Cheetah TODO list ----------------- * If you are working on a task please put your initials at the end of the description * When a task is completed please remember to note it in the CHANGES file Languague Specification ================================================================================ - finish the #cache directive's varyBy keyword - write a formalized grammar for Cheetah in BNF Implementation ================================================================================ - redesign and implement the Servlet Factory for Webware so the #extend directive will work with .tmpl files as well as .py files - implement the #cache directive's varyBy keyword Test Suite ================================================================================ - test cases for the SkeletonPage framework - add cases that test the cheetah-compile script - add cases that test the integration with WebKit Documentation ================================================================================ - finish up the Webware section - quick-reference guide (MO) Website ================================================================================ - automate the documentation update - See if we can get WebKit working on Sourceforge... Examples ================================================================================ - create some non-html code generation examples - SQL - LaTeX - form email Packaging ================================================================================ - Consider moving and into the third_party_packages dir and making the main install script