''' Provides dummy Transaction and Response classes is used by Cheetah in place of real Webware transactions when the Template obj is not used directly as a Webware servlet. Warning: This may be deprecated in the future, please do not rely on any specific DummyTransaction or DummyResponse behavior ''' import types try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: import StringIO class DummyResponseFailure(Exception): pass class DummyResponse(object): ''' A dummy Response class is used by Cheetah in place of real Webware Response objects when the Template obj is not used directly as a Webware servlet ''' def __init__(self): self._outputChunks = StringIO() def flush(self): pass def write(self, value): self._outputChunks.write(value) def writeln(self, txt): write(txt) write('\n') def getvalue(self, outputChunks=None): #chunks = outputChunks or self._outputChunks try: if outputChunks is not None: return ''.join(outputChunks) else: return self._outputChunks.getvalue() except UnicodeDecodeError, ex: #not sure about the best way to check for non-unicode in StringIO nonunicode = '' if outputChunks: nonunicode = [c for c in outputChunks if not isinstance(c, unicode)] raise DummyResponseFailure('''Looks like you're trying to mix encoded strings with Unicode strings (most likely utf-8 encoded ones) This can happen if you're using the `EncodeUnicode` filter, or if you're manually encoding strings as utf-8 before passing them in on the searchList (possible offenders: %s) (%s)''' % (nonunicode, ex)) def writelines(self, *lines): ## not used [self.writeln(ln) for ln in lines] class DummyTransaction(object): ''' A dummy Transaction class is used by Cheetah in place of real Webware transactions when the Template obj is not used directly as a Webware servlet. It only provides a response object and method. All other methods and attributes make no sense in this context. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._response = None def response(self, resp=None): if self._response is None: self._response = resp or DummyResponse() return self._response class TransformerResponse(DummyResponse): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TransformerResponse, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._filter = None def getvalue(self, **kwargs): output = super(TransformerResponse, self).getvalue(**kwargs) if self._filter: _filter = self._filter if isinstance(_filter, types.TypeType): _filter = _filter() return _filter.filter(output) return output class TransformerTransaction(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._response = None def response(self): if self._response: return self._response return TransformerResponse()