PyErr_SetFromErrno. If we are on Windows, * apply some black winsock voodoo. This is basically just copied from Python's * socketmodule.c * * Arguments: None * Returns: None */ static void syscall_from_errno(void) { #ifdef MS_WINDOWS int errnum = WSAGetLastError(); if (errnum) { static struct { int num; const char *msg; } *msgp, msgs[] = { { WSAEINTR, "Interrupted system call" }, { WSAEBADF, "Bad file descriptor" }, { WSAEACCES, "Permission denied" }, { WSAEFAULT, "Bad address" }, { WSAEINVAL, "Invalid argument" }, { WSAEMFILE, "Too many open files" }, { WSAEWOULDBLOCK, "The socket operation could not complete " "without blocking" }, { WSAEINPROGRESS, "Operation now in progress" }, { WSAEALREADY, "Operation already in progress" }, { WSAENOTSOCK, "Socket operation on non-socket" }, { WSAEDESTADDRREQ, "Destination address required" }, { WSAEMSGSIZE, "Message too long" }, { WSAEPROTOTYPE, "Protocol wrong type for socket" }, { WSAENOPROTOOPT, "Protocol not available" }, { WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT, "Protocol not supported" }, { WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT, "Socket type not supported" }, { WSAEOPNOTSUPP, "Operation not supported" }, { WSAEPFNOSUPPORT, "Protocol family not supported" }, { WSAEAFNOSUPPORT, "Address family not supported" }, { WSAEADDRINUSE, "Address already in use" }, { WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL, "Can't assign requested address" }, { WSAENETDOWN, "Network is down" }, { WSAENETUNREACH, "Network is unreachable" }, { WSAENETRESET, "Network dropped connection on reset" }, { WSAECONNABORTED, "Software caused connection abort" }, { WSAECONNRESET, "Connection reset by peer" }, { WSAENOBUFS, "No buffer space available" }, { WSAEISCONN, "Socket is already connected" }, { WSAENOTCONN, "Socket is not connected" }, { WSAESHUTDOWN, "Can't send after socket shutdown" }, { WSAETOOMANYREFS, "Too many references: can't splice" }, { WSAETIMEDOUT, "Operation timed out" }, { WSAECONNREFUSED, "Connection refused" }, { WSAELOOP, "Too many levels of symbolic links" }, { WSAENAMETOOLONG, "File name too long" }, { WSAEHOSTDOWN, "Host is down" }, { WSAEHOSTUNREACH, "No route to host" }, { WSAENOTEMPTY, "Directory not empty" }, { WSAEPROCLIM, "Too many processes" }, { WSAEUSERS, "Too many users" }, { WSAEDQUOT, "Disc quota exceeded" }, { WSAESTALE, "Stale NFS file handle" }, { WSAEREMOTE, "Too many levels of remote in path" }, { WSASYSNOTREADY, "Network subsystem is unvailable" }, { WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED, "WinSock version is not supported" }, { WSANOTINITIALISED, "Successful WSAStartup() not yet performed" }, { WSAEDISCON, "Graceful shutdown in progress" }, /* Resolver errors */ { WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND, "No such host is known" }, { WSATRY_AGAIN, "Host not found, or server failed" }, { WSANO_RECOVERY, "Unexpected server error encountered" }, { WSANO_DATA, "Valid name without requested data" }, { WSANO_ADDRESS, "No address, look for MX record" }, { 0, NULL } }; PyObject *v; const char *msg = "winsock error"; for (msgp = msgs; msgp->msg; msgp++) { if (errnum == msgp->num) { msg = msgp->msg; break; } } v = Py_BuildValue("(is)", errnum, msg); if (v != NULL) { PyErr_SetObject(ssl_SysCallError, v); Py_DECREF(v); } return; } #else PyErr_SetFromErrno(ssl_SysCallError); #endif } /* * Handle errors raised by BIO functions. * * Arguments: bio - The BIO object * ret - The return value of the BIO_ function. * Returns: None, the calling function should return NULL; */ static void handle_bio_errors(BIO* bio, int ret) { if (BIO_should_retry(bio)) { if (BIO_should_read(bio)) { PyErr_SetNone(ssl_WantReadError); } else if (BIO_should_write(bio)) { PyErr_SetNone(ssl_WantWriteError); } else if (BIO_should_io_special(bio)) { /* * It's somewhat unclear what this means. From the OpenSSL source, * it seems like it should not be triggered by the memory BIO, so * for the time being, this case shouldn't come up. The SSL BIO * (which I think should be named the socket BIO) may trigger this * case if its socket is not yet connected or it is busy doing * something related to x509. */ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "BIO_should_io_special"); } else { /* * I hope this is dead code. The BIO documentation suggests that * one of the above three checks should always be true. */ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "unknown bio failure"); } } else { /* * If we aren't to retry, it's really an error, so fall back to the * normal error reporting code. However, the BIO interface does not * specify a uniform error reporting mechanism. We can only hope that * the code which triggered the error also kindly pushed something onto * the error stack. */ exception_from_error_queue(ssl_Error); } } /* * Handle errors raised by SSL I/O functions. NOTE: Not SSL_shutdown ;) * * Arguments: ssl - The SSL object * err - The return code from SSL_get_error * ret - The return code from the SSL I/O function * Returns: None, the calling function should return NULL */ static void handle_ssl_errors(SSL *ssl, int err, int ret) { switch (err) { /* * Strange as it may seem, ZeroReturn is not an error per se. It means * that the SSL Connection has been closed correctly (note, not the * transport layer!), i.e. closure alerts have been exchanged. This is * an exception since * + There's an SSL "error" code for it * + You have to deal with it in any case, close the transport layer * etc */ case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: PyErr_SetNone(ssl_ZeroReturnError); break; /* * The WantXYZ exceptions don't mean that there's an error, just that * nothing could be read/written just now, maybe because the transport * layer would block on the operation, or that there's not enough data * available to fill an entire SSL record. */ case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: PyErr_SetNone(ssl_WantReadError); break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: PyErr_SetNone(ssl_WantWriteError); break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: PyErr_SetNone(ssl_WantX509LookupError); break; case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: if (ERR_peek_error() == 0) { if (ret < 0) { syscall_from_errno(); } else { PyObject *v; v = Py_BuildValue("(is)", -1, "Unexpected EOF"); if (v != NULL) { PyErr_SetObject(ssl_SysCallError, v); Py_DECREF(v); } } break; } /* NOTE: Fall-through here, we don't want to duplicate code, right? */ case SSL_ERROR_SSL: ; default: exception_from_error_queue(ssl_Error); break; } } /* * Here be member methods of the Connection "class" */ static char ssl_Connection_get_context_doc[] = "\n\ Get session context\n\ \n\ :return: A Context object\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_get_context(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":get_context")) { return NULL; } Py_INCREF(self->context); return (PyObject *)self->context; } static char ssl_Connection_set_context_doc[] = "\n\ Switch this connection to a new session context\n\ \n\ :param context: A :py:class:`Context` instance giving the new session context to use.\n\ \n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_set_context(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { ssl_ContextObj *ctx; ssl_ContextObj *old; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!:set_context", &ssl_Context_Type, &ctx)) { return NULL; } /* This Connection will hold on to this context now. Make sure it stays * alive. */ Py_INCREF(ctx); /* XXX The unit tests don't actually verify that this call is made. * They're satisfied if self->context gets updated. */ SSL_set_SSL_CTX(self->ssl, ctx->ctx); /* Swap the old out and the new in. */ old = self->context; self->context = ctx; /* XXX The unit tests don't verify that this reference is dropped. */ Py_DECREF(old); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static char ssl_Connection_get_servername_doc[] = "\n\ Retrieve the servername extension value if provided in the client hello\n\ message, or None if there wasn't one.\n\ \n\ :return: A byte string giving the server name or :py:data:`None`.\n\ \n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_get_servername(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { int type = TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name; const char *name; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":get_servername")) { return NULL; } name = SSL_get_servername(self->ssl, type); if (name == NULL) { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } else { return PyBytes_FromString(name); } } static char ssl_Connection_set_tlsext_host_name_doc[] = "\n\ Set the value of the servername extension to send in the client hello.\n\ \n\ :param name: A byte string giving the name.\n\ \n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_set_tlsext_host_name(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { char *buf; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, BYTESTRING_FMT ":set_tlsext_host_name", &buf)) { return NULL; } /* XXX I guess this can fail sometimes? */ SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(self->ssl, buf); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static char ssl_Connection_pending_doc[] = "\n\ Get the number of bytes that can be safely read from the connection\n\ \n\ :return: The number of bytes available in the receive buffer.\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_pending(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { int ret; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":pending")) { return NULL; } ret = SSL_pending(self->ssl); return PyLong_FromLong((long)ret); } static char ssl_Connection_bio_write_doc[] = "\n\ When using non-socket connections this function sends\n\ \"dirty\" data that would have traveled in on the network.\n\ \n\ :param buf: The string to put into the memory BIO.\n\ :return: The number of bytes written\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_bio_write(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { char *buf; int len, ret; if (self->into_ssl == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Connection sock was not None"); return NULL; } if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#|i:bio_write", &buf, &len)) return NULL; ret = BIO_write(self->into_ssl, buf, len); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { flush_error_queue(); return NULL; } if (ret <= 0) { /* * There was a problem with the BIO_write of some sort. */ handle_bio_errors(self->into_ssl, ret); return NULL; } return PyLong_FromLong((long)ret); } static char ssl_Connection_send_doc[] = "\n\ Send data on the connection. NOTE: If you get one of the WantRead,\n\ WantWrite or WantX509Lookup exceptions on this, you have to call the\n\ method again with the SAME buffer.\n\ \n\ :param buf: The string to send\n\ :param flags: (optional) Included for compatibility with the socket\n\ API, the value is ignored\n\ :return: The number of bytes written\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_send(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { int len, ret, err, flags; char *buf; #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02060000 Py_buffer *pbuf = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof *pbuf); if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s*|i:send", pbuf, &flags)) { return NULL; } buf = pbuf->buf; len = pbuf->len; #else if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#|i:send", &buf, &len, &flags)) { return NULL; } #endif MY_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS(self->tstate) ret = SSL_write(self->ssl, buf, len); MY_END_ALLOW_THREADS(self->tstate) #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02060000 PyBuffer_Release(pbuf); PyMem_Free(pbuf); #endif if (PyErr_Occurred()) { flush_error_queue(); return NULL; } err = SSL_get_error(self->ssl, ret); if (err == SSL_ERROR_NONE) { return PyLong_FromLong((long)ret); } else { handle_ssl_errors(self->ssl, err, ret); return NULL; } } static char ssl_Connection_sendall_doc[] = "\n\ Send \"all\" data on the connection. This calls send() repeatedly until\n\ all data is sent. If an error occurs, it's impossible to tell how much data\n\ has been sent.\n\ \n\ :param buf: The string to send\n\ :param flags: (optional) Included for compatibility with the socket\n\ API, the value is ignored\n\ :return: The number of bytes written\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_sendall(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { char *buf; int len, ret, err, flags; PyObject *pyret = Py_None; #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02060000 Py_buffer *pbuf = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof *pbuf); if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s*|i:sendall", pbuf, &flags)) { return NULL; } buf = pbuf->buf; len = pbuf->len; #else if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#|i:sendall", &buf, &len, &flags)) { return NULL; } #endif do { MY_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS(self->tstate) ret = SSL_write(self->ssl, buf, len); MY_END_ALLOW_THREADS(self->tstate) if (PyErr_Occurred()) { flush_error_queue(); pyret = NULL; break; } err = SSL_get_error(self->ssl, ret); if (err == SSL_ERROR_NONE) { buf += ret; len -= ret; } else if (err == SSL_ERROR_SSL || err == SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL || err == SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN) { handle_ssl_errors(self->ssl, err, ret); pyret = NULL; break; } } while (len > 0); #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02060000 PyBuffer_Release(pbuf); PyMem_Free(pbuf); #endif Py_XINCREF(pyret); return pyret; } static char ssl_Connection_recv_doc[] = "\n\ Receive data on the connection. NOTE: If you get one of the WantRead,\n\ WantWrite or WantX509Lookup exceptions on this, you have to call the\n\ method again with the SAME buffer.\n\ \n\ :param bufsiz: The maximum number of bytes to read\n\ :param flags: (optional) Included for compatibility with the socket\n\ API, the value is ignored\n\ :return: The string read from the Connection\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_recv(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { int bufsiz, ret, err, flags; PyObject *buf; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i|i:recv", &bufsiz, &flags)) return NULL; buf = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, bufsiz); if (buf == NULL) return NULL; MY_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS(self->tstate) ret = SSL_read(self->ssl, PyBytes_AsString(buf), bufsiz); MY_END_ALLOW_THREADS(self->tstate) if (PyErr_Occurred()) { Py_DECREF(buf); flush_error_queue(); return NULL; } err = SSL_get_error(self->ssl, ret); if (err == SSL_ERROR_NONE) { if (ret != bufsiz && _PyBytes_Resize(&buf, ret) < 0) return NULL; return buf; } else { handle_ssl_errors(self->ssl, err, ret); Py_DECREF(buf); return NULL; } } static char ssl_Connection_bio_read_doc[] = "\n\ When using non-socket connections this function reads\n\ the \"dirty\" data that would have traveled away on the network.\n\ \n\ :param bufsiz: The maximum number of bytes to read\n\ :return: The string read.\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_bio_read(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { int bufsiz, ret; PyObject *buf; if (self->from_ssl == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Connection sock was not None"); return NULL; } if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:bio_read", &bufsiz)) return NULL; buf = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, bufsiz); if (buf == NULL) return NULL; ret = BIO_read(self->from_ssl, PyBytes_AsString(buf), bufsiz); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { Py_DECREF(buf); flush_error_queue(); return NULL; } if (ret <= 0) { /* * There was a problem with the BIO_read of some sort. */ handle_bio_errors(self->from_ssl, ret); Py_DECREF(buf); return NULL; } /* * Shrink the string to match the number of bytes we actually read. */ if (ret != bufsiz && _PyBytes_Resize(&buf, ret) < 0) { Py_DECREF(buf); return NULL; } return buf; } static char ssl_Connection_renegotiate_doc[] = "\n\ Renegotiate the session\n\ \n\ :return: True if the renegotiation can be started, false otherwise\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_renegotiate(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { int ret; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":renegotiate")) { return NULL; } MY_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS(self->tstate); ret = SSL_renegotiate(self->ssl); MY_END_ALLOW_THREADS(self->tstate); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { flush_error_queue(); return NULL; } return PyLong_FromLong((long)ret); } static char ssl_Connection_do_handshake_doc[] = "\n\ Perform an SSL handshake (usually called after renegotiate() or one of\n\ set_*_state()). This can raise the same exceptions as send and recv.\n\ \n\ :return: None.\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_do_handshake(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { int ret, err; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":do_handshake")) return NULL; MY_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS(self->tstate); ret = SSL_do_handshake(self->ssl); MY_END_ALLOW_THREADS(self->tstate); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { flush_error_queue(); return NULL; } err = SSL_get_error(self->ssl, ret); if (err == SSL_ERROR_NONE) { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } else { handle_ssl_errors(self->ssl, err, ret); return NULL; } } #if defined(OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER) && OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x00907000L static char ssl_Connection_renegotiate_pending_doc[] = "\n\ Check if there's a renegotiation in progress, it will return false once\n\ a renegotiation is finished.\n\ \n\ :return: Whether there's a renegotiation in progress\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_renegotiate_pending(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":renegotiate_pending")) return NULL; return PyLong_FromLong((long)SSL_renegotiate_pending(self->ssl)); } #endif static char ssl_Connection_total_renegotiations_doc[] = "\n\ Find out the total number of renegotiations.\n\ \n\ :return: The number of renegotiations.\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_total_renegotiations(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":total_renegotiations")) return NULL; return PyLong_FromLong(SSL_total_renegotiations(self->ssl)); } static char ssl_Connection_set_accept_state_doc[] = "\n\ Set the connection to work in server mode. The handshake will be handled\n\ automatically by read/write.\n\ \n\ :return: None\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_set_accept_state(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":set_accept_state")) return NULL; SSL_set_accept_state(self->ssl); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static char ssl_Connection_set_connect_state_doc[] = "\n\ Set the connection to work in client mode. The handshake will be handled\n\ automatically by read/write.\n\ \n\ :return: None\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_set_connect_state(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":set_connect_state")) return NULL; SSL_set_connect_state(self->ssl); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static char ssl_Connection_connect_doc[] = "\n\ Connect to remote host and set up client-side SSL\n\ \n\ :param addr: A remote address\n\ :return: What the socket's connect method returns\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_connect(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *meth, *ret; if ((meth = PyObject_GetAttrString(self->socket, "connect")) == NULL) return NULL; SSL_set_connect_state(self->ssl); ret = PyEval_CallObject(meth, args); Py_DECREF(meth); if (ret == NULL) return NULL; return ret; } static char ssl_Connection_connect_ex_doc[] = "\n\ Connect to remote host and set up client-side SSL. Note that if the socket's\n\ connect_ex method doesn't return 0, SSL won't be initialized.\n\ \n\ :param addr: A remove address\n\ :return: What the socket's connect_ex method returns\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_connect_ex(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *meth, *ret; if ((meth = PyObject_GetAttrString(self->socket, "connect_ex")) == NULL) return NULL; SSL_set_connect_state(self->ssl); ret = PyEval_CallObject(meth, args); Py_DECREF(meth); return ret; } static char ssl_Connection_accept_doc[] = "\n\ Accept incoming connection and set up SSL on it\n\ \n\ :return: A (conn,addr) pair where conn is a Connection and addr is an\n\ address\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_accept(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *tuple, *socket, *address, *meth; ssl_ConnectionObj *conn; if ((meth = PyObject_GetAttrString(self->socket, "accept")) == NULL) return NULL; tuple = PyEval_CallObject(meth, args); Py_DECREF(meth); if (tuple == NULL) return NULL; socket = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, 0); Py_INCREF(socket); address = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, 1); Py_INCREF(address); Py_DECREF(tuple); conn = ssl_Connection_New(self->context, socket); Py_DECREF(socket); if (conn == NULL) { Py_DECREF(address); return NULL; } SSL_set_accept_state(conn->ssl); tuple = Py_BuildValue("(OO)", conn, address); Py_DECREF(conn); Py_DECREF(address); return tuple; } static char ssl_Connection_bio_shutdown_doc[] = "\n\ When using non-socket connections this function signals end of\n\ data on the input for this connection.\n\ \n\ :return: None\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_bio_shutdown(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { if (self->from_ssl == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Connection sock was not None"); return NULL; } BIO_set_mem_eof_return(self->into_ssl, 0); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static char ssl_Connection_shutdown_doc[] = "\n\ Send closure alert\n\ \n\ :return: True if the shutdown completed successfully (i.e. both sides\n\ have sent closure alerts), false otherwise (i.e. you have to\n\ wait for a ZeroReturnError on a recv() method call\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_shutdown(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { int ret; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":shutdown")) return NULL; MY_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS(self->tstate) ret = SSL_shutdown(self->ssl); MY_END_ALLOW_THREADS(self->tstate) if (PyErr_Occurred()) { flush_error_queue(); return NULL; } if (ret < 0) { exception_from_error_queue(ssl_Error); return NULL; } else if (ret > 0) { Py_INCREF(Py_True); return Py_True; } else { Py_INCREF(Py_False); return Py_False; } } static char ssl_Connection_get_cipher_list_doc[] = "\n\ Get the session cipher list\n\ \n\ :return: A list of cipher strings\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_get_cipher_list(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { int idx = 0; const char *ret; PyObject *lst, *item; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":get_cipher_list")) return NULL; lst = PyList_New(0); while ((ret = SSL_get_cipher_list(self->ssl, idx)) != NULL) { item = PyText_FromString(ret); PyList_Append(lst, item); Py_DECREF(item); idx++; } return lst; } static char ssl_Connection_get_client_ca_list_doc[] = "\n\ Get CAs whose certificates are suggested for client authentication.\n\ \n\ :return: If this is a server connection, a list of X509Names representing\n\ the acceptable CAs as set by :py:meth:`OpenSSL.SSL.Context.set_client_ca_list` or\n\ :py:meth:`OpenSSL.SSL.Context.add_client_ca`. If this is a client connection,\n\ the list of such X509Names sent by the server, or an empty list if that\n\ has not yet happened.\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_get_client_ca_list(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *CANames; PyObject *CAList; int i, n; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":get_client_ca_list")) { return NULL; } CANames = SSL_get_client_CA_list(self->ssl); if (CANames == NULL) { return PyList_New(0); } n = sk_X509_NAME_num(CANames); CAList = PyList_New(n); if (CAList == NULL) { return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { X509_NAME *CAName; PyObject *CA; CAName = X509_NAME_dup(sk_X509_NAME_value(CANames, i)); if (CAName == NULL) { Py_DECREF(CAList); exception_from_error_queue(ssl_Error); return NULL; } CA = (PyObject *)new_x509name(CAName, 1); if (CA == NULL) { X509_NAME_free(CAName); Py_DECREF(CAList); return NULL; } if (PyList_SetItem(CAList, i, CA)) { Py_DECREF(CA); Py_DECREF(CAList); return NULL; } } return CAList; } static char ssl_Connection_makefile_doc[] = "\n\ The makefile() method is not implemented, since there is no dup semantics\n\ for SSL connections\n\ \n\ :raise NotImplementedError\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_makefile(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "Cannot make file object of SSL.Connection"); return NULL; } static char ssl_Connection_get_app_data_doc[] = "\n\ Get application data\n\ \n\ :return: The application data\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_get_app_data(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":get_app_data")) return NULL; Py_INCREF(self->app_data); return self->app_data; } static char ssl_Connection_set_app_data_doc[] = "\n\ Set application data\n\ \n\ :param data - The application data\n\ :return: None\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_set_app_data(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *data; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:set_app_data", &data)) return NULL; Py_DECREF(self->app_data); Py_INCREF(data); self->app_data = data; Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static char ssl_Connection_get_shutdown_doc[] = "\n\ Get shutdown state\n\ \n\ :return: The shutdown state, a bitvector of SENT_SHUTDOWN, RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN.\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_get_shutdown(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":get_shutdown")) return NULL; return PyLong_FromLong((long)SSL_get_shutdown(self->ssl)); } static char ssl_Connection_set_shutdown_doc[] = "\n\ Set shutdown state\n\ \n\ :param state - bitvector of SENT_SHUTDOWN, RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN.\n\ :return: None\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_set_shutdown(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { int shutdown; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:set_shutdown", &shutdown)) return NULL; SSL_set_shutdown(self->ssl, shutdown); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static char ssl_Connection_state_string_doc[] = "\n\ Get a verbose state description\n\ \n\ :return: A string representing the state\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_state_string(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":state_string")) return NULL; return PyText_FromString(SSL_state_string_long(self->ssl)); } static char ssl_Connection_client_random_doc[] = "\n\ Get a copy of the client hello nonce.\n\ \n\ :return: A string representing the state\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_client_random(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":client_random")) return NULL; if (self->ssl->session == NULL) { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } return PyBytes_FromStringAndSize( (const char *) self->ssl->s3->client_random, SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE); } static char ssl_Connection_server_random_doc[] = "\n\ Get a copy of the server hello nonce.\n\ \n\ :return: A string representing the state\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_server_random(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":server_random")) return NULL; if (self->ssl->session == NULL) { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } return PyBytes_FromStringAndSize( (const char *) self->ssl->s3->server_random, SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE); } static char ssl_Connection_master_key_doc[] = "\n\ Get a copy of the master key.\n\ \n\ :return: A string representing the state\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_master_key(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":master_key")) return NULL; if (self->ssl->session == NULL) { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } return PyBytes_FromStringAndSize( (const char *) self->ssl->session->master_key, self->ssl->session->master_key_length); } static char ssl_Connection_sock_shutdown_doc[] = "\n\ See shutdown(2)\n\ \n\ :return: What the socket's shutdown() method returns\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_sock_shutdown(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *meth, *ret; if ((meth = PyObject_GetAttrString(self->socket, "shutdown")) == NULL) return NULL; ret = PyEval_CallObject(meth, args); Py_DECREF(meth); return ret; } static char ssl_Connection_get_peer_certificate_doc[] = "\n\ Retrieve the other side's certificate (if any)\n\ \n\ :return: The peer's certificate\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_get_peer_certificate(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { X509 *cert; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":get_peer_certificate")) return NULL; cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(self->ssl); if (cert != NULL) { return (PyObject *)new_x509(cert, 1); } else { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } } static char ssl_Connection_get_peer_cert_chain_doc[] = "\n\ Retrieve the other side's certificate (if any)\n\ \n\ :return: A list of X509 instances giving the peer's certificate chain,\n\ or None if it does not have one.\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_get_peer_cert_chain(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { STACK_OF(X509) *sk; PyObject *chain; crypto_X509Obj *cert; Py_ssize_t i; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":get_peer_cert_chain")) { return NULL; } sk = SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(self->ssl); if (sk != NULL) { chain = PyList_New(sk_X509_num(sk)); for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(sk); i++) { cert = new_x509(sk_X509_value(sk, i), 1); if (!cert) { /* XXX Untested */ Py_DECREF(chain); return NULL; } CRYPTO_add(&cert->x509->references, 1, CRYPTO_LOCK_X509); PyList_SET_ITEM(chain, i, (PyObject *)cert); } return chain; } else { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } } static char ssl_Connection_want_read_doc[] = "\n\ Checks if more data has to be read from the transport layer to complete an\n\ operation.\n\ \n\ :return: True iff more data has to be read\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_want_read(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":want_read")) return NULL; return PyLong_FromLong((long)SSL_want_read(self->ssl)); } static char ssl_Connection_want_write_doc[] = "\n\ Checks if there is data to write to the transport layer to complete an\n\ operation.\n\ \n\ :return: True iff there is data to write\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_want_write(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":want_write")) return NULL; return PyLong_FromLong((long)SSL_want_write(self->ssl)); } static char ssl_Connection_get_session_doc[] = "\n\ Returns the Session currently used.\n\ \n\ @return: An instance of :py:class:`OpenSSL.SSL.Session` or :py:obj:`None` if\n\ no session exists.\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_get_session(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { ssl_SessionObj *session; SSL_SESSION *native_session; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":get_session")) { return NULL; } native_session = SSL_get1_session(self->ssl); if (native_session == NULL) { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } session = ssl_Session_from_SSL_SESSION(native_session); if (!session) { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } return (PyObject*)session; } static char ssl_Connection_set_session_doc[] = "\n\ Set the session to be used when the TLS/SSL connection is established.\n\ \n\ :param session: A Session instance representing the session to use.\n\ :returns: None\n\ "; static PyObject * ssl_Connection_set_session(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *args) { ssl_SessionObj *session; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!:set_session", &ssl_Session_Type, &session)) { return NULL; } if (SSL_set_session(self->ssl, session->session) == 0) { /* The only case which leads to this seems to be a mismatch, between * this connection and the session, of the SSL method. */ exception_from_error_queue(ssl_Error); return NULL; } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } /* * Member methods in the Connection object * ADD_METHOD(name) expands to a correct PyMethodDef declaration * { 'name', (PyCFunction)ssl_Connection_name, METH_VARARGS } * for convenience * ADD_ALIAS(name,real) creates an "alias" of the ssl_Connection_real * function with the name 'name' */ #define ADD_METHOD(name) \ { #name, (PyCFunction)ssl_Connection_##name, METH_VARARGS, ssl_Connection_##name##_doc } #define ADD_ALIAS(name,real) \ { #name, (PyCFunction)ssl_Connection_##real, METH_VARARGS, ssl_Connection_##real##_doc } static PyMethodDef ssl_Connection_methods[] = { ADD_METHOD(get_context), ADD_METHOD(set_context), ADD_METHOD(get_servername), ADD_METHOD(set_tlsext_host_name), ADD_METHOD(pending), ADD_METHOD(send), ADD_ALIAS (write, send), ADD_METHOD(sendall), ADD_METHOD(recv), ADD_ALIAS (read, recv), ADD_METHOD(bio_read), ADD_METHOD(bio_write), ADD_METHOD(renegotiate), ADD_METHOD(do_handshake), #if defined(OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER) && OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x00907000L ADD_METHOD(renegotiate_pending), #endif ADD_METHOD(total_renegotiations), ADD_METHOD(connect), ADD_METHOD(connect_ex), ADD_METHOD(accept), ADD_METHOD(bio_shutdown), ADD_METHOD(shutdown), ADD_METHOD(get_cipher_list), ADD_METHOD(get_client_ca_list), ADD_METHOD(makefile), ADD_METHOD(get_app_data), ADD_METHOD(set_app_data), ADD_METHOD(get_shutdown), ADD_METHOD(set_shutdown), ADD_METHOD(state_string), ADD_METHOD(server_random), ADD_METHOD(client_random), ADD_METHOD(master_key), ADD_METHOD(sock_shutdown), ADD_METHOD(get_peer_certificate), ADD_METHOD(get_peer_cert_chain), ADD_METHOD(want_read), ADD_METHOD(want_write), ADD_METHOD(set_accept_state), ADD_METHOD(set_connect_state), ADD_METHOD(get_session), ADD_METHOD(set_session), { NULL, NULL } }; #undef ADD_ALIAS #undef ADD_METHOD static char ssl_Connection_doc[] = "\n\ Connection(context, socket) -> Connection instance\n\ \n\ Create a new Connection object, using the given OpenSSL.SSL.Context instance\n\ and socket.\n\ \n\ :param context: An SSL Context to use for this connection\n\ :param socket: The socket to use for transport layer\n\ "; /* * Initializer used by ssl_Connection_new and ssl_Connection_New. *Not* * tp_init. This takes an already allocated ssl_ConnectionObj, a context, and * a optionally a socket, and glues them all together. */ static ssl_ConnectionObj* ssl_Connection_init(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, ssl_ContextObj *ctx, PyObject *sock) { int fd; Py_INCREF(ctx); self->context = ctx; Py_INCREF(sock); self->socket = sock; self->ssl = NULL; self->from_ssl = NULL; self->into_ssl = NULL; Py_INCREF(Py_None); self->app_data = Py_None; self->tstate = NULL; self->ssl = SSL_new(self->context->ctx); SSL_set_app_data(self->ssl, self); if (self->socket == Py_None) { /* If it's not a socket or file, treat it like a memory buffer, * so crazy people can do things like EAP-TLS. */ self->into_ssl = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); self->from_ssl = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); if (self->into_ssl == NULL || self->from_ssl == NULL) goto error; SSL_set_bio(self->ssl, self->into_ssl, self->from_ssl); } else { fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(self->socket); if (fd < 0) { Py_DECREF(self); return NULL; } else { SSL_set_fd(self->ssl, (SOCKET_T)fd); } } return self; error: BIO_free(self->into_ssl); /* NULL safe */ BIO_free(self->from_ssl); /* NULL safe */ Py_DECREF(self); return NULL; } /* * Constructor for Connection objects * * Arguments: ctx - An SSL Context to use for this connection * sock - The socket to use for transport layer * Returns: The newly created Connection object */ ssl_ConnectionObj * ssl_Connection_New(ssl_ContextObj *ctx, PyObject *sock) { ssl_ConnectionObj *self; self = PyObject_GC_New(ssl_ConnectionObj, &ssl_Connection_Type); if (self == NULL) { return NULL; } self = ssl_Connection_init(self, ctx, sock); if (self == NULL) { return NULL; } PyObject_GC_Track((PyObject *)self); return self; } static PyObject* ssl_Connection_new(PyTypeObject *subtype, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) { ssl_ConnectionObj *self; ssl_ContextObj *ctx; PyObject *sock; static char *kwlist[] = {"context", "socket", NULL}; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O!O:Connection", kwlist, &ssl_Context_Type, &ctx, &sock)) { return NULL; } self = (ssl_ConnectionObj *)subtype->tp_alloc(subtype, 1); if (self == NULL) { return NULL; } return (PyObject *)ssl_Connection_init(self, ctx, sock); } /* * Find attribute * * Arguments: self - The Connection object * name - The attribute name * Returns: A Python object for the attribute, or NULL if something went * wrong */ static PyObject * ssl_Connection_getattro(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, PyObject *nameobj) { PyObject *meth; meth = PyObject_GenericGetAttr((PyObject*)self, nameobj); if (PyErr_Occurred() && PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError)) { PyErr_Clear(); /* Try looking it up in the "socket" instead. */ meth = PyObject_GenericGetAttr(self->socket, nameobj); } return meth; } /* * Call the visitproc on all contained objects. * * Arguments: self - The Connection object * visit - Function to call * arg - Extra argument to visit * Returns: 0 if all goes well, otherwise the return code from the first * call that gave non-zero result. */ static int ssl_Connection_traverse(ssl_ConnectionObj *self, visitproc visit, void *arg) { int ret = 0; if (ret == 0 && self->context != NULL) ret = visit((PyObject *)self->context, arg); if (ret == 0 && self->socket != NULL) ret = visit(self->socket, arg); if (ret == 0 && self->app_data != NULL) ret = visit(self->app_data, arg); return ret; } /* * Decref all contained objects and zero the pointers. * * Arguments: self - The Connection object * Returns: Always 0. */ static int ssl_Connection_clear(ssl_ConnectionObj *self) { Py_XDECREF(self->context); self->context = NULL; Py_XDECREF(self->socket); self->socket = NULL; Py_XDECREF(self->app_data); self->app_data = NULL; self->into_ssl = NULL; /* was cleaned up by SSL_free() */ self->from_ssl = NULL; /* was cleaned up by SSL_free() */ return 0; } /* * Deallocate the memory used by the Connection object * * Arguments: self - The Connection object * Returns: None */ static void ssl_Connection_dealloc(ssl_ConnectionObj *self) { PyObject_GC_UnTrack(self); if (self->ssl != NULL) SSL_free(self->ssl); ssl_Connection_clear(self); PyObject_GC_Del(self); } PyTypeObject ssl_Connection_Type = { PyOpenSSL_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0) "OpenSSL.SSL.Connection", sizeof(ssl_ConnectionObj), 0, (destructor)ssl_Connection_dealloc, NULL, /* print */ NULL, /* tp_getattr */ NULL, /* setattr */ NULL, /* compare */ NULL, /* repr */ NULL, /* as_number */ NULL, /* as_sequence */ NULL, /* as_mapping */ NULL, /* hash */ NULL, /* call */ NULL, /* str */ (getattrofunc)ssl_Connection_getattro, /* getattro */ NULL, /* setattro */ NULL, /* as_buffer */ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC, ssl_Connection_doc, /* doc */ (traverseproc)ssl_Connection_traverse, (inquiry)ssl_Connection_clear, NULL, /* tp_richcompare */ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */ NULL, /* tp_iter */ NULL, /* tp_iternext */ ssl_Connection_methods, /* tp_methods */ NULL, /* tp_members */ NULL, /* tp_getset */ NULL, /* tp_base */ NULL, /* tp_dict */ NULL, /* tp_descr_get */ NULL, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ NULL, /* tp_init */ NULL, /* tp_alloc */ ssl_Connection_new, /* tp_new */ }; /* * Initiailze the Connection part of the SSL sub module * * Arguments: dict - The OpenSSL.SSL module * Returns: 1 for success, 0 otherwise */ int init_ssl_connection(PyObject *module) { if (PyType_Ready(&ssl_Connection_Type) < 0) { return 0; } /* PyModule_AddObject steals a reference. */ Py_INCREF((PyObject *)&ssl_Connection_Type); if (PyModule_AddObject(module, "Connection", (PyObject *)&ssl_Connection_Type) != 0) { return 0; } /* PyModule_AddObject steals a reference. */ Py_INCREF((PyObject *)&ssl_Connection_Type); if (PyModule_AddObject(module, "ConnectionType", (PyObject *)&ssl_Connection_Type) != 0) { return 0; } return 1; }