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+<h1>&#64;staticmethod and &#64;classmethod<a class="headerlink" href="#staticmethod-and-classmethod" title="Permalink to this headline">ΒΆ</a></h1>
+<p>Refer the Python&#8217;s documentation if you&#8217;re unfamiliar with either
+<a class="reference external" href="">&#64;staticmethod</a> or
+<a class="reference external" href="">&#64;classmethod</a> and their uses in Python, as they
+pertain to their uses in Cheetah as well. Using <a class="reference external" href="">&#64;staticmethod</a> it&#8217;s
+trivial to create <em>utility templates</em> which are common when using
+Cheetah for web development. These <em>utility templates</em> might contain
+a number of small functions which generate useful snippets of markup.</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><pre>#def copyright()
+ #import time
+ &amp;copy; CheetahCorp, Inc. $time.strftime('%Y', time.gmtime())
+#end def</pre>
+<p><strong>Figure 1, util.tmpl</strong></p>
+<p>Prior to version <strong>v2.2.0</strong> of Cheetah, there wasn&#8217;t really an easy means
+of filling templates with bunches of these small utility functions. In
+<strong>v2.2.0</strong> however, you can decorate these methods with <cite>#&#64;staticmethod</cite>
+and use &#8220;proper&#8221; Python syntax for calling them, <strong>fig 1</strong> revisited:</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><pre>#@staticmethod
+#def copyright()
+ #import time
+ &amp;copy; CheetahCorp, Inc. $time.strftime('%Y', time.gmtime())
+#end def</pre>
+<p><strong>Figure 1.1, util.tmpl</strong></p>
+<p>With the addition of the <a class="reference external" href="">&#64;staticmethod</a> decorator, the <cite>copyright()</cite>
+function can now be used without instantiating an instance of the <cite>util</cite>
+template class. In effect:</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><pre>#from util import util
+&lt;strong&gt;This is my page&lt;/strong&gt;
+&lt;hr noshade/&gt;
+<p><strong>Figure 2, index.tmpl</strong></p>
+<p>This approach is however no means to structure anything complex,
+<a class="reference external" href="">&#64;staticmethod</a> and <a class="reference external" href="">&#64;classmethod</a> use in Cheetah is not meant as a
+replacement for properly structured class hierarchies (which
+Cheetah supports). That said if you are building a web application
+<a class="reference external" href="">&#64;staticmethod</a>/<a class="reference external" href="">&#64;classmethod</a> are quite useful for the little snippets
+of markup, etc that are needed (Google AdSense blocks, footers,
+banners, etc).</p>
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