path: root/www/dev_guide/pyModules.rst
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1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/dev_guide/pyModules.rst b/www/dev_guide/pyModules.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceaf53f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/dev_guide/pyModules.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ Template Modules
+This chapter examines the structure of a .py template module. The
+following few chapters will then show how each placeholder and
+directive affects the generated Python code.
+An example
+Our first template follows a long noble tradition in computer
+tutorials. It produces a familiar, friendly greeting. Here's the
+ Hello, world!
+... the output:
+ Hello, world!
+... and the .py template module cheetah-compile produced, with line
+numbers added:
+ 1 #!/usr/bin/env python
+ 2 """
+ 3 Autogenerated by CHEETAH: The Python-Powered Template Engine
+ 5 Generation time: Sat Apr 20 14:27:47 2002
+ 6 Source file: x.tmpl
+ 7 Source file last modified: Wed Apr 17 22:10:59 2002
+ 8 """
+ 9 __CHEETAH_genTime__ = 'Sat Apr 20 14:27:47 2002'
+ 10 __CHEETAH_src__ = 'x.tmpl'
+ 11 __CHEETAH_version__ = '0.9.12'
+ 12 ##################################################
+ 14 import sys
+ 15 import os
+ 16 import os.path
+ 17 from os.path import getmtime, exists
+ 18 import time
+ 19 import types
+ 20 from Cheetah.Template import Template
+ 21 from Cheetah.DummyTransaction import DummyTransaction
+ 22 from Cheetah.NameMapper import NotFound, valueForName,
+ valueFromSearchList
+ 23 import Cheetah.Filters as Filters
+ 24 import Cheetah.ErrorCatchers as ErrorCatchers
+ 25 ##################################################
+ 27 try:
+ 28 True, False
+ 29 except NameError:
+ 30 True, False = (1==1), (1==0)
+ 31 ##################################################
+ 32 ## CLASSES
+ 33 class x(Template):
+ 34 """
+ 35
+ 36 Autogenerated by CHEETAH: The Python-Powered Template Engine
+ 37 """
+ 38 ##################################################
+ 40 def __init__(self, *args, **KWs):
+ 41 """
+ 42
+ 43 """
+ 44 Template.__init__(self, *args, **KWs)
+ 45 self._filePath = 'x.tmpl'
+ 46 self._fileMtime = 1019106659
+ 47 def respond(self,
+ 48 trans=None,
+ 49 dummyTrans=False,
+ 50 VFS=valueFromSearchList,
+ 51 VFN=valueForName,
+ 52 getmtime=getmtime,
+ 53 currentTime=time.time):
+ 54 """
+ 55 This is the main method generated by Cheetah
+ 56 """
+ 57 if not trans:
+ 58 trans = DummyTransaction()
+ 59 dummyTrans = True
+ 60 write = trans.response().write
+ 61 SL = self._searchList
+ 62 filter = self._currentFilter
+ 63 globalSetVars = self._globalSetVars
+ 64
+ 65 ########################################
+ 66 ## START - generated method body
+ 67
+ 68 if exists(self._filePath) and getmtime(self._filePath) > \
+ self._fileMtime:
+ 69 self.compile(file=self._filePath)
+ 70 write(getattr(self, self._mainCheetahMethod_for_x)
+ (trans=trans))
+ 71 if dummyTrans:
+ 72 return trans.response().getvalue()
+ 73 else:
+ 74 return ""
+ 75 write('Hello, world!\n')
+ 76
+ 77 ########################################
+ 78 ## END - generated method body
+ 79
+ 80 if dummyTrans:
+ 81 return trans.response().getvalue()
+ 82 else:
+ 83 return ""
+ 84
+ 85 ##################################################
+ 87 __str__ = respond
+ 88 _mainCheetahMethod_for_x= 'respond'
+ 89 # CHEETAH was developed by Tavis Rudd, Chuck Esterbrook, Ian Bicking
+ # and Mike Orr;
+ 90 # with code, advice and input from many other volunteers.
+ 91 # For more information visit
+ 92 ##################################################
+ 93 ## if run from command line:
+ 94 if __name__ == '__main__':
+ 95 x().runAsMainProgram()
+(I added the line numbers for this Guide, and split a few lines to
+fit the page width. The continuation lines don't have line numbers,
+and I added indentation, backslashes and '#' as necessary to make
+the result a valid Python program.)
+The examples were generated from CVS versions of Cheetah between
+0.9.12 and 0.9.14.
+A walk through the example
+Lines 20-24 are the Cheetah-specific imports. Line 33 introduces
+our generated class, {x}, a subclass of {Template}. It's called x
+because the source file was x.tmpl.
+Lines 40-46 are the {.\_\_init\_\_} method called when the template
+is instantiated or used as a Webware servlet, or when the module is
+run as a standalone program. We can see it calling its superclass
+constructor and setting {.\_filePath} and {.\_fileMtime} to the
+filename and modification time (in Unix ticks) of the source .tmpl
+Lines 47-84 are the main method {.respond}, the one that fills the
+template. Normally you call it without arguments, but Webware calls
+it with a Webware {Transaction} object representing the current
+request. Lines 57-59 set up the {trans} variable. If a real or
+dummy transaction is passed in, the method uses it. Otherwise (if
+the {trans} argument is {None}), the method creates a
+{DummyTransaction} instance. {dummyTrans} is a flag that just tells
+whether a dummy transaction is in effect; it'll be used at the end
+of the method.
+The other four {.respond} arguments aren't anything you'd ever want
+to pass in; they exist solely to speed up access to these
+frequently-used global functions. This is a standard Python trick
+described in question 4.7 of the Python FAQ
+( {VFS} and {VFN} are the
+functions that give your template the benefits of NameMapper
+lookup, such as the ability to use the searchList.
+Line 60 initializes the {write} variable. This important variable
+is discussed below.
+Lines 60-63 initialize a few more local variables. {SL} is the
+searchList. {filter} is the current output filter. {globalSetVars}
+are the variables that have been defined with {#set global}.
+The comments at lines 65 and 78 delimit the start and end of the
+code that varies with each template. The code outside this region
+is identical in all template modules. That's not quite true -
+{#import} for instance generates additional {import} statements at
+the top of the module - but it's true enough for the most part.
+Lines 68-74 exist only if the template source was a named file
+rather than a string or file object. The stanza recompiles the
+template if the source file has changed. Lines 70-74 seem to be
+redundant with 75-83: both fill the template and send the output.
+The reason the first set of lines exists is because the second set
+may become invalid when the template is recompiled. (This is for {
+re} compilation only. The initial compilation happened in the
+{.\_\_init\_\_} method if the template wasn't precompiled.)
+Line 75 is the most interesting line in this module. It's a direct
+translation of what we put in the template definition,
+"Hello, world!" Here the content is a single string literal.
+{write} looks like an ordinary function call, but remember that
+line 60 made it an alias to {trans.response().write}, a method in
+the transaction. The next few chapters describe how the different
+placeholders and directives influence this portion of the generated
+Lines 80-83 finish the template filling. If {trans} is a real
+Webware transaction, {write} has already sent the output to Webware
+for handling, so we return {""}. If {trans} is a dummy transaction,
+{write} has been accumulating the output in a Python {StringIO}
+object rather than sending it anywhere, so we have to return it.
+Line 83 is the end of the {.respond} method.
+Line 87 makes code{.\_\_str\_\_} an alias for the main method, so
+that you can {print} it or apply {str} to it and it will fill the
+template. Line 88 gives the name of the main method, because
+sometimes it's not {.respond}.
+Lines 94-95 allow the module to be run directly as a script.
+Essentially, they process the command-line arguments and them make
+the template fill itself.