path: root/cheetah/Tests/
diff options
authorR. Tyler Ballance <>2009-07-16 15:25:04 -0700
committerR. Tyler Ballance <>2009-07-16 15:25:04 -0700
commit832a7c766de46cff23d6716ece9efd79db78cf5d (patch)
tree33e02b22a69491ea12241461ffdc9caa1f65d15b /cheetah/Tests/
parentdc896aa348b7d5e4dbeed440c6ae8cf8ebdf2fdd (diff)
Rename the root package to "cheetah" instead of "src" to follow more conventional python package naming
Diffstat (limited to 'cheetah/Tests/')
1 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cheetah/Tests/ b/cheetah/Tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..085180d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cheetah/Tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import pdb
+import sys
+import types
+import os
+import os.path
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import unittest_local_copy as unittest
+from Cheetah.Template import Template
+majorVer, minorVer = sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]
+versionTuple = (majorVer, minorVer)
+class TemplateTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ pass
+class ClassMethods_compile(TemplateTest):
+ """I am using the same Cheetah source for each test to root out clashes
+ caused by the compile caching in Template.compile().
+ """
+ def test_basicUsage(self):
+ klass = Template.compile(source='$foo')
+ t = klass(namespaces={'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ def test_baseclassArg(self):
+ klass = Template.compile(source='$foo', baseclass=dict)
+ t = klass({'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ klass2 = Template.compile(source='$foo', baseclass=klass)
+ t = klass2({'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ klass3 = Template.compile(source='#implements dummy\n$bar', baseclass=klass2)
+ t = klass3({'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ klass4 = Template.compile(source='$foo', baseclass='dict')
+ t = klass4({'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ def test_moduleFileCaching(self):
+ if versionTuple < (2,3):
+ return
+ tmpDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ try:
+ #print tmpDir
+ assert os.path.exists(tmpDir)
+ klass = Template.compile(source='$foo',
+ cacheModuleFilesForTracebacks=True,
+ cacheDirForModuleFiles=tmpDir)
+ mod = sys.modules[klass.__module__]
+ #print mod.__file__
+ assert os.path.exists(mod.__file__)
+ assert os.path.dirname(mod.__file__)==tmpDir
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpDir, True)
+ def test_classNameArg(self):
+ klass = Template.compile(source='$foo', className='foo123')
+ assert klass.__name__=='foo123'
+ t = klass(namespaces={'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ def test_moduleNameArg(self):
+ klass = Template.compile(source='$foo', moduleName='foo99')
+ mod = sys.modules['foo99']
+ assert klass.__name__=='foo99'
+ t = klass(namespaces={'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ klass = Template.compile(source='$foo',
+ moduleName='foo1',
+ className='foo2')
+ mod = sys.modules['foo1']
+ assert klass.__name__=='foo2'
+ t = klass(namespaces={'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ def test_mainMethodNameArg(self):
+ klass = Template.compile(source='$foo',
+ className='foo123',
+ mainMethodName='testMeth')
+ assert klass.__name__=='foo123'
+ t = klass(namespaces={'foo':1234})
+ #print t.generatedClassCode()
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ assert t.testMeth()=='1234'
+ klass = Template.compile(source='$foo',
+ moduleName='fooXXX',
+ className='foo123',
+ mainMethodName='testMeth',
+ baseclass=dict)
+ assert klass.__name__=='foo123'
+ t = klass({'foo':1234})
+ #print t.generatedClassCode()
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ assert t.testMeth()=='1234'
+ def test_moduleGlobalsArg(self):
+ klass = Template.compile(source='$foo',
+ moduleGlobals={'foo':1234})
+ t = klass()
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ klass2 = Template.compile(source='$foo', baseclass='Test1',
+ moduleGlobals={'Test1':dict})
+ t = klass2({'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ klass3 = Template.compile(source='$foo', baseclass='Test1',
+ moduleGlobals={'Test1':dict, 'foo':1234})
+ t = klass3()
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ def test_keepRefToGeneratedCodeArg(self):
+ klass = Template.compile(source='$foo',
+ className='unique58',
+ cacheCompilationResults=False,
+ keepRefToGeneratedCode=False)
+ t = klass(namespaces={'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ assert not t.generatedModuleCode()
+ klass2 = Template.compile(source='$foo',
+ className='unique58',
+ keepRefToGeneratedCode=True)
+ t = klass2(namespaces={'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ assert t.generatedModuleCode()
+ klass3 = Template.compile(source='$foo',
+ className='unique58',
+ keepRefToGeneratedCode=False)
+ t = klass3(namespaces={'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ # still there as this class came from the cache
+ assert t.generatedModuleCode()
+ def test_compilationCache(self):
+ klass = Template.compile(source='$foo',
+ className='unique111',
+ cacheCompilationResults=False)
+ t = klass(namespaces={'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ assert not klass._CHEETAH_isInCompilationCache
+ # this time it will place it in the cache
+ klass = Template.compile(source='$foo',
+ className='unique111',
+ cacheCompilationResults=True)
+ t = klass(namespaces={'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ assert klass._CHEETAH_isInCompilationCache
+ # by default it will be in the cache
+ klass = Template.compile(source='$foo',
+ className='unique999099')
+ t = klass(namespaces={'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ assert klass._CHEETAH_isInCompilationCache
+class ClassMethods_subclass(TemplateTest):
+ def test_basicUsage(self):
+ klass = Template.compile(source='$foo', baseclass=dict)
+ t = klass({'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ klass2 = klass.subclass(source='$foo')
+ t = klass2({'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+ klass3 = klass2.subclass(source='#implements dummy\n$bar')
+ t = klass3({'foo':1234})
+ assert str(t)=='1234'
+class Preprocessors(TemplateTest):
+ def test_basicUsage1(self):
+ src='''\
+ %set foo = @a
+ $(@foo*10)
+ @a'''
+ src = '\n'.join([ln.strip() for ln in src.splitlines()])
+ preprocessors = {'tokens':'@ %',
+ 'namespaces':{'a':99}
+ }
+ klass = Template.compile(src, preprocessors=preprocessors)
+ assert str(klass())=='990\n99'
+ def test_normalizePreprocessorArgVariants(self):
+ src='%set foo = 12\n%%comment\n$(@foo*10)'
+ class Settings1: tokens = '@ %'
+ Settings1 = Settings1()
+ from Cheetah.Template import TemplatePreprocessor
+ settings = Template._normalizePreprocessorSettings(Settings1)
+ preprocObj = TemplatePreprocessor(settings)
+ def preprocFunc(source, file):
+ return '$(12*10)', None
+ class TemplateSubclass(Template):
+ pass
+ compilerSettings = {'cheetahVarStartToken':'@',
+ 'directiveStartToken':'%',
+ 'commentStartToken':'%%',
+ }
+ for arg in ['@ %',
+ {'tokens':'@ %'},
+ {'compilerSettings':compilerSettings},
+ {'compilerSettings':compilerSettings,
+ 'templateInitArgs':{}},
+ {'tokens':'@ %',
+ 'templateAPIClass':TemplateSubclass},
+ Settings1,
+ preprocObj,
+ preprocFunc,
+ ]:
+ klass = Template.compile(src, preprocessors=arg)
+ assert str(klass())=='120'
+ def test_complexUsage(self):
+ src='''\
+ %set foo = @a
+ %def func1: #def func(arg): $arg("***")
+ %% comment
+ $(@foo*10)
+ @func1
+ $func(lambda x:c"--$x--@a")'''
+ src = '\n'.join([ln.strip() for ln in src.splitlines()])
+ for arg in [{'tokens':'@ %', 'namespaces':{'a':99} },
+ {'tokens':'@ %', 'namespaces':{'a':99} },
+ ]:
+ klass = Template.compile(src, preprocessors=arg)
+ t = klass()
+ assert str(t)=='990\n--***--99'
+ def test_i18n(self):
+ src='''\
+ %i18n: This is a $string that needs translation
+ %i18n id="foo", domain="root": This is a $string that needs translation
+ '''
+ src = '\n'.join([ln.strip() for ln in src.splitlines()])
+ klass = Template.compile(src, preprocessors='@ %', baseclass=dict)
+ t = klass({'string':'bit of text'})
+ #print str(t), repr(str(t))
+ assert str(t)==('This is a bit of text that needs translation\n'*2)[:-1]
+class TryExceptImportTest(TemplateTest):
+ def test_FailCase(self):
+ ''' Test situation where an inline #import statement will get relocated '''
+ source = '''
+ #def myFunction()
+ Ahoy!
+ #try
+ #import sys
+ #except ImportError
+ $print "This will never happen!"
+ #end try
+ #end def
+ '''
+ # This should raise an IndentationError (if the bug exists)
+ klass = Template.compile(source=source, compilerSettings={'useLegacyImportMode' : False})
+ t = klass(namespaces={'foo' : 1234})
+class ClassMethodSupport(TemplateTest):
+ def test_BasicDecorator(self):
+ if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] == 3:
+ print 'This version of Python doesn\'t support decorators, skipping tests'
+ return
+ template = '''
+ #@classmethod
+ #def myClassMethod()
+ #return '$foo = %s' % $foo
+ #end def
+ '''
+ template = Template.compile(source=template)
+ try:
+ rc = template.myClassMethod(foo='bar')
+ assert rc == '$foo = bar', (rc, 'Template class method didn\'t return what I expected')
+ except AttributeError, ex:
+class StaticMethodSupport(TemplateTest):
+ def test_BasicDecorator(self):
+ if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] == 3:
+ print 'This version of Python doesn\'t support decorators, skipping tests'
+ return
+ template = '''
+ #@staticmethod
+ #def myStaticMethod()
+ #return '$foo = %s' % $foo
+ #end def
+ '''
+ template = Template.compile(source=template)
+ try:
+ rc = template.myStaticMethod(foo='bar')
+ assert rc == '$foo = bar', (rc, 'Template class method didn\'t return what I expected')
+ except AttributeError, ex:
+class Useless(object):
+ def boink(self):
+ return [1, 2, 3]
+class MultipleInheritanceSupport(TemplateTest):
+ def runTest(self):
+ template = '''
+ #extends Template, Useless
+ #def foo()
+ #return [4,5] + $boink()
+ #end def
+ '''
+ template = Template.compile(template,
+ moduleGlobals={'Useless' : Useless},
+ compilerSettings={'autoImportForExtendsDirective' : False})
+ template = template()
+ result =
+ print result
+## if run from the command line ##
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()